Mystical Journey

Chapter 18: Exclude 1


After following in the alley for a while, the black figure in front suddenly turned left.

Garen moved past a puddle of water on the ground, and followed with light steps. In any case, he had to find out the details of the person he killed that day, and whether the other party had the ability to find out his identity. At this time, it was not just a matter of relationship potential, but the most important issue of his own and family safety.

Turning into a dirty and narrower alley, the sound of men beating and scolding women could be faintly heard from upstairs above the alley. The whole alley was filled with an unpleasant smell of fermented food residues.

The man following behind was squatting beside a cylindrical trash can, reaching for something in it. There were still two homeless men paralyzed beside them, sleeping soundly.

Garen stood quietly at the edge of the alley, looking in with the light from upstairs.

The man rummaged through the trash can, and after a while, he found a black leather bag, touched it, and took out a small copper key. Putting the key on, he looked left and right, then moved forward.

When the man was watching, Garen quickly retracted his head and hid by the corner wall, listening to the sound of the man's slight footsteps gradually going away. Only then did he slowly poke his head out again.

Without a sound, the moment he poked his head out, Garen only felt a pain in his waist, as if something had pricked him.

He slammed his right elbow back like a conditioned reflex.


A man let out a muffled grunt, staggered from being hit, turned around and wanted to run, but fell crookedly to the ground before taking a few steps, struggled a few times but still couldn't get up.

Garen's heart was pounding, but after all, it was the second time he had actually fought with someone, and the psychological changes after the murder were completely different from the first time, not so flustered and nervous.

He suppressed the panic in his heart, took a few deep breaths, and looked at his pierced waist. There was a small slit in his clothes, which was obviously pierced by something like a dagger. The skin was not injured.

"If it wasn't for my explosive boxing technique for self-defense, my body would be as hard as hard qigong. A normal person would definitely be dead after this knife." Gallon looked at the location of the knife edge, which happened to be the kidney, and his heart broke out in a cold sweat.

Walking to the side of the man on the ground, the man was holding a black dagger in his right hand, his clothes were dirty as if they hadn't been washed for a long time, he was dressed like an ordinary homeless man on the street.

"You guys won't be rampant for long, Lord James will avenge me!" The man chuckled a few times in a low voice, his small green eyes fixed on Garen, a trace of blood dripped from the corner of his mouth, and then he tilted his head and died immediately. The blood dripping from the corner of his mouth turned black, obviously poisonous.

Before Garen had time to ask about the situation, the man committed suicide. He squatted down and checked his heartbeat and breathing. He was indeed dead.

He only felt that he seemed to be involved in the battle between the two forces. This guy mistook him for a member of another hostile force, and in order to prevent himself from leaking information, he committed suicide by taking poison without saying a word.

This kind of stern-like harshness made Garen feel chills for a while.

"Shouldn't be here specifically to follow me. The guy in front must have come here to pick up things, and this guy may be the person he sent to silence me after he found out that I was following me. It may also be that another organization's spies saw that I was exposed. It's unlikely." After inferring the specific situation, Garen breathed a sigh of relief. Apparently his miss kill that night was regarded as another side's shot.

"No wonder the man ordered someone to kill me as soon as I stopped the car. It was obvious that I was misunderstood at the critical moment."

After analyzing the situation, Garen felt more and more that this was the real truth.

I looked around and saw that there was no sound around, but the sound of the homeless snoring and the quarreling upstairs was still coming. From time to time, you can hear the cry of wild cats.

Garen bent down to inspect the killer, and found a black and gold coin from the inside pocket of his jacket. Without looking too much, he took the gold coins and left quickly along the same path.

When there were few people, he slowly walked out of the alley, pretending to be nonchalant all the way, and directly walked around the city, making many circles, until the big clock tower in the city rang the alarm clock , before trotting towards home.

Click bang.

Garen closed the door, changed his slippers and walked into the living room.

The oil lamp was on in the living room, and his father, Lombard Eisen, was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, reading a newspaper, wearing black pajamas, and frowning slightly.

Eisen is a fat middle-aged man with messy black and purple hair and a large area of white beard all over his face. He looks like a passionate football coach uncle.

Seeing Garen coming back, he raised his chubby face and nodded slightly at his son, without saying a word.

"What about mom?" Garen took off his outer coat with a natural expression and hung it on the hanger by the door.

"It's a rare day off, so I went to drink coffee at Mrs. Cortini's house upstairs." Eisen replied casually. "You didn't come back until the bell tower called the time. Don't play outside for too long. It's too late and it's dangerous outside. Recently, there have been many murders in the city, and they all happened in places with few people. You have to remember Don’t go where there are few people.”

"I know this. I heard from my classmates." Garen nodded.

"Especially you, who often run and like to go to places with few people."


"Take it easy, your sister just fell asleep, and tomorrow she has to practice before the competition." Father Eisen put down the newspaper and drank the coffee on the table, "I will sleep when you come back, don't wait for your mother, she probably I won’t come back until late.”

"Understood." Gallon sat on the sofa to rest for a while, took a cup and drank a glass of water, and watched his father enter the bedroom and close the door. After waiting for a while, he heard the sound of turning off the lights inside, so he got up and hurriedly washed, turned off the lights in the living room, and entered his bedroom.

