Mysterious Noble Beasts

Chapter 598: Blue Star Cultural Ambassador


Shi Yu started broadcasting, but he didn't get attention at first. After all, it was his first time, and his account didn't get much attention. However, as Gem Cat gave a gift to the space battleship, the live broadcast room became lively in an instant, and Shi Yu was all overwhelmed by the title of Shi Yu. absorb.

"Is it really him?" The audience who entered the live broadcast room could see a huge space center with a silver-white star warship falling on the field. Like a tourist group, a group of beasts took pictures outside the warship before departure. Remember.

In addition to the familiar King of Conferred Gods Shiyu, Eleven Cangtian Emperor Chitong and other familiar Conferred Gods players, all of them are in the picture, which makes people strange. It turns out that he is really the deity of Shiyu. He wants to leave Jiewangxing to travel?

And, are you still on a live tour?

With Shiyu's current fame, it is true that he can make a lot of money by running a live broadcast. However, as the new king of conferred gods and the master of the relics of the era, Shiyu doesn't look like he is short of money now. A group of people who follow Shiyu, the Zipidong caveman of the Star Refining Clan, Tianshang, the son of the demon emperor, Zhou Crow Kahn, and the beastmaster Minggu, opened the live broadcast room and wanted to see what medicine Shiyu was selling in the gourd. . "Is there already so many people?" Shi Yu looked at the little robot that followed Rin split, looked at the screen data and the bullet screen and said, "Hello everyone, I'm Shi Yu, the strongest, handsomest and most powerful. Shi Yu, the beastmaster."

The barrage swiped the words "shameless" in unison.

Shi Yu smiled slightly and said, "Pay attention to your quality. I have seen a few who scold me. I will visit you another day along the network cable. I still have this ability. Don't forget that I have no morals."

"My mechanical assistant has god-level intelligence, so I can lock your coordinates now, and the barrage that invaded your network instantly lost a bunch of low-minded comments, thinking that the top Qinglong god Jin Gui just released killing intent on Shi Yu, he was caught by Shi Yu. Yu directly fucked to death, these hilarious audience members felt chills all over.

Shi Yu, what are you going to do, travel? Where to go... At this moment, a barrage of unknown identity occupies a prominent position, because there are so many viewers on Jiewang Xing, in order to have a good barrage experience, no matter what barrage is posted, it costs money, blocking 99.99% of the prostitutes. Dang, this barrage can be so conspicuous, it is obviously a lot of money.

"I almost forgot to do business," Shi Yu said, "Just a few days ago, I suffered an assassination." I don't know if I was jealous of my talent, or I wanted to get rid of one of my pet beasts, or for the sake of the Four Saints remains. "

"But this killer is also a coward. He only dares to assassinate me when I'm alone. If the assassination fails, he runs away immediately. It's meaningless."

"So, I just want to give someone who wants to assassinate me a chance. I will go on a trip. I will guarantee my integrity, personality, and the honor of the king of the gods. I will definitely not bring any bodyguards. Just us, welcome to punch in. Assassination."

After Shi Yu finished speaking with a smile, the entire audience in the live broadcast room was stunned. The audience behind the screen opened their mouths slightly, feeling incredible.

What the hell, it's so fluffy, and, how can you be so straight with salty bait, even if you don't hide it, you just say it directly, even if you want to fish, you don't fish like this.

"Why don't I believe it." Moreover, at this time, Shi Yu took his integrity and personality as a guarantee, and he definitely didn't bring any bodyguards. Most of the audience didn't believe even a punctuation mark. Shi Yu himself said that he had no morals. Now, can you believe these words?

"Okay, it's time to leave soon. You are welcome to stay in the live broadcast room. In addition to seeing if anyone wants to assassinate me on this star trip, I really want to see the scenery of the universe sea."

"Actually, the whistleblower is right about one point. I am indeed a newcomer who has just arrived at Jiewang from the Border Galaxy, and I haven't appreciated the beauty of the starry sky, so this time the universe is so big, I want to go and see it. "

"Besides, in this process, in addition to appreciating the stars, I will also introduce the situation of my hometown to everyone." Shi Yu said with emotion.

After that, he boarded the space battleship with Eleven who were carrying a bag and a bunch of snacks.

