Mysterious Noble Beasts

Chapter 621: Dominant territory


Honkai Sacred Bull confirmed that he was not mistaken, this battleship, it must have seen it at a certain period of time, otherwise it would not be so familiar.

where is it.

When it was thinking, the warship on the opposite side also slowly drove towards it.

Seeing that the battleship took care of him, Jamon was overjoyed.

But soon, its joyous mood came to an abrupt end.

Because the battleship is densely filled with pirate flags.

Sin! star pirate

This is the same as a weak girl, lost in the forest, calling for help to a tiger.

Honkai God cow was dumbfounded, but pirates should be pirates. No matter who it is, as long as there is life passing by, it is better than being lost in the universe.

The big deal is that it was ripped off. The big deal is that it joins the other party, and Niuniu works part-time. Believe that the other party will not reject a high-level god. But the next moment, Jamon was stunned again.

Because on the battleship, a huge projection soon appeared, which was a human figure.

Examiner Jaymon, long time no see, why are you so down?" You are the god-level eldest man who has defeated Kahn 79 times in a row. The huge figure is Shi Yu, and Shi Yu greeted Examiner Jaymon across the starry sky. , so that the Jemon examiner was dumbfounded.

"It's you!!"

Honkai God Niu was extremely shocked, and he was shocked when he saw this familiar figure that made him down.

How could this king of conferred gods appear here

"That's right, it's me." Shi Yu said, "Jermon examiner, it looks like you need help."

The Houkai Divine Ox was stunned, and wanted to stop talking.

But thinking that its broken spaceship can no longer fly, it quickly said: "Help me.

it is good. "Shi Yu opened the door to the Honkai God Bull and let it come here first.

Soon, Honkai God Ox flew directly to the escort cabin of the starship battleship, and then saw Shi Yu, who was neatly dressed and full of energy.

Moo! I!"

"Sure enough, it's you." After Houkai Divine Bull entered, he said with a complicated expression, "Why are you here?"

"Come to find an acquaintance." Shi Yu smiled.

Having said that, why are you here, Examiner Jamon? "I." Jamon was really embarrassed to say that he ran away from home, and lied: "I am also looking for an acquaintance.".

Then, encountered a starry sky storm?" Shi Yu asked. "Yes..." Honkai God Ox looked bitter.

If it wasn't for that battle, I got some fighting experience from you to deal with the star storm, I might be dead by now. "

Now my spaceship is broken, the energy is seriously insufficient, and the mechanical assistant is also broken, so I can't help me navigating. The range of my spaceship also exceeds the upper limit of the transmission keystone. If I didn't bring enough resources, I would starve to death in the starry sky. bingo.

"Seeing as we have a war, help me."

Don't worry, examiner Jaymon, I will let Rin help you repair the pilot assistant, and then give you some energy. " Shi Yu said.

"Thank you." This big black New Zealander was very moved. After being beaten by Shi Yu in the Battle of Conferred God, it was extremely unpleasant to Shi Yu's group, but now it feels that these people are okay.

Are you going to look for someone in the overlord territory? ' asked Jamon.

Shi Yu said, "That's right."

"Can you let me come with you!" Jaymon said, "I am also going to the overlord territory."

It suddenly remembered that even after the spacecraft was repaired, it might still be in danger.

It's a guy who doesn't know anything about space navigation, and it's still too reluctant to sail alone.

But Shi Yu and the others are different. Shi Yu's mechanical Rin, but a super mechanical being who has mastered the cosmic disaster technique, must be very proficient in space navigation.

If you can take a ride, even better. "Uh, this." Shi Yu said.

"I won't let you pilot for free, what do you want, energy crystals, cosmic crystals, super god stones, I have a lot of resources here." Honkai God Niu said.

"You still have a super god stone??" Shi Yu was surprised.

"I heard that the super god stone is very popular in the territory of the overlord, so I brought one from home."

Shi Yu said; "Since that's the case, it's not impossible for you to take a little effort to take you to examiner Jemon, but I want this super divine stone."

Can. "Jermon examiner said in pain, this is the rarest resource he brought.

