Mysterious recovery: I, the guardian of the human race

Chapter 27: mission accomplished


Chu Yao rushed out of the bushes in an instant with killing intent all over his body.

The system skill imperial coercion is fully released.

In an instant, an overwhelming oppressive aura enveloped the female ghost.

Maybe the suppression effect won't be very good, but it can deter a little bit.

The female ghost felt something in her heart, as if being stared at by a beast.

Turn around sharply.

Then I saw Chu Yao rushing towards her holding the rune sword.

The aura that made her uncomfortable emanated from this person.

The female ghost was shocked, she really didn't expect it.

In addition to the three members of the mercenary group, there is another person hiding here.

"Damn it! There's even a prodigal son."

The female ghost spoke viciously.

He directly gave up the beard who had lost his resistance, and took his last breath of strength.

Turning around, he rushed towards Chu Yao.

Suddenly, a majestic ghostly aura erupted from the female ghost again.

Although the female ghost is very weak now.

The combat power is less than 10% of its peak period.

But even so, Chu Yao did not dare to be careless.

After all, the difference in their strength is too huge, a full ten levels.

As soon as he approached at this moment, Chu Yao roared:


Raise the sword and chop.

With this sword, Chu Yao mobilized 100% of his strength, not wanting to fight with the opponent.

The female ghost looked ferocious, and raised her paws to block.


Sparks flew everywhere, and the opponent firmly blocked Chu Yao's full blow with his claws.

Chu Yao was shocked.

I didn't expect a female ghost who was so weak to have such a strong strength.

But he didn't hesitate too much, and the backhand was just a few swords.

"Bang bang bang!"

After a few muffled sounds, Chu Yao and the female ghost directly fought together.

The mercenary was bearded and looked at Chu Yao nervously.

Although I don't know him, I seem to see hope.

Grabbed the last straw.

After all, we are all human.

As long as Chu Yao wins, they may not have to die.

However, he found that Chu Yao's spiritual power level seemed a little weak.

Not even level ten.

There is also worry in my heart.

But at this moment, I can only stare at Chu Yao nervously and pray to him.

"The voyeur who ruined my reputation, the prodigal son. Die, die!"

The female ghost kept roaring, roaring, extremely angry.

Ghost Claw kept making shots.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Every time, there was a icy cold wind.

As long as you are caught, you will be cut to pieces.

Chu Yao took several steps back and blocked several moves.

Fight for several rounds.

Chu Yao has comprehensively analyzed the current state of the female ghost.

Although she is fierce and angry at the moment.

But it was already at the end of its strength, because her attack power was constantly declining.

The harder she attacks now, the faster she weakens.

As long as he resisted her last few moves, he wouldn't have much problem beheading her.

And Chu Yao's analysis is also very correct.

The piercing whine of the female ghost's skill is very powerful.

The three mercenaries were directly shocked to lose their combat effectiveness.

But it also made her fall into an extremely weak state.

And this state needs to be maintained for at least five hours.

To fight Chu Yao at this moment is to hold his last breath.

Letting go of this breath, the female ghost is over.

The female ghost's attack was very violent, and the angle was considered tricky.

But from time to time, there will be movement deformation.

After Chu Yao resisted the female ghost's eighteen consecutive attacks, he found that the opponent's actions were slow and his attack power dropped severely.

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Finally plan to fight back.

At this moment, there were only 59 seconds left before the end of the mission.

However, it is enough.

"Is it enough? It's my turn!"

Chu Yao spoke coldly.

The imperial coercion enveloped once again.

The coercion of contempt made the female ghost very uncomfortable.

Especially now that she is weak and weak, it is even more uncomfortable.

At the same time, Chu Yao swept across with his sword, shaking his spiritual power.

The sharp edge of the sword scared the female ghost back and dodged.

But how could she escape

When Chu Yao raised his hand, it was a hook.

"Clah la la la..."

Talent skills, hook lock release.

The hook lock made of spiritual power pointed directly at the female ghost's neck.

Seeing this, the female ghost hurriedly dodges.

