My Youth Was Eaten by The Boss

Chapter 95: How to hide the game?


After speaking, Jia Meng felt more relaxed than ever before.

Don't run away, face it bravely, Jia Meng just realized in the game!

Just as she challenged the Xanadu gang leader Drunk Dream Peach Blossoms head-on, just as Ye already challenged Mie Shen.

A phone call from Tang Xiaojian just made Jia Meng clear up her negative emotions. She found that as she grew up in the fantasy mobile game, she slowly recovered a certain long-lost state: maybe brave, maybe confident, but also Maybe it's a struggle.

Thinking of this, Jia Meng, who had just been offline, started the game again.

Amazingly, I saw Jianxin’s private chat message as soon as he went online: "I live at No. 123, Ancient City District, Q City."

"Sword, you are still alive!" Seeing Jianxin's reply, Jia Meng felt like weeping with joy. He didn't even want to gossip about his place of residence anymore and just ignored it.

"Of course I'm still alive! As the saying goes, good people don't live long, and the evil is left for thousands of years! My evil is naturally going to be refined!" Jian Xin's tongue slicked.

Jia Meng didn't know if he was blaming or acting like a baby: "You suddenly went offline yesterday without any warning. I didn't see you all day. People thought something happened to you and I was scared to death!"

"Yeah. There was a small episode in reality, but I will fix it." Jianxin defaulted.

Jia Meng joked: "A small episode in the reality of the dude, is it nothing more than a little setback when picking up a girl?" New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

"Do you believe that the feelings between people who have never met in the game will be better than the friendship of childhood sweethearts in reality?" Jian Xin, who was not serious a few seconds ago, suddenly threw a serious question.

Jia Meng thoughtfully replied: "I believe. Some people, even if they have never met, but the feeling of love is beautiful. And some people, even if they are forcibly bound together every day, they just tortured each other. ."

Seeing Jia Meng say so, Jian Xin was silent.

Jia Meng guessed that it must be her own unique point of view that touched a certain feeling in Jian Xin's heart. She in turn comforted: "However, life is very long, and everything may change!" New 81 Chinese website is the fastest update. Computer: https://

After a long time, Jianxin still didn't reply.

Jia Meng stared at Jianxin's colorful head to make sure he was not offline.

Then she opened the list of gang members, saw Jianxin's current location, rushed to mount and rushed to him.

Jianxin unexpectedly hid in a corner on the edge of the center of Unreal City Square!

He meditated there quietly, completely unaffected by the hustle and bustle of the crowd, quite a realm of seeking peace amidst trouble!

If it weren't for the golden shining Kongtong sword hanging behind him, absolutely no one would have noticed that the top god of the martial art would appear in such an inconspicuous position!

"I have good news and bad news to tell you, which one do you want to hear first?" Jia Meng sat across from Jianxin and meditated with him.

"Bad news." Jianxin replied when he saw Jia Meng's arrival.

Does this guy think that if someone is not in front of him, he can pretend that he can't see it, so he can not reply to the message

Jia Meng wanted to get angry and scold him, but he still didn't forget the key topic at the moment: "The bad news is that the leaves have fallen and the flowers have not bloomed. They were kicked out by the Xanadu gang."

"Haha, isn't this good news?" Jian Xin's seemingly depressed mood suddenly improved.

"The good news is that they decided to join our Tang Sect gang!" Jia Meng said, while creating a team, bringing Jianxin, Ye already Luo, and Hua Weikai in to a group chat.

The team channel Ye has fallen: "Brother Jian! You can be considered online! Miss Rumeng has to go offline to calm down because she is worried about your reality."

The team channel flower is not open: "Good Sword God, fortunately you are fine, otherwise the two of us will become stray dogs without a gang."

Team Channel Dongfang Rumeng: "Leader, I am here to apply for you, and I officially invite Ye Jiluo and Hua Weikai to join the Tang Sect gang and appoint them as the elders of the gang. How about

Jia Meng solemnly applied for joining the gang in front of the parties.

Team Channel Kenshin: "I don't agree."

The three of them had no suspense and waited for the nod of the master gang leader, but in the end they ushered in Jian Xin's cold words.

The team channel leaf has fallen: "..."

The team channel flower is not open: "..."

The Ye family did not expect that Jian Xin, who had been waiting so hard, would be so indifferent to refuse.

"Are you crazy? As long as they join, our plan of recruiting troops will not only be realized, but we can also have enough strength to defeat the Xanadu Gang in the cross-server martial qualifiers and become the gang that represents the Unreal City!"

Jia Meng was so angry that he didn't dare to get angry on the team channel, so he had to patiently talk about Jianxin privately.

Jianxin replied: "The leaves have fallen and the flowers have not bloomed. If you take the initiative to join us, that would be a great thing. But have you ever thought that they were kicked out."

"Is there any difference?" Jia Meng expressed puzzled. "It is natural to be kicked out of the gang and then decide to join us. After all, we treat them as good friends sincerely."

"As far as I know, Drunken Dreams Peach Blossoms is determined to win the qualifications of the cross-server martial arts. Didn't he know that after the loss of these two generals, the Xanadu Gang will most likely miss the match?" Jianxin kept a clear mind. Analyze it.

"Drunk Dream Peach Blossom Man really knows the heights of the world! I think he is stupid, just to protect a god of destruction, would rather give up the Ye family!" Jia Meng did not want to think about it, and proudly showed off his record, "Haha, even more ironic Yes, Ye already won in front of the full server, singled out Mie Shen and won!"

"The really stupid person is you." Jianxin immediately poured cold water on Jia Meng. "In my opinion, there are two possibilities. One is that the Ye family is entrusted by the paradise, pretending to join the Tangmen Gang as an undercover agent. "

Jia Meng immediately retorted: "This is impossible! You are too dark! We have dealt with the Ye family so many times, their character is absolutely reliable!"

"I don't believe it, even if it's true, I'm not afraid." Jianxin continued to analyze, "The second possibility is higher. The Xanadu gang will deliberately give up the qualifications for the martial arts qualifier and deliberately lose to us!"

Jia Meng felt that Jianxin was getting more and more nonsense, and then retorted: "Why lose deliberately! It is the glory of the gang who can represent the Unreal City Gate!"

"Because of interest and collusion." Jian Xin said.

Jia Meng felt even more incredible, and asked, "This is just a game. Who would be so boring to play profit and collude?"

"The interests and collusion in the game can also be extended to real transactions. Moreover, I heard that the ultimate hidden gameplay of this game is martial arts wars. The most powerful martial arts can obtain the most real benefits in reality. !"