"Hey..." Eleven waved at the audience.

Soon, the content mentioned by Shi Yu, the executioner of the starry sky, spread quickly, increasing the number of people in the live broadcast room. Countless people who eat melon want to see if someone really wants to assassinate this conferred god. king.

Of course, Shi Yu's actions also made a bunch of people big, the Environmental Protection Association, and the Ice Spirit God silently opened Shi Yu's live broadcast room after hearing about Shi Yu's actions. It has left the planet of Kings and entered the sea of ​​​​cosmos. "Is it the Abyss Clan, or the Four Holy Clan?" Bingling God was slightly startled. During this time, she did ignore Shi Yu, but because the Environmental Protection Association was too busy, in a certain star field, the Dark King Legion invaded again. The pressure on the Environmental Protection Association is so huge now that she has no time to take care of Shi Yu, but who would have thought that Shi Yu would play so much in the blink of an eye.

"Are you fishing?" Bing Ling naturally didn't believe that Shi Yu was walking alone. She judged that Shi Yu probably brought all the five super-gods Wang Kong, Lin Feng, and Lan Xing with him. I don't think the assassin would be so stupid, and would really go to assassinate at this stage.

The situation on the side of the Environmental Protection Association has been staged in various places such as the Plant Association, the Cosmic Disaster Research Institute, the 177 Fleet, and the Zijian Special Forces. Many elders have come to the same conclusion as Bing Ling, so they don't believe that Shiyu will go to death. .

Most of Shi Yu prepared some powerful cards, waiting for the arrival of the assassin, and whether the assassin will come or not depends on the determination of the person who wants to assassinate Shi Yu.

The four realms of Qinglong, White Tiger, Xuanwu, and Suzaku, the super-mysterious realm of the Four Holy Family, the Four Saints and Supersouls also met again after a long absence. The shadows of the Four Saints floated in the void, and the Suzaku asked: Qinglong, what killer did you hire, why did you fail?"

Qinglong Chaoshen frowned and said: "The top five assassins of assassination stars all have the experience of successfully assassinating their targets under the watchful eyes of the super gods, and Shiyu's guardian information assassination stars also know all about it, which can also fail the assassination. , I also want to know what happened."

"Now this Shiyu is undoubtedly provoking us," Bai Hu said.

Qinglong Chaoshen said: "I will put pressure on Assassination Star. My contract with Sifion is to die forever. Once you fail, Assassination Star must go on a second and third time until it succeeds."

"However, this Shi Yu, this time is obviously fishing. Assassination Star should not act rashly, but will choose to wait for Shi Yu to choose to assassinate when he is most negligent. This time, let this king of conferred gods be held for a while. , we should not be exposed.

Astrology family, broke the news that the patriarch Wang Tutu was in a small dark room, showing a puzzled expression.

"Damn it." It was shocked, because it couldn't predict what would happen to Shi Yu and the others.

There seems to be a fog in the future. In this situation, it is not the first time that Wang Tutu has encountered "Did they encounter some powerful killers?"

"Could it be that that guy shot??" Wang Tutu, who broke the news, thought of a certain guy, the founder of Assassination Star, the super god-level killer, Sifane.

Although he has only escaped the killer three times, he has had two successful experiences of assassinating the super god level. The assassination star he created is also notorious and is feared in the sea of ​​​​cosmos.

Like the King of Whistleblowers, there are also many super god powerhouses who really want to kill this Siphon, but no one knows the location of him and the assassination star, and no one can find them. It can be said that the super-god killer Siphaen is even more hated than the King of Whistleblowers. The King of Whistleblowers only broke some gossip information, but what Assassin Star does is to assassinate the elites of all races and the potential geniuses of all races. host.

There are even some geniuses who were successfully assassinated in front of their super god elders. How could such an assassination star not attract hatred.

However, although it is hated, there are indeed many great forces in the starry sky, who have always kept in touch with Assassination Star and have inextricably linked, and have been entrusting Assassination Star to complete some unsightly things on their behalf, such as suppressing hostile forces.

The whereabouts of the super-god killer, Sifane, the super-god powerhouse, broke the news that Wang Tutu did not rely on external forces, and was one of the few unpredictable existences. The failure of this prediction made Wang Tutu think that Shi Yu's trip this time , it may involve the other party, which is not good.

