Mysterious Noble Beasts

Chapter 597: Blue Star's first team building activity


outside world.

Shi Yu and the others waited honestly.

The battle of the super gods, I don't know how long it will take.

But what surprised Kongdi and others was that...

Not much time has passed at all, time and space are broken, Shidi and the others, and the five super gods of Blue Star, came out of the different space together.

On Shidi's side, although there are scars, they are almost negligible.

Wouldn't it be over in less than a minute? so short? "Lin Feng was surprised to see them come out.

Lin Fengluo, the five super gods of the Blue Star, was shocked again and couldn't believe it because they obviously fought in that different time and space for several days and a minute to talk about it. "You can admit defeat."

The opponent finally found a suitable opponent, and he did fight for a long time, but he was worried about wasting too much time of the outside world and could only do so. Let the battle space and the outside space be at different time flow rates.


Hearing Lin Feng and others in the outside world say this, they feel that the flow of time in the outside world is indeed different from the time and space just now. Looking at Shidi again, it feels like the strength gap between heaven and earth.

At this time, they felt that even if the monsters of the Four Holy Family were alone, they would definitely not be the opponents of the person in front of them.

The five super gods silently knew in their hearts that they were completely calculated by Kongdi, but Shidi's strength made them unable to refute anything. Because they are sure that this time emperor definitely has the ability to kill them.

Could the Mother God give each of them 5 sources of pseudo-transcendence. " Shi Di looked at Blue Star's will. "Yes. ” Hearing Shidi’s request, Blue Star took out 25 of the 81 divided sources of detachment and gave them to the five great super-gods of Blue Star. The source of false detachment fell and took a deep breath.

After receiving the source of detachment, the five super gods of Blue Star said in unison: "I hope that your strength will be stronger and listen to you."

So good. Shi Di laughed and said, "I will also take a share of the rest of the source of detachment. I will not take these resources if I have no merit in my promotion to Blue Star. Shi Yu, Wang Kong, and Lin Feng, you all take the rest. I suggest that in the future. Whoever makes a greater contribution to the Blue Star will be distributed and what do you think? "

"I have no opinion." Kong Di and Lin Feng said. Same. Shi Yu also nodded.

The five super-gods of Blue Star looked at Shi Di in surprise. He didn't expect this person to be so reasonable. He was a source of detachment for Blue Star's promotion without merit. The five super-gods who had some complaints in their hearts were slightly less resentful at this time. 1

They also know that Shidi's move is to bribe people's hearts, but the other party is stronger and willing to divide them, and they can't say anything. The five sources of pseudo-detachment have made up for their losses, although less than expected, but essentially making a profit.

Having said that, the five super gods are still heartbroken.

Looking at Shi Di, Shi Yu, and others, they also felt that these people were demons in human skins that were more demons than demons.

Even if I do, I will not take it for the time being and wait until I am promoted to Super God. "Kong Di said. "Me too." "Lin Feng shrugged, it's the same as what Blue Star's five super gods said. They haven't been super gods yet. It's useless to ask for this. Of course, it doesn't mean that there will be no use in the future.

"Cough, give me one!" Only Shi Yu was different. Blue Star: Five Super Gods, Emperor Shi, Emperor Kong, and Lin Feng:

"I like to research and research." Shi Yu laughed and said: "One copy is enough to wait for the shortage." "

The physical level of Shiyu beast is super god level. At this time, Shiyu is wondering whether the source of pseudo-transcendence can be used to strengthen Shiyu for experiments. One copy is enough for the time being. If you can strengthen it and come back to Blue Star, it will be the same.

At this moment, seeing 81 copies of the source of transcendence, the Blue Star Human Race only took one, and they each took 5 copies, leaving 55 copies. The five Blue Star God Races breathed a sigh of relief.

After that, I had to do my best to develop for Blue Star, otherwise these 55 copies of the source of detachment would be wasted.

Now this situation makes them more itchy than all the sources of detachment are taken away by the Terran. They all looked at Blue Star like a child waiting for an elder lollipop, as if waiting for a mission from the Mother Goddess, wondering what missions needed to be accomplished in order to be rewarded.

"That's why the seniors can't fight anymore." Lin Feng said: "Other resources, such as the site, have not been divided yet. Now that Blue Star has been promoted, everyone must move some industries back to Blue Star for development." God looked at Lin Feng with a dark expression.


