Mysterious Noble Beasts

Chapter 671: Mother testifies


Say it again

The Super Queen looked at Shi Yu and Chongchong, and was furious, she really saw the right person

As the contract object, I really don't have the heart of a strong man at all. Can such a guy really contract the universe

Uh... Shi Yu and Chongchong saw that the queen seemed dissatisfied, and immediately said, "Just kidding, just kidding, we're all at your disposal."

Between Shi Yu, Chong Chong and the Queen, a sound-proof barrier was formed.

The Zerg Queen smiled, knowing that they wanted to communicate alone, there was no hindrance or eavesdropping.

To be honest, from Shi Yu's emotional fluctuations just now, the Zerg Queen can confirm that the other party is a surprise from the heart, not a disguise.

This is the first time the Zerg Queen has seen such a talkative quasi-universe powerhouse, and she couldn't help feeling deeply moved.

Inside the sound-proof barrier, the empress stared at Shi Zi, wanting to see how Shi Yu explained it.

"In this way, you can recognize your mother at will." The queen said: "How do I feel, you are secretly happy."

"This choice is also very common, right?"

"This kind of thing is just a title." Shi Yu said, "Our mentality will not be affected in any way because of this title."

"As long as there are great benefits to be found and there are no ideological contradictions, accepting a stepmother is the same as marrying a brother or sister, there is no difference."

"This set is very useful. Let me think about how many mothers we have recognized along the way. One, two, three... I forgot, anyway, it helped us a lot."


"I..." The queen thought about Shi Yu's immorality, but never thought about it being so immoral.

How many did you recognize

Shi Yu's starting point, she admitted, indeed, the Cosmos Sea is now being targeted by two cosmic levels, the Dark King and the Beast King at the same time. Among them, the Dark King has to "purify the star spirit" because of the Shi Yu contract, and he must kill Shi Yu.

If at this juncture, the Zerg Queen is provoked again, and the three cosmic levels join forces, no one can stand it.

However, she didn't understand why Shi Yu was so casual.

"If the Zerg Queen is against you in the future, as its heir, what will you do?" The queen asked Chong Chong again.

"Woo. (Shi Yu, Chi Tong, and the Empress used to have a combination called the Cuoma combination.)" Chong Chong quoted scriptures, and there was no pressure, and he was completely misled by Shi Yu.

If there is milk, it is the mother, and if there is poisonous milk, it is the prey.

"Ahem, what Chongchong means is that as long as they are enemies with us, their own mother can kill them, let alone this kind of thing." Shi Yu said: "Blood relationship can't bind us, let alone the Queen of Zerg herself. I don't take this relationship very seriously. Although I don't know its purpose yet, it's basically to use each other. Then it depends on who will be better at the end, and live in peace. life and death."

"So you and I also have this kind of relationship?" The Super Queen asked Xiang Shiyu.

"How is that possible?" Shi Yu said, "If it weren't for you, I would not be interested in such a high-risk thing as a universe maintainer. I would definitely give up traveling through the previous era and retire in this era."

The super queen nodded, because she had a contract with Shi Yu, she could tell whether Shi Yu was lying or not.

Although Shi Yu has no integrity, no morals, and the lower limit is relatively low, but only the contract can not deceive, at least Shi Yu gets along with each of his beasts, the empress sees Shi Yu in her eyes, and sees Shi Yu as the contract object Give your all.

For myself, there is no deception.

"This may indeed be its path to the universe, but you will bear all the consequences yourself. It wants to use your breakthrough to reach the realm of the overlord of the universe. At that time, if it has other ambitions, it will be more difficult to limit."

"Okay." Shi Yu nodded: "Cong Chong, if the Zerg Queen..."

"Hmm! (It doesn't matter, I'll take the shot.)" Chongchong said earnestly, recognizing his mother, it seems... It seems that the first time the whole team recognized their mother was from her

Yes, in order to decipher the remains of the ice dragon, Shi Yu and the others had no choice but to force the ice dragon to appear in this way. All the blame originated from Shi Yu.

