Mystical Journey

Chapter 112: Closing 1


Thinking of these, Garen unconsciously thought of Andreira.

"Compared to me, Andreira can enter the fighter level at the age. I don't know how much he has to pay and how much he has experienced. No wonder his spirit is a bit abnormal. It is estimated that only such concentration and extremes can he become a fighter." Letting him enter such a high level at such a young age. I'm still cheating." He knew very well that he was not a genius.

Recalling all the young masters I have seen, only Andrela has entered the level of fighters, and even Hongshajian's big disciple Biou, showed the feeling that he is infinitely close to fighters. It's obviously courage, maybe the martial arts cultivation base has been reached, but the spiritual cultivation base has not yet been reached.

Gathering his mind, Garen straightened his suit and strode out from the side hall to the main entrance hall. Uncle Angel had already greeted him at the door ahead of time.

"It may be a little troublesome later. On the surface, they will not embarrass you because of my face, but I have no reason to intervene in the troubles of the younger generation. You can only rely on yourself. I also arranged for Vinia and the others to keep up with you , pay attention to your own safety, don't rely on yourself to practice martial arts and fight them head-on, do you understand?" the uncle whispered.

"Understood." Garen nodded helplessly.

Only then was Angor satisfied, and reached out to touch his head, "I haven't seen you for a while, and I've grown taller again. It's only been a little over a year, and I've grown so strong that the bean sprouts from before can't be seen at all. It's not bad. .”

He rubbed Garen's hair vigorously and laughed. Garen had no choice but to let him rub it with a helpless face.

"Okay, come in with me. Be careful and polite. Everyone inside is rich and powerful than your master. Building a good relationship will benefit you in the future."

"Okay." Garen could only nod in agreement.

As soon as he walked in the door, he saw Powell, the local governor of Huaishan City, in the corner, smiling and chatting with two middle-aged men with mustaches, completely acting as a foil.

"It seems that they are not ordinary characters." Gallon suddenly became curious about his uncle's secret strength.

The strongest forces he has come into contact with in the martial arts world are Xinghuanmen and Su Lin's family. It's just that I don't know what level the more than ten people in the hall in front of me belong to in comparison.

But after thinking about it, he still obediently followed behind his uncle, looking like a polite and gentle junior.

Not far away, two middle-aged men and women were paying attention to Garen and Angel who entered the door.

"That is the future heir chosen by Angel?" The woman wore a scarlet sleeveless dress with a close-fitting high collar, a golden ponytail tied obliquely, and narrow blue eyes, giving off a sharp and noble look. charm.

"Angel has worked hard for most of his life, and this time he wants to retire. However, his industry is between black and white, and it is not easy to get out completely." The man folded his arms, with a golden color on his chin He has a small mustache and short hair combed diagonally to the right, making him look extremely gentle.

"Indeed, it's time for a showdown after this banquet, right? There will probably be news tomorrow."

"Wait and see." The woman chuckled lightly. "Compared to this Garen, I still prefer Delaixima and Venus over there."

"Just with Angel's support, no matter how bad Garen is, he can still be regarded as a strong contender. He should be able to last a little longer. By the way, which side do you support, Delai Xima and Venus?" The man lowered his head. asked.

"It depends on the situation. Both of them are leaders of the younger generation, and they have powerful support behind them." The woman said nonchalantly, "Are you trying to pull me to support Delaixima again? Although he is very good, I don't admire him." Type. Don’t say anything superfluous.”

"You are alert." The man smiled wryly, "Cheers."

"Cheers." The woman laughed and raised her glass to touch him virtually.

Garen followed behind his uncle and politely answered the elders' questions, his scrutinizing eyes kept focusing on him.

He smiled and nodded in response to a man in his thirties in front of his uncle, while quickly scanning his uncle Angel's face.

From childhood to adulthood, he did not know how many uncles helped him, and it was also because of this that he and his sister entered the academy. Although my uncle has serious patriarchal thoughts, I really have nothing to say to him. It's just that what he has been unable to figure out is that this time he suddenly wants to hand over the property to himself.

This is very abrupt.

Last time he argued hard, but my uncle insisted. But even if Lombas doesn't live up to it, he won't simply give all his assets to himself.

And my uncle is only about forty years old this year

Thinking of his uncle's age, Garen's eyes became darker.

"elder brother"

Suddenly a weak voice came from behind.

