Mystical Journey

Chapter 25: Speechless 1


"Now go to the treatment room to deal with the chest injury." Fei Baiyun left a sentence, and walked slowly downstairs with his hands behind his back.

Garen stood where he was, and his expression changed, but he didn't make a sound for a while.

Watching the teacher go down the stairs, the figure disappeared, and even the sound of footsteps disappeared completely. Then he gently tore off the clothes on his chest.

On the white skin of the chest, a brass bullet was inlaid in the heart of the left chest, less than one centimeter into the flesh.

He directly pulled it out with his hands, and the wound on his chest closed automatically, the edges were a little burnt black, and only a little blood flowed out.

"This is a gun." He looked at the bullet in his hand thoughtfully.

After going downstairs, he went to the doctor of the martial arts main hall to treat the wound, and then Garen slowly walked out of the main hall's gate.

On the cold Huaishan street, a few patrolmen in black clothes and black hats slowly walked past the door of the martial arts hall, talking and laughing, holding dim oil lamps in their hands.

A group of men dressed in dusty factory uniforms sat on the steps diagonally opposite with their hands in their pockets, talking about something drunk.

"There is a garment factory near here, which specializes in the production of coats and cotton coats."

A male student came out of the door beside Garen, and said something casually. He looked at the plain clothes on Ya Gallon's body.

"Brother, you still come to exercise at such a late hour, where are you going? Do you want me to give you a lift?"

"No need, I have someone waiting." Garen smiled and pointed to a black car sitting in front of him. The car window was rolled down, revealing Grace's pretty face.

"Not bad!" The male student chuckled, patted Garen on the shoulder and stopped talking, and walked towards another car parked by the side of the road.

Grace got out of the car and walked up to Garen.

"Garon." She didn't seem to know how to address her for a moment, and hesitated for a while.

"Just call me by name." Garen shrugged, "Let's go, take me back first. Tell me about your situation in the car."

"As long as you are satisfied, you can make any compensation!" Grace put on a pitiful look on her face, "I didn't dare to explain in front of the museum owner just now, but the actual situation is that not all the antiques that were taken away were made by us. , apart from us in the entire Huaishan City, there is another company competing with us for this aspect."

"No hurry, tell me about the situation in detail."

Grace looked at Garen's face and saw that he showed no signs of irritation, so she relaxed a little.

After the two got into the car, they closed the doors and windows, Grace slowly started the car, and the classic car slowly moved forward.

Amid the sound of the roaring engine, Garen sat in the co-pilot's seat, looking sideways at the slowly receding night street, without saying a word.

The faint scent of perfume on Grace's body penetrated his nose faintly, and the street lamps flashed across his face one by one, and the previously excited mood finally calmed down.

"One of the three largest gangster-related companies in Huaishan, Manleytown, is the company I work for. One of the other two companies has no cross field with us, but the other Black Feather Sand Company accepts employment tasks and resells like us. All kinds of important prohibited items are also the opponents who have clashed with us this time." Grace began to introduce the situation while driving.

"Prohibited items and employment tasks? What are they?" Garen asked in a low voice.

"Prohibited items include drug skittles, firearms, and antiques. The employment mission is that occasionally we will also accept some investigations, robbery, theft, and even murder missions. In fact, this is nothing unusual. Many companies involved in crime are similar to us. These two The profits are astonishing, but the main business is only used as a cover, and the money earned is at most used to give bonuses." Grace gradually relaxed.

"Your company is called Manleytown? What is the size of the company?"

"There are about 50 main staff members, and the rest of the peripheral staff add up to one or two hundred people. I can be regarded as the middle and upper class among them. The status is not high but not low. But don't worry, with the owner of Fei, the company's top management is absolutely I will meet all your compensation requirements. I can be sure of this."

"Are those antiques you brought with you when we met for the first time?" Gallon asked hastily, recalling the sense of increased potential he felt when he stopped the car for the first time.

"The antiques I brought back then are still there, and they are now in one of my houses. Are you going to want them right away?"

Grace was slightly relieved, she was afraid that Garen would not speak, as long as he did, everything would be easier to talk about. Although this Garen was obviously still a fledgling, with the owner Fei behind him and three senior brothers and sisters, even the boss of the company would not dare to fool him in terms of compensation.

"It's best to take it now. Where is your residence?"

"On the edge of the garden in the middle of the street in the city center."

"It's not far. After I get it first, I'll go home directly. This is part of the compensation." Garen nodded.

"The other compensation."

"Don't worry, you should have some connections in the company to resell antiques, right? Maybe there will be opportunities for you to help in the future." Gallon said calmly.

"No problem, as long as you speak." Grace nodded quickly.

When the car was not long, it slowly stopped at the edge of a huge circular garden in the city center. Grace got out of the car, went to the white building on the left, and ran down in a few minutes.