Now that he is about to reach the universe level, and still has to recognize his mother, Chongchong wonders if his racial talent really evolved from a cocoon.

But Chongchong is confident, just like harnessing the power of the Azure Dragon and then controlling the power of the Azure Dragon, it is now using the power of the Zerg, and will be able to control the power of the Zerg in the future, and then become the strongest.

The sound insulation barrier was broken, and the Zerg Queen's body was like mountains. Its purple eyes stared at Shi Yu, Chong Chong, and the Super Queen, and said, "So, have you thought it through?"

"Think clearly." Shi Yu smiled and said, "It's better to have one more relative than one more enemy."

"Cong Chong, change your mouth."

"Hmm!! (Mom!!)" Chongchong didn't have any morals anymore, and just wanted to know how much lucky money the other party could give.

The Zerg Queen has a strange expression. You know, her own descendants are afraid of its coercion, and they are not as easy to call her as Chong Chong.

"What to do next." Shi Yu asked.

"Let's say it in advance, this is also equivalent to a contract, a contract of mutual benefit, if you are unfavorable to them, you will bear my wrath." The super queen also said.

The Zerg Queen said: "I naturally know this. Its basic original race is the bottom of the Zerg race, so the racial talent is cocoon evolution."

"However, because its basic race is too weak, even though its bloodline has been optimized countless times, there is still a certain distance from the 'universe race'."

"With its physique, it is impossible to perfectly absorb the nutrients contained in the 'evolutionary materials' that are enough to support it to break through to the universe level."

"I am the absolute authority on the evolution of the worm bloodline, and you don't need to question it."

"What it lacks now is a skill that perfectly matches the racial talent and can assist the racial talent, as well as a large amount of cosmic grade evolutionary resources.

"For the Zerg race, mastering the two major devouring skills of 'endless devouring' and 'final devouring', they can absorb nutrients perfectly. Among them, 'endless devouring' can only absorb the nutrients of super god resources at most, and want to absorb them perfectly The only way to transform the nutrition of the universe's treasure-level resources is to rely on the 'devouring of the final difference,'"

"Its racial evolution talent, with the aid of 'Ultimate Devour,' is the only way it can break through to the cosmic level."

"And I am the only one in this universe who has mastered the 'Devotion of the Last One'."

"Besides, the cosmic treasure-level resources that are most suitable for Zerg evolution in the entire universe are all in the Zerg nest. Without my help, it will be difficult for you to find the materials to make it evolve perfectly."

"So, you won't regret your choice." Then there was the idea of letting Chongchong learn to devour Susu endlessly.

In this way, the insects can absorb and digest more nutrients to evolve into cocoons.

However, as the queen said, even if Susu's endless devouring has been upgraded from infinite devouring, it has reached the upper limit of perfection and perfect digestion. It seems that it is only "the highest quality super god resource" and cannot perfectly digest the universe. resource.

The final devouring that the other party mentioned should be the upper-level skill of infinite devouring, the upper-level skill of endless devouring.

If only the queen can do this, even if it is copied, it may not be able to be copied. Shi Yu can be sure that even if the power of the skill book can hide the peak of the super god, it is absolutely impossible to directly plunder the power of the universe.

"Why don't you teach the other descendants to swallow the final difference?" Shi Yu asked. "Hehe, not everyone can learn the Devour of Death. This is a skill I created myself, and I need to bear the power of my blood to learn it. But none of those guys have such aptitude."

"But it's different. Since it can perfectly control the power of the Qinglong, which existed in the ancient bloodline of the last era, it can theoretically control my power just like the power of the Qinglong. Moreover, it is also a Zerg race, so the degree of adaptation will be even higher. .”

"Even you can go so far on the wrong path of Qinglong evolution, not to mention the correct path of Zerg evolution today."

"Furthermore, it is assisted by a special beast master like you.

Power will also be higher. "

As he spoke, a purple-red blood-drop-shaped crystal floated in front of the Zerg Queen. The power fluctuations contained in this crystal were not inferior to the source of transcendence that was born once every 100,000 years.

