Mysterious Noble Beasts

Chapter 607: I contract with myself


"Master Wa God!!" Seeing this avatar, the patron saint of Sandcastle was so excited that he immediately paid his respects.

Wa Shen's clone nodded, and finally focused on Shi Yu, who was swallowing his saliva, and asked, "Are you a human race beastmaster from Blue Star?"

"That's not right." Her gaze fell on Shi Yu beast in an instant, and then she fell into a state of contemplation like a downtime.

From expressionless to slightly incredulous.

"You have a big secret about you. Your past life came from the last era."

The Sandcastle Patronus scratched his head beside him, completely incomprehensible. It grew up on this planet and has less knowledge than the will of Mercury.

"Senior Wa God."

When Shi Yu saw Wa Shen and saw the relationship between Shi Yu Beast and himself, he couldn't help saying: "Senior Wa Shen, I am a human race of Blue Star in this life, but I really don't know anything about the previous life.

This is also the reason why I keep exploring the ruins of the era. "

Wa Shen said: "In this way, do you get rid of the curse that the era is broken and cannot survive to the next era?"

"I don't know if it's a success or a failure." She shook her head and looked at Shi Yu and said, "Your previous life must have been very powerful, but in order to reincarnate into this era, your power seems to have all dissipated. Now even the super god level is very difficult to fight."

Shi Yu smiled bitterly: "That's right...

However, the problem is that he has no idea why he was so powerful in his previous life.

He is just an ordinary person.

After he died, some mad scientist would do experiments with his own body...

Now the Blue Star human race has several super god-levels. "God Wa asked." There were two. " Shi Yu said.

Emperor of Time, Emperor of Air.

"I understand." Wa Shen said: "I was in a hurry before, and indeed I didn't give enough guidance to the World Tree. The birth of two super gods has exceeded my expectations. But this is not enough. If you want to open this ruin, you need at least five A superhuman race.

At present, there are still three, no, two. "She looked at Shi Yu and said, "You will soon become supernatural, and I can provide you with some help." Shi Yu was overjoyed, but he still asked the questions he cared about first.

Senior Wa Shen, take the liberty to ask what level your deity is, and why you cannot be awakened from a deep sleep here.

Wa Shen was silent for a while and said: "It's okay to tell you, my body is at the quasi-universe level, the peak of the super god level. When I tried to break through the universe level, I was backlashed and I had to be forced to self-proclaimed to recuperate." The situation is very complicated. My attempt to break through is also related to the ruins. In short, I do not intend to unblock the main body until I cannot enter the ruins. "

"Failed to break through to the cosmos level??" Shi Yu was slightly surprised.

Before, he joked with the owl that what if God Wa was the sixth cosmic level.

In fact, Shi Yu soon abandoned the idea.

Because according to some secret records, when the sixth cosmos level was active, God Wa might not have left Blue Star, nor was he born.

The time simply doesn't match, so there must be someone else at the sixth cosmic level.

Therefore, Shi Yu felt that it was not bad for Wa Shen to have the super-divine level and the strength of Emperor sometimes.

However, Shi Yu did not expect that God Wa was stronger than he thought, and even had the capital to impact the universe.

Although it failed, the super god peak, this level, is already very incredible.

Under the command of the five cosmos levels, each cosmos emperor has only 2-3 followers of the super god peak, and the number is pitiful.

Senior Wa Shen, what is the condition to break through the universe level? " Shi Yu asked.

God Wa looked at Shi Yu and said, "You...

"If I knew, would I still fail?" She made Shi Yu speechless for a while.

Wa Shendao: "I do know some conditions for breaking through the universe, but it may not be suitable for you."

I can only tell Vale that every race, every individual, has different conditions for breaking through the cosmos level. You must find it yourself, try it yourself, and the way of others cannot be replicated.

"Each individual's breakthrough conditions are different." With the guidance of the god Wa in his mouth, Shi Yu nodded, feeling a bit reasonable and suddenly enlightened. Indeed, as the highest level of the universe, it would be a bit strange if it could replicate the path of others.

Well, this clone can't exist for too long. Next, I can provide you with three help. I hope that the Blue Star Human Race can give birth to five super gods as soon as possible.

Shi Yu looked at God Wa and wanted to hear what the three help she said were? Wa Shen said: "The first help, during the Blue Star Mythical Age, in addition to the relics of Empress Nuwa, I actually discovered the relics of the second era, which is related to the Blue Star of the previous era."

It's just that at the time, I couldn't explore the ruins because some conditions were not met. I hid the ruins at that time and waited for future exploration. This ruin contains good opportunities and resources, you can try to explore and crack.