"It shouldn't be a problem, my sister is also on Shiyu's side. If it is really dangerous, my sister will not let Shiyu take the risk." Patriarch Tutu thought of his sister who had regained her strength and nodded.

Moreover, as long as Shi Yu was fully prepared and persuaded the five super-gods to protect him, with his understanding of Sifion, the other party would not carry out such a risky assassination mission. However, since nothing could be predicted, let him

It broke the news that Wang Tutu was heartbroken, and he went to the family holy place, trying to use the power of the family's quasi-cosmos prophecy to help himself predict the cosmic sea again, in the depths of the gorgeous starry sky. At this time, a silver-white battleship was already in the universe. Sail slowly, the farther away you get from Kiewang.

Shi Yu was sitting in the battleship hall, leaning against the window comfortably, admiring the scenery outside, the starry sky in the universe sea, breaking Shiyu's inherent cognition of the starry sky in the universe. The Border Galaxy where Bluestar is located can compare.

God Shiyu, when will you talk about your home planet! Because of the previous notice, many viewers are very interested in Shi Yu's parent star at this time.

In the face of the enthusiasm of the audience, Shi Yu also reluctantly acted as the ambassador of Blue Star Culture, introducing Blue Star to the audience.

"My home planet is called Blue Star. A long time ago, it was an intermediate planet with rich internal resources and many races."

"But the good times didn't last long. Like the encounters with many resource planets, Blue Star suffered successive invasions from the cosmic giant beasts, the abyss, and the starry zerg, and then there was a planetary defense battle that is not uncommon in the universe."

The audience listened carefully, but did not expect that the home planet of Shiyu, the king of conferred gods, like most planets in the universe, had been invaded by these three cosmos pests. "In that battle, Bluestar barely won, but it also paid a heavy price. At the price, the level has dropped to a low-level planet, which is no longer a habitable planet for the Protoss, and many Protoss have gone to the starry sky to find a new home."

"After that, it will be hundreds of millions of years later. At this time, Blue Star still has not returned to its heyday. The gods who left have also completely lost contact with the mother star. In the planet, the extraordinary race and the human race are competing against each other and competing for Blue Star. few resources."

"On our side, the development time of the human race is far less than that of the extraordinary race, the power system is not perfect, the growth environment is very difficult, I don't know how to cultivate the second talent, I don't know how to carry out the contract of God, and I have experienced a long period of time in the extraordinary creatures. The Age of Totems under Domination."

Shi Yu said a few words to let the audience understand the general background of the Blue Star Mythical Age and the Totem Age. Then Shi Yu smiled and said, "Are you curious, how did I come to Jiewang Xing under this background?" Say it! ! The screen has been brushed.

"About 2,500 years ago, among the human race, a very legendary beastmaster was born. His name was Shidi. He was the first to end the era of totem rule in the eastern region and established the Donghuang Dynasty. A super empire dominated by humans."

"And I am a beastmaster of this Donghuang country, so I became the queen of the conferred gods and applied for a realm called Donghuang realm, which can be regarded as a commemoration of my motherland."

"In addition, the world master Wang Kong and the deputy world master Lin Feng of the Hanging Realm that everyone is familiar with are actually from Blue Star, and they are also the beast masters of Donghuang Kingdom on Blue Star."

"Among them, the realm master Wang Kong is the fifth emperor of the Donghuang Dynasty, the fourth ninth-level beastmaster, known as the Emperor of Kong, and the realm master Lin Feng is the seventh ninth-level beastmaster in Donghuang, although Everyone may sound weak, but in fact, a level 9 beastmaster, in our Blue Star, is already a very remarkable achievement, and I am the eighth level nine beastmaster in Donghuang Kingdom."

"At that time, the upper limit of the growth level of Blue Star was 9, and it was impossible to break through to the god level, and it was difficult and difficult to go to the starry sky with 9 levels. Very fortunate, among the beastmasters in the ancient country of Donghuang, the two lucky ones came to the starry sky."

