Mysterious Noble Beasts

Chapter 634: Matryoshka


Eat it yourself. The Lolita Spirit King didn't seem to be interested in cultivating fruits, so he glanced at it and said directly: "So, what's next."

You used this thing to make it stink, how can you test each other? "

"Don't worry, don't worry." Shi Yu scratched his head and said, "Well, I don't think it has the strength to fight in a short time. Why don't you go back to the sleeping place, Senior King Spirit."

"I'll grab this guy and spend some time with it first." "By the way, I'll look for it on the road to see if there is anything suitable for it to eat."

"You want to take it away?" King Ling said.

"Well, I'm going to go back to the Sea of Cosmic Universe. With it along the way, I can just see what kind of disaster it can bring, and see if we can resist it."

"Isn't it just trying to test me with this?"

"It is indeed very special. It is a sign of irresponsibility for both parties to be too eager to make a contract. It is better to partner up like this for a while before talking about it." Shi Yu said.

"It's also a choice." King Ling said: "If that's the case, then you can take it away."

"It's just that if you want to compete for the impending transcendence, it's best not to take it with you."

Otherwise, it is likely to be missed for strange reasons. "

"In addition, the emergence of detachment from the origin this time is a bit strange. There may be a behind-the-scenes driving force behind it. I'm not sure who it is. You can investigate it yourself before deciding whether to enter the game.

Since Shi Yu was introduced by the kings, and he was a key person who had seen Cosmic Overlord, the Spirit King reminded him a few more words.

"I understand." Shi Yu nodded. On the opposite side, the Spirit King was silent, and he didn't know whether to let this Shi Yu take Bu Lu away, and the result would be good or bad.

In this way, Bu Lu was directly abducted by Shi Yu. On the battleship, Shi Yu found a random place, threw Bu Lu there, then looked at it, lost in thought.

He can still see the faint traces of the last era on the other side. This trace, Shi Yu was not sure whether others could see it, but he could only see it with the blessing of Yuan Li.

This power... It can be said that Bu Lu is the one that attracts Shi Yu the most.

"Shen Baobao, let me deduce the food suitable for cosmic beasts other than planets. You are responsible for making it."

"Let it sleep first. Although the cultivation fruit is not low in nutrients, it may not be suitable for it. It still has to be restored by sleeping."

"Yi!" Pan Baobao came out of the beast-guarding space with a sad face. Mom, I almost forgot that the cosmic beasts joined the team, and it was not Xiaozi who suffered the most, but it was definitely it!

With the size of the cosmic beast, if you think about it, you know that the demand for food is terrifying. If you can't eat high-level planets, can't you just use it to make food.

"Don't panic, don't panic." Shi Yu said, "When we get back to the universe, we will hunt down two super gods and exchange them for money. By then, you will not be short of resources, and it will be easy to make food."

"Yi!! (I'm here to hunt!!)" Although the first kill is gone, Shen Baobao also wants to play a super god to see for himself.

"okok." Shi Yu said, but let him deduce the food first.

Contract Pet: Ginseng Baby

Skill effect: all-purpose food, can make any race,

Can feel delicious, and can supplement high nutrition.

Deduction success rate: low


After a while, Shi Yu and the others deduced the so-called all-purpose gourmet recipe.

After getting the recipe, Shi Yu's eyes darkened, and he finally understood why the success rate of the deduction was so high, because the recipe is really simple, but the ingredients are a little expensive." It turned out to be a tree fruit cultivated with "pseudo-transcendence source" as the main fertilizer.

"Grandma Li's, it's outrageous, this is to scramble with Shi Yu beast for training advice:

Although the all-purpose food is omnipotent, no one in the team needs it. Everyone has their own favorite food, but there is no need to eat it according to a unified standard.

It is estimated that the cosmic behemoth needs to use this kind of thing to supplement nutrition.

The source of pseudo-transcendence is a resource used by the super god level for cultivation, and it can’t be used at all under the super god level.

"Yi." Bao Bao looked at Shi Yu eagerly, should he learn

It remembered that there seemed to be several sources of pseudo-transcendence in the team, which were obtained by hunting the super god of Pinos.


"If you don't learn, it's useless deduction."

Shen Baobao didn't expect that Shi Yu was really willing to invest his money.

However, Baby Yishen's understanding of Shi Yu... It looked at Shi Yu who licked his lips, and understood that most of the beastmasters wanted to taste the source of transcendence.


Just when Shi Yu and Shen Baobao were chatting, Bu Lu, who was sleeping very fast, suddenly showed a painful expression.

Shi Yu and Shen Baobao looked at it and knew it was a nightmare.

"Yi. (What kind of nightmare.)" Bao Bao asked curiously.

Don't look, let's cook. "Shi Yu said, he has telepathy, and he can understand Bu Lu's current mood better than Shen Baobao. It is almost equivalent to seeing the other person's dream.

Shi Yu scratched his head and felt that this guy was actually still miserable. Although his strength was good, he didn't make a friend. Even passers-by that he just met died by his side due to various disasters.