Shi Yu smiled, the last time Captain Zijian gave himself a supernatural stone

I haven't opened it yet, it's still there, and now there's another piece, not bad.

The reason why Shi Yu didn't rush to open was because he thought it would be too troublesome to find the five super gods one at a time, and he planned to collect enough five and ten consecutive draws before opening. Now, including this piece, it has already been drawn twice.

"In that case, Rin, help to repair that spaceship and transform it into a companion spaceship. We will set off together with Examiner Jemon." Shi Yu said to Rin.

Yes. After a reply, Rin's clone flew out of the battleship,

A spaceship that flies towards the Honkaiguk.

At this time, the Honkai God Niu said: "You, ... have already broken through the god level."

It sensed the extraordinaryness of the cold breath.

"When did you leave Jiewang Xing? We should all know about our breakthrough." Shi Yu asked.

"Not long after the Conferred God Battle ended, I left Jiewang Xing." "

God-level...powerful...what have you done, everyone knows..." The corners of the Houkai Shenniu's mouth twitched.

"It turns out that, haha, it's nothing, we have indeed broken through the god level, and it's been a while, but fortunately, didn't you also break through to the advanced god level, examiner Jaymon?"

Shi Yudao, it seems that examiner Jaymon doesn't even know about the fact that they defeated the Super God, and even the Blue Star Group Construction and his acquisition of the Four Sacred Relics are still unknown.

High-level god..." The high-level god is a fart, and the Honkai God gurgles in his heart. The group of guys in front of him, the quasi-god level can defeat the intermediate god himself, even more perverted than that Kahn, and now they have broken through to the god level, how can it be? Isn't it possible to compete with the top gods? It's a high-level god, and it must still be unable to beat the opponent.

"It's fixed." While Shi Yu was chatting with the Honkai God Niu, Rin's clone flew back, and after reporting a sentence, it merged back into the main body.

"Fix...Fixed??!" Examiner Jaymon looked at his own spaceship in the distance with a confused expression.

How long has this been? Is there a minute

It looked back at the intact spaceship, dumbfounded for a while, it was really repaired.

"It's very good at these jobs, and now that it's fixed, let's go ahead and not waste too much time."

This this. "Jermon examiner still doesn't understand why the repair is so fast.

It quickly flew back to its own spacecraft, checked it again, and found that the broken mechanical assistant had also woken up.

Monster machinery!" It murmured, never seeing such an outrageous mechanical life, no wonder it was able to master the cosmic disaster skill at the quasi-god level.

In this way, under the arrangement of Shi Yu, Rin dragged Jaymon's spaceship, carrying an extra burden, and continued to sail.

And now that there is a leader, Jaymon's heart is also relaxed, but soon, it suddenly feels that something is wrong.


Shi Yu clearly said that they went to the overlord's territory to find someone. But... what happened to the dense pirate flags that I saw just now

The other party's purpose is definitely not just as simple as finding someone! Honkai God New suddenly feels like he is on a pirate ship

"What happened." When the battleship stopped, the super god gem cat woke up from its slumber, stretched out of boredom, first went to find something to eat, and then wandered leisurely on the battleship, passing by Shi Yushi asked.

For a year, either sleeping or eating, Gem Cat didn't feel idle, just felt very comfortable. She likes this life so much.

"It's nothing, just save a cow, and then harvest a super divine stone." Shi Yu said: "Mr. Ying, can you stop sleeping, it's time to work, and then make a wish to meet a few resource stars."

I've been working hard to cultivate other skills, but I haven't touched the fish!" said Gem Catwoman.

"Sleeping is not lazy, I'm cultivating in my dreams." I have to say that with a super-god-level physique, it is as simple as learning addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division when learning a quasi-magic skill and improving it to a magical skill.

Now Gem Cat has more than a dozen magical skills, and with the help of the super god-level powerful control, he has completed the nine-series combined magical skills, and the Meteorite Disillusionment has been upgraded.

The combat power, .... is gradually approaching the normal super 1.

"I believe you are a ghost, I asked Shen Baobao to develop this cultivation fruit skill, just to be lazy, how can it become a hard work with you." Shi Yushi ruthlessly exposed it, leaving the gem cat speechless.