It is estimated that none of the gods of the Protoss can beat Kongdi and Lin Feng. The super god level couldn't beat the god level, nor the five blue star god races, and they were directly crushed by the human race. The explosion of the mentality of several super gods is a bit different from what I thought at first. "Then how about Blue Star's Eastern Hemisphere going to Donghuang Blue Star's Western Hemisphere?" Kong Di said with a smile.

Can. "Blue Star's five super gods are powerless to refute

Blue Star's five super gods are powerless to refute, and they are still taking advantage of the division method according to the combat power.

"It's so good." Shidi was very happy. His biggest obsession after he was trapped in the ruins was that he failed to unify the blue star, but only liberated the East and now the gods occupying the West were also subdued by him, and Shidi's only obsession now. It is to let Dong Huang walk out of Blue Star.

I hope we can work together in the future. Shidi said: "Nowadays, Blue Star One Star 11 Super God should be a good force when looking at the universe and starry sky, right?" "The five super-gods of the five gods, the emperor, the five super-gods, and the blue star's will to count as one super-god. One-star super-god.

However, when the emperor is more than 11 super gods, as a beast master of detachment 3, he is basically equivalent to 3 super gods.

This is equivalent to a 1-star 13 super-god, plus... Shiyu beast with a physical super-god can barely say a one-star 14 super-god.

There is also the god Wa who doesn't know the level of life and death. If she is also super god, it will be a one-star 15 super god. Looking at the entire cosmos, the five cosmos-level forces can be compared to the current Blue Star, which can declare itself as the sixth-largest force in the cosmos. When I heard the five super gods of Blue Star, I was stunned and suddenly felt the terrifying power of Blue Star's lineage.

In the past, although the Blue Star lineage had many super gods, they still lacked powerful super god combat power, but now the appearance of Shidi completely broke this situation.

Shi Di, who is proficient in the time system, has absolutely few opponents in the super god class except for a few monsters at the peak of super god.

"Naturally, we work together to look at the spleen in the starry sky." At this time, the five super gods of Blue Star can basically ensure that sometimes other invaders dare not come to Blue Star to grab their meat and eat. When a powerful enemy is coming, sometimes the emperor is so easy to talk when he is in his way. When he thinks about it, the five super-gods of Blue Star suddenly feel that it is not a loss, so he should find a bodyguard.

Come down, how about you come with me to the Assassination Star? Shidi said. "Assassination Star?" ? "Kong Di said:" What happened to Assassination Star? ""Then everyone will travel with me and it will be sunny

Shi Di looked at Shi Yu and Shi Yu said, "Not long ago, an assassin from Assassin Star appeared at Blue Star and assassinated me. Thanks to Shi Di who showed up in time." "What?" Shoku didn't expect someone to invite Assassin Star's killer.

"This?!" Lin Feng was startled and said, "Shi Yu, are you alright

Shi Di said: "He's fine thanks to my appearance, otherwise the escaped killer will be caught up and killed by him."

Shi Di said: "I have searched his memory, he is the assassin ranked No. 4 on the Assassination Star, and his name is Dark Vortex. He was sent to the vicinity of the Blue Star through a magnetic secret technique. This is the secret technique unique to Assassination Star. There are only a few specific ones. Killers can use it."

This is a teleportation skill that assigns coordinates to someone and can teleport near him no matter where they are.

Cultivation to the extreme can even lock the opponent's position with the belongings abandoned by one person, and then perform ultra-long-distance teleportation. The farther the distance between the two parties, the greater the consumption. "Shi Yu remember to take good care of your belongings." Kong Di said: "It's not a good thing to be targeted by the assassination star."

"Assassination Star has a teleporter who masters magnetic magic skills. It is very scary. He will not be able to escape unless he has absolute strength." Shi Yu said: "I know that it should be my disobedient beasts littering things. locked

Shi Yu's beasts in the Imperial Beast Space chattered.

·Indicates that someone must have locked Shen Baobao and then indirectly locked Shi Yu through the cultivation fruit sold by Shen Bao Bao. Ginseng baby:

"But there is still such a skill." Shi Yu suddenly wanted to destroy the assassination star. First, it was too dangerous, and he always felt that someone could threaten him at any time. Second, this skill sounded delicious.

