Mystical Journey

Chapter 116: Assassination 1


"Your brother is really famous." Garen shrugged, not knowing how to evaluate it.

"He is always like this." Su Lin murmured, "Excellent, serious, majestic, and even able to argue with his father face to face. When I was a child, I often heard their voices arguing in the study."

"You have a happy family." Garen picked up the water glass and took a sip slowly.

"Happiness is real." Su Lin returned to normal and smiled, "It's just that someone wants to destroy this happiness now."

"Kill whoever comes." Garen smiled. After saying this sentence, he stopped talking.

Soon a dedicated waiter delivered the prepared plates and drinks, and the dishes were all extremely beautiful and delicious. Chicken, duck, fish, goose, all kinds of meat are available. There are still people holding plates waiting to change the dishes.

Jia Long stood up and glanced at the entire carriage. The carriage was empty, except for a white-haired old man at the other end who received the same treatment as them. The old man also saw him, raised his glass and smiled at him.

Garen smiled back and sat down. Watching Su Lin across the street chewing wine and meat mixed together, I always feel a little weird.

"Watching you eat, I don't know why I always feel a sense of disobedience."

"It doesn't look like I'm a child of the family, right?" Su Lin didn't care, he muttered while chewing on the meat. "It's normal. I never change myself because of other people's eyes. This is my principle."

"Very good principle." Garen nodded. Seeing that the plate on the table had been changed, he also moved his mouth quickly.

Su Lin eats a lot, and he is not small either.

Since the giant elephant's secret martial arts reached its limit, his appetite has increased sharply. It's easy to eat seven or eight pounds of meat in one meal, but it would be five or six pounds of meat in one meal. This is not counting the amount of other dishes such as bread soup.

The train was still moving forward slowly but firmly. Garen and Su Lin chatted or listened to the chatter of young people around them every day. Every time they ate, they staggered with others, so as not to scare others with their horrible appetite.

After a week in succession, they finally arrived at the grand event in Elisa province, Yinjie City.

Jumping lightly from the entrance of the train carriage, Gallon looked at Su Lin in front of him and suddenly stopped tensely.

"What's wrong?" The station was very noisy, and Garen had to raise his voice.

"Here we come." Su Lin turned around, holding a black card between his index finger and middle finger, similar to the shape and size of a poker card. The card has a J letter printed in the center.

"Ansara's black card."

"Didn't you already be mentally prepared?" Garen smiled, he was far from the ordinary person he was on Earth now, and he had the confidence to face any challenge by himself. Hearing that Anshaluo's card was coming, he felt eager anticipation instead. He has also figured it out now, even if hot weapons can pose an absolute threat to martial artists, but he has innate abilities, which is a special case with infinite possibilities, and perhaps one day in the future it may be possible to break through this boundary.

"That's true, let's go. It's just that the black card appears, and my father and the others probably already know about it." Su Lin smiled wryly.

Sure enough, before the words were finished, a large group of people came quickly at the entrance and exit of the station, all of them were soldiers in brown uniforms, and the leader was a male officer, who walked up to Su Lin and stood at attention to salute.

"Commander Su Lin, follow the command of His Excellency Commander-in-Chief and escort you back to the manor."

Looking at Su Lin's speechless shrug, Garen turned around and smiled wryly at himself.

"Let's go." He turned around as he said, and walked towards several military cars parked in the distance surrounded by the crowd.

Garen followed closely and was also surrounded by several soldiers for protection.

The passengers around the two were in shock, with different speculations and opinions.

Yilin Shaman and the others who hadn't come down from the back of the carriage watched Su Lin and Gallon leave surrounded by a large group of soldiers, and they were all silent.

And the three young masters and young ladies who had flaunted their family backgrounds before also felt their faces flushed and blushed violently. Compared with them, those two are obviously the real bullish characters. It's useless for them to brag about their family relationship in front of others.


The edge of a lake near Yinjie City.

Among the dense green trees, beside the lake stands a square black-roofed manor.

The double-storey pointed buildings in the manor form a square with a gap, and the gap is the driveway leading to the outside world.

The entire manor is surrounded by metal fences, the only gap is the white painted gate for the management.

Faint sunlight shines on the building complex area, and something faintly reflects the light of the glass.

At noon, a group of dark green military cars slowly drove along the driveway into the vast manor.

The convoy consists of four cars. Slowly stopped at the edge of the lawn in the center of the manor.

Amidst the slamming of the car door, a large group of soldiers scattered away, only two officers escorted two young men to a white awning on the central lawn.

The two men who got out of the car had bright red hair like flames, a handsome fair face, and a small golden earring on their ears.