But she is weak, her movements have already been deformed, and her speed is slow.

Although he avoided the vital point, he was still hooked to the collarbone.


The female ghost neighed, excruciatingly painful.

Lifting the ghost claw, he wanted to break the hook lock.

How could Chu Yao give her a chance, and pulled her hard.

The female ghost lost her balance and jumped forward with a stagger.

Chu Yao raised the rune sword, aimed at the female ghost's chest, and stabbed it.


Unbiased, he directly stabbed the female ghost in the chest.

The female ghost's body trembled, and she stared at Chu Yao with a distorted and terrifying face.

"You, the one who ruined my reputation, a disciple, a prodigal son..."

While speaking, the other party slowly raised the ghost claw, wanting to strike Chu Yao one last time.

But Chu Yao kicked it out.

Kick the female ghost to the ground.

Her ghost claw waved feebly at Chu Yao.

It exploded with a "bang", turned into a puff of black mist, and disappeared without a trace.

Only on the ground, a crystal white-green ghost crystal was left.

Looking at the task time, there are 6 seconds left in the countdown.

He let out a sigh of relief, but fortunately he completed the task.

Energy +328


"The host has completed the Shigangyuan evil spirit mission."

"It took 38 minutes and 54 seconds."

In view of the fact that the host's completion of this task is an act of picking up leaks.

Reduced rewards.

One piece of skill upgrade fragments cancels the primary highly poisonous potion preparation skills, and obtains the title of "Woman Buster".

Chu Yao: "I..."

He has nothing to say.

In Chu Yao's view, this is a routine operation of the system, and he is used to it.

Take a look at the task rewards and system skill upgrade fragments.

Remarks: It is used to upgrade system skills, and 5 fragments can upgrade one-level system skills.

The title of Jealousy Buster.

Remarks: The host obtained it by beheading Li Guihua, the lord of the resentful woman in Shigangyuan, with his weak strength.

Use this title to deter the sneaky wives.

It can weaken the comprehensive strength of the Fu Fu Sneakers below level 30 within a range of 30 meters by 20%.

Seeing this, Chu Yao's eyes inevitably lit up.

Fuck, this title is awesome!

With this title, doesn't it come with a halo of weakness

There is no need to consume any spiritual energy.

If it is superimposed with the coercion of the emperor, it can frighten the jealous woman to her knees.

In the future, if you go out to practice with such a title, don't you just hold it in your hand

Chu Yao's depressed face showed a little surprise.

Don't think about it anymore, the dog system gives out less rewards.

"Little, little brother..."

Suddenly, a voice interrupted Chu Yao's thoughts.

Only then did Chu Yao react.

Besides him, there are three mercenaries!

Although it is not a threat to him at the moment.

But Chu Yao was able to complete the task, and they contributed a lot.

But Chu Yao is not very warm-hearted.

He didn't want to be nosy, and he didn't have any Madonna behavior.

In this sneaky world.

Especially in this wilderness, there is no third-party supervision at all, it is a world where people eat people.

Kindness can often kill yourself in the end.

Chu Yao understood this truth.

Picking up the white-green ghost crystal on the ground, he wanted to leave.

But the mercenary hastily said:

"Little brother, don't go, I am a member of the Spike Mercenary Group, a first-class mercenary Heihu.

Thank you, thank you for saving us.

We don't ask for more help from you.

But I am willing to buy the female ghost ghost crystal in your hand at a high price, a high price.

It is the key to whether our three brothers can become level 2 mercenaries, it is very important.

please! "

The bearded man spoke the truth.

Chu Yao only heard a few key words "high price acquisition, high price".

The living conditions of him and Chu Yu are not good.

Admitted to Zhenmo University.

High tuition fees, trial fees, equipment fees, etc. are required.

Although the government and schools have subsidies and work-study programs, as well as student loans.

But Chu Yao wanted to spend more energy on studying.

Now that you can make more money, why not do it

He stopped.

With his back to the mercenary Heihu, he said:

"How much are you willing to pay?"