Mysterious Noble Beasts

Chapter 593: Explosion King Tutu


"Brother, you don't know how hard your sister and I have suffered for so many years."

In Shi Yu's secret realm, Teacher Owl and the Patriarch of the Astrology Clan reminisce in tears.

The owl teacher held the wine glass and talked about his difficulties.

Shi Yu and Gem Cat were beside him, listening silently.

"So, old lady, you really encountered an accident in the process of searching for the source of detachment..."

"Then, accidentally reincarnated to the home planet of Shiyu World Lord..."

After Shiyu Jiezhu researched the fruit of reincarnation and brought it back to the permanent teleportation array, you were able to restore your memory and return to Jiewang.

The patriarch of the Astrology Clan said with emotion: "It's not easy for you for so many years, but fortunately you died, otherwise I wouldn't be able to be cultivated within the clan to become the patriarch.

Precognition Owl:

"I'm sorry! Patriarch Tutu covered his mouth and said, "I'm getting used to it, old lady. You know my patriarch's position, but I can't compare with you. If it weren't for you, I'd be dead long ago. I'm glad you're back! This patriarch is yours from today on.

"I don't want the patriarch to help people predict how tiring it will be. Come on yourself, you just need to give me the patriarch's resources.

Tutu Patriarch:

The owl teacher said: "But what I didn't expect, old lady, is that you have become so strong during the time I left. "I remember that your ability to predict is obviously much weaker than mine!

"Good brother, good old sister, I will depend on you for the rest of my life.

Patriarch Tutu sighed: "After you disappeared, the astrologer has no successor. I have paid a lot for my current strength, but fortunately, the current astrologer has not only not fallen, but has grown very strong.

"Your Excellency Shi Yu, thank you for your help to the next sister. If there is anything that needs the help of the astrologer in the future, the astrologer is bound to do so.

, The patriarch is very kind. Teacher Tuna is my very important mentor. She has provided a lot of help in my growth path. I want to thank her. Shi Yu said. Don't be polite, Tutu Shiyu, this kid is not bad. He is new here. He has just arrived at Jiewangxing. Let's see if there is anything we can do to help him.

"The World Lord of Shiyu is indeed different from the ordinary Conferred God Battle.

It has been heard that the permanent teleportation array has not been taken by anyone for many years. Figure Road.

It is better that from now on, the astrologers are friends in the Donghuang realm, and we can predict the world master for free unlimited times!

"It's too stingy. The owl teacher said: "Brother, is there still a place for the son of prophecy in our clan

Tutu: The Son of Prophecy is an alien who is recognized by the astrologer and can lead the astrologer to a more prosperous state. It is the one with the greatest investment among the geniuses invested by the astrologer.

old lady. Patriarch Tutu looked at how the owl turned his elbows out as soon as he came back.

This thing.. may be difficult. Patriarch Tutu smiled bitterly and said, "Sister Shiyu, World Lord, has just offended a large number of the Four Holy Evolvers a few days ago, and he may even offend the Four Holy Family.

"Although Your Excellency Shi Yu is your friend, I am willing to help him, but some elders in the clan will definitely be concerned about the impossibility of making Shi Yu the son of prophecy. Now I am also restricted everywhere in the clan.

"But his potential is really good, isn't his performance in the Conferred God Battle very good

Tutu said: "Old sister 3,000 years ago, there was a guy who also won the first place in the Conferred God Battle like Shi Yu, and completed the championship challenge. This person is exactly what our astrologer has cultivated. Even so, he failed to become an astrologer. son of prophecy.

"Shiyu World Lord's record is strong, but it's not enough. Teacher Owl has no choice but to understand that it's his younger brother who still looks down on Shiyu.

"The son of prophecy is not the son of prophecy, Mr. Tuna, don't make it difficult for Patriarch Tutu." Shi Yu said: "If you meet again and talk about your own affairs, don't worry about me.

"No. Teacher Owl said: "Brother, let me tell you the truth, Shi Yu is fully qualified as a child of prophecy!

You don't forget that in addition to his own potential, he also has a beast who is proficient in the power of luck.

"Besides, he also got the support of the Heirs of the Xingxing Clan. If I didn't predict wrong, we should have a inheritance of the Xingxing Clan, and there is no one in the clan to fuse, but this guy has the fusion of the Xingxing Clan. The aptitude of strength! The owl teacher pointed to the cat girl who was eager to try.

The gem cat has been waiting for a long time.

"She is already the inheritor of the Qixing family, the power of the star, the power of astrology, and the great luck, do you know what this means? Sister, I went out for a trip, although the breakthrough was overturned, but I also found a helper for the astrology family to reach a higher peak. Opportunity! "The inheritor of the Qixing family? ?? At this time, I hadn't paid attention to the cat girl's Tutu, and suddenly looked at the gem cat. I didn't expect that this guy who looked like a decoration turned out to be the inheritance of the Qixing clan who had been exterminated!