"I'm leaving." The gem cat walked away directly, and Shi Yu also walked away to continue cultivating.

He summoned Shi Yu beast. At this time, after a year of hard work, Shi Yu beast has achieved certain results.

As expected by the same time, although the human body of this era cannot cultivate the power system of the previous era, the Shiyu beast from the previous era can directly cultivate!

It's not that he has completed the ability to weaponize the beast, but in addition to his physique, compared to before, a brand new extraordinary power has appeared in the body of Shiyu beast.

This extraordinary power, like a white breath, was extracted from the body of Shiyu beast purely through Shiyu's spirit.

Shi Yu didn't know what it was called, but this aura could not only protect the spirit and soul, but also attack with physical power, which was very useful.

The increase to Shiyu Beast has exceeded that of using the Four Holy Faith equipment.

Since Shiyu beast is strengthened by the source of pseudo-transcendence, Shiyu is named "Origin Qi". The source gas is strong.

Therefore, now Shi Yu has stripped all the equipment of Shi Yu Beast, there is no other reason, .... The power of the Four Holy Relics has almost exhausted Shi Yu.

This is the price of adding all the pets to the perfect god level. In short, raising the four holy pets and the auxiliary points is already a huge consumption, and it is really impossible to raise the Shiyu beast.

Therefore, this new cultivation system came very timely. After losing the Four Holy Armaments, Shiyu Beast not only did not become weaker, but instead became stronger.

In the face of detachment 1 - detachment 3, they should be able to occupy a huge advantage, and they have a combat power comparable to detachment 4.

There is no doubt that it is Shi Yu's biggest trump card at present.

It's a pity that, apart from being named "Genesis Qi's new power system by Shi Yu, Shi Yu Beast has not mastered the skill to weaponize life. It's not how difficult the power system of the last era was to learn. Those soldiers can learn it. There is no reason for Yu Beast to learn so slowly. Shi Yu thinks about it, but it can only be attributed to the fact that Shi Yu Beast's body is not complete, and he lacks spirit and soul, so the learning speed is slowed down. It is a pity, otherwise he will learn all, Shi Yu The combat power of the beast can be further enhanced.

Next, Shi Yu entered the boring cultivation career again.

Except for the accidental experience of picking up the Honkai God Bull, there was no disturbance in the travel room.

In the blink of an eye, another two months passed.

Shi Yu had never practiced hard for so long in one breath.

Fortunately, Rin's performance is good, and the energy used is very advanced. It only took a year to enter the territory of the hegemony. Otherwise, Shi Yu might have to experience the experience of the Phoenix Man and the others.

They set off from Jiewang Xing to the edge of the universe sea to find the blue star. With the help of many interstellar teleportation arrays, it took them nearly 10 years. If Shi Yu sailed with their aircraft, Shi Yu estimated that he would arrive in a hundred years. no destination.

"Master, there is someone else."

"According to the star map, it seems that we are finally approaching the core of the overlord's territory."

"After arriving here, there will be more interstellar fleets that may be encountered."

Shi Yu was awakened by Rin from his practice.

It's good, I haven't seen a living person for so long, I thought we were lost.'

But master, the guy we met this time seems to be a bad guy. "Lan Road.

"Huh??" Shi Yu - startled

At the same time, the Honkai Sacred Bull, which had been taken by Shi Yu and the others for two months, was also reminded by the mechanical assistant that it was about to encounter other life forms, and couldn't help but be excited.

It seems that it is close to the core area of the Overlord Li Domain. However, just like Shi Yu and the others, when Yu and the others observed the distant battleship, they were all stunned.

Because this battleship is also full of pirate flags.

Of course, the most important thing is that, in addition to the pirate flag, this pirate group also has the logo of the Cosmic Overlord Legion!

"Overlord Territory and Cosmic Sea, these two places should be the most popular places for pirates in the sky." Shi Yu said.

"That's right..." Rin said: "However, the pirates in the overlord's territory are quite different."

