Mystical Journey

Chapter 5: outing


Bibo Lake

Blue water, green mountains, yellow stones, a few scattered white birds cruising slowly on the lake. A gust of cool wind blew over, and countless ripples appeared on the pale blue lake, and the reflected mountains were slightly blurred.

A few boys walked along the yellow gravel river beach, quickly found a good place to settle down, and began to take out tools and materials from their bags.

Garen looked over at the girls. The girls like Finistine were standing under the shade of a tree. This dazzling beautiful girl's white dress with a waist fluttered slightly with the breeze, and her long pale golden hair was tied to the left side. Hanging down, it looks like a princess in an opera. Her white and crystal-clear skin seemed to be shimmering, and her eyes were cold with a hint of arrogance, like the purest sapphire.

Looking back, Garen looked at himself again. He, Carledo, Finn, and Czech were all people who couldn't dress up, and their bodies were all in chaotic combinations, khaki, gray, white, black, plus They don't know how to match styles, and the clothes are not high-grade. The group of people is almost like a motley crew. Compared with the people over there, the dress on my side felt nothing at first, but the difference is obvious when I compare it now.

"That girl's name is Finistine, and she was invited by Fein's friend to come and relax together. She looks good." Carledo squatted and built a bonfire frame while whispering.

"Tsk tsk. I have never seen such an aura even in school." Czech added in a low voice, "If you have a girlfriend like this, you will be invincible."

"That guy is my cousin's friend. I don't know him either. Take it easy." Fein added. "I didn't expect my cousin to bring her here. I just asked her to come here with her friends." He shrugged.

Garen smiled, squatted down and began to sort out the dirty firewood. Compared with the pure and spotless Finnistine over there, they were dealing with messy stones and firewood. They looked like people from two worlds.

"Come to play cards?" Carledo came over from one side. The card game he was talking about was actually a favorite game of ordinary children when they were young. Use paper to fold into rectangular playing cards one by one, with different numbers and sizes of eyes on them. Then there are rules similar to poker.

When Garen and Czech Finn saw him take out a pair of worn-out yellow cards, they immediately became interested. "Come on, what are you losing?" "Grilled meat and fish! One piece at a time."

Several people squatted on the ground and formed a circle, and started to scatter their cards on a white stone. After a while, I was engrossed in playing.

Finistine stood under the shade of a tree, watching from a distance a few boys on the river beach were playing simple cards in the dirty mud and stones. Although there is no such thing as discrimination in the jewel-like eyes, they are unnaturally overlooking themselves at a higher level. She and the students in this small city are basically two circles.

Originally, she was just passing through this city, and at the invitation of her classmates and good friends, she came out to relax together.

A girl with short red hair came over and stood with her and watched the boys busy. "That Finn is my cousin, a long-distance relationship. The students here like to set up a big bonfire for barbecue at night. Are you interested? I'll ask them to add you later."

"No, it's so dirty." Finnistine frowned slightly. "Just come here to relax and let me be alone for a while."

Garen played cards with them for a while, and noticed that the eyes of this group of people were unconsciously moving towards the girls, and suddenly felt a little funny. He moved very lightly and covertly when he drew a card, he modeled an extra card, and then overlapped it on a card. I glanced at the other three people, but no one noticed.

After repeating this several times, the cards in his hand suddenly flicked. "Sorry, I won."

"Ah?" Several people were stunned for a moment, all showing puzzled and surprised expressions.

With a smile on his face, Garen tidied up the cards and put them away in a soothing manner. Seeing the speechless expressions of the three friends, he was inexplicably reminded of Garen from before.

Before he crossed over, once Garen had a dispute with his sister, he would always be completely crushed to the ground by his sister a few times, and he would be beaten ruthlessly without any power to fight back. The younger sister Yinger, who is strong in both archery, martial arts and motor skills, is not as weak as she looks, with fists to the flesh. Ever since his parents got married, he was bullied by his two-year-old sister until he was three years old.

As for playing cards, or doing other things, Garen used to have no confidence and didn't know how to adapt, so he failed everywhere, became less and less confident, and his spirit became weaker and weaker. And take the initiative to exercise and practice fighting, a big reason is because I can't beat my sister

Thinking back to his memory, even in junior high school before high school, he was beaten and cried by his sister once, and Garen's smiling face twitched unconsciously.

"It's not an ordinary embarrassment to be beaten and cried by my sister when I'm more than ten years old. And I hid in the room and cried secretly. No wonder the relationship between brother and sister is so weak." Garen suddenly regretted transmigrating into this body.



The black feathered arrow flew out from the bowstring, and was firmly nailed to the edge of the red heart on the distant archery target.