It turns out that her sister's astrological power plus her power of praying for the stars plus that Rin's excellent luck is no wonder Shi Yu can become the king of the gods with such a monstrous attitude.

How about praying for the stars? Owl surprised his younger brother when he found that Cat Niang seemed to be easier to use than Shi Yu.

This picture hesitated.

In fact, he didn't have the absolute right to speak in the clan, so he lied to the owl, but seeing that his sister attached so much importance to Shi Yu, he really didn't want to pull Shi Yu into the big hole of the astrology clan. Even his sister had to hide some things.

Because in addition to the identity of the patriarch of the astrological clan, it also has another identity, the king of leaks!

This identity involves an important skill. The King of Revelations is a clone he created to help him break through the super god level. The breakthrough method is very desperate.

If it is revealed that unless he is promoted to super god, the entire astrological family will be wiped out, and then the sister and Shi Yu are involved, and who will suffer.

Shi Yu only offended the Four Holy Clan, and he not only offended the Four Holy Clan, but also offended many super-gods and hundreds of realms.

Are you sure you want to play with me? ;

Tutu looked at her sister and Shiyu. Of course, he didn't say it, but Tutu thought about it, and his identity is not so easy to reveal. If there is a son of prophecy who can give feedback to the astrologer, then not only the astrologer can benefit from it. Smooth upgrades and the hidden dangers brought by the identity of the king of leaks can also be removed

The best partner of the astrology family, Tutu, stared at Cat Niang and then looked at Shi Yu.

"Do you really want to be the son of the prophecy of the astrologer? Patriarch Tututu looked at Shiyu.

Shi Yudao: I can do it

"Anything can be, he is the best candidate, I believe," said Teacher Owl.

"He's right, Fuzuo, although he may bring a little pressure from the outside world to our astrological clan, he may be very troublesome, but as long as we help him settle down, he will definitely become a top powerhouse! What is the ability? my identity!

Could Shi Yu pose a greater threat to the astrologers than the King of Whistleblowers

"Enough but not enough.

"If sister, you really want to push Shiyujiezhu to become the son of the prophecy of the astrology family, it is not impossible.

"As long as he achieves one thing!

What's up. asked the owl teacher.

Although there are luck pets to assist, but there is still a gap between the standard of the child of luck. "As long as Shiyu Jiezhu can have a lucky star of his own, then there is no problem.

"Lucky Star Shiyu was taken aback and said: "What is this.

Patriarch Tutu said: "—This kind of planet is very rare. It is well known that planets have various attributes, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, light, and space.

"In addition, there are some special planets such as time-based planets such as planets containing god-level luck dragon veins.

"The lucky star is a kind of name for the planet with the power of luck up to the standard. People born on this planet are lucky enough to be full after they walk out of the planet. They are the real children of luck.

"As long as you can become the owner of a lucky star and cooperate with your luck pet beast, I will recognize that you have the ability to become the child of the astrologer's prophecy. At that time, my astrology clan will fully assist the growth of Shiyu World Lord, even if it is harmonious. The Four Holy Families did not hesitate to be enemies.

"I remember.. Lucky stars can only be obtained through Kaiwang. Prophecy Owl Road.

"Yes, there are unknown lucky stars in the universe, but the universe is too big to find them, and even the astrologers cannot predict their locations.

"Even if the Cosmic Overlord Legion obtains this kind of planet, it will not be sold to the outside world, but will be used by itself.

"But there is another way to get Lucky Star to become the owner of Lucky Star besides discovering it yourself.

That is to go to the void battlefield to fight against alien races, as long as the combat achievements are up to the standard, you can exchange for the star territory with Jiewang Star. Among them, there are stars such as Lucky Stars.

"As long as you become the master of the lucky star, your own luck will increase exponentially, from the son of luck to the father of luck, and then with the help of my astrologer, you will definitely become a super god in the future. of the strongest.

"Lucky Star. Shi Yu said: Is this a dead star or a living star.

The difficulty of exchanging a lucky star that is alive and dead but has not conceived life is slightly lower. However, it is basically necessary to hunt down the enemy's super god-level powerhouse in order to exchange it. My requirements are not high. As the owner of the lucky star, I have a way to convince the whole clan to fully assist Shiyu Jiezhu to become the strongest and even reach the peak of the universe level that no one dares to climb.

Shi Yu's mouth twitched. When I can hunt down the super god level, will I still use you to help

Of course, the powers that come in vain should not be in vain. The power of precognition of the astrologers is indeed more convenient to explore the ruins in the future.

The most important thing is that this lucky star Shiyu feels pretty good too.

The Death Star's words may be exchanged for Rin to make her into a star weapon through star refining.

At that time, the increase in luck brought by Rin on the basis of the wind of blessing may be even more impressive. This is what Shiyu needs.

