Mystical Journey

Chapter 46: Basic 1


At night, on the street by the embankment, Garen was walking slowly in a black coat, along the river bank.

The river on the left kept beating against the embankment, making a splashing sound. Mixed with the cold and damp night wind, it gives people a feeling of early winter.

Garen walked slowly with his hands in his trouser pockets, wearing a torn shirt inside his outer coat. He unbuttoned his clothes and looked down at his chest. On the exposed skin, the original red marks and scratches had slowly disappeared.

He reached out and pressed his lower abdomen, but there was still a little pain there.

At the corner of the street ahead, an old woman in a gray skirt was slowly walking with a bright trolley. On the cart was a cylindrical black container with chalk written on the outside: 2 yuan milk.

A little girl in white was wrapped up thickly, hurried to the side of the trolley, took out a banknote and handed it to the old woman, then took a cup of hot milk and left slowly.

Garen tightened his clothes and felt a little cold, so he stepped forward a few steps faster.

"Give me a drink, please."

"Okay, okay." The old woman's face was wrinkled and her skirt was wrinkled, but she looked very neat. She took out a small yellow paper cup from the car, poured a cup of hot milk from the cylindrical container, and handed it to Garen .

After giving two yuan, Garen held the paper cup in both hands and walked to a wind-shielded arc. There were billboards of closed shops on both sides, forming a small wind-shielding space.

Garen leaned his back against the wall, watching the milk trolley slowly staggering towards the distance. From time to time, residents would run out of their residences to buy things, stop and go, stop and go.

The scene of punching No. 101 just now suddenly resurfaced in his mind.

"Killed again." Garen closed his eyes, as if recalling the previous scene. "I have a natural ability that others don't have, and I can quickly shorten the huge gap accumulated over the years with others. But I also lack the will and heart in this accumulation process."

"Excessively increased power leads to uncontrolled and unscrupulous release of desire. Is this the fundamental problem I have now? Righteous way, evil way?" He smiled, "There is such a division in this era, the era of guns, Martial arts has gradually declined, and it is changing from a killing tool to physical exercise. Surprisingly, some people still value such a concept.”

Gathering his mind, he interrupted his train of thought, took a sip of hot milk, steaming white air hit his face, and the rich aroma of hot milk penetrated into his nasal cavity, giving him a very pleasant feeling.

"In the fight with Jinhuan 101 just now, my speed was obviously too slow, so I couldn't keep up with the opponent's rhythm. However, my strength and defense are strong enough. It doesn't matter how many times he hits me. I just need to fight Hitting him once is enough to decide the outcome. This is also the advantage of the strength type. But after all, my fighting skills have not been honed to the home. I move my arms and legs very fast. I will definitely be able to deal with this type of opponent easily."

Garen concluded while drinking milk.

"And I made the right choice to strengthen my physical strength in advance. Otherwise, no matter how fast the speed is, the pistol bullet only needs to be hit once to end the battle. It is still much safer to use this route. It is a pity that I am still at the level of basic skills. I will fix the specifics first. You have to practice the moves well."

Finally, after drinking the milk, crumpled up the paper cup and threw it into the trash can of the store aside.

"I'm now purely relying on my strong physical fitness to fight recklessly. It will be different when my fighting skills are honed and matured."

Walking out of the space, Garen walked along the street to the stone bridge in front, crossed the stone bridge, and walked straight along the street for more than ten minutes to reach Lanshu Street where Garen's family was located.

This area is already considered a suburb, and it belongs to the peripheral area like Blue Tree Street.

clang clang clang.

The distant bell began to ring again, a total of ten times.

"Is it already ten o'clock?" Garen quickened his pace, Huaishan was very deserted at night, except for the occasional carriages and vehicles passing by on the street, there were almost no pedestrians on the street.

Having just escaped from the fierce fight, feeling this unusual tranquility, Garen suddenly felt particularly relaxed.

Walking on the street, no one knows who he is, and naturally there will be no malice, so don't worry about lack of security. As long as the means are not specifically aimed at him, ordinary people are as weak as chickens in his hands.

Walking along the street and crossing the stone bridge, there were a few gangsters at the other end of the bridge who were drunk and sat on the ground bragging. When they passed by, they smelled a strong smell of alcohol.

Garen touched the handrail of the stone bridge, and the cold and rough gray-white stone clearly formed a tactile sensation in his mind, and he suddenly felt a little pain in his chest and abdomen.

It is known that the impact of the bullet caused some damage to the internal muscles of the body.

He tore off the torn shirt a few times, crumpled it up and stuffed it into the trash can on one side, put on his coat with only his upper body bare, and walked towards the house at a faster pace.

Not far away, Yiliang's white car slowly drove towards him, turned a corner on the street, and followed him slowly.

The car window was rolled down, revealing Grace's cold and tired face.

"I've already got the specific application approved. Even if it's the Golden Ring, when we come to Huaishan, we must obediently abide by everyone's rules. No matter what, they must give an explanation about our attack." She whispered.

Garen trotted to keep up with the speed of the car. "101 is dead." He said calmly.

"Dead?" Grace glanced at Garen, noticing the unusually calm expression on his face and the gray and white stone powder all over his face, she immediately understood. "I see, I'll take care of it."

"This time I went back to the company and got a new piece of information. Jinhuan actually sent someone to kidnap the son and daughter of Tali Shuiyin and Baiying. Now their whereabouts are unknown. Obviously, they are planning to make a big move."

Garen evened his breathing rate.

"I saved those two children, but it's a pity that they don't appreciate it."

Grace was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't expect so many things to happen after she left for such a short time.

"Then, they didn't see your real face?" She noticed the white ashes on Garen's face.

