Mysterious recovery: I, the guardian of the human race

Chapter 11: Imperial coercion


Imperial coercion, system skills.

A group suppression skill that can cause fear and weakness to the enemy.

The weaker the opponent, the stronger the suppression.

Chu Yao's spiritual power level is 9.

And among the eight big mouth ghosts, the highest level of spiritual power is only level 6.

The remaining seven are only 4 or 5 levels.

Although they are fast and have the ability to bite.

Has good practical ability.

But it was accompanied by the release of Chu Yao's imperial coercion.

That invisible field shrouded.

Let every big mouth ghost feel unprecedented fear.

The body stopped suddenly, and looked at Chu Yao, as if seeing the god of death.

Don't dare to take a step forward.

Even the limbs trembled.

With a calm demeanor, Chu Yao walked forward step by step.

Every step seemed to step on their hearts, making the eight big mouth ghosts terrified to the extreme.

Keep them on the verge of collapse.

They all prostrated themselves on the ground, whispering "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo".

It seemed to be begging Chu Yao's forgiveness.

Standing behind Chu Yao, Fatty Wang and the others were immediately stunned.

"Fuck, why are these big mouth ghosts not moving?"

"They, they seem to be very afraid of Chu Yao, still trembling!"

"Nimma! Does Chu Yao look so scary? I was frightened by the big mouth ghost!"


Just when Chu Yao's teammates were surprised, Chu Yao had already raised his sword and dropped it without any mercy.

The eight big mouth ghosts were beheaded by Chu Yao one after another.

Lottery Energy +13

Lottery Energy +15

Lottery energy +18

Looking at the ghost crystals all over the place, Chu Yao smiled lightly.

Look at Fatty Wang and the others, still dumbfounded in place:

"Why are you still standing there! Why don't you come and collect ghost crystals!"

Several people came back to their senses.

"Yes Yes Yes… "

"Brother Chu is mighty!"

"Brother Chu in society, I don't talk harshly."

"Hey hey, brother Chu, my big daddy! I won this exam."


Chu Yao ignored his teammates.

Leave the follow-up work to them.

He didn't want to waste a second of scanning time.

Without taking a break, Chu Yao continued to search for ghosts.

And specifically to find the ghost group to kill.

Every time, he can avoid the high-level ghost group and find the weak low-level ghost group.

Coupled with Chu Yao's powerful system skills, the emperor's coercion.

Just face to face.

Below level 9, completely indiscriminate killing.

Coupled with scanning skills, the precise positioning of the sneaky group is even more powerful.

With his four teammates, Chu Yao overfulfilled the first and second questions in just one hour.

As for the reference candidates, the vast majority are currently catching singles and wilds at the outermost periphery.

To collect ten ghost-level ghost crystals...

"Brother Chu, we have finished the first and second questions."

"Brother Chu, shall we still do the third question?"


Several teammates were holding their own ghost crystals, and they were so happy that they couldn't close their mouths from ear to ear.

Along the way, they basically didn't do much.

Now, it is so easy to complete the first and second questions, and I don't want to be happy.

As for the third test question, it is more difficult to obtain the ghost crystal of the hanged ghost.

The minimum level for a hanged ghost is level 8.

Moreover, the hanged ghost has the gaze skill, which is very difficult to deal with.

If you are not careful, you may die.

Every year in the high school entrance examination, there are very few candidates who can complete the third question.

Even if it is completed, it is basically teamwork and difficult to complete.

And the exam question with the highest death rate is also on the third exam question.

Before the exam, teachers generally advise weak candidates to give up the third question voluntarily.

In this way, it is better than losing his life or activating the safety bracelet, and all the grades of the whole subject will be invalidated.

So the rest of the teammates didn't have much confidence in completing the third test question, and even wanted to give up.

With their strength.

Relying on completing the first and second exam questions and handing in the papers now, you can securely score eighty points.

Chu Yao didn't intend to force it.

For the third question, he planned to do it himself.

After all, his talent level is too low.

You must get a high enough score in the actual combat test before you can be admitted to Zhenmo University.

But at this moment, the dog system, which had been silent for a long time, suddenly released a mission.


"Trigger mission release, advance and retreat together; live in harmony."

"Please host to lead your team to the suicide forest in the central area.

Within an hour, get the thanks of ten hanged ghosts and keep your teammates safe. "

"The task is successful, reward a talent advanced pill."

"If the task fails, the system will start the self-destruct program, and live and die with the host."

The next moment, a system panel appeared in Chu Yao's mind.

Task column: (advance and retreat together; live in harmony), collect the thanks of the hanged ghost, and ensure the safety of teammates.

Completion: 0/10

Mission countdown: 59:59


"What the hell am I!"

Chu Yao's whole body is not well.

Ten thousand grass mud horses began to gallop.

What kind of dog quest, isn't it just killing ghosts, and collecting the thanks of the hanged ghosts? What are you doing

"System, I'm taking an exam! Why do you want me to collect the thank you from the hanged ghost? How do you want me to take the exam?"

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms,

Chu Yao asked in his mind, very angry.

"The host triggers the task, and this system only executes according to the program. Please complete the task on time.

If there is an opinion, the system will start the treatment program. "

Chu Yao: "..."

Which grandson designed the dog system

But the task has been issued, and he has nothing to do.

Otherwise, he can only wait for the system to kill him.

Seeing that Chu Yao was in a daze, Fatty Wang looked very ugly.

Thinking that his spiritual power was exhausted too much, he touched his forehead with his hand:

"Chu Yao, are you okay, boy?"

"I'm fine.

We have all completed the first and second exam questions, and it will be no problem to complete the third exam question!

With me here, getting 100 points is not a problem. "

"Brother Chu, are you really planning to commit suicide, Lin Sha Hanged Ghost?"

"That's right, brother Chu, it's too dangerous to kill a hanged ghost. I'll let it go!"


Wen Jiangwen and several teammates spoke one after another.

Although Chu Yao had shown a strong combat effectiveness before.

But the sneaky ones encountered are only level 3 to 6, not very strong.

Thinking that the minimum level of hanged ghosts is 8, and they also have sneaky skills, which made them a little worried.

"What? You don't want to be admitted to the Demon Suppression University and become Demon Suppressors

This is a shortcut to turning over and entering the elite class.

If you don't get a high score, how can you be sure to be admitted to Zhenmo University? "

It is the dream of ordinary students to be admitted to the Demon Suppressing University and become a Demon Suppressor.

This is also the only shortcut for an ordinary family to live in a rich area.

Fatty Wang and Wen Jiangwen felt as if they had been beaten to death when they heard this.

Wen Jiangwen and the other three looked down, and replied firmly:

"Good brother Chu, I'll do it with you!"

"I don't want to be a tool man in the future, so I will go too."

"Just go, take a gamble."


Seeing that he convinced his teammates, Chu Yao heaved a sigh of relief.

Glancing at the bracelet, after confirming the direction of Suicide Lin:

"Very good! Let's go now..."