The other has short dark purple hair and a strong build. After getting out of the car, he looked around, as if he had never been to this place. It was Garen who had just come from the train station.

"Garon, let's go meet my father first." The red-haired man said to him.

Garen nodded, and followed Su Lin towards the awning.

On the lawn outside the awning, a tall and strong man was holding a thin brown club, making golf-like movements from time to time. It seems to be practicing.

The man was wearing white casual clothes. His hair was completely white, his forehead was a little bald, his face was rosy, his eyes were calm and tough, and he had an aura of determination in everything he did.

The man's figure was a little fat. After he finished a swing, he leaned on the club and stood in place to look towards Su Lin and the two of them.

"Father, I'm back. This is my friend Garen. I invited him to come over to our house for a while. He is my very good friend." Su Lin stepped forward and said.

"This is my father Kron. You can call him Uncle."

"Hello, Uncle, I'm sorry to bother you."

Garen greeted politely.

"It's okay, you look different from those other guys. I also hope that Su Lin can have more legitimate friends like you, and stop messing around outside." Kron nodded and smiled at Garen in a friendly manner. .

"By the way, it's okay, don't run out recently, have you received a black card with the letter J printed in the middle?" He turned to Su Lin and asked.

"Card? Is it this?" Su Lin took out the card and handed it to his father.

Crohn took the card with a stern look in his eyes.

"Sure enough. Well, you can take Garen for a stroll, as long as you don't go out of the Saima Lake area."

"Understood, don't worry, Saima Lake is enough for us to play." Su Lin smiled and waved his hands, "Let's go to Gallon, I'll take you to see your temporary residence."

The two left Commander Kron and wandered around the manor for a while. Su Lin handed over the prepared house keys and car keys to Gallon, and continued to explain some car maintenance matters. This is considered a temporary calm down.

"Leaving aside these things, you are staying at my house for the time being, and the school hasn't officially started yet. It's okay to move out after school starts, right?" Su Lin started to arrange the schedule.

"No problem, but you have to check the layout of the house, its location, and some necessary daily necessities first."

"Don't worry, the location is next to the university, and all the daily necessities are ready. Next, I'll take you to see my other friend, who will also be our companion during this period of time in the future." Su Lin said mysteriously said laughingly.


Garen was very interested in another person who could be compared to him. It is conceivable that from Su Lin's perspective, the opponent who can join the ranks of fighting against Anshaluo will definitely not be a simple person.

In his anticipation, the two went to see the house alone. There was nothing wrong with it. It was a beautiful white villa. The Tequila car worth tens of millions is parked firmly in the garage.

Then it was time to meet this new friend who was about to join them.


Yinjie City Slums

The gray and black buildings are densely packed together, and some of them are even crooked to the point of crumbling.

Garen and Su Lin were walking through the alley between two crooked buildings. On both sides, there were dirty small shops and ordinary poor residents' houses downstairs. Washed clothes and trousers are hung on clotheslines everywhere above the alley, some of which are still wet, dripping water constantly, exuding a strong smell of soap.

All kinds of small advertisements are posted on the walls on both sides of the alley, most of which are rental housing, usury, and job recruitment information, and some places are even directly written with green and red paint. It looks like a child's random doodle.

Walking in the alley, the sun from the sky can't shine down, only the shadow of the building is shrouded, and the ground is wet, in a state of perennial humidity.

The two of them, Garon Surin, walked among them, and they could notice the curious eyes of some residents from time to time. Moreover, there were faint sounds of severe coughing in some dwellings.

Su Lin carefully stepped over a puddle of sewage. "It's been a long time since I've been here. The city is doing flu prevention and treatment recently. It is said that this is a new type of flu, which is quite troublesome. Guys with poor personal hygiene are most likely to be infected. I hope that guy doesn't get infected."

"I guess not." Garen replied casually, and saw a dirty little boy sitting at the door of a small shop on the left, weaving something with pale yellow straw. "Why doesn't he live in a better environment?" He asked casually.

"No reason, he just has this temper. This is where he grew up." Su Lin whispered, turned forward and turned to the right. "arrive."

Garen turned the corner and walked into a forked alley. There was only a small shop at the end of the alley, which sold farm tools such as hoes and ironware. The shop was a bit dark, and two figures could be vaguely seen working inside.

Garen followed Su Lin to the door of the shop.

"Is anyone there?" Sulin yelled loudly.

"What would you like, sir." A young boy in russet sackcloth came out. His arms were covered with sleeves, and his arms were covered with burn scars.

"Where's your boss?"

"May I ask who you are?" Another delicate girl came out of the store, wearing a gray sarong, but her high breasts and curvy figure still showed her compelling youthful aura.

"Is there anything you can do with your father?"

(end of this chapter)