Mystical Journey

Chapter 11: Mystery 1


After leaving the martial arts hall, Garen stood on the side of the street waiting for the carriage.

"Sir, do you want a newspaper?" A little boy in a gray hat came over, holding a large package of newspapers, and handed one out.

"Newspaper?" Garen thought for a moment, took one casually, and took out a one-dollar change from his pocket and handed it over.

"Thanks." The boy left and continued to sell to the next customer.

Garen shook the off-white newspaper and unfolded it with a clatter. A line of huge black subtitles was immediately printed in his field of vision.

'The contradiction between the Weisman Empire and the Tulip Republic is becoming increasingly prominent! ! The federal position will be an important weight. '

He frowned and continued to scan the other headings.

'The chairman of the Federal Assembly will hold a troop ordnance inspection in the capital Yangliu at 9:00 am on the 19th. '

A vicious murder was discovered in the Allied State of West Asia, and all 43 manor owners were killed. '

'Historical and archaeological discovery of Shiyanzhou's shocking ruins'

Shaking the newspaper, Garen was about to turn it over and continue reading, when suddenly a passer-by bumped his shoulder lightly, and the newspaper instantly tilted to reveal a clear black and white photo.

It was a field of dark wheat, with a crooked scarecrow standing in the middle, all alone, surrounded by a sea of black wheat.

There is a line of black captions below the photo.

'Purple wheat fields appear in southwestern provinces'

Garen looked at the photo carefully, and faintly, he actually felt his ability beating again.

Scanning down the content, a place name immediately came into view.

'Mason Farm'

A short sound of a carriage came from far and near, and the newspaper was rolled up a few times, and Garen stretched out his hand to beckon.

The gray and black carriage slowly stopped in front of him.

"Go to Blue Tree Street."

"Good sir."


"After the Boundary War 15 years ago, the world pattern has returned to calm. As one of the well-deserved hegemons in the three continents, we also have the historical task of maintaining world peace."

The geography teacher talked about the history course with his own point of view on the podium. This lovely bald old man waved his arms vigorously, turning around from time to time with a chalk and scratching out some key slogans on the blackboard.

In the clean and white classroom, Garen sat in the last row by the window, resting his chin on his hand, flipping through the geography textbook on the table in front of him boredly.

The whole body of the textbook is white, only the cover in the center is printed with a black flying bird pattern, which is the national flag of the Aru Federation. The four black letters above the pattern mean geography.

Garen flipped through the picture pages at the front of the book, and finally stopped at the world map page.

The white rectangular paper represents the ocean, and three distorted and irregular gray lands float in the middle of the ocean.

The three pieces of land form a circular shape, but there is a slight gap in the upper left corner.

The uppermost strip of land is marked Shiyanzhou, and the lower two are Lanzhou on the left and Wuxingzhou on the right. The three continents are surrounded by countless islands, large and small.

Garen's fingers slid slowly and steadily on the upper Shiyan Island, and finally stopped at the center-left part of the long strip of Shiyan Island, where an irregular area marked the words "Aru Federation".

This area is a full one-third the size of the entire Shiyanzhou.

"This world is really weird. There are planes, but the whole world has not yet been explored. The sea around the land is completely a vast ocean, and it can't be explored at all. The entire human being lives around three continents, and only three continents The area of the earth is already equivalent to the sum of all the lands of the earth in the previous life, and even much more."

Garen turned to the next page, glanced boredly, and then looked out the left window. Some people on the lawn in the distance were planting colorful flags, as if they were preparing for some event.

The reddish sunlight in the afternoon sprinkled on the lawn, faintly coating the dark green surface with a layer of golden red.

After returning from the martial arts school, it has been three days since the weekend, and today is Tuesday. He has already participated in the review and registration in the martial arts school, and now he is just waiting for the result.

If he passed, he would be able to directly become an official disciple of Baiyun Martial Arts Academy, learn secret techniques, and get a monthly income.


The pleasant bell rang for the end of get out of class.

The geography teacher clapped his hands loudly.

"Okay, that's all for today's class. I hope you will do more previews after you go down. I will do random checks in the next class. Lan Ruo, thank you for your hard work."

"it's nothing."

A girl with black twintails stood up and nodded. Then leave the table, wait until the teacher leaves the classroom, then go up and pick up the blackboard eraser to quickly erase the handwriting on the blackboard.

This girl has a cold and pure demeanor, her bangs hang down obliquely on her forehead, her complexion is white and delicate, her eyes are big and dark, she is completely oriental in appearance.

Garen knew him. There were twenty-five people in the class, and there was no one who didn't know him.

Lan Ruo, the top three in the class and the top five in the grade. She is beautiful and has a pure temperament. She is like a white and flawless porcelain doll, and her skin is as tender as milk jelly.

It's just that her personality is very indifferent, and she hardly talks to her classmates. Apart from polite words, she just quietly looks at the person who strikes up a conversation. Her big bright watery eyes and an expressionless face are enough to make anyone feel uncomfortable. There is no way to continue talking, so I can only walk away in despair.