Cosmic grade resources, in terms of quality, can also be divided into grades.

The low ones are undoubtedly the source of detachment emanating from others, the middle ones are the source of detachment that has been naturally condensed for a hundred thousand years, and the high ones, the top-level Shiyu, are hard to distinguish.

However, he estimated that the tree of the universe, the source of detachment condensed by the queen, and the skill book should all be counted among them.

And this blood crystallization is almost equivalent to the second grade. Although it is not the treasure of the universe in essence.

"Fuse this, and it can inherit my bloodline. If you endure it, you can learn to devour it forever. After that, with the help of worm silk and devour it, you can complete the most perfect evolution."

"As for the other evolutionary materials you need, wait until it learns the final evolution, and then get it." After the Zerg Queen finished speaking, she issued an order to drive away.

"Dark King, Beast King, blood fusion, there are many difficulties that you will face next, and I hope to see you all in the future."

"What do you mean?" Shi Yu was taken aback.

The Super Queen said: "The universe is sick, it is the dark king who is playing tricks. It has joined forces with the beast king to try to invade the universe sea. Of course, in addition to wanting to occupy the super resource of the world king star, there is another point. The dark king is fighting for the source of transcendence." At that time, I already wanted to harm you."

"If I hadn't stopped you then, you would have been caught by the Dark King."

"At that time, the Dark King was not only afraid of me, but also the king of the realm and the overlord of the universe, so he didn't dare to do it. But now, he doesn't know what method he used to make the universe abnormal. The combat power of the stars and stars is largely Basically, relying on the environment of the universe, the king of the realm is already weak, and now he is even weaker.

"If there are no accidents, after the Dark King and the Beastmaster confirm that the cosmic overlord will not intervene in this war, the Cosmic Sea will encounter a round of strong shocks.

"Damn." Shi Yu was dumbfounded, and said, "Two cosmic grades?"

"And maybe it's coming for me?"

"As its mother, you can't just sit by and watch this matter. You have to deal with a cosmic level anyway." Shi Yu asked Chongchong's new mother.

Zerg Queen:

"Unfortunately, the zerg brood will not participate in the battle. Whether you can survive or not depends on you."

"All I can do is to provide it with resources to become stronger, and give Judy Linte to you as a gift."

The Zerg Queen obviously doesn't want to intervene in the space war.

If the king of the world, the king of darkness, the king of beasts, and the super queen can all lose, that's what it wants to see.

"Hey!!" Chongchong knew that this new mother was unreliable, so she had to be replaced by Long Ma... well, Long Ma was also unreliable.

"Princess Judiline. What was her previous identity?" Shi Yu suddenly remembered this important question.

"It should be the queen who devoured her."

The queen looked at Shi Yu and said: "I only know that she has a special constitution. When I devoured her, she was already a dead body drifting from the void. There is only one corpse from the last era, and she has a special body." curse."

"But it seems that the body of the last era combined with my blood can't produce any offspring worth cultivating. After being pregnant for so long, the talent is so poor that she is useless. If you want it, just take it."

Hearing that Princess Judylint was not killed and devoured by the Zerg Queen, but was already dead when she was picked up, Shi Yu looked suspicious, could it be possible, this guy is the same as Shi Yu Beast, just The body has come to this era, but the soul has not


If there is no self-awareness, then who opened the ruins of that era again.

Or, was the third traverser who successfully arrived here, but was killed again

However, the person who killed her was not the queen, but someone else. Shi Yu thought about it for a long time, but it was useless to think about it.

Perhaps the Spider Queen will be able to learn more by opening the ruins.

"Let's go, this cowardly fellow won't get involved in a war." The queen finally said to Shi Yu.

"When I came to the Zerg nest to plunder resources, she didn't dare to fight back." Shi Yu was taken aback.

The next moment, with the sudden anger of the Zerg Queen, the Super Queen immediately took Shi Yu away.

Shi Yu could be said to be terrified of the zerg brood and his party, but the result was good.

In the Zerg Hive, the queen issued a new order, saying that Shi Yu, the beast master, would be a distinguished guest of the Zerg Hive, which shocked all the Zerg nobles for a while.