Could it be that there are five sources of detachment in it? Shi Yu asked, thinking of the ruins where Emperor Shi entered.

What the goddess said wasn't that relic.

"The source of detachment?" God Wa shook his head and said, "It's an ancient war relic, which seems to have been opened up because of the battle between two powerful beastmasters from the previous era.

"My impression of this ruin is that it was a beastmaster who was envoy with a winged dragon and fought with another beastmaster of the Black Sun Bear clan. For more, you need to explore by yourself. .

Shi Yu: ?

Shi Yu opened his mouth slightly, and snorted in his heart.

Mom, are you talking about the mythical war between the Yellow Emperor and You

Wait a minute, does this kind of relic really exist

In the last era, the earth, what was it, the four holy beasts, Nuwa, You, how have everything.

"You seem to know something about this relic." Wa Shen said: "If that's the case, then your probability of cracking the relic should be higher. This is one of the help." The second help, as you know, the Cosmic Overlord Legion.

"I know." Shi Yu asked, "Senior Wa Shen, what happened to the Cosmic Overlord Legion?"

"If you are in difficulty, you can seek the help of the Cosmic Overlord Legion.

"I once, in the Legion of Cosmic Overlords, helped Cybos host the Legion of Cosmic Overlords for a period of time, and also helped it crack many epoch ruins, although I don't really want to ask it for help, but if you need it, you can Mention my name."

"Sybos is the overlord of the universe."

Shi Yu opened his mouth slightly again. ***!

Shi Yu felt that God Wa shocked him more than Shi Di. First broke the news about the ruins of Emperor You Huangdi, and then said that she once held an important position in the Cosmic Overlord Legion, and even managed the Cosmic Overlord Legion? ?

The gods who leave the Blue Star, the good ones are really good, the bad ones are really bad. Wa God is obviously one of them, and they mix very well. Incredible.

Shi Yu was stunned, feeling that Senior Wa Shen was too powerful.

Although she is not a cosmic thigh, she found another cosmic thigh for Shi Yu.

Moreover, it is the strongest existence in the universe.

For a moment, Shi Yu felt that in this world, there was nothing to fear. Even the overlord of the universe was his own, and he could climb up the relationship. What else was scary.

Shi Yu swelled up instantly.

"The last help is my help for you." Wa Shen looked at Shi Yu and said, "That body is your previous life, right

"Yes." Shi Yu nodded.

Wa Shen said: "You only control it spiritually, but there is no soul to return, what are you worrying about

Shi Yu nodded again. "Your worry is right, although your current soul has a very high degree of fit with your previous body, but your previous body was too strong, and your current soul is too weak.

Forcibly integrating, it will cause a great burden on you.

You can also feel it, if you use the spiritual clone to control him, it will also consume a lot of yourself.

"That's right." Shi Yu said: Before I strengthened my previous life, the consumption was not that big, but after strengthening my previous life, the consumption of manipulation became more and more expensive. Shi Yu suddenly regretted using the source of pseudo-transcendence to strengthen Shi Yu Beast. .

If it is not strengthened, according to the god Wa, maybe the level of the soul and the body can be matched quickly.

However, if Shiyu was not strengthened, Shiyu would not dare to make waves, nor would he dare to pollute the land, and he would not be able to see the avatar of God Wa. It is not a loss.

"I can teach you a special contract method and let you make a contract with it, so that your previous life and your current body can be integrated, which can be safer and easier.

After the contract is completed, you can directly control his actions with your thoughts. Its status will temporarily be the same as your contracted beast. At that time, you can also simulate fusion through the ability to fit until the match is 100%. "

May I?

"Shi Yu said, "But wasn't I a human in my previous life? "

Moreover, he is super god level, I am god level.

Wa Shen said: "It doesn't matter, he is not a human of this era, he is a super-god but not a super-god, he can be contracted, it is not difficult to do, just rewrite the contract method, and the contract with the gods of Jiewangxing. "

In addition, you have a very high degree of fit with it, even if it is a leapfrog contract, there is no problem. Although you have to bear a greater burden than now, you can also get great feedback after the contract is completed. : "No one understands human beings better than me! God Wa's tone is very certain." Contract!

"Wa Shen has said this for his sake, and Shi Yu immediately wanted to know how to contract Shi Yu Beast.

"You follow my clone into a state of spiritual resonance, meditate together, and I will guide you to complete a new contract." Wa Shen said.

it is good. " Shi Yu nodded.

The next moment, he closed his eyes again.

In the heart, the voice of God Wa appeared, and her hands were very warm, guiding Shi Yu to learn the contract of God.

I don't know how long it took, the spiritual connection between Shi Yu and Shi Yu beast gradually became closer.