"Did you see Finn?" Calledo leaned over from the front. This guy had dyed yellow hair, a yellow leather vest over his white shirt, and a sapphire necklace on his chest. Dressed up, it doesn't look like an ordinary coquettish bag.

"Fin? He just disappeared after class. Why are you looking for him? I don't know which girl that guy is having a hot fight with again." Garen asked puzzled.

"His cousin is here. Let's go out for dinner together in the afternoon. I, you, Fern, and his cousin and girlfriend are all students of the same age. I heard that her cousins are in a girls' school~~" Calledo raised his eyebrows pick.

"What about the girls' school? I have to go to the martial arts hall in the afternoon, so I don't have time."

"You don't take such a good opportunity?"

"Next time, really." Garen shrugged, "It's really something this time."

"You kid. What a great opportunity!" Carledo turned and walked to the door of the classroom with thoughts.

Garen shook his head speechlessly. After tidying up the books on the table, he also got up and walked out of the classroom with a black cloth schoolbag on his back.


twenty minutes later

Baiyun martial arts main hall

In a spacious dark mahogany hall.

A bald old man sat cross-legged on the floor, behind him was a burning fireplace, and the red flames sprang out one after another, making a crackling sound.

There was no light in the room, only the red glow of the fireplace.

More than a dozen teenagers in white clothes sat cross-legged on the floor in front of the old man. Everyone looked solemn and stared at the old man in front of them.

"Congratulations." The bald old man said slowly. "You are the new round of students who have become formal disciples this year."

No one spoke, but the boys and girls were breathing slightly heavier. Among these people, the oldest was eighteen years old, and the youngest was only fifteen years old, but all of them showed excitement on their faces.

The old man saw it and nodded slightly.

"Being an official disciple, apart from not having to pay tuition fees, the biggest advantage is that you can be taught the secrets of martial arts."

"And the martial arts secrets are also the secrets of all major martial arts schools and martial arts schools. Therefore, before I pass them on to you, I hope you can abide by the oath you signed just now."

The old man took out an old yellow roll paper from the pocket of the black Taoist uniform, unfolded it gently, and spread it on the ground.

"Start with the first person on the left, go up and take a look and back down."

Sitting cross-legged on the far left, a girl with wavy curly hair stood up, walked up to pick up the rolled paper, took a look, and then immediately returned to her seat. Then the second, and the third.

It takes no more than ten seconds to read each one, which is very fast.

A purple-haired, red-eyed boy sitting in the middle back was Garen who came directly from the school to receive the teaching of the secret technique. He was dressed in a white Taoist uniform, with his hands on his knees, and his eyes were fixed on the students who had read the scroll.

Soon it will be his turn. Garen got up and walked forward, knelt down in front of the old man, picked up the scroll and flattened it, and then looked carefully.

There is only a human figure drawn on the light yellow roll paper, and it is posing in a strange posture, as if it is standing on a stake. And it also has a strong special flavor.

It was easy for Garen to remember it after reading it once. At the same time, he also smelled a faint fragrance that wafted from the paper. Very light, like the aroma of honey.

After returning to his seat, he had just sat down when he suddenly felt sleepy.

"Start now, take the pose in the picture. Pay attention to that charm." The voice of the bald old man came clearly.

Everyone stood up, moved a certain distance, and began to pose in the poses on the drawing.

Garen followed suit, pressing forward with both hands, standing on tiptoe with one foot, and using the heel of the other foot to bear the force.

As soon as he took this pose, the skill items below his field of vision suddenly jumped, and one more item slowly appeared: Baiyun Basic Secret Technique: Elementary.

Garen only felt a rush of warm blood slowly gathering in his chest and abdomen, and then spreading to his limbs, and his whole body soon felt a warm feeling.

In the attribute column in the field of vision, the strength attribute also began to jump slowly. Jumped from 0.44 to 0.45 with a snap.

The old man's voice sounded again at this time.

"Do you feel the warmth all over your body? This means that you have successfully mastered the Baiyun Secret Technique in my Baiyun Martial Arts Hall. In the future, as long as you often use this posture to practice meditation, the secret technique will be developed according to different physical conditions and talents. Slowly increase your strength. This secret method will naturally produce three stages in total: entry-level hot environment, cold environment, and the intersection of cold and heat. Each stage will increase the strength of the body to a certain extent. An ordinary person, if he can If you reach the highest level, you can also become twice as strong as before. Of course, this time will be relatively long."

"In addition, the growth of the secret technique is gradual. During the exercise, some taboos must be paid attention to. You can't practice the secret technique when you are too tired, you can't practice the secret technique when you are too hungry or too full, and you can't interfere a lot."

Garen sat in the back, listening to the old man explain the key to the secret method one by one, and at the same time, he kept feeling the blood flow accelerated and warmed his whole body.

While listening to the taboo, pay attention to the attributes and skill items below the field of vision.

After thinking for a while, his eyes finally focused on the newly obtained Baiyun Secret Technique.

After his eyes stayed on it for a few seconds, a gust of air rushed into the skill item.

The display state of the Baiyun Secret Technique slowly changed from primary to intermediate.

(end of this chapter)