No one knows the outcome of Shi Yu's fight with the Zerg Queen, but the Queen's order contains countless information.

Although Shi Yu killed countless Zergs, but the Queen gave orders, even if there were unconvinced Zergs, they could only let go of their hatred, or bury it in their hearts.

Even if not all Zergs are extremely convinced of the Zerg Queen, but on the bright side, in the Zerg Hive, no Zerg would dare to resist this cosmic emperor.

Holding the blood crystal gifted by the queen, Shi Yu and others left the Zerg nest. Although this thing was obtained, it had to be checked carefully before it could be fused.

Shi Yu had to let Jewel Cat and the Queen eliminate the disadvantages of merging blood crystals.

But before that, Shi Yu took Princess Judylint to Cai Cai Star Field, before the special relic guided by fate.

"Hmm." Princess Judylinte was dizzy, Mimihuhu woke up from her sleep, and after regaining consciousness a little, she woke up suddenly and looked around in horror.

However, in front of her eyes is not the hell she imagined, but in a jungle, there is no Zerg Queen in front of her eyes, only the familiar boy.

Seeing Shi Yu, the Spider Queen was shocked and said:

"you... ... "

"You were not killed by the queen?"

She tried her best to recall, at the end, it seemed that the queen was going to kill her, but at the very moment, a blue light and then a red light came one after another and saved her. After that, she completely lost consciousness .

"You saved me from the queen?? How did you escape, and how did you break the blood contract on me?" She checked her situation incomprehensibly, becoming more and more startled.

"You have too many problems. Anyway, it's not as complicated as you think. It's just that I have a flexible position." Shi Yu leaned on the tree, looked at her and said, "Let's not talk about this first, let's get down to business first. You are awake."

"Although there was an accident that didn't allow you to pass the 11th floor, fortunately your blood contract has been terminated. Next, according to the agreement, you should do me a favor."

Shi Yu smiled slightly, looked ahead and said, "This is the place I want to bring you to. In this area, there is an era relic, which can only be opened by specific people."

"Actually, you are its key. I want to use your power to open this ruin."

"In this ruin, there may be more information about your original identity. If you are ready, I will lend you my power and let you open it."

The Spider Queen was slightly taken aback when she heard the words, and then said, "Will the Queen still hunt us down?"

"Probably not." Shi Yu said: "Of course, if you want to take revenge on it, you'd better wait until you are stronger."

"I'll help you open the ruins." After the other party finished speaking, Shi Yu snapped his fingers and said, "I'm waiting for your words."

"Time has changed, let's go." His eyes were full of spiritual fluctuations, and at the same time a special force also appeared on the spider princess next to him. Shi Yu's current behavior is equivalent to seeing the other party as a key and inserting it into the ruins. Twist to open the ruins!

Although the process of finding the key was a bit more tortuous, fortunately, the process of opening it was extremely smooth.


Under constant vibrations, the ruins finally opened, and the spider princess was indeed the third traverser. After her body resonated with the ruins, a golden light suddenly appeared around her, and a whole new world seemed to be born.

hum! !!

However, what Shi Yu didn't expect, and what the empress who was observing secretly, didn't expect was that there were no special items in this ruins, and it looked like there was nothing at all.

However, only the spider princess suddenly changed after opening the ruins.

First, the aura climbed steadily, and soon climbed from the perfect god level to the super god fluctuation, but this super god fluctuation is not the power of the cultivation system of this era, but the power of the cultivation system of the previous era.

It is similar to the physical power of the time space beast.

After a golden light enveloped her, finally, an aura comparable to the peak of a super god emerged in her body. This power shocked Shi Yu very much, and also shocked the ducks in Shi Yu's beast-monitoring space.

Familiar power fluctuations... ... nature... very similar to the Vajra Crusade! So, the significance of the existence of this ruin is to seal the power of the third traverser, or even seal part of her memory.