Shi Yu himself, and also under the feedback of Shi Yu Beast, all kinds of attributes rapidly improved.

Especially the physical strength, soon approached the standard of superhuman beings.

Of course, the super-god standard that Shi Yu's body is close to now is different from the super-god standard of Shi Yu beast.

Shi Yu is only close to the superhuman physique standard of the human race, while Shiyu Beast, this guy is not a human at all. The supernatural physique standard it possesses is aimed at all races in the starry sky, and it is aimed at extraordinary beings, far more than the average. Humans of the same level have stronger physiques, which was only discovered by Shi Yu later.

Of course, under the feedback of Shi Yu Beast at this time, what made Shi Yu the most delighted was not the improvement of his physique, but the improvement of the level of the Imperial Beast.

Although at the beginning of the contract, Yu Beast did feel a strong load, but now, this load is slowly disappearing, and his level of the beast-defending space has directly crossed multiple levels.

It has directly reached the state of the peak of the god level, the tenth heaven of the god level.

God-level pinnacle!

Shi Yu opened his eyes incredulously. He didn't expect that he would advance so quickly. With the help of the cultivation resources given by Emperor Kong and the fruits of his cultivation, he had only improved to the first rank in the past few months.

However, just contracting Shiyu Beast directly made him feedback to the pinnacle of god level.

In other words, as long as I integrate a source of detachment now, can I also be a super god beastmaster? " Shi Yu said in disbelief.

A long time ago, it was him who dragged down the beasts.

Eleventh, when they were promoted from the extraordinary to the commander, from the commander to the king, and from the king to the overlord, they all reached the peak of the next realm as soon as they were promoted, and they had the strongest echelon combat power of that level.

But at the same time, Shi Yu is basically far away from the next level, and far from the bottleneck of the current level.

It was the culprit that caused the pet beast to be unable to continue to break through. Of course, this was also related to the fact that the power of adding points was too strong.

But at the god level, it seems that everything has been reversed. On the eleventh, they broke through from the strongest demigods, and it is only the intermediate gods that are close to the high-level gods, and they are still far from the god-level peak epoch gods. The number of high-level gods, top gods, and perfect gods level.

At present, most of Shiyu's pet beasts are still stuck in high-level gods, and they are far away from the peak of god-level.

However, this time, Shi Yu himself finally reached the pinnacle of the god-level one step ahead of the beast, which made Shi Yu feel that this time he might be able to break through to the super god first.

The benefits of contracting multiple beasts are finally here. This is the feedback from some of the beasts. I have reached the peak of god-level. If the subsequent levels of them all come up on the eleventh, can I break through as the emperor guessed. God-level tenth heaven limit

You are very qualified. "Wa Shen also said at this time: "However, although I really want to see the birth of five super gods of the Blue Star Human Race, but now the number is far from enough to not be in a hurry." Do not easily merge with the source of detachment.

"Uh." Shi Yu looked at Wa Shen and said, "Senior Wa Shen. What do you mean?"

To be precise, don't easily integrate the source of detachment that others have merged, and the source of detachment also has qualities.

"The source of detachment with poor quality may affect the future road." Wa Shen said: "The source of detachment, there are three sources in total.

"The universe naturally gathers one every 100,000 years."

"Killing the super god, there is a chance to plunder, or, killing the super god, and take the initiative to pass it on to others." From the relics of the era, the last era remains.

"Among them, in terms of quality, the source of detachment obtained by killing the super god, and the source of detachment remaining in the era are of average quality. The source of detachment that naturally gathers every 100,000 years is of the best quality."

There is such a saying that only by integrating the source of detachment from the natural birth of the universe can one have the opportunity to enter the universe level.

"Of course, this source of detachment is also the most difficult to obtain, even more difficult than hunting super gods. The god-level peak you see in the universe is far from the real god-level limit."

"In the god-level, there are a group of god-level capable of defeating super-gods. They pursue higher, do not care about the super-god level, they are only for the glimmer of hope that they can enter the universe level, and they are unwilling to integrate the detachment that others have merged. The source, I chose to wait for the transcendental source to appear once every 100,000 years, even at the expense of self-proclaimed 100,000 years, 200,000 years, 300,000 years, and constantly sealed, to prolong life, only born once every 100,000 years, just to compete for that. A detached source of natural cohesion."

Whenever this source of detachment appears, the universe will also be swept up in blood and blood. In addition to the cosmos level, even the super god level will join the competition. If it is possible, you are promoted yourself. It is best to integrate this source of detachment. You have a previous life. Being sheltered is qualified to compete with those monster gods who have been self-proclaimed for hundreds of thousands, millions or even tens of millions of years.