"The pirates here basically have more official identities. That is to say, they are not only the people of the Cosmic Overlord Legion, but also the pirates of the starry sky. They are legal looting professions, and even their own people."

"I'm robbing everyone. It's really meow." Shi Yu said, "So we are here, and we have encountered each other?"

Yes, the opposite should be trying to rob us. Rin nodded. As soon as they finished speaking, the pirate battleship opposite had already issued a warning, and a red exclamation mark instantly appeared on Rin's display screen, and the voice came from a distance!

Warning! The pirate ship ahead stopped quickly.

Warning! Without a battle of the rules, we will launch an all-out attack.


Under the constant warning from the other party, at this time, Examiner Jaymon hurriedly asked for a dialogue and called Shi Yu on the dialogue channel.

"Shi Yu, Shi Yu, there are pirates from the Cosmic Overlord Legion on the opposite side, talk to them well, don't start a conflict!"

"Better to have a battle of the rules'."

Examiner Jaymon is very familiar with the Cosmic Overlord Legion and the overlord's territory.

"This is a major feature of the Overlord's territory. Many forces make a living by plundering, but since everyone belongs to the Cosmic Overlord Legion, and many foreign caravans want to do business with the Cosmic Overlord Legion, it is not good to destroy the trading ecology, so here's the The pirates of the stars do things, and basically they will not do anything."

Generally speaking, it is between two groups, acting according to the rules, with one person from each, and part of the resource bet duel. The winner takes away the other's resources, and everyone continues to sail. If there is no deep hatred, it will not lead to a full-scale life and death battle. "

"We'd better admit that we are poisoned, let's fight the rules with each other, and don't offend the local snakes.

Shi Yu, Rin and the others stopped the battleship and opened the door to the Honkai cow, and the big black cow entered immediately.

"Jermon examiner, you are very familiar with this place." Shi Yu smiled.

"Moo." The big black cow smiled and said, that is, after all, in order to join the Cosmic Overlord Legion, it has done a lot of homework. If the Cosmic Sea's Overlord Legion did not dare to accept it due to the pressure of his family, it would have been long ago. joined.

At this time, the two battleships stopped in the starry sky. Soon, in the opposite battleship, dense figures appeared first. About dozens of people came out of this battleship, ranging from quasi-god to god-level. It is said to be human, but it is not a human race, but Darix people. They have red humanoid bodies. Compared with humans, they have a pair of long red tentacles. They belong to the star race and aliens.

"It's Darix, their fighting power is very strong." Big Black Bull

Seeing the composition of this pirate group, I felt a chill in my heart, knowing that the resources were completely gone.

A little familiar. Shi Yu also said after seeing the other party, it seems that the two top-level bodyguards of Captain Zijian are Darix people.

"Since it's not suitable for conflict, let's go and settle it peacefully." Shi Yu said.

After finishing speaking, Shi Yu teleported out of the battleship, came to the starry sky, and confronted the pirate group on the opposite side.

At this time, Dali Xingren saw the unfamiliar logo and name of the Era Pirates Group, and it was strange for a while. When they saw only two people on the opposite side, it was even more strange after a human and a big black cow.

"Where did you guys come from, why are you so unfamiliar." The top-level Shendaric star headed by him said, "We are the seventh division of the Darik Pirates, so you should know the rules.

"I know, but before that, let's ask a question. We are from Yumuhai. We came here to find an acquaintance. I wonder if your Excellencies have heard of it. Her name is Zijian, and she also belongs to the Cosmic Overlord Legion. She specializes in archaeology and is the Zijian special team. Captain." Shi Yu asked the way by the way.

"Zi Jian Special Forces?" Hearing Shi Yu mentioning this lineup, the surrounding Darikians talked a lot, obviously they had heard of Zijian Special Forces, and the leading Darikians narrowed their eyes and said, "It turned out to be Zijian. My friends from the Special Forces, I have indeed heard that the Zijian Special Forces went to Zhouhai."

"However, even if you know the Zijian special team, you still have to play by the rules. It's better than this. If you can win, we will tell you where the Zijian special team should be at this time."

