Mysterious Noble Beasts

Chapter 645: Information on the sixth cosmic level


Shi Yu and Qi had a good discussion. Let's get revenge together.

However, there are always some incomprehensible guys in the team. Rin said: "Master, you can spoil her."

"In addition to fighting in your mind, can you consider your own situation?"

"Huh?" Shi Yu and Qi were taken aback.

"Master, are you sure, in Qi's state, can she fight with the Super God?"

After Shi Yu was taken aback for a moment, he said "Damn it".

He slapped his head and said: "It's all Qi's fault... for leading me astray, I am not, I want her dream to come true."

After hearing Rin's reminder, Qi also froze. "Hey hey."

Her face turned bitter, and she suddenly realized that, as Shi Yu said, it doesn't matter if it takes a day or two to solve the super god here.

However, if it is up to her to solve it, then the problem will be big.

Because she has just traveled through time, her current state is inherently unstable. If she has a battle with Super God and her state declines, then the time they can stay in this time and space will be shorter. Maybe during the battle, Shi Yu will be directly excluded from this time and space. .

This is the factor that may delay doing business.

It's not worth betting on the chance of an Era God, after all, they only have one chance.

If it fails, the entire mission is gone.

"Qi is only suitable for sleeping." Rin said: "Go back to the space of the beast, and sleep with the time-space gem."

"Leave this space-time task to us, so don't help me blindly."

"This mission is not a child's play. After we have the ability to travel back to the age of mythology, it will not be too late for you to come and realize your dreams."

Pray: Qaq.

"It's hard to come here." Shi Yu said: "If you don't do anything, it's too pitiful."

"Since this is the case, it's fine if you can't fight with all your strength, but if you make a small move, it should be fine."

"Qi, when the time comes, throw a skill and throw it on the enemy to relieve your anger, let the acquaintances look at you with admiration, and then let me solve it, how about it!"

"Of course, you can also make up the knife at the end and take revenge yourself!"

"In this way, the state will not be affected by {the first update}, and the dream will be realized." Shi Yu smiled.

"Okay!" Qi's eyes lit up, very satisfied.

"Hey, let's leave it at that." Rin sighed, there was nothing he could do with Shi Yu and the others.

However, taking care of the pet beast's mood is indeed one of Shi Yu's few advantages.

This task is indeed very difficult, it must always remind Shi Yu and others to pay attention, not to be playful.

Next, Shi Yu and others made a plan.

"That is to say, the first ones who wanted to capture you were the Starry Zerg, and they got your information first."

"The cosmic behemoth has been fighting with Blue Star's will, and doesn't pay much attention to you."

"And the evil god of the abyss was only expanding its territory at the beginning. It was a long time after the starry sky Zerg wanted to capture you before they realized your existence."

"Yeah." Qi nodded.

"Then, let's start with this space Zerg."

"They may be subordinates of the sixth universe level, or know the information of the sixth universe level..."

"Of course, it's also possible that I just want to eat you and inherit your time-traveling power."

"Rin, scan the world." Shi Yu said.

"Received." According to Shi Yu's request, Rin began to scan the world, looking for three super gods.

However, not long after Rin started scanning, his complexion suddenly changed. "Owner… "

"What's wrong?" Shi Yu asked. "look… "

Rin just scanned, and not far away, he found a god-level zerg... no, a group of star zerg.

Among this group of space worms, there are no super god worms, not what Shi Yu and others are looking for.

However, what they did at this time made Rin very angry. It shared the scanning results with Shi Yu, and Shi Yu was also silent for a moment.

"Is it over?" "Let's go."

Next, Shi Yu and the others quickly teleported to a place.

Shi Yu stagnated in the sky, below was a very huge island.

In the future, this piece of land has completely disappeared, and it should have been sunk. As for now, it seems to have experienced a tragic war and turned into a barren land.

On the barren land, a scene that moved Shi Yu and others was happening.

A light and slender creature with a deer-like white body is running away under the gray cloud. Its blue pattern and cloud-like hair are too familiar to Shi Yu and others. Such an elegant, beautiful creature whose whole body looks like the incarnation of wind is exactly the wind unicorn family in Shi Yu and others' impression...

And this wind unicorn is the one that Shi Yu and others are most familiar with. This wind unicorn is the opportunity for Rin's first birth, the owner of that fossil.

Shi Yu never thought that he would meet this little guy. At this time, it was experiencing something similar to what Shi Yu and others saw from the fossil dream.

Hunted by a space zerg.

"This is the island of the Fengqilin family." "Unfortunately, there is only one left."

"Rin, I'll leave it to you." Shi Yu said.

Seeing this familiar scene, it was impossible for Shi Yu to refuse to save him. After all, this guy can be regarded as half a cold. Soon, Shi Yu fell to the ground, opposite, Xiaofeng Qilin ran towards him in panic.