"How far away you want to be teleported from the assassination star to the vicinity of the blue star, the finances of the dangling realm can't be supported, and those who want to assassinate you must have paid a huge price. Only the Four Holy Families have this kind of financial resources." Emperor Road. "Everyone." Shi Di said: "So are you willing to join me in destroying this assassination star.

Next, the Blue Star Lineage will use this assassination star to stand up for power. If anyone dares to offend the Blue Star Lineage, how can the geniuses of the Blue Star lineage dare to roam freely in the cosmic starry sky. " Shi Di said.

"And the culprit who hired them is the super-god power of Jiewang, right? If I'm not wrong, wanting to launch a super-god war on Jiewang is a matter of testing the pressure of public opinion, but if you can get the other party on the assassination star The conclusive evidence of wanting to assassinate Shi Yu, no matter what, we are justified in shooting them."

It makes sense, it makes sense." Blue Star's five supernatural beings are not enough to provoke the Four Holy Family, but it is not enough to provoke Assassination Star.

But when he thinks that there is only one super god killer opposite his dozen or so super gods, it's a fart.

The most powerful aspects of the super god of Assassination Star are hiding, assassination, and Satan. Is it a problem in front of the time system super god

Assassination Star is actually not everyone's business. If you hire Assassin Star to assassinate the top talent of the Cosmic Overlord Legion, Assassin Star will definitely charge a super high price to persuade the hirer because they can't afford to offend the Cosmic Overlord Legion. Since Assassination Star dares to pick up Shiyu

Taking over Shiyu's business means that Assassination Star didn't take Shiyu's attention and Blue Star's lineage didn't take the forces behind Shiyu into account, which was unacceptable to Shidi.

In this case, it would be more appropriate to use the assassination star to give Blue Star the power if it succeeds. "Money" and Assassination Star are absolutely rich, the five super-gods who have just smashed their wealth on Blue Star are suddenly jealous. "To dare to assassinate Shi Yu is so deceiving that he doesn't even take the five of us in his eyes." The Qilin clan said, "The assassination star should be destroyed!

"Destroy it!" Ya Chaoshen also said.

"Do you really want to do it??" Shi Yu suddenly became excited when he heard it, let's do it! !

That's it. Shi Di laughed and said: "The next step is to use that to go to Jiewang Xing, right? After Shi Yu, you can use it as bait. Let's see how many fish we can catch before we go to kill the assassination star?" "You should have provoked a lot of enemies. "

"Bluestar and Donghuang are in an important development period. It would be great if someone could take the initiative to send resources."

It is so. "Kongdi and Lin Feng are also excited that Shidi can do it. Did the two of them assassinate the super god last time or can they finally hunt and kill the super god this time? If so, then the vote is big." Shi Yudao

At this time, under the flickering of a group of lunatics from Donghuang's lineage, the five Blue Star Gods only felt that they were on the pirate ship, but there seemed to be nothing to do. And all

Cheng stared at their Blue Star's will and let out a long sigh.

It seems that Blue Star wants to come peacefully: it is impossible for the prisoner to withdraw from the withdrawal and to achieve stable development. The Donghuang people seem to have a restless heart

Soon Shi Yu and the others discussed it, but before departure, both Emperor Shi and the five super gods must regain their strength.

Just came out and fought a high-intensity battle when the emperor consumed a lot of time and needed to recover for a period of time, and the five super gods also hoped to refine the source of pseudo-transcendence before taking revenge.

As for Shi Yu, let alone Shi Yu, I want to strengthen Shi Yu Beast.

Everyone parted ways, but they still chose to cultivate asceticism on Blue Star. Blue Star just broke through.

Right now is the moment when all kinds of energies are the most intense. Shi Yu is leaving Yin Na.

Terra teleported to the World Championship and found the Jewel Cat and Owl.

"Hey." Shi Yu wanted to scare them, but the two cats greeted them with contempt. teacher owl

: "Just the crappy space teleportation ability of Bugs can't scare us." - "I sensed the card during your teleportation." The gem cat ate a potato chip.

Understood, don't let the worms transmit it next time.. worms: ? ?

Praying: "Okay!"

"Blue Star has broken through." Shi Yu said, "You already know that."

"Hmmmm." The two cats nodded and said, "The World Championship is just over."

"Lu Xuejie is so miserable and fourth. I wish she won the championship, but it's too disappointing to lose." Jewel Catgirl said, "But it's not bad for her age to be ranked only behind the three legendary emperors."

