Mystical Journey

Chapter 42: Direction 2



The planks were easily crushed.

Garen rolled quickly at the last moment and stood up again. He stared at Tasia calmly.

"So how can we strengthen our mind? Can we do nothing if we don't want to?"

Tasia was taken aback for a moment, then shrugged her shoulders and laughed. "'Don't let strength get lost in your heart. The strong will always be strong, and the weak will always be weak.' Did someone tell you that?"

"How do you know?" Garen was taken aback again.

"What nonsense theory!" Tasia sneered, "I have killed countless people like this with my own hands! Ignorant and pedantic! People trained by trash theory are also trash."

She tilted her neck and moved her body.

"Strength is power! The stronger one's own strength is, the stronger one's strength will be, and the stronger one's soul will be nourished in turn! Invincible confidence has always been created by the victory brought by strength!"

"The strength of the mind is cultivated by affirming oneself again and again."

Garen was silent for a while: "In other words, as long as you believe in yourself, as long as you think it's right, then it's right. Right?"

"That's right." Tasia put away her smile, and her temples on both sides became more and more red like blood. "Next, in order to let you truly understand this, I will work a little harder."

"I'll wipe it!!" Garen felt a chill in his heart, knowing that the senior sister was about to lose his temper again, and it would definitely be uncomfortable to resist forcefully at this time. If the second senior brother hadn't stopped him last time, he would definitely have been beaten into a wound by the senior sister.

Without hesitation, Garen turned around and rushed forward.

Among Baiyun's fighting skills, this is the only move he is most familiar with. The first time he stepped on his right foot, with a bang, Garen rushed to the stairs in two steps, and jumped down without looking back.

Suddenly there was a slight sound of breaking through the air behind him, and a palm was slowly placed on his left shoulder. The palm was silent, as if a lover gently put his shoulders on his shoulders.

Gallon was anxious, and shot back with a snort of his elbow, like a sharp arrow, with the tip of his elbow as the tip of the arrow.

This is the shooting form, the most harmful form among the four forms, and also the most explosive and fast form. Combined with the special force-exerting skills, no matter any part can be trained to shoot like a sharp arrow at any time.

Garen is only practicing the elbow of his right arm now.


The elbows were easily crotched, and Garen was kicking down, and his body continued to accelerate towards the bottom of the stairs. The speed is a little faster than usual. It is true that he used a little more hidden power.

Dacheng's Baiyun secret method is slowly increasing his power every day. Although it has reached the strength limit of an adult, it is still increasing steadily, without the slightest intention of stopping.

Taking advantage of this slightly accelerated drop, Garen finally got rid of the pursuit of the elder sister and landed steadily on the stairs on the first floor.

In the morning, many students were already coming in and out of the lobby on the first floor of the main building. When they saw Garen jumping down from the second floor, they all recognized this closed disciple of the owner who had just joined the martial arts gym.

"Master's rule is to stop when you get off the second floor, but luckily you got down in time." Garen wiped off his sweat and stood still, "The risk of breaking up with the elder sister is the greatest, but it does exercise the nerve response ability, no Staying vigilant at all times will definitely get you wounded."

Now he is more and more aware that the Baiyun Martial Arts Hall is not easy, Teacher Fei Baiyun is mysterious all day long and doesn't know what to do. And the elder sister can feel from her tone of voice and experience that she is definitely a murderous and terrifying person.

The second senior brother is actually a senior member of the Federal Fighting Association, and one of the city's amateur rank examiners. It is said that he also runs some underground industries, and walks outside like a successful person.

As for the third senior brother, he is completely a rich second-generation official. His father is the administrative inspector of Huaishan City, which is equivalent to a central inspector stationed in the local area. He is on the same level as the governor. He is the most powerful person in Huaishan City. one. The mother was the daughter of an earl, and her family was extremely wealthy.

A few days ago, when the third senior brother was practicing against the senior sister, he somehow stimulated the senior sister, and then he was seriously injured and went home to recuperate.

Garen once relied on his strong defense and agreed to practice duel with the senior sister without knowing much about it. He didn't expect that after just a few blows, the part that was hit would immediately swell up a lot.

After tidying up his clothes, Garen called two staff members in the museum and asked about the whereabouts of the second senior brother and the master. As expected, they didn't know.

Garen drank some hot water, wiped off his sweat, and strolled around the museum relaxedly. Take a break when you are free.

His body was getting stronger and stronger, and his strong and muscular outline could hardly be concealed even with a black Taoist uniform.

Walking on the side of the playground, students passing by would salute and say hello to him from time to time.

drink! drink!

In the middle of the playground, there are three groups of students who are practicing Baiyun fighting skills collectively. These are core students, selected from the branch hall. They are all wearing white Taoist uniforms, and their moves are orderly.

Garen was relaxing and wandering around while checking the potential point below his field of vision, 155%.

"It's been more than a week since I went to my uncle's place, and now I have a little attribute to add. I have to look carefully at what to add."