"Next, everyone must be familiar with their growth experience. After hundreds of years of robbery, they established the Hanging Realm with one hand, and even joined forces to kill the super-god-level record. After achieving such an achievement, Wang Kong and Lin The Lord of the Wind did not forget his hometown. He kept trying to find his mother star. In the end, he brought me here. "When I was born, Wang Kong and Lin Feng were no longer in Bluestar. They are all legends in my heart. Characters, I didn't expect that one day they would be able to pick up the powerhouses here in the starry sky. There are indeed more powerhouses than Blue Star. I like it very much. "Shi Yu told the history of Donghuang with a smile, and the audience, it was the first time they knew so much information about Blue Star, they couldn't believe it.

The Wang Kong and Lin Feng Jiezhu, who jointly assassinated the super god level, came from a planet that could not break through the god level restrictions?

Shiyu, the king of conferred gods who crushed the geniuses of all races in the universe, is also a beastmaster who grew up on such a small planet?

Although the history that Shi Yu said is very real, it just gives the audience an outrageous feeling. It is impossible to imagine that a middle-level planet that has fallen to a low-level planet can give birth to such a genius.

The fifth ninth-level beastmaster, the seventh ninth-level beastmaster, have joined forces to assassinate Chaoshen, and the eighth ninth-level beastmaster has even won the king of conferred gods, becoming the strongest quasi-god in the starry sky. , this country's ninth-level beastmaster has a very high gold content!

How do you feel that the ninth-level beastmaster in Shiyu's mouth is not much different from the super god level?

I don't know what the talent potential of other ninth-level beastmasters are. It sounds more like the environment of Blue Star restricts them. If they are placed on Jiewang Star, wouldn't all of them be able to compete with Wang Kong, Lin Feng, and Shi? Yujiezhu is just as sturdy.

Shouldn't it work? Humans on low-level planets have very short lifespans and can't last for long. I didn't hear Shiyu say that Wang Kong and Lord Lin Feng came to the starry sky by chance. Most of the other ninth-level beast masters have already If you die of old age, or you will die in battle, Blue Star's extraordinary race and human race seem to be more serious than Jiewang, Xingkong, and Wanzu.

Next, for several days, Shi Yu was promoting Blue Star's culture. Not only Donghuang, but also several other countries also helped to promote it.

Let the starry sky all races have a clearer understanding of Blue Star.

After some introductions, Blue Star gave the starry sky the feeling that although Blue Star is small, its various experiences and cultures are not inferior to those of high-level planets, and the quality of the geniuses born is also terrifying.

This is actually the first time that the starry sky has learned about Blue Star. Although the Blue Star gods of the mythical era came to the universe early, it was hundreds of millions of years ago, even if it was the two realms of Dongxuan and Tianmo. Except for their own top powerhouses, few people know where their home planets are. After all, the five gods have long been rooted in Jiewangxing. The five gods, Wang Kong, and Lin Feng, did not deliberately promote Blue Star at all, so this was the first time Shi Yu had used his influence as the King of Conferred Gods to show Blue Star in front of the starry sky.

If it was before, this is actually not good, it will put Blue Star under the covet of many forces and bring unknown risks, but now Blue Star's power is enough to protect itself, and then Blue Star will have to expand with the starry sky. Trade, to develop the planet, no longer needs to be hidden.

It's been so long since I said it, why hasn't a killer come to assassinate it yet?

Yes, yes, I am thankful for waiting.

The cost of this live broadcast may not be able to raise 10 top Protoss from childhood to adulthood. Such a large-scale live broadcast, but no killers came, which was a disappointment.

It's not a loss, I haven't seen a lot of rewards, the Blue Star story will still be good, and there are several big bosses of film and television companies who want to cooperate in the production of Blue Star movies.

In the past few days, the battleship that Shi Yu was on had stopped and went, stopped briefly on several planets, and had undergone several interstellar teleportations.

However, let alone the killer, I didn't even see a killer hair.

"It doesn't matter." At this time, Shi Yu said calmly, looking at a pile of barrages.

When Shi Yu finished his words, on the live broadcast screen, in front of the battleship, there appeared a layer of star field shrouded in a dark blue fog. The shape of the fog was like a deep-sea shark in the cosmic sea.

"Where is this? Where is the Cosmic Sea?" Seeing this star field, many viewers were taken aback and said they had never seen it before.

Many second-generation elders took videos to find elders, but they got the same answer from elders with rich Xinghai travel experience, and they didn't know this place.