Garen was slightly taken aback, turned his head, and saw his younger sister Yinger standing behind him.

"Why are you alone? Where are your parents?"

"They didn't want to come, so they pushed it away." Ying Er was wearing a black tunic dress, the skirt reached her knees, her long hair was very back, and a black headband was tied in the middle. The face is rosy and smooth, the lips are pink and tender, and the eyes have a watery luster. It was obviously dressed up by a professional.

"Push?" Garen was taken aback. Although I knew that the relationship between my parents and my uncle was cold since I was a child, I didn't expect it to reach this level.

Ying'er walked up to Garen, stood beside him, and said hello to Uncle Angel.

Angel nodded with a smile in agreement.

"You brothers and sisters haven't seen each other for a long time, let's have a good chat." He patted Garen on the shoulder. "I'll call you in a moment, don't delay."


Garen had vaguely sensed the predicament his uncle was facing. Nod your head in the affirmative.

"Brother, what's going on!?" As soon as her uncle left, Ying'er immediately asked, with doubts, worries, and a hint of bewilderment and strangeness in her eyes. "Why don't you go home and have a look when you come back? And how can uncle have such a big influence?"

Garen led her to a corner on one side, found two quiet places, and they sat down.

"To be honest, I don't know the situation here. Uncle suddenly wants me to inherit his property. I'm not prepared at all." Garen himself was also puzzled, "But." He vaguely guessed something, but didn't Say, "Forget it, I hope I can help you through this. Leave these things alone. I'll be fine."

"But, why didn't mom and dad come over? I only rushed over when I heard that you were here, brother, otherwise they wouldn't let me." Ying Er was puzzled. Even the elder brother who was close by, suddenly became very strange.

"Aren't they willing to come if they don't come?" Garen thought thoughtfully. "After a while, I'll go back and have a look. I just came back. It's just that the master is seriously ill, so I haven't been free for the time being." What he said was the truth. Originally, he didn't plan to go home until everything was completely dealt with. I didn't expect to meet my sister here.

"You called me at that moment, don't slip away alone!" Ying'er felt uncomfortable at this kind of banquet. Involuntarily, he got closer to his brother.

"Got it." Garen smiled and leaned casually on the sofa.

At the reception, some powerful and wealthy people complimented each other, fought openly and secretly, and concealed their tactics. They seemed to be the same, but in fact there were many crises. If they didn't pay attention to the reception, they would offend some narrow-minded people and cause trouble for the upper body. If you don't pay attention to the wine, some key self-information will be leaked. So everyone is reserved and polite, and they are careful with every word they say.

After sitting with his sister for not long, Garen saw his uncle waving at him not far away.

He quickly got up and walked over.

"Mr. Pang Di, this is my nephew Garen. How is it? Can you see it? Garen, why don't you say hello yet?" Angel patted Garen on the shoulder with a smile. The other party is a major customer of his company group, so he cannot be neglected easily. And it's also very dangerous in itself.

"Mr. Pang Di, hello." Garen smiled and held out his hand to the other party.

The gray-haired man named Pang Di glanced at Garen lightly.

"Hello, but although it was Angel's recommendation, I don't have a good impression of you. Of course, if you can satisfy me in the future, I might change this impression."

"Mr. Pang Di." Angel interrupted in a low voice, "What do you mean by that?" He stared at the other party with piercing eyes. When his nephew was reprimanded face to face, he naturally had to notice it.

"It's not interesting." Pang Di smiled. "Angel, we have worked together for so many years. To be honest, I am very disappointed in your choice this time."

Garen stood behind and listened to him casually saying unfavorable things to his uncle, but there was nothing strange in his heart.

Almost all the dignitaries we met when we came together just now were like this, but it wasn't as obvious as he expressed it.

It's just that he didn't intend to inherit his uncle's property at first, and his uncle was still young, so he wanted to abdicate at this age.

Suddenly stepping forward, he smiled and asked Pang Di politely: "Then how can I satisfy you?"

Pang Di was taken aback for a moment, as if he didn't expect that Garen would suddenly stand up and speak. He turned his head and took a careful look at Garen. Then sneered.

"Do you know business management? How much do you know about classic cases in shopping malls?"

"The information in this area is just information after all. I am very confident in my learning ability. You must have checked my relevant information, right?" Garen said calmly.