In terms of skills, he doesn't plan to add them. Adding attribute points to general skills is a waste. It's a good deal to add special skills that are difficult to practice. But now the Explosive Fist and Baiyun Secret Technique can't be added. Attribute points are naturally best added to one's own quality.

In addition, Baiyun fighting skills are the foundation of the foundation, and Garen is ready to thoroughly familiarize himself with each move, instead of relying on attribute points for everything. He wanted to compare the difference between the basic martial arts he had practiced and the basic martial arts he had added.

I glanced at my own attributes now.

Strength 2.12 Dexterity 1.10 Constitution 1.35 Intelligence 1.50

"Long-term exercise has improved my physique by 0.01, and my strength has also increased under the effect of Baiyun's secret method. But I can vaguely feel that 2.2 is the limit."

Garen has recently had an intuition, an instinctive feeling in his body, as if his body has reached a limit of strength, and it is difficult to improve even the Baiyun Secret Technique. And this limit is the so-called innate physical limit, the limit that everyone has.

"From this point of view, it is very likely that 2.2 is the limit of my strength. It is still a little worse than the second brother. It is said that the strength of the second brother is also more than 450 pounds. Converted into attributes, it is 2.25. Maybe his physique is inherently higher than I’m better, but it’s said that I haven’t grown any more for a long time now. Could it be that 450 pounds is the limit of human strength?”

Garen was thoughtful.

"Just go and check the information."

As soon as he thought of it, he turned a corner and walked towards the library of the main library.

Sitting at the door of the library is still the bald and strong old man, sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed.

With a thought in his heart, Garen walked up to the old man.

"Master Bai, can I ask you a question?"

The bald old man closed his eyes.

Garen was not in a hurry, he just stood there and waited slowly.

After four or five minutes, the old man slowly opened his eyes.

"go ahead."

"May I ask how much the human body's limit strength is?" Garen asked in a low voice.

"Extreme strength?" The old man pondered for a while, "According to the unit conversion here, it should be about 480 pounds. This is the strongest record ever in the circle. However, the limit of different people is different. No matter how much exercise you do, you can only Can stop at a certain limit.”

"Then look, how much can the limit strength of a physique like mine be?" Garen pointed to himself and asked.

"You?" Bai Shigong's eyes fell on Garen and scanned him once. "I figure it's somewhere between 430 and 450 pounds."

"That's right!" Garen was startled. Fortunately, after he mastered the Baiyun secret technique, his body could suddenly change and swell, and he was very able to hide his own strength. Otherwise, maybe the old man will see something.

After changing the body shape, the strength reaches the limit in an instant. At the same time, the skin's defense increased greatly, equivalent to twice that of the elementary burst fist. Holding a sharp knife without hundreds of pounds of strength can't even pierce his skin.

"So sorry to bother you." Garen bowed and bowed, watching the old man close his eyes again, before turning and leaving.

"In this way, 240 is my limit. Every time an attribute point is added, there will be 0.3, which is 60 pounds of strength increase. I just don't know if I can use it to break through the limit after reaching the limit."

Garen was a little apprehensive. If he couldn't break through the limit, it would be a lot more restrictive for his future development.

And once he can break through the limit and continue to superimpose, then his development potential will become infinite!

"Maybe try it."

His eyes fell on strength.

The strength attribute jumped slowly, jumping directly from 2.12 to 2.20. Suddenly, Garen's whole body went numb, and he felt that all the muscles in his body were beating rhythmically. Beats to the same rhythm as the heart.

He felt his temples go up and down the most violently, as if something was going to come out of it.

This limit lasted for more than ten seconds and then stopped. Garen looked at the attribute column again. The power had become 2.20, but it did not continue to increase, but a new symbol appeared behind it.

He knew the meaning of the symbol just by looking at it.

"Is the physique unable to control the excessive strength? It seems that the physique must be improved at the same time."

After adding strength, there were still 0.22 attribute points left, all of which were thrown into the physique by Garen.

The physique column instantly changed from 1.35 to 1.57.

After adding his physique, Garen felt the heat inside his body, as if there was a stove continuously roasting his internal organs. Vaguely, he could hear his own flesh and blood making a slight buzzing sound.

With the flow of blood, the beating of the viscera, and the squeeze of the lungs caused by breathing, Garen only felt that he had an extra feeling, a kind of control over his body that he had never had before.


There was a soft sound. Garen was stunned to see that in the skill column, the burst boxing, which was still at the elementary level, finally jumped slowly and directly became the intermediate level.

A stronger sense of swelling emerged from the inside of the body.

Garen could barely stand, walking in the corridor, he could barely stabilize his body by leaning against the wall. Fortunately, no one around noticed him.

He felt that another layer of invisible liquid was slowly secreted, penetrating from the internal organs, passing through the bones, muscles, and skin, covering the whole body.

(end of this chapter)