This also made Bu Lu not dare to contact people who were weaker than him. At this time, this Bu Lu was having a similar dream, recalling those bad experiences.

"Hey, why does the universe reincarnate, and the last era will be rejected by the new era." Shi Yu was puzzled.

After abducting a cosmic beast from the sleeping place, Shi Yu and the others continued to return to the cosmic sea.

Because of Bu Lu's teleportation, they were closer to the position of the cosmos sea.

It will take less than two months to reach the Sea of Cosmos. As for the sea of cosmos, it is easy to return to Jiewang. There are various methods to quickly reach Jiewang.

Almost three years have passed, and Shi Yu is also very curious, how is the situation over there, whether Emperor Wu and the others have won the title of gods, and whether they have broken through the god-level.

"Roar!!!" After sailing for several days, a heart-piercing roar could be heard inside the battleship.

A little monkey, sitting on the ground, was still retching after waking up, as if he had eaten something unforgettable.

The automatic door opened, Shi Yu entered, looked at Bu Lu, the cosmic beast sitting on the ground, and fell into contemplation. As for, is it really that bad??"

How could he feel okay after eating too much.

"Ouch, what did you eat for me?" Bu Lu, the cosmic beast, kept rolling on the ground, choking himself, with a look of hopelessness on his face.

"I tell you, I will never forgive you, if your usual meal is this, I would rather die than sign a contract with you.

Although he felt some benefits brought by the fruit of cultivation, Bu Lu really couldn't accept the taste.

The cosmic behemoths have tricky tastes, and cultivation fruits are unacceptable to people who have no requirements for taste. The collision of the two will undoubtedly produce a wonderful chemical reaction.

Shi Yu: "… "

"I'll try.

"Try this again this time." Shi Yu threw a white fruit and threw it to Bu Lu. This time, when he saw the fruit flying, Bu Lu was like a formidable enemy. However, unlike the cultivation fruit, this omnipotent fruit The smell of food, Shen Baobao is not restrained.

If the fruit of cultivation has a scattered taste, 8\./2\./small\./ said\./none\./wrong\./first\./ hair will affect the environment too much, so Shen Baobao restrained the taste to the inside of the fruit , but the fragrant food of all-purpose gourmet, it doesn't matter.

Therefore, Bu Lu soon felt the difference between the omnipotent delicacy and the cultivation fruit. With a wrinkled nose, he took this thing and quickly washed his mouth with this thing that smelled more fragrant at least.

This can't be eaten, the cosmic beast Bu Lu is stunned for a moment, holding half of the fruit in one hand, while immersed in the same place, constantly chewing the all-purpose food in his mouth, with a look of disbelief.

"Wow." It quickly ate it in two bites. In addition to the amazing deliciousness, there was also a lot of power emerging in the body. It felt weak and was rapidly recovering towards its peak.

It couldn't help but start, looked at Shi Yu and said, "This, what is this??"

Also, this thing is much more delicious than the previous one. It is the best thing I have ever eaten. "

It is simply more delicious than the food made by the super god nutritionist in the legion.

Oh, don't think about it, it's very expensive. "The main reason is that fertilizers are expensive, so you can't eat them casually.

Wait a minute, where is this. "Bu Lu suddenly realized the strange environment here.

"After you fainted, I told Senior Spirit King to travel with you for a while, and then I wanted to see if it was your curse or my luck." Shi Yu smiled.

"In fact, it's been a week now, and there's still no disaster.

Bu Lu remained silent, looked at Shi Yu and said, "Then where are you going now?"

"Cosmic Sea." Shi Yu said, "Can I do it?"

I don't care. But are you really not afraid? Don't blame me for not reminding you. It may have been an accident before. My luck is really bad. If it affects you later, don't blame me. "

"For your food's sake, just a reminder."

"I don't blame you, don't worry, there is no curse that can make me unlucky." Shi Yu said.

Having said that, what did you say about the test you were going to put on me? "Bu Lu suddenly looked at Shi Yudao.

"It's nothing, it's also a battle. Although you are an Era God, I don't like the general Era God."

"In a heads-up fight, I won't lose to anyone at the same level." Bu Lu said: "You are very strong, at least you have contracted more than one Era God, if it is against all of you, I have little confidence to win, but single I have absolutely no problem picking any of your pet beasts."

"Contract with me, I'm your strongest trump card, but you haven't completely passed the test yet. I haven't decided whether to make a contract with you or not." It said.

Bu Lu looked at Shi Yu, mainly because he thought Shi Yu was not bad. Although he likes to talk a little bit, he still has strength. The most important thing is that the less he has, the more he yearns for something. The strength of the influence makes it slightly look forward to

However, because of this, Bu Lu was also afraid that he would easily make a contract with Shi Yu, and would pass on his bad luck to Shi Yu, causing the other party to have an accident, and eventually disappointing himself.