Every time it stepped on the ground, there was a light breeze lingering around it, and the more elegant hair on its head, like a blue ribbon, fluttered with the wind, which was very beautiful.

want… "

This petite and weak Feng Qilin full of fear and uneasiness is still the same as in the dream. Without even thinking about it, it flips Shi Yu onto its back and runs away with Shi Yu.

Shi Yu was on top of it and couldn't help being speechless.

"It's exactly the same as in the dream, and it's still so kind." "But little guy, you don't have to run away this time."

"Stop it."

Hearing the voice of the person on the back, Xiaofeng Qilin was at a loss, at this moment, Shi Yu patted her head lightly.

"Look at the back, the monster has been solved."

"Roar!!" Accompanied by Shi Yu's voice, there was a scream of a monster from behind, followed by a violent fall to the ground.

Xiaofeng Qilin turned his head subconsciously, and then looked surprised. The creature chasing it just now...

That huge monster, which seemed to be composed of different species, had a purplish-red ant-like body, was torn apart by the wind blade and lay on the ground.

Its sharp dragon claws, like the limbs of a giant dragon, have been separated from its body. Its ferocious face, like a devil, is full of unbelievable expressions, and it seems that it will not rest in peace.

Xiaofeng Qilin was very surprised. He never thought that the life he wanted to save was actually a super strong person.

You know, even the elders in the clan are not the opponents of these monsters.

However, what shocked Xiaofeng Qilin even more was yet to come.

In the sky above the starry zerg, at some time, a wind unicorn also appeared. It seemed that this wind unicorn had solved the monster. Seeing this wind unicorn, Xiao Feng unicorn's eyes were filled with tears, and he felt a sense of intimacy. It also thought... it was the last wind unicorn.

But I didn't expect...

"You, you." It made a little girl's voice, very confused, it knows every Feng Qilin, although it feels the intimacy of the same origin, but whether it is Shi Yu or Rin, it is unfamiliar Incomparable.

"Don't be nervous, you can see us as distant relatives?" Shi Yu said.

"Well, don't be afraid, we will protect you." Rin stepped on the light breeze and came to Xiaofeng Qilin's side, using the power of the breeze to soothe its heart.

Seeing this little Feng Qilin, Shi Yu and the others knew that the Feng Qilin clan had already been exterminated, because this Xiao Feng Qilin was the last Feng Qilin, and all the luck of the Feng Qilin clan had been concentrated on it.

Rin had already obtained its memory to the greatest extent through mythological recovery and other powers. It can be said that Rin is the reincarnation of this wind unicorn, and he understands its affairs very clearly.

Its talent is very good, and it is also the hope of the Fengqilin family. This is also the reason why the Fengqilin family is almost extinct, and they have to send it to escape.

Although the later experience was even more difficult, the Feng Qilin clan did not work hard. Its fossils have been preserved to modern times, allowing Shi Yu to successfully revive the power of the Feng Qilin clan.

"But, everyone..." Xiaofeng Qilin choked up, seeing this, Shi Yu continued to stroke its head, and said: "Don't be sad, maybe your relatives still have a chance to be resurrected."

"Really, really?" It couldn't believe it.

"It's like this in theory." Shi Yu said: "As long as all the enemies are eliminated as soon as possible, and then help the blue star's will to recover its strength, with the power of the mother star, the life that died in the star can be resurrected."

"Next, you follow us first."

"We are very strong, and we will expel all the bad guys. Then please ask Master Lan Xing to resurrect your relatives."

"Yeah." Xiaofeng Qilin was extremely excited, and then seemed to be very sleepy and tired, and suddenly blinked his eyes, feeling a little sleepy.

"Go to sleep..." Shi Yu knew that it had just experienced the pain of extermination not long ago, and he didn't want it to stay awake all the time. At this time, it's better to sleep.


Rin put it into the battleship space, and said: "Before going back, please ask the will of the blue star in this world to put it in place."

"it is good."

Shi Yu nodded, and said: "Bu Lu, can you find the location of the super god-level cosmic beast hiding in the cosmic hole now?"

"If you want Blue Star to recover, do you have to solve it first, otherwise it will take a bite and it will be a waste of work."

"No problem!!" Bu Lu said, "Its cosmic hole attainment is not as high as mine."

"I can pull it out anytime."

"However, judging from Blue Star's current situation, the mere act of catching him will cause serious trauma to Blue Star."

"I suggest that it's better to restore {first update} to Blue Star's state first, and then find out, so that Blue Star's damage will be relatively small, at least not secondary damage." "Is that so?"

Shi Yu said: "Shen Baobao, you still have a lot of world power stored in your Heavenly Emperor Cauldron. Wait for you to feed back to Lan Xing, repair Lan Xing's wounds first, and wake her up."