Ying'er was dressed in a pure white archery uniform, slowly lowered her longbow, and let out a light breath. "It's still unstable."

"It's already very good, such a long distance." A blue-haired girl standing on the side said lightly, "If you can continue to maintain this state, I will give you the position of deputy head of the archery department."

"Thank you, sister, for your support!" Ying Er hurriedly responded respectfully with her head bowed.

The student positions at St. Oriole College are different from other ordinary schools. Senior student positions even have the right to participate in the school's administrative affairs, and have certain rights over the school's major events. Not just your average student leader.

The blue-haired girl nodded: "In addition, apart from this point, I have already helped you deal with the matter of beating someone last time. In the future, try to do such things as little as possible, at least not to hurt too much, and deal with it like this Very troublesome."

"Thank you very much, Minister. I will restrain myself." Ying'er bowed her head again to admit her mistake. She knew that the head of the archery department had always had great expectations of her, and he kept helping her with some trivial matters. She is a soft-hearted person, so she has always felt very guilty towards the minister. If it weren't for the fight, she would have been the deputy head of the archery department by now.

But the last time she hit someone, she was also because

The blue-haired girl nodded when she heard the answer, and left to point out other members.

Yinger continued to practice alone, but only a few minutes later, a girl with short brown hair ran in and whispered a few words to her.

Yinger's complexion suddenly changed. "No matter how useless it is, that's my brother! Anyone who dares to touch him will not give me face! Let's go!" She put down her long bow, and rushed out of the dojo in a rage wearing a bow suit. A few heroic girls around also rushed out together, and the scene was similar to that of the underworld big sister.

The blue-haired girl not far away saw it and shook her head speechlessly. "This is the first time. Is this guy brother-in-law? Every time you encounter this kind of thing, Xiaoling is very angry. You go and watch to avoid accidents. Yinger is now the most hopeful in our department in the competition. The winner of the award, don't let her beat her too hard, so as not to affect her eligibility for the competition."

A petite red-haired girl beside her nodded, and followed Xiao ran out without saying a word.

The rest of the members are used to it, or they can practice as they please. Only some people shook their heads and smiled. In front of the elders in the family, he looks well-behaved and sensible, but in front of ordinary strangers, he has a violent and terrifying image. Ying'er's personality is well known to the elders in the ministry.


The sky was clear and light blue, with only strands of clouds hanging on the edge like lines.

Garen was sitting on a white stone, slowly turning a skewer of roasted lean meat in his hand, the spicy and numbing smell slowly came out with the flames. There are many small oil bubbles slightly fried on the surface of the golden-yellow barbecue.

He put down the barbecue on the rack and looked at the other people. They were all frantically sprinkling seasonings on their own barbecue, and had no time to pay attention to this side. He got up and walked to the lake behind, squatted down, held a bucket of water in both hands, wiped it on his face, and washed off the smoke on his face a few times.

The cold lake water was splashed on the face, and the spirit was stimulated at once.

Turning around and looking, several girls had already walked a long way, standing on a river beach, gathering together and spreading out a clean white cloth, and putting various food materials on it.

He exhales. "It's been so many days in a blink of an eye." He glanced at the attributes below his field of vision.

His agility and physical fitness have each increased by 0.01, which is the result of his own physical exercise these days. And the potential is still 89%.

"It's still 11%, it depends on whether Fein's jewelry is effective or not. If it doesn't work, you have to find a new way. There are too few jewelry with potential. I don't know the origin of the black pearl that the etiquette teacher took out that day. It’s actually able to absorb a full percentage of potential at once.”

A gust of cool wind blew over, and Garen felt a chill on his back, feeling a little cold, so he got up and went back to the campfire.

"Follow the river from the right, and you will find the paper mill in the outskirts of the city. My uncle works in it. Do you want to visit it?" Carledo pointed to the river on the right side of the lake.

"What is there to visit in the paper mill?" Finn was about to speak, when suddenly a scream came from afar. The girl seemed to encounter something frightening, and the voice floated from afar.

Several people quickly stood up and looked into the distance. Of the three girls over there, two had fallen to the ground and kept shrinking back. Another girl ran away far away, not daring to approach the two of them. Finnistine was one of those who fell.

"Something went wrong, go and have a look!" Garen was the first to realize, and the boys quickly dropped the barbecue and rushed over.

On the dark yellow river beach between the gravels, a small black and purple snake raised its head high, spit out red cores continuously, and made a hissing sound. The two girls fell to the ground respectively, shrinking back in horror, one had a dark red bloody mouth on his calf.

(end of this chapter)