Therefore, it has been in a very contradictory state, still watching


You are too contemplative. "Shi Yu said: "Tell me, if I have a beast and I can beat you one-on-one, what would you do

"Impossible." Bu Lu said

"Try?" Shi Yu said.

"Just try." Bu Lu wanted to see what tricks Shi Yu could come up with.

Shi Yu chuckled and said, "Just wrestle your wrist, and don't go to a special place."

"Aren't you a family of cosmic giants proud of your physical strength?"

"Hey." Bu Lu said: "It is true, but in addition to strength, I am proficient in many things. Forget it, let's compare this."

"Okay." Shi Yu directly turned on the summoning map array, and the next moment, Shi Yu Beast was summoned by Shi Yu.

"Huh??" Bu Lu was taken aback when he saw the human-like Shi Yu beast.

Then, it was very strange that Shiyu Beast did not feel any fluctuations in divine power.

Is it your pet???"

"Well, humanoid beast, it's the first time I've seen it, let's try it?"

"Can human beings be contracted too?" Bu Lu felt that he had lived for a long time, but he also felt that it was very outrageous. Isn't human beings the race with the worst combat power, and Shi Yu actually wanted a person to favor him and compare his strength? What a joke. …

After a while...

Shi Yu beast picked up the shrunken Bu Lu like he was carrying a chick.

"Impossible, I don't believe it, let me down!!" Bu Lu's expression changed greatly, his face was shocked, and he felt that his whole body was completely useless.

It's not that the strength is restricted, it is simply that the opponent's strength is greater than it, suppressing it. Although it has shrunk, at this time, Bu Lu can be sure that he can use at least 80% of his power, but even so,

Still being back pressured instantly, this situation really makes it unacceptable. This shows that the opponent's strength is several times more than his own.

"Look." Shi Zile.

How does he feel that dealing with this cosmic beast, which is said to be invincible, is like teasing a child.

Is this because this guy rarely interacts with people and has been sleeping? The reason for his mental age is far less than his real age.

"who is it."

Shi Yu controlled Shi Yu Beast and put down Bu Lu. Bu Lu stepped back and looked at Shi Yu Beast cautiously.

But at the same time, Bu Lu was also a bit at a loss, because it actually felt a touch of intimacy on Shi Yu Beast. This kind of intimacy, 8\./2\./small\./ said\./no\./wrong\./first\./ I had only experienced it in my own mother before posting it.

It is difficult, it is not a human, but also a cosmic beast. "Bull exclaimed in shock.

A cosmic beast in human skin

"He is not a cosmic beast, but, like you, he has traces of the last era on his body. Do you know what the traces of the last era are?"

It was because you were stained with the traces of the previous era that you were repelled and cursed by the cosmic will of this era, you understand. "

Bu Lu's expression changed, and he said, "What do you know.

"I know so much now, but if you cooperate, you can do more research."

How can I cooperate?" To be honest, Bu Lu also wanted to figure out what happened to his physique, but unfortunately, the most powerful scientists and archaeologists of the Cosmic Overlord Legion could not figure it out.

"Lie on the bed." Shi Yu pointed at Shi Yu beast, "I'll let you check your body."

I've wanted to do this for a long time, but you were sleeping before, and it was not easy to do without your consent. "

Alright..." Bu Lu nodded, then obediently followed Shi Yu's request and lay on the bed.

At this time, Shi Yu was controlling Shi Yu Beast, and through the power of the previous era, he helped Bu Lu to check his body.

However, just after Shiyu Beast's source power circulated around Bu Lu, there was a big problem.

"Shit." Shi Yu couldn't help exclaiming, and the exclamation even woke up the sleeping gem cat and owl. It also shocked Eleven and Rin. What made Bu Lu lying on the bed even more annoyed, "You do


"I, I didn't do it on purpose." Shi Yu said, "It's the first time I've encountered such a situation." "Why don't you resist."

"I failed to resist successfully, you did it on purpose, you know its power is stronger than mine."

I'm really not. Have you ever encountered such a situation? I'm also confused, okay? "

Shi Yu was stunned, because Shi Yu Beast seemed to have accidentally made a contract with this cosmic giant beast.

It is not the contract method of this era, it should be a simple contract from the previous era, there is no room for beasts.

Shi Yu has also experimented many times on other creatures for the various uses of Yuan Li, but this is the first time this has happened.

Is it related to the fact that this cosmic beast also has traces of the last era

Shi Yu suddenly became stupid, the beast I contracted, the beast contracted

At the same time, Shi Yu can also feel that Shi Yu Beast has received some feedback from the great goodness of the universe, but the physical feedback is not big, but the most important thing is the feedback of learning adaptability. At this moment, Shi Yu I feel that before Shi Yu Beast has no

The Law Society's battle system of the last era has become much clearer at once. At the same time, Shi Yu also passed Shi Yu Beast in an instant and learned about the luxurious skill bar of the little monkey...


Look at \unscientific beasts\ just\remember\remember\domain\name\:\w\w\w\.\8\2\z\w\.\c\o\m\