At this time, with the breath of the third traverser changed drastically, from the Department of Poisonous Insects. The whole body was full of sacred breath, she slowly opened her eyes again, looked at Shi Yu and said:

"Amitabha Buddha..."

"Thank you benefactor for bringing me out of the Zerg Hive."

After the spider queen finished speaking, Shi Yu was undoubtedly silenced by this guy. He looked at the bald spider princess and said:

"You boy, you are actually a little nun?"

"So, you have memories of the last era??"

The spider princess said regretfully: "Unfortunately, poor nun has no memory of the previous era. After awakening, he only remembers the cultivation method and some precepts of the previous era."

"So what's going on here? Why did you seal your power and memory here? Why did you get eaten by the queen?" Shi Yu lowered his arms around him, and the awakening of the other party undoubtedly made Shi Yu 200% energetic .

The spider nun was silent for a moment and said: "The poor nun should have awakened earlier than the benefactor. When I came to this era, this era had just been born not long ago."

"Without any memory, I wandered in this universe in a daze, doing some things that should be done, until a cosmic era relic from the last era appeared."

"This remnant of the cosmic era contains a cosmic treasure from the last era, which is left by a cosmic level creature."

"Before the restart of the last era, there were many universe-level beings who wanted to resist. Among them, there was a universe-level being who took the most extreme approach. Since the universe is unwilling to give people a way to live, he is also unwilling to let the universe restart smoothly. It wants to destroy the universe completely, to make the universe disappear completely."

"It has developed a cosmic virus that can accelerate the consumption of the life of the universe, but it is a pity that it is one step too late. He can only try to pass on this cosmic virus to the next era."

"This virus is extremely dangerous, and the conditions of use are harmful to nature. After getting this information from the ruins, I originally wanted to take back this virus and seal it up again, but someone else got ahead of me. As a result, an irreconcilable conflict arose between us. .

"And this life is now the King of Darkness!"

Shi Yu was slightly taken aback.

"In the end, I was defeated by the Dark King. I was cursed by the cosmic virus, and I died ten times. Although I managed to escape, it is hard to see the hope of surviving.

"After countless billions of self-seals, the poor nun still failed to find a way to lift the curse. Until the last moment, I made a gamble, separated the power, memory, and body from each other, and sent the body to another person who was looking for In front of the rare species, the king of the universe and the zerg queen, I want to rely on its devouring and digestion and the power of giving new life, to see if I can reincarnate successfully, and then regain my strength and memory."

"Under the circumstances at that time, only the Zerg Queen, who can swallow and transform even the source of pollution, has the opportunity to purify the curse on me."

"Now it seems that the poor girl's bet has succeeded." She smiled slightly: "It's just...the race and attributes at this time are really different from what I expected."

Facing this little nun, Shi Yu and the empress were silent, and no one thought that things turned out to be like this. Spider Queen said: "Obviously

The reason why the benefactor is looking for me is because the king of darkness used the cosmic virus again to infect the universe. "

"After so many years, my strength is still so weak. It should not be the opponent of the King of Darkness who dominates the universe today. It should also not remember me, my former enemy."

"However, as its old opponent, I am indeed the person who knows the most about the cosmic virus besides it, and I have also worked out a way to restrain it for countless years.

"If the benefactor needs it, I can share it. At the same time, I can also cooperate with the benefactor to fight against the King of Darkness."

"So that's how it is." The Queen also appeared slowly at this time, and said, "The means to create abnormalities in the universe came from the universe-level powerhouses of the last era, no wonder it is difficult to find the root cause.

"Little spider, since you have studied cosmic viruses, teach me all the methods you know to restrain cosmic viruses." The Queen said.

"Little spider..." The spider queen's eyelids twitched, and she was very helpless at being reincarnated as a spider. She said, "The benefactor should call me a little nun."

"Add me a pet beast?" Shi Yu was also excited at this time, and said: "Is it the cultivation system of Buddhism? To be honest, my ducks also practice.

"Let it learn as well. It happens to be an abyss race. It can absorb the negative energy of the universe and use it for experiments."

Duck Duck: Alert.jpg

Small machine: alert.jpg