"Then, Bulu, you can pull out the giant cosmic beast and let's beat it to death. That's no problem."

"Yeah. (Received.)"

"It's okay, but this..." Bu Lu hesitated. "What's the matter?" Shi Yu said.

"Drawing out the cosmic behemoth while Lanxing was asleep will cause a second severe trauma to Lanxing, but Lanxing will not feel pain, after all, she is sleeping." However, if Lanxing is repaired first and awakened Lan Xing, if you pull out that cosmic behemoth again, although Lan Xing will suffer less trauma, it will be very painful, after all, he is awake!"

"One is equivalent to surgery under general anesthesia, and the other is equivalent to surgery while awake."

"So no matter what, Blue Star will..."

Shi Yu:

"Where did you learn this wonderful metaphor."

Bu Lu said: "Don't underestimate me, I have lived a long time, I am very smart, and know everything."

The corner of Shi Yu's mouth twitched and said: "These are not important. Blue Star has survived such a tragic mythical war, and now this little pain is indifferent."

"That's good." Bulu breathed a sigh of relief, because the opponent is a super god-level cosmic behemoth, so it needs to analyze and analyze with Shi Yu more, lest Shi Yu say it is unprofessional.

"Rin, continue scanning." Shi Yu said.

"Bulun, you should kill all the star bugs here first." "Shen Baobao, you just stay here and help Blue Star recover its strength."

After Shi Yu gave the order, Bu Lu and Shen Baobao appeared, and the three beasts began to get busy.

The little red-haired monkey disappeared in a flash, and went to fight with the star zerg on this land.

As for Shen Baobao, he took root in place, took out the cauldron, and prepared to take a mouthful of Blue Star.

They procured so much power from Blue Star for nothing, this time they can "repay their favor".

"Alas..." At this time, Qi Fei was beside her, and the scene just now made her think of many bad things.

Even if she can't make a move, it's time for Blue Star's Mythical War to end...

Otherwise, more than 90% of the races on the blue star will be extinct.

"Master." Rin continued to scan, but at 00:07 just after scanning for a while, his expression changed slightly.

"Master, the evil god of the abyss, is moving towards the Dragon Palace City, and seems to be preparing to enter the Eastern Sea."

In the age of mythology, the western sea area fell instantly with the invasion of the evil god of the abyss. After that, the evil god of the abyss tried to attack the eastern sea area many times, but they were all blocked by Dragon Palace City.

The main reason is that there are no powerful life forms in the western sea area. Whether it is the angel race or the demon race, the territory is not in the ocean.

But the East is different. With such a huge monster as the Dragon Palace City, if the evil god of the abyss wants to completely occupy it, he has to pass the level of the ancestor dragon first.

"Shi Yu!" Qi was like a floating spirit, floating beside Shi Yu. Hearing what Rin said, she suddenly remembered something, and her expression changed:

"Let's go fight this abyss evil god first."

"Let's take care of the space zerg later."

"What's wrong?" Shi Yu asked.

"I have a good friend who is a member of Dragon Palace City, and it died in the war with Abyss Sea." Qi looked at Shi Yu eagerly.

"It should be this war..."

"Do you still have friends in Dragon Palace City? Why haven't I heard of you before?" Shi Yu was surprised.

Qi said: "Because it's a bad memory... I want to change everything after I get stronger, but I haven't had a chance."

"Okay, no problem, then go help Dragon Palace City fight against the Abyss Sea first, and let Bu Lun fight here by himself. After it kills wantonly, maybe it will attract the super gods."

"Yeah." Qi nodded.

The evil god of the abyss is indeed the one that should be dealt with the most. One is that this guy has always been disliked, and the other is that he started a war with Dragon Palace City, which also violated the interests of Chongchong, Turtle, and Xiaobing.

Cough, although it is said that Zulong is in power now, it is not a big problem. Now that they are here, Dragon Palace City is still theirs.

However, not long after arriving here, Shi Yu really felt the cruelty of the mythical war.

The Fengqilin family, no, at this time, the entire Qilin family, Phoenix family, Angel family, and Demon family are being hunted by the starry insects all over the world, and the evil god of the abyss is preparing to go to war with Dragon Palace City. The current Blue Star has been completely engulfed by the flames of war.

Dragon Palace City.

At this time, Dragon Palace City has also sensed the approach of the Abyss Sea, and is already in a state of full preparation for battle. Even the gate of the Dragon Palace Secret Realm has been tightly sealed.

The Dragon Palace Navy, composed of countless shrimp soldiers and crab generals, is stationed in the eastern sea area under the leadership of the generals of Dragon Palace City.

Shi Yu and the others did not go directly to the secret realm of the Dragon Palace, but instead looked for the friend Qi Qi had mentioned.