He sat down at the desk, turned on the desk lamp, then carefully took out the black gold coin from his pocket, and examined it carefully under the light.

The gold coin is only the size of a walnut and about as thick as a coin. On the front is a two-masted galleon with two huge sails blown inflated by the wind. There is also a coiled snake engraved on the top of the boat, with its mouth open as if to bite something.

A number is engraved on the bottom: 1521

Turn back. It is engraved with a pair of knight's armor, and a sword penetrates upwards from the inside of the armor, from bottom to top, with the tip of the sword touching the helmet. The whole armor is inlaid with a circle of garlands.

Garen rubbed the gold coin repeatedly, and the dark gold exposed under the black paint of the gold coin could be seen from some subtle places on the back.

He pressed his fingers on the dark gold, and the potential below his vision jumped slowly.

Jumped from 179% to 180.

Then it was completely silent.


Garen put down the gold coin speechlessly.

Since accumulating some attribute points from the old man last time, he has not used this attribute point. Instead, keep it for now.

Originally, he planned to add it to the Baiyun Secret Technique, but later he considered that it might be better to add it to the Explosive Fist Technique. After all, that is the short-term effect. In addition, he was unsuccessful in begging the old man to lend the book afterward, and he was even more reluctant to add this attribute indiscriminately.

"I thought I could find something good from him. The gang who stole so many antiques only got one gold coin. Should I say that it is really a small character?"

Shaking his head slightly, he put the gold coins into the desk drawer.

"Since this matter is a misunderstanding, let's stop here, and I can't get involved." Thinking back to being stabbed silently by that man just now, Garen broke into a cold sweat.

"If I hadn't practiced the bursting boxing technique, my skin would have hardened a lot, and this knife might have killed me. This time, his strength is weak. If it is replaced by a stronger one. Put some poison on the knife."

Thinking of this, he shuddered a little.

"It's better to just go to school and practice martial arts honestly. These things are too dangerous. It's better to leave it to a big detective like Tali Shuiyin."

He made up his mind not to get involved in this matter. Although the Bronze Cross was precious, the old man had a new source of potential, although it could not be absorbed later, this made Gallon's desire to get the medal back faded.

"The last bit of attribute should be added to the Baiyun Secret Technique. If you add this earlier, the increase in strength and physique will be much faster in the future."

He thought for a while, and finally cast his sights on the Baiyun Secret Technique in the skill bar.

Slowly, the air in his mind rushed out slowly, and got into one of Baiyun's secret techniques.

The word "secret method" jumped and gradually became blurred, from intermediate to advanced.


Suddenly there was a crisp sound in his head, and the words that had become advanced blurred in an instant, and returned to intermediate again. A gust of air rushed back to Garen's mind.

"What's going on?" He frowned and looked carefully at the skill bar.

Behind one item of the Baiyun Secret Technique, a new symbol actually appeared.

Although he didn't know the pronunciation of the symbol, Garen strangely knew its meaning - the information was incomplete.

"It seems that the teaching of the secret method is not a complete high-level secret method. The key should be in the hands of the high-level martial arts and important disciples." Garen roughly guessed the truth of the matter.

After thinking for a while, he looked at the Explosive Fist again. It was the same, and it was the same situation. After the attribute points were added, the words blurred and returned to the original primary level. There is a new symbol at the back, the meaning is also recognized by Garen.

"Does the intermediate level of Explosive Fist need external drug stimulation and simultaneous treatment? Otherwise, it will damage the physique and intelligence." He also knows that he is very lucky to be able to learn the Explosive Fist without any assistance.

The same is true for the Baiyun Secret Technique. The martial arts school naturally wants to keep the core things in their own hands. Impossible to throw out all at once. Otherwise, it is impossible to condense into a whole piece.

"It seems that if you want to improve your martial power, you can only improve your status in the martial arts." Since time travel, he has been obsessed with martial arts almost all his thoughts. This world has been touched, which makes Garen always feel very excited. Now feeling the importance and safety of martial arts, his pursuit of it became more fanatical.

Although he encountered some problems now, it was nothing to him, as long as he participated in the qualifying competition on the inner wall of the martial arts hall, got a good ranking and entered the line of sight of the core figures above.

"Since the skills can't be added, let's forget about adding the basic attributes." He shifted his gaze and started cruising around the basic attribute bar.

Strength 0.53, Dexterity 0.23, Constitution 0.33, Intelligence 0.36.

"Physique, strength and intelligence have been added. This time, just add agility. Let's test the effect of this agility." Regarding attribute points, Garen held the attitude of not adding them for nothing.

Compared with the general students who study together, no matter which attribute points he adds, he has a higher starting point than others.

After all, he added attribute points on the basis of ordinary people's body.

Coupled with the effect of attribute solidification, once he reaches a certain attribute height, even if he does not exercise much afterwards, his body can still maintain the peak attribute without degeneration. In such a situation, if he didn't practice martial arts to improve his physique, even he himself would feel that everything was wasted.

(end of this chapter)