Mystical Journey

Chapter 48: Bad luck begins 1


For ten or twenty days in a row, Garen practiced Baiyun Fighting under the supervision and guidance of his second senior brother. After correcting all the mistakes that might have caused hidden injuries to his body, the second senior brother Farak had time to deal with his own affairs.

Because of the personal guidance of the second senior brother Farak every day, the two attribute points that Garen had accumulated in the past few days could not be used at all. Once used, this sudden strengthening will also make the second senior brother feel wrong, which may expose his secrets of abilities.

Boom! ! Boom! !

In a bright training room, two black iron rods as thick as arms smashed hard on Garen's back and chest, and fine beads of sweat were splashed and scattered on the concrete floor under his feet.

Two strong martial arts students held up the iron bars panting, and they no longer had the strength to lift them up and continue beating.

"Okay, I'm sorry to bother you, go down and rest first."

Garen stood up straight and stretched the muscles of his lower and upper body.

"It's Senior Brother Garen." The two students hurriedly left the room as if they were amnesty, put down their iron rods.

In the whole room, Garen was the only one standing in the center. The white light came in from the side window and landed on his naked upper body, reflecting the wet sweat.


Garen let out a long breath, and his muscles gradually relaxed.

From the street outside the room, there was a faint sound of accordion music, as well as noisy human voices, densely packed and extremely lively.

Garen looked at the window.

"Recently, the municipal government held a celebration for the completion of the central statue, and it was so lively for many consecutive days."

Go to the window and look down. This is a street-facing kung fu room in the Martial Arts Hall on the second floor, and you can just see the street scene at the entrance of the Martial Arts Hall.

A group of children in red clothes and black hats were walking past the gate of the martial arts hall. They were holding small flags in their hands, all of which were federal flags with black and white stripes. These children looked around from time to time, and the team lined up in a mess, but their delicate skin and cute and innocent faces immediately attracted a large number of people on both sides of the street to watch the excitement. There are also relatives and parents who follow the team, cheering for their children. A burst of chaotic shouts mixed together, with a vague rhythm.

On both sides of the street, people set up several rectangular tables, covered with clean white tablecloths, and were placing fruit pastries and cakes on them. Some people have already rushed to the table and sat down to taste it, many of them are beautiful little girls. Even on the second floor, Garen could smell the strong sweetness of bread and cakes, as well as the aroma of wheat cake and pea cake.

The two students who had helped Garen beat his body just now were also among them, sitting beside the two girls with a smile on their faces.

Garen couldn't help laughing.

"No wonder they look reluctant."

"That's for sure, you haven't forgotten what holiday is today, have you?" The third brother Garcia's voice sounded from behind.

Garen turned his head, just in time to see that Garcia's hair was shaved off, not a single gray hair remained, and the top of his head was completely covered with bandages. Wearing a white suit gives people a weird feeling of a monk wearing a suit.

"What festival? Isn't the central statue built by the city government finished?" Garen was taken aback, then asked back.

"It's a carnival!! Carnival!!" Garcia rubbed his head speechlessly, "Are you stupid when you practice qigong? You even hide in the house and practice qigong alone during the carnival. This is only once a year festival."

"Carnival." Garen was stunned. "I almost forgot about the Carnival on December 30 every year."

He pulled the clothes off the rack and put them on slowly, covering his muscular upper body.

"How about you, third brother, why don't you go back to the martial arts gym when you have time? Shouldn't you go out and have a good time these few days?"

Garcia said unhappily: "If I hadn't been beaten as a training partner with the big sister, it would be your turn to go out and play! Well, hurry up, hurry up, anyway, you should have someone to visit, right? "

"Yes." Garen smiled, put on his clothes, and picked up the key hanging on the shelf, "Then I'll go first, thank you third brother, if you didn't remind me, I would have missed something important today .”

"Just thank you! Just bring me something delicious when you come back." Garcia waved his hand.

Garen left the practice room, casually washed the sweat off his hair and face with tap water, and went straight out the door.

As soon as they walked out of the door, there was a chaotic hot flow from outside. People gathered around both sides of the street, watching the parade slowly passing by in the center of the street. At this time, an acrobatic troupe was slowly passing by. From time to time, pigeons conjured up by magic would flutter into the sky.

Garen walked slowly along the side of the street towards Pennington Street. After turning a few intersections, I casually bought a few egg tarts and two glasses of tomato juice from a roadside hawker stall, carried them in my hands and walked directly to the Dolphin Antique Shop.

The antique shop was open, and it was noon. The old man Ge Guo sat at the door of the shop with a wooden stool, smiling and looking at the beautiful girls who passed by from time to time.

The girls wore cool red skirts and white stockings, and from time to time raised the fluffy silver balls on their hands, shouting slogans.

"Ari Academy! Always the strongest!"