And if you lose, 1 piece of super god resource remains. "

I am the captain of the seventh division of the Darrick Pirates, Fakun, and I swear by the Rongying of the Space Overlord Legion that the duel will be fair and just. "

"No problem." Shi Yu said, it's hard to say, but it seems that Captain Zijian's face is not easy to use, this group of people is still fighting, but considering that the pirates of the Cosmic Overlord Legion are even robbing their own people , he was relieved

The rules are 1 to 1. If the player is a human beastmaster, only the number of humans is counted, no problem.

"No problem." Shi Yu said again.

When he finished, a group of pirates from the Darrick pirate group smiled,

I feel like I have met a fat sheep.

"Are these guys really pirates? Why do they feel like the big fat sheep, and they agreed to bet on super god resources for a piece of broken location information.

"Also, when I heard the name of our Darik pirate group, I didn't even feel any sense of crisis. This super god resource is too easy to take."

This time the harvest is not small, I feel that the boss should ask for a little more.

Look at them, they don't look like poor ghosts. "

"Hey hey hey." Jemon was also distressed about Shi Yu's arrogance.

Dali Kexing people, this is a big clan in the overlord's territory, put it in the universe sea, it definitely has the strength of the top 50 of the starry sky, not only the top masters, but also many members, the lower limit of the race is also high, and the adult must be god-level.

They have penetrated into all fields of the Cosmic Overlord Legion, and their strength should not be underestimated...

However, Shi Yu is really here to find someone

Come on, the opponent is very strong. "Jermon examiner said: "You have broken through, you should still be better than me, you shouldn't have to go up and fight?"

moo. "

"Of course not, but if I lose, you will give the resources." Shi Yu said.

Honkai Sacred Bull's heart cracked.

"Call Shalud here." When Shi Yu and the others had not yet decided who they would fight against, the captain of the seventh division called the Darek Pirates, a huge dinosaur-like green fat dragon monster, Get out of the opposing warship.

"Shaloud, there is another battle, please." Captain Darrick said.

"Understood, leave it to Lao Tzu." The fat green dragon spread its wings and flew towards the center of the starry sky.

Seeing this green fat dragon, Jie Meng's face turned dark again, and said: "Perfect God..."

As expected of the Darik Pirates of the Cosmic Overlord Legion, there are even perfect gods in one team. It's cold, and it's completely cold now.

If there is a top-level god, he thinks that Shi Yu can still fight, but now it seems that it is better to just admit defeat and give resources.

No.. his resource!

"Isn't this normal? When you come out to robbery and gamble, it's not that you lose your pants if you don't have any strength." Shi Yu didn't take it seriously.

Hu Hu Hu.

The green dragon flying dragon stopped and shouted:

"Hey, the little devils on the opposite side, I'm a fighter of the seventh division of the Darrick Pirates, Shalud, whoever wants to duel, come out quickly."

As soon as it finished speaking, the mechanical hatch opened in the battleship of the Shiyu Pirates, and a beautiful and gorgeous mechanical unicorn flew out of the battleship.

This is a combat machine clone made by Rin.

"Come on, it's your next opponent." When Shi Yu spoke, Feng Qilin had already flown to Shalud's face, and saw his opponent and the Feng Qilin who appeared, whether it was from the Darik Pirates. Humans are still the gods of the collapse, and they are all shrinking.

The wind unicorn in the starry sky has an elegant shape and temperament, but it can't hide the amazing divine power on it.

The people around, even on this wind unicorn, sensed the huge fluctuation of divine power of the perfect god level.

Just now, I thought that the Darik pirate group, who had encountered the big fat sheep, instantly understood that the pirate group of this era was not easy to mess with.

This little-known little pirate group actually has a perfect god in charge.

In the case of super gods, the perfect gods are already the core combat power of most forces.

"It's..." Inspector Jiemon was stunned, he didn't remember that among Shi Yu's pet beasts, there was such a pet beast.

Is it possible, new beast

Do not.

Not long after Shi Yu reached the god level, there was no reason to be able to control the perfect god. Maybe, this is the guardian of Shi Yu's trip, and hope has risen in Hou Da Niu Niu's heart.

Perhaps, my own super god resources, there is still salvation!