"It is true that there is some more experience, even if it is placed in the Conferred God Battle, it should be able to achieve good results." Predicting Owl said: "Xiao Qingyi's fortune is still good, and she has the wealth of the strong, but the chance will not be better than that of Captain Zijian. poor achievement.

"Are you here to watch the game or to watch Blue Star's breakthrough?" Shi Yu said speechlessly, "Then we Blue Star lineage will do a team building. I think the two of you have good abilities together." It can make them predict where the treasures of the other party are hidden, and the source of the supernatural transcendence has a high explosion rate.

What a team building! ! "Wishing Cat and Precognition Owl will have a lot of delicious food.

"Go and fight with the assassination star, the first assassination force in the universe. Let's form a group with the powerhouses of Blue Star." Jewel Cat and Precognition Owl's face is broken, are you alright? You call this team building? "I'm afraid that a dozen or so super gods will go to raid the house together and stand there.

Don't be afraid of the other party, this time even I'm fishing with you. The big boss will lead us to call 666 to pick up the equipment. "

Meow meow meow? "The gem cat was taken aback."

Meow meow meow? "The Predictable Owl was also taken aback.

You meow a ball. The gem cat said angrily: "You are an eagle, not a cat." "

Clan is not an eagle! "Tuna teacher angrily said: "I have the right to language freedom! ""All right, all right. "Shi Yu said: "I'll tell you in detail!" "

Shi Yu's nest.

After flicking the two cats into the team building team, Shi Yu immediately ran back to strengthen him. Shi Yu beast completely forgot that he went to Yin Na Tera to cheer Sister Lu. Shi Yu took out Shi Yu Beast and took out a source of pseudo-transcendence given by Blue Star's will to take a deep breath.

Then he and Shi Yu beast looked at each other and fell into deep thought.

"Normal super-god-level beings absorb the source of pseudo-transcendence through their true source of detachment, but Shiyu beast, although his body is super-god, has no extraordinary power in his body and no source of detachment. How to absorb this Shiyu looked at the lock The sun-like light group in the crystal fell into contemplation.

Aw, ooh," The pet beasts in the beast-preserving space came out one after another to find a way for Shi Yu. "Yi. (Eat.)" Shen Baobao first said that there are no resources that can't be solved by eating. "Bah! "Susu thinks it makes perfect sense. Let's see if you can press the source of detachment from your chest, isn't it a light group?" Rin said. "Hey." Eleven said that he can also let the spiritual avatar hold the possessed body and take a look.

"Gee." Insect said that he could try to teleport into his body.

We try one by one from the one that seems the safest and most reliable. Shi Yu said: "Just listen to Rin's press first. "

Shi Yu removed the armor from Shi Yu Beast and then slowly pressed Shi Yu Beast with the source of detachment like CPR. With Shi Yu's press... many pet animals swallowed

glass press into the body

The next moment, the source of transcendence was stably fixed in the body. Under Shi Yu's observation, it kept shrinking like a white halo. The inner alchemy was really one with the body. boom!

The entire Shiyu Beast's body under its containment emits a slight halo. This is the first time that Shiyu Beast has a vision.

Shi Yu Beast's aura climbed one step, Shi Yu only felt that Shi Yu Beast's physical strength was stronger and he couldn't help opening his mouth slightly. "Fuck. This guy... Really can absorb the source of pseudo-transcendence just like the real source of detachment!!"

Shi Yu Beast also jumped up quickly, clenching his fists, and suddenly there was a thunderous sound. Although it felt that there was not much improvement in strength, there was no qualitative change. Maybe the source of pseudo-detachment was not enough, but Shi Yu was sure that it was indeed improved. Shi Yu was surprised: "I understand anyway. You can increase your strength by adding some points. The source of pseudo-transcendence is also a waste for you to use it for Shiyu beast."

Eleventh-class pet beasts: Huh

Ahh, it's totally inappropriate. a few days later

Shi Yu returned to Jiewangxing again because he was about to cause trouble. Before the end, World Tree didn't open the Jiewangxing channel for the passers of the World Championship and planned to wait for the wave to finish. Otherwise, it is worried that this group of newcomers will have to bear the pressure that this level should not bear! !

The first thing Shi Yu did after returning to Jiewangxing was to start the live broadcast.

Name of the live broadcast room: Shiyu, the king of conferred gods, live broadcast to witness the beautiful environment of the starry sky (dog head).