Pang Di still sneered.

"So what? Standing up like a brat like you, you are not an orthodox heir, and your relationship network is also much worse than the other two. If it wasn't for your uncle's support, what qualifications do you have to stand here and talk to me? Lianmen They are just ordinary students who can't get in."

Garen frowned.

"Who didn't stand up from the foundation? Your words are a bit biased. I don't know what your requirements are for your heirs, but I believe that if you choose me, I am confident that I should be able to do it."

"Are you confident? Do you think you can outperform the other two candidates?" Pang Di laughed.

"If I can beat you, how about you supporting me?" Garen said flatly.

"It's nothing, I just don't like you. Although I don't know how a nephew of yours won Angor's consent, it is a common practice to pass the property to the orthodox eldest son of the family, so don't try to use such small means to win it." Something that doesn't belong to you. No matter what you do! I won't agree with you as heir."

It turned out that they all thought so.

Garen understood.

These people seem to think that he deliberately coaxed his uncle to win the family property, and the means were poor.

It's just that although he didn't intend to inherit his uncle's property, the other party's words were indeed a bit harsh. However, he originally talked to him more, just to understand the position and attitude of these heat energies.

It's just that Pang Di's reticent attitude made him a little unhappy.

"Actually, I also want to say this, but I think you are also very displeased." Garen retorted. "Isn't it too early for you to interfere with uncle's decision?"

"About Angel." Pang Di's face also turned cold.

"Okay, Pang Di, that's it." The uncle's face sank.

Pang Di snorted coldly, and when he glanced over Garen, a trace of apprehension appeared on his face. He obviously knew some information about Garen, and then walked away by himself. It's for Angor's face.

Although everyone present was not afraid of anyone, and everyone was on an equal footing, he didn't need to look at Angel's face at all.

"Okay, Garen, don't be angry either. Pang Di's eldest son supports Venus, and Delai Xima and Venus are two representatives of the younger generation from my wife's side. You can go down and meet them alone later. Meet."

Angel knew a lot about his nephew. Although he didn't know the process of the recent Manleyton company incident, the result was clear. Garen didn't know where to borrow the relationship with the special forces, and took away the entire Manleyton Company in one fell swoop. This also surprised him. So he didn't want Garen to hold grudges against Pang Di in this matter. After all, the other party is his friend who has cooperated for many years.

"It's okay, uncle." Garen smiled. "Why don't I go and meet the other peers now?"

"Alright, I'll let someone accompany you." Angel pondered for a while, feeling that the attitude of the guests above was not very good. The benefit to Garen is too small, let him go down to meet other juniors.

Soon, a slender man in a dark blue suit followed behind Garen under the arrangement of his uncle. In addition, a waiter led the two of them out of the banquet hall and into another small reception room through the side door.

The small meeting room can only accommodate dozens of people. The walls and ceiling are all light yellow, the floor is covered with white woolen blankets, and the wall lamps on the walls emit a soft yellow light.

There were more than 20 young men and women standing or sitting scattered in the hall.

A large part of them clustered around the two, and only a few two or three stood inconspicuously in the corner.

As soon as Garen came in, he immediately saw two central figures who were unusually striking.

The young man with thick black eyebrows on the left looked very mature, holding a black drink in his hand and taking a sip from time to time, he was listening carefully to what his companion was saying, with a little carelessness in his eyes. From the few words around him, he could be faintly heard being called Delai Xima.

The person on the right has short blue hair, black eyes, and a faint slender scar on his forehead, but unlike Delaixima's calmness, he completely controls the initiative of speaking. Although it was smiling, it still gave off an unusually aggressive and dangerous feeling.

Garen walked in the door and immediately attracted the attention of some people.

"Garon! You finally dare to go out!" A mature man next to Delaixima suddenly straightened up and said calmly. "Sima, is this person the one you saw at the time?"

Garen was taken aback when he heard the words, then looked carefully at Delai Xima's face, and suddenly recalled the boy in white he met at the door of his uncle's house. How long has it been since we last met, and the other party has become so mature


The wine glass in Delaixima's hand suddenly fell to the ground and shattered. The original calm and carelessness on his face disappeared without a trace, and his face lost all color in an instant. He stared at Garen in a daze. Obviously, the brain went blank all of a sudden.

He was shaken by someone beside him before he could react.

(end of this chapter)