The girls were only sixteen or seventeen years old, they looked youthful and energetic, and they were passing by the door of the antique shop in neat rows.

Garen stood on the side of the street looking at the old man across from the girls' line, and raised the food in his hand with a smile at him.

He is strong and tall, with short black-purple hair and dark red eyes that are very conspicuous, and he has a handsome face. In addition, his strength has become stronger and better recently, and his physical fitness is getting better and better. The energy he produces is like a hot stove. Very eye-catching on the side of the team. From time to time, a young girl in the team raised eyebrows at him, looking very interested.

"Hey, handsome~~"

A blond beauty slightly left the team and bumped into Garen who was standing aside. The beauty's dark blue eyes looked at Garen with a hint of provocation. With a flick of his hand, a small white note hit Garen's body and he caught it.

"You're beautiful. But..." Garen shrugged, holding the note and shaking his head slightly.

A look of disappointment flashed across the eyes of the blond beauty.

The girls' team walked away slowly, and the sound of slogans continued to come from time to time. There were quite a lot of people watching the excitement in the streets on both sides. Gallon squeezed through a few people who were blocking the way, and walked towards the antique shop opposite.

"Old man, how are you doing? It's a holiday." He sat down on the steps next to the old man Ge Guo, and he didn't think there was dust on it. Then he handed over the tomato juice and egg tart in his hand.

"It's still the same, isn't the girl from Yali Academy just now pretty? Are you tempted? I just saw someone handing you a note!" Ge Guo old man smiled lewdly.

"He's so lustful even at his age." Garen was speechless.

"Mom!!" A little boy ran past Garen, lost his footing, and fell flat with a puff.

Garen picked up the boy casually to make him stand still, but the boy didn't cry, and continued to run forward, screaming, and threw himself into the arms of a beautiful young woman. The young woman smiled kindly at Garen, thanked him, turned around and led the little boy away.

The old man Ge Guo looked at the figure of the little boy, a trace of loneliness flashed in his eyes.

"If my grandson was alive, he would be around his age"

Garen could hear the disappointment in the old man's words, he didn't say anything, he just took a sip of tomato juice, looked at the bustling street, and waited for the old man's next words.

"Because of me, my son and daughter were hurt at the beginning. It's a pity." The old man Ge Guo slurped his tomato juice, slurring his mouth, "It's a pity...there is no medicine for regret in this world..."

"Regret or something, what's the point?" Garen said lightly, "Looking back, I think the only point is to learn lessons and grow."

The old man smiled. "You're still young, so you don't understand." He took a long breath, "When you reach the age where memories account for most of your life, you will understand."

"Maybe." Garen was noncommittal, with no expression on his face.

"Boy Garen." The old man's tone suddenly became serious, "Have you always been curious about me opening an antique shop here alone?"

"Curiosity? Why are you curious? Isn't it good to just live like this?" Garen gave the old man a strange look. "By the way, do you want to continue studying today?"

"Of course, you must persist in learning this kind of thing every day, and you can't stop." The old man calmed down and stood up, "Come in, today is a holiday, so I will give you a special treatment."

Garen got up inexplicably, walked into the antique shop, watched the old man close the door, and shine a beam of light through the small window above the door to illuminate the room.

The old man Ge Guo took out two books from the back room, sat down on the desk, and pointed at the two books. "These two books are the standard textbooks that I will concentrate on explaining to you in the future. You can read them at will. There will be absolutely no major errors in the contents. I have carefully identified and corrected them. Don't worry."

"Thank you." Garen casually opened the book above, and saw that the pages were full of annotations and outlines written in red pen, and then flipped through, and found that there were more than 2,000 pages of tomes.

He changed to the next book, opened it, and saw the same scene inside.

"These are two books I annotated a long time ago. All mistakes and omissions have been corrected. They were originally prepared for my grandson, but I didn't expect to use them for you first." The old man added.

Garen smiled, knowing that the old man prepared this book specially for him, but he deliberately said that it was prepared for other people in case he would be stressed, so that he could use it by the way. Because the notes on the page are very new, and some time ago he inadvertently told the old man that he wanted systematic study materials, but he didn't expect to actually show him two tomes today.

To be honest, looking at the pages full of tomes full of detailed notes and corrections, Gallon was also a little moved. These notes are the result of how much time the old man spent secretly.

"After reading these two books, can you almost get started if you master them all?" He closed the two tomes and asked.

"Basically, the next step is to practice hand-to-hand identification. You must go through the objects with your own hands to really improve your identification level. In addition, you must know the characteristics of various objects and their history like the palm of your hand." The old man took out A pair of glasses slowly began to be wiped.

Gallon took the stool and sat down, nodded, and sat upright opposite the old man.

"What should we talk about today?"

(end of this chapter)