"Probably not, but since she is Tari Mercury's daughter, this disguise may not be able to hide her. She is a very tough girl." Garen recalled the expression and tone of the little girl who suddenly stood up and questioned him at that time, slowly Answer slowly.

"By the way, do you know the division of factions in the martial arts world?" He then added.

"Faction division?" Grace wondered, "I'm not very clear about this, but I just heard that the martial arts world is divided into orthodox martial arts that strengthen the body and mind, and unorthodox martial arts that focus on extreme self-evolution. Martial arts."

"Really?" Garen's eyes flashed, "Then do you know any famous examples of celebrities in unorthodox martial arts?"

"This." Grace frowned and pondered for a while. "Even if you have one master, there are several martial artists in the province who all share this type of philosophy. They all have a decisive influence on the underground forces in the province."

"It seems that non-orthodox martial artists are doing well, but what about orthodox martial artists?"

"It's about the same. Except that it's not very contaminated with underground forces, everything else is the same as unorthodox." Grace wondered, "Didn't your senior brothers and sisters tell you about these things?"

Garen shook his head.

The residential area on Lanshu Street arrived, and Gallon waved at Grace.

"I'm going back first, be careful when you go back by yourself."

"Don't worry, I have mobilized enough manpower to deal with this matter this time!" Grace's eyes flashed with murderous intent, "The police station has also taken care of it, this time, I want to give the Golden Ring side an unforgettable lesson!"

Gallon saw the determination in Grace's eyes, so he didn't say much. Walking into the gate of the community, the old guard looked at him, and continued to scribble on the paper with his head down, not knowing what he was drawing.

Entering the stairs, I could faintly hear the cries of children upstairs, as well as the husky male voice singing from the record player.

Stepping up a few knots, he soon reached the floor of his house. The corridor was dark and there were no lights. Garen walked to the door lightly, took out the key and inserted it gently into the keyhole.


The door lock was turned, and there was no sound in the dark.

Garen closed the door gently, changed his shoes and walked into the living room. Suddenly, I saw a black figure sitting quietly on the sofa in the living room, it turned out to be a person.

"Ying'er? What are you doing sitting here?" Garen was slightly taken aback, and it was clearly his sister who was sitting.

Ying'er sat on the sofa and didn't respond, she lowered her head, it was so dark that she couldn't see her expression clearly. Only the faint light from the opposite floor shone through the window and fell beside her.

Gallon noticed that his sister was wearing a black tunic skirt with a dark bow on her head, and thick cotton pantyhose under the skirt. Sitting motionless on the sofa, not answering.

Ever since he traveled through time, he has also taken care of this younger sister in his heart, knowing that with Yinger's character, such a situation would not normally occur.

He followed and sat on the sofa next to his sister.

"What's the matter? What happened today? Don't you want to go to Bibo Lake with your classmates tomorrow?"

Ying'er didn't reply, but after a long time, she made a soft sound.

"I'm not going tomorrow."

"What happened?" Garen frowned. To him, the home and the outside are two completely different worlds. The small house at home is a safe haven for him not to worry about any troubles. Only when he is with his good sister wholeheartedly, can he completely relax himself.

And his younger sister Ying Er is also the last person he wants to be hurt.

"It's nothing, just leave it alone!" Ying'er turned her head away. "I'm just a little tired."

Garen smiled, stretched out his hands to grab his sister's cheeks, and pulled hard.

"Ah, what are you doing!!?" Ying'er was furious, she reached out and grabbed Garen's wrist, trying to pull it away, but she lacked strength and struggled to no avail.

"Don't think so much at home! Take a good rest, and you'll have all your troubles gone after a good night's sleep." Garen let go of his hand, "Don't forget that there is still me at home, as well as my parents."

"You're looking for death!!" Ying'er stood up immediately, punching and kicking Garen in a random manner. But even so, she tried her best not to hurt Garen.

"You underestimate your brother too much." Garen chuckled, stood up straight and let her beat him. "Are you tickling me?"

"Ah!!!" Ying'er was completely annoyed, "It seems that you don't know how good I am if you are not serious!"


She punched Garen hard in the face.

"I'll wipe it! Don't hit your face!!" Garen was shocked and hurriedly avoided the second punch. He hid in the living room with his head in his arms.

Ying'er followed closely behind and chased and beat them, the two ran around the living room as they chased and fled.

After playing around for a long time, Ying Er finally got tired, so she stopped and sat down on the sofa.

"It's only been a few months, and you've obviously gained a lot of flesh? What do you eat every day? You're so perverted!" She rubbed her small fist, not hurting Garen, but her own fist turned red.

"It's been said that I'm practicing martial arts. I'm sure I'm no better than you if I'm officially apprenticed." Garen deliberately made a smug expression.

"You bastard. You really make me angry!" Ying'er felt her fists start to itch again. She took a few deep breaths to suppress the urge to hit someone. "By the way, you have been going out all day during this period. What are you doing? It's a holiday now. Did you find a job outside by yourself?"

Garen followed suit and sat down. "It's nothing. Don't I have to run at night? And I have to practice my basic skills in the martial arts gym. It's normal to come back late."

"It's not good to come back too late." Ying'er curled her lips, "And at school, they said, you and Effie"

"I'm purely wronged about this matter." Gallon was extremely helpless, and began to explain the inside story to his sister carefully.

The two sat on the sofa chatting and chatting casually, and they chatted unknowingly for more than two hours. It was past 12 o'clock and it was early morning.

Ying'er was still sitting on the sofa, not intending to go back to her room at all. She was actually very sleepy, and when Garen was not paying attention, she opened her mouth slightly and yawned quietly.

(end of this chapter)