"Don't worry, Lord Shalud has experienced many battles, and the unknown life on the opposite side

The thing looks delicate and weak, it should be a major in wind power, and it will not be an opponent in the face of the powerful starry sky dragon. "In the Darrick pirate group, someone also analyzed the situation.

The battle of rules that originally appeared to be one-sided by the Darrick Pirates, instantly became confusing.

You go first. "Shalud has indeed never seen a beast like Feng Qilin, so he can't help but be cautious. The opponent's divine power is not weaker than his own, and his ability is unknown. It intends to be safe, see the tricks and find the opponent's weaknesses, after all, it is about one thing It doesn't dare to be sloppy with super god resources.

Roar!!" However, although the opponent made the first shot, it still condensed the towering and huge dragon's armor, armed with the whole body, and the towering body of the god's armor, which made Shalud's aura even more terrifying.

The vast green divine power swept across the starry sky, forming a shocking galaxy vision, flowing around.

"In that case, I'm welcome." Feng Qilin's clone responded calmly.

When it opened, the Jiemon examiner was stunned for a moment. He only felt that the voice was familiar. The next moment, Feng Qilin whispered softly, and a small colorful typhoon was condensed in front of him. This small typhoon was so violent that it was like thousands of stars. The moment of chaos caused by falling into the stars.

Buzz Buzz Buzz!! In the small typhoon, the deadly breath continued to emit, which made the opposite Shalud's heart shudder, and the next moment, with the head of the wind unicorn, the small wind ball was directly thrown out and disappeared in the original place. In an instant, space ripples emerged, appearing in front of Shaloud.

It was not until the starry sky storm approached that Shalud realized the terrifyingness of this skill, and his face was shocked in an instant.

"This is a star storm?? How is it possible!!!"

Shalud screamed in horror, his body was instantly hit, and the armor on his body turned into powder as if he had suffered some terrible attack. Under its heart-piercing screams, the small storm exploded with the roar of countless stars, drowning its voice.

"Shaloud!!!" Seeing this scene, everyone in the Darrick pirate group was shocked and couldn't believe it.

When everyone opened their mouths in shock, the light had already dissipated, and Shalud, who had just turned into a god, was directly injured and lost consciousness. His body was smoking in the starry sky. Immediately after, with a miserable appearance, it slowly fell towards the bottom.

"Lord Shalud! I!" Everyone was horrified again, this, spike

"Who the hell are you!" The captain of the seventh division was surprised, unable to understand this scene. If the other party is super god, then he can understand it, but both are perfect gods, how is this possible.

"It looks like we won." Shi Yu smiled and said, "Don't worry, its injury is not fatal."

When Shi Yu finished speaking, the examiner Jaymon next to him was the most sluggish one.

It can be seen that the trick of Feng Qilin just now is a skill that compresses the disaster of the starry sky storm to the extreme. Jie Meng, who escaped from the starry sky storm not long ago, is very familiar with the starry sky storm.

But how is it possible, how can the star storm be compressed, even if you master similar disaster techniques, how much proficiency does this require? Control

Could it be that it's...Rin?" At this time, the examiner Jiemon spoke next to Shiyu, could it be that this wind unicorn is Rin?? After all, Rin also masters the starry sky storm!

However, in such a short period of time, it really couldn't believe that Mechanic Rin, who had not even entered the top three in Shiyu's team, could grow to such a level that he could kill the perfect god in seconds!

"Huh? To be precise, it's Rin's clone. The main body is still sailing, so it's not easy to take action." Shi Yu said.

A year ago, Rin was the quasi-epoch god of the double perfect (+47) magical skills. Now, the magical skills such as space control and star storm have also been filled by Shi Yu. A clone can play a perfect god. If you want the main body to make a move, you have to be a super god.

This Jiemon examiner, who left Jiewang so early, really doesn't know anything. He's just a perfect god. What's he nervous about? It's trivial. However, Shi Yu has realized an important problem... This guy has other things in his pocket. Super god resource!

"What, avatar???" When Yu Yu said, it was even more difficult for Jaymon to accept it, he couldn't understand it, stop lying to it!