Qi, a friend of the Dragon Palace, is a general of the Dragon Palace Navy in this war. Not only is he in a high position, but his strength is also quite good, reaching the level of a high-level god.


After Shi Yu and Qi teleported into the battle preparation secret realm where the opponent was stationed, a powder-scale dragon who was meditating and practicing suddenly opened his eyes wide.

Alien invasion

After sensing the intruder, Ying Shenlong was shocked on the spot, but soon, it realized that it was not an enemy...

"Sakura, Sakura." Accompanied by a familiar voice, Sakura Shenlong looked at the flying pink elf, and said unexpectedly: "It turned out to be you, I said who has the ability to break in here."

"Long time no see!!" Qi looked at Ying Shenlong in surprise, never expecting to meet again one day.

"Wait a minute, who is he?" Ying Shenlong suddenly found Shi Yu following Qi, and couldn't help but feel like facing a big enemy again.

It was very shocked in its heart. Just now, even now, it didn't feel any aura from Shi Yu's body. Even though Shi Yu was right in front of its eyes, it saw it with its own eyes, but still didn't feel any aura.

"Sakura, don't be nervous, he's"

Qi doesn't know what to say, because the current Blue Star has no human race at all, and there is no profession of beast master at all.

"He is my most important partner." Qi said. "Hi, my name is Shi Yu." Shi Yu walked over and said.

"Really." Ying Shenlong looked at Shi Yu strangely, unable to believe that he could gain such trust from Qi: "Forget it, it's not important, Qi, how many times have I told you, don't use your ability , wandering into some weird places. "I am here to prepare for the secret realm, if you break in casually like this, it is easy to cause accidents. "

"And do you know the current {first update} situation, how dare you run around, the space zerg is hunting rare races everywhere, you should find a safe place to hide now."

"You'd better get out of here, there is going to be a war here soon, and the scale is still huge, Master Zulong is even ready to die in battle."

"It's that evil god who's coming..."

"Don't worry!" Qi patted his chest and said, "Didn't you notice any changes in me?"

"The chest has become smaller." Ying Shenlong said.


Shi Yu:

"Your ability has improved again?" Ying Shenlong asked.

Every time the Time Spirit's ability to travel through time and space increases by one level, the Time Spirit's body will shrink a little. Others may not know this, but as one of Qi's few friends, Sakura Shenlong knows it all.

"Yes." Prayed.

"I won't run away with you." Ying Shenlong shook his head and said: "I still have to protect Dragon Palace City, and running away won't solve any problems. Behind me, there are billions of marine life. Happened over here..."

"Who said I'm going to run away!!" Qi stomped his feet in the air angrily, and said, "What I mean is, I'll help you too, and fight the enemies away together."

"Don't be joking." Ying Shenlong said: "You go away...

As one of Qi's friends, doesn't it know that the little guy in front of him is very timid

Since he does not have combat power, Qi will run away as quickly as if he is frightened when he encounters danger.

And now... the opponent is the invincible evil god of the abyss on the blue star. This matter has nothing to do with Qi, and letting Qi go is the most correct choice.

"Hmph..." Qi said: "Sakura, do you understand the gold content of unscientific beast control...!"

"Huh? Science?" Ying Shenlong was confused.

"Ahem." Shi Yu coughed dryly at the side, don't casually give my cultivation method nicknames, I am a serious beast master.

"You two, let's end the chat, the enemy has already arrived." Shi Yu said.

Ying Shenlong's eyes widened:!! Boom!!!

The secret realm of preparations shook for a while.

In the secret territory, countless Dragon Palace soldiers concentrated 120% of their energy, but... their trembling bodies symbolized their fear.

"Roar!!!" This pink-scaled dragon no longer cares about Qihe Shiyu, and has no time to care about it. The most urgent task now is to prevent the abyss from invading.

As for Qi... Zulong died in battle, she may not be fine. "So I can't help but fight!"

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Bu Lu used the control of the earth to condense stone sticks, and beat to death these star zergs who had hunted the Fengqilin clan with one stick.

The star bugs it killed were all born of the Zerg Queen, and there was a close blood relationship between the two parties.

With the death of these zerg, the zerg queen who was far away from the blue star sky and the moon woke up directly from the spawning state.

The brood hunts rare races from the blue star, sends them to the moon, she devours them and gives birth to new zerg, and then these zerg go into battle, this is how she fights.

Generally speaking, to fight against such a small planet, even relying on the combat power of the offspring is enough, but this time, after feeling the sudden concentration of a large number of offspring died in a certain period of time, the Zerg Queen was awakened directly. "Cosmic giant


"How could there be a second cosmic behemoth on this planet?"

"Damn it, first the abyss clan, then the cosmic behemoths, the information of the elves when this planet existed will not be completely exposed, no, I have to go and see the situation, and I can't be afraid of them anymore."