My Youth Was Eaten by The Boss

Chapter 9: The wedding date is postponed


"Mr. Jia, we have adopted the most advanced electric shock therapy and have done a full course of treatment for Ms. Jia. At present, her symptoms are not serious, but there may be symptoms of auditory hallucinations and delusions. It is recommended to go home and cultivate for a while. To avoid further mental stimulation."

Jia Meng woke up in a daze and heard the voice of the attending doctor outside the door of the ward.

She opened her eyes and saw the familiar scene again, the blue walls and green windows of the hospital, and the white sheets and duvet covers. She turned her head and saw that there was a glass of water on the bedside table. Next to the glass was still a handful of pills she was most familiar with.

"Ah, my dream, it's been seven days and seven nights, and you are officially awake!" Tang Xiaowan's eyes lit up with excitement, and she rushed to the bed like a hungry wolf rushing for food.

Tang Xiaojian lowered his head and didn't come over. He lowered his head and leaned against the door, browsing the phone indifferently, only looking cowardly at Jia Meng, who had just woke up after a coma, from the corner of his eye.

He was still wearing the white European-style swallowtail couture gown he was there that day, and seemed to be waiting to continue taking wedding photos.

A middle-aged man wearing casual sportswear pushed the door and walked in. Through black frame glasses, he looked at Jia Meng who was lying with his eyes open. He quietly picked up the water glass by the bed and handed it over.

"Dad..." Jia Meng hurriedly got up and took the water glass, shaking the water glass with trembling fingers.

"Don't move." The middle-aged man held Jia Meng's hand, as if grasping an urgently unsheathed sword. With his other hand, he picked up the pills on the table and stuffed them one by one into Jia Meng's. Mouth.

Jia Meng opened her mouth, closed her mouth, and swallowed. This set of movements seemed to be her hysterical habit, with an overly skilled numbness.

"Brother-in-law, Mengmeng is okay. When will it be convenient, let's pick a good day to do the marriage for the two children?" Just as Jia Meng swallowed all the pills, she heard Tang Xiaowan's noise.

The middle-aged man did not reply immediately, but looked back at Tang Xiaojian, who was leaning against the door. Tang Xiaojian also gave a response in real time, saying: "Uncle Jia, I will let you and my mother arrange this."

"Should you have heard what the attending doctor said just now?" The middle-aged man said in a hurry, "Mengmeng's body is not serious, but there are symptoms of auditory hallucinations and delusions, and he needs to rest for a while. ."

"Good, good, no problem!" Tang Xiaowan showed an unhappy expression, but still said with a smile: "After finishing the discharge procedures, we will take Mengmeng back to the apartment where the couple lived together!"

"No!" The middle-aged man said two words loudly and decisively. Although it is only two words, it sounds extra weighty.

Jia Meng felt that it had been a long time since he looked at the middle-aged man in front of him so close. His name is Jia Tianming, her biological father, but they seem to have only met in the last year.

From realizing that, at this moment, Jia Tianming, who categorically rejected Tang Xiaowan's request, was the moment Jia Meng thought he was the most handsome in history. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

This strangest relative, although he had never said a warm and caring word to her, but at this moment made her feel more cordial.

Tang Xiaowan froze for a moment, and said nonchalantly, "Xiaojian and Mengmeng have already lived together. There is only one marriage letter and a ceremony missing between them. There is no reason to separate before marriage!"

"I went to Weiran Mountain Villa yesterday. The place is beautiful with beautiful mountains and clear waters, but the fog is too heavy and the decoration style is too much like the scene in the fairy game. What do you think? I have to choose this place to take wedding photos!" Jia Tianming couldn't help being held accountable.

"Brother-in-law, I admit that we are negligent about wedding photos." Tang Xiaowan tried to control his excitement, "but anyway, this is what we spent a lot of money and worked hard to prepare. If it weren't for dreams and fantasies, Normally, there will be no problems."

"President Tang, according to your words, your Tang family has no problems, everything is Mengmeng's own problems?" Jia Tianming did not look at Tang Xiaowan squarely, but looked at her with a glance from the corner of his eye, his expression sharpened.

Tang Xiaojian walked in front of Jia Tianming, looked at his eyes with self-blame, and said, "Uncle Jia, the wedding photos are all my problems. I blamed me for a sudden whim, which made it mess up."

Jia Meng, who was lying in her arms, watched the three of them silently as if watching a soap opera, listening to their words.

She wanted to close her eyes, cover her ears, and isolate all of this, but after spending seven days and nights in a half-dream and half-awake before waking up, she was especially afraid that she would fall asleep again.

"Now is not the time to pursue responsibility." Tang Xiaowan forcibly ended the topic of wedding photos and returned to the original topic and said: "After Mengmeng is discharged from the hospital, it is better to live with Xiaojian. Their young couple have a good relationship, which is more conducive to the recovery of the illness. "

At this time, the classic iPhone ringtone rang. Jia Tianming picked up the phone: "Hey, the car has arrived, right? Okay, let's get off now." Then he hung up. ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

As soon as the voice fell, the nurse from the hospital walked into the room and began to help Jia Meng, who was fucked, to help her clean up.

For a while, the ward that had been quarrelling became extremely quiet, except for the sound of the nurse's tidying movements, which was depressingly quiet.

Tang Xiaowan looked at Jia Tianming, waiting for his reply. I don't know if it is the reason for the thick foundation or the bad mood. My face looks quite pale.

Fortunately, the positive red lipstick she applied is long-lasting, and the whole face looks a little bloody, otherwise it looks really scary.

"Mr. Tang, I'm very sorry, I still have work to deal with, let's go first." Jia Tianming lowered his head and looked at the phone while saying: "I decided to take Mengmeng back to our Jia's house first. Their marriage. Question, let’s discuss it another day."

"Ahem!" Tang Xiaowan's expression became even more ugly. She cleared her throat and went straight to a showdown: "The marriage contract between my father-in-law, Xiaojian and Mengmeng was signed 20 years ago, and it was firmly established. Things, evasion and delay, I am afraid it is not the way!"

"President Tang, but don't forget, the marriage contract only specifies the contractual relationship, but there is no clear execution period."

After that, Jia Tianming grabbed Jia Meng's arm, dragged her out of the ward, and closed the door with a snap.

"Since you are not going, then we will go first!" Jia Tianming turned towards the small glass window on the door of the ward, leaving one last sentence.

Tang Xiaowan, who was dumbfounded, walked up to Tang Xiaojian angrily, twisted his arm forcefully, and said, "Why are you so unworthy? If you can't reach a deep strategic partnership with NetDream Technology as soon as possible, our company's new drama may be missed. The best time to promote online."