Could it be some kind of relic?

Don't go, it may be dangerous.

Go to Kangkang, you have already given a reward. Numerous barrages passed, and Shi Yu had already reached the outside of the battleship, standing on the battleship, looking at the assassination star field ahead.

"I know where this is." Shi Yu looked at the Assassination Star Field and said, "Have you heard of the 'Assassination Star'?"

When Shi Yu's words fell, the audience was stunned.

Assassination Star, this place, of course, everyone has heard of, after all, it is the number one killer organization in the universe. Even if you haven't heard of it, you will quickly know it under the popular science of those who know it.

So this is the assassination star? What a joke!

Within a minute, a bloody barrage appeared in Shi Yu's live broadcast room.

Shiyu Realm Lord, I am the Sacred Flame Realm Realm Lord, please give me your coordinates at this time, I will be very grateful!

The barrage appeared, and many audiences were shocked. The Holy Flame Realm, the first-level realm, the realm master was a super god-level powerhouse, and the reason why he wanted to know the location of the assassination star was because his beloved disciple was assassinated. assassinated by the star's killer.

But unfortunately, Kong has a hatred, but the Lord of the Holy Flame has never been able to find the location of the assassination star. Of course, even if they were found, it would be of no avail. Assassination Star is not without revenge, but as long as the super-god killer Sifane does not die, Assassination Star will exist forever, and there are very few people who can kill Sifane.

No one would have imagined that when Shi Yu traveled, he would "jump by mistake" and enter the secret whereabouts of the assassination star field, which is always on the move.

"It should be right here, I finally found it." Shi Yu stood on the battleship and said, "It's a pity that there was no killer who took the initiative to come over. It's obviously a chance."

"In this case, in order to vent my dissatisfaction, I decided to take revenge on the organization of the killer who assassinated me last time."

Shi Yu's words stunned the audience, only to see the next moment, Shi Yu pulled out a corpse, threw it out and hung it in the air.

"Assassination Star, Killer ranks fourth, Dark Vortex."

"The killer who assassinated me last time was this one. It should be the killer of Assassin Star. Looking at the assassin's dark vortex hanging in the starry sky, the audience was stunned. They didn't know if this person was the killer of Assassin Star. They were stunned. The thing is, the purpose of Shi Yu's trip was to take revenge on the killer's organization!

Moreover, this organization is the number one assassination force in the universe, the assassination star!

Wait a minute, didn't Shi Yu say that the killer failed to assassinate and escaped? ? ? So this is not escaping?

I remember that the assassins of Assassin Star, no matter what their rank, were all cultivated by the legendary killer. They would never be captured alive, nor could they reveal any information about Assassin Star, and even their memories could not be peeped at. Shi Yu is How to find the assassination star through it! !

No one thought that Shi Yu's way was so wild. After being assassinated by the assassination star, he would find the other party's base camp all the way. This is something that many super god forces can't do.

According to the last battle outside the Four Sacred Ruins, people already knew that Shi Yu was the master who was not afraid of the sky and the earth, but they didn't expect him to be so bold, so he underestimated him, and he came to a tyrannical super-god force standing in the starry sky. site.

There is nothing more than the Jiewang planet, there are only bloody laws of the jungle.

For a time, the Environmental Protection Association, the 177 fleet, the Zijian Special Forces, and the Four Holy Family Realm Kings, many forces were alerted.

They watched as Shi Yu's battleship sailed into the Assassination Star Territory and came outside the Assassination Star, which was indeed the Assassination Star. Then, while everyone was drooling wildly, the star battleship Rin launched an attack! ! !

On the live broadcast screen, there are 6 main guns, 2 large-caliber star cannons on the ship's bow, and 4 secondary guns on each side from the side of the ship. :boom! ! !

The dazzling starry sky light turned into countless incomparably thick beams of light, running through the universe, aiming directly at the assassination star ahead.

The next moment, inside the assassination star, there was a huge fluctuation, like a splendid fireworks, there were bursts of aftermath, many killers who stayed behind the assassination star, blocked before the extra-star attack, inside the planet, deep secret realm, there is also a terrifying person. Existence, Meng Ran opened his eyes, revealing the murderous aura covering a star field.