After getting in the car, she immediately put a black cloth bag on the front of the car in front of Garen.

"These are the antiques we found in this city. There are three things in total. Can you take a look?"

As soon as Garen received the cloth bag, he felt coolness continuously flowing into his body from the cloth bag.

It had been a long time since he had felt this kind of potential absorption, he felt a little joy in his heart, and untied the cloth bag calmly.

Inside is a white and yellowed square wooden box, the padlock has been opened.

Open the box lid, and on the black velvet box cushion, three cross medals of different colors are inlaid. From left to right, they are brass, fuchsia, and platinum.

The design and shape of the three medals are exactly the same, only the letters in the center are different. They are A, P, M respectively.

Garen recognized at a glance that the fuchsia medal was the one lost in Ge Guo's old man's shop. It is also the one with potential.

And the moment he opened the box, a huge potential evenly and continuously rushed into his hands. The icy air flows continuously upwards along the blood vessels in the wrist, flows over the shoulders, flows over the neck, and soon converges to the eyes.

Garen could clearly see that the potential data below his field of vision was increasing steadily and powerfully.

Rapidly increased from 80% to 90, then 100, 110, 120, 128, 133

In just a few minutes after opening the lid of the box, the potential number actually soared to more than 200%.

At this moment, the airflow in the box slowly weakened.

At this moment, Garen barely felt that the most fundamental source of the potential airflow was the purple cross in the center of the box. That is the one I found in the old man's shop at first. The other two seemed to have released their potential, completely silent. Now only the Fuchsia Medal is still slowly but firmly releasing its potential.

Stretching out his hand to gently stroke the surface of the Copper Cross, the rough and cold touch spread to his fingertips. Garen took out the medal alone.

"Is there nothing else?"

"No, this is what I was carrying at the time. Among the three medals, only the middle one was collected in this city, and the rest were shipped from other places." Grace replied quickly.

"I took this medal away. As compensation, the other condition is that you will be responsible for the rest of the compensation. Just send me back now."

After Garen briefly explained, he held the box and said nothing more, but slowly stroked the bronze cross.

"Understood. So when will you start sparring?" Grace's expression relaxed, feeling a little lucky.

"The sparring partner will start after the official teacher apprentice banquet is held in a few days."

Grace forced a smile, she had heard of the sparring partner in the Baiyun Martial Arts Gym, some key vital blows had to be tested with living people to see the reaction. Most people don't know about the sparring partner in Baiyun Martial Arts Academy, only a small number of people know it, and almost none of them can be healthy and healthy.

Generally, in the better cases, they were beaten to fractures, and in the serious cases, the internal organs were seriously injured. After a few years of recuperation, it is considered mild. It is common for sparring partners to be beaten to death. Therefore, they are usually looking for people who want money but not life. If he wanted to survive this time, it depended on the strength of Garen's attack.


The car slowly stopped on the side of the street 200 meters away from Gallon's home compound. After the door opened, Gallon got out of the car, closed the door gently, and watched the car turn a corner and drive back.

He raised his right hand and looked at a white paper slip in his hand, on which the Commonwealth Bank and a large number were faintly printed.

"One million bank deposit certificates, money comes really fast." He put away the deposit certificates and put them in his trouser pocket, and walked slowly towards home.

"I'm back."

Standing at the door and closing the door behind his back, the living room at home was completely dark, only the sister's bedroom had a little light, and a yellow halo faintly peeked out from the crack of the door.

No one answered.

"Are there only two people at home again?" Garen exhaled, put on his slippers and turned on the wall lamp in the living room.

Sitting down on the sofa, there is a cup of brewed black coffee on the table, served in a dark yellow wooden cup.

With a dry mouth, Garen picked it up and drank it in one gulp. It was bitter and sweet, and it was completely cold. There is also a faint smell of smoke on the rim of the cup.

"It must be that my father came back and cooked and didn't finish drinking." He put down his cup and leaned back on the sofa, feeling the continuous potential provided by the copper cross in his trouser pocket.

"I don't know how much potential this medal can provide in total. Those two medals were completely emptied in just a short while."

However, seeing the rising potential in his field of vision, Garen felt particularly comfortable.

"As long as there is a continuous supply of potential energy, I will continue to grow, and use the attribute points to improve my growth. There is almost no limit. In this way, no matter if I surpass anyone, I have enough confidence!"

Suddenly, the smile that had just appeared on his face froze slightly.

He suddenly discovered that the rate of potential rise was slower than before.

The coldness from the medals is still continuous, and it feels that the thickness has not changed. But the improvement of the potential number has indeed started to slow down.

"what happened?"

Garen straightened up and carefully observed the improvement of his potential, from getting the medal to driving home until now. The potential points have reached more than 300%, but slowly, the growth of the potential numbers began to slow down.

(end of this chapter)