"Is it all you need to go to the Void Battlefield to hunt down an alien super-god? Shi Yu asked

It seems that it is not lost to the source of detachment + lucky star + astrology family.

yes. Patriarch Tutu smiled and said: "With the ability of Your Excellency Shiyu, it may not be difficult for you to contract to purify the proto-spirit. After she trains her racial magic skills to the perfect level, Your Excellency will have the strength to kill the abyss super-god.

I will think about it. Shi Yu nodded.

That's it. The patriarch Tutu said that her sister has been amazing since she was a child, and she was the chosen daughter. Tutu chose to trust her sister once!

Hello friends of the Qixing tribe! We astrologers have been on good terms with the astrologers for a long, long time. Tutu then looked at Zibao Mao and said, "We do have a Prayer Clan heritage in our clan. Unfortunately, we haven't found anyone who can integrate it. If you are willing to establish an alliance with the Astrology Clan, we can pass this Prayer Clan heritage. things to you.

"The so-called alliance is that when we need something, you have to use the power of wishing to assist the astrologer in exchange for you, and we will also help you when you need divination.

"In addition, we will do our best to help you find the remaining heritage.

"No problem! Maomao agreed with one bite. Now her wishing power is strong enough. This is only one seventh of the inheritance of the Qixing Clan.

"Okay! Patriarch Tutu said, "Are you satisfied with the result of this old lady

"It's alright. The Predictive Owl nodded.

"Then then, old lady, you and this lady Ying will return to the astrological clan with me to be a guest. Your delay in breaking through at the quasi-god level should be because you want to use the resources in the clan to lay a firmer foundation," said Patriarch Tutu.

"Hey, I can't hide it from you kid. The owl said: "Maomao Shi and I will inherit the inheritance of the Xing family within the Hui clan!

"I asked Shi Yu.

Tutu, the patriarch of the astrological clan, looked at Shi Yu and said, "Shiyu World Lord, don't run around. When you first met, I gave you a message, and someone will be bad for you. It may be an assassination.

I don't want to be distracted to protect you, there are so many super god powerhouses in the Donghuang realm, you should stay safe here.

Shi Yu said speechlessly: Well, then you can go by yourself.

Soon the patriarch of the astrological clan took the owl and the gem cat to leave the Donghuang realm. After they left, Lin Feng and Kongdi quickly came to Shiyu to ask what the situation was.

"It's nothing like meeting relatives.

"Maomao teachers followed the astrology clan's patriarch back to break through. By the time they come back, they should already be god-level and they are the powerhouses in god-level." Shi Yudao.

I rely on. Lin Feng envied: "This has something to do with the astrology clan?? I used to ask the astrology clan to predict, not to mention the patriarch, and even an elder couldn't find Shi Yu, what kind of shit luck you are.

"If it can hug the thigh of the astrologer, then Donghuang will take off. "This is the strongest precognitive race in the entire universe.

When will you recommend me. Lin Feng expressed his desire to make friends with the patriarch of the astrology clan.

Astrologers should indeed be friends. Emperor Kong also agreed. "By the way, when are you going to go back to Blue Star, Shiyu

"Uh. Just now, the astrologer patriarch helped me predict that I might be assassinated recently. I want to wait and see who assassinated me and go back.

Kong Di, Lin Feng: Why are you so rude.

Next, Shi Yu really waited in the Donghuang realm.

Until more than half a month later.

Shiyu Beast's equipment for the Four Saints is almost finished, and he himself has slept for more than half a month, why hasn't the assassin come yet!

When the Tutu patriarch said, "Immediately what exactly does it mean.

Not to mention the assassin, Shi Yu could not sense even a single strong hostility in the whole Donghuang realm through the bantam cat.

"Is it possible that the assassins who protect me from the five super gods will show up only after I leave the Donghuang realm? Shi Yu sat up directly after waking up.

Suddenly, there is an urge to go out for a walk.

But suddenly remembered something that made Shi Yu give up the idea of fishing by himself.

Shi Yu hurriedly ran to the teleportation formation, intending to return to Blue Star, the senior Kongdi who was currently in charge of guarding the teleportation formation was extremely puzzled: "Finally want to go back

That's right, it's almost a month. The new World Championship is about to start. I almost forgot that I still wanted to see the performance of Wudi, Empress and Dragon Emperor.

And Sister Lu! "At present, it seems that other countries and neighboring totem countries on Blue Star do not know that they are resurrected. Shi Yu smiled.

He is more looking forward to other countries knowing what the expression of the ancient legend of Donghuang will look like after the resurrection of the emperor.

I don't know if there is a Totem Kingdom. Remember the Emperor Wu, the Empress, and the Dragon Emperor!

And Lu Xuejie, who has not been resurrected but has accepted the inheritance of her mother-in-law, is stronger or weaker than the three emperors of Donghuang? Shi Yu felt that when other countries in Donghuang encountered this world championship, they should cry again, and he liked to watch others cry.