Mystical Journey

Chapter 56: Bodyguard 1


"It's you again."

In the white medical room, Dr. Exi from Konu Town was sitting next to Garen, carefully removing the brass bullet from his arm with tweezers. Then slowly put it on a metal plate on the side table.


The bullets rolled on the plate, making a crisp sound.

"Tsk tsk, this bullet is bent. Fortunately, it penetrated something before hitting you, otherwise you will definitely suffer this time." Dr. Essie shook his head and smiled. "Last time you had a bone dislocation, but this time it was a gunshot wound. Did you encounter a robber?"

"That's right." Garen nodded, "If it wasn't for my fate this time, I would definitely be doomed. Those robbers all wore gold earrings on their ears and stole my treasures. If I hadn't practiced martial arts for a while, I'm afraid this This time it was really planted. Huh"

He snorted, and the bullet in his lower abdomen was also taken out, and was thrown into the metal disc with a clang.

"These abominable guys, the townspeople on our side often encounter them, and they can only spend money to eliminate disasters every time!" Dr. Essie shook his head and said helplessly, "I think you should go to the police station in Huaishan City to file a record Forget it, it may take a day or two to solve this case."

He took an alcohol cotton ball and began to scrub and clean Gallon's wound. The alcohol was applied to the wound, causing Gallon to grit his teeth and endure the pain from time to time.

After washing the wound, Dr. Essie took out a brown vial from the medical bag, unscrewed the cap and dipped it in with a cotton swab. The white cotton swab was immediately soaked in purple liquid medicine, emitting a pungent smell like disinfectant.

Gallenbi endured the pain in his teeth, watching Doctor Essie apply the medicine to the wound on his body little by little.

Now one part of his face is yellow and the other is white, and one side of his eyes is big and the other is small. This is because the makeup has not been completely washed off, but it can be regarded as covering up his real face.

"By the way, Dr. Essie, the Tari Mercury detective heard that he has arrived in Konu Town, isn't he still here?"

"Detective Tower." Dr. Ashe thought for a while, "I don't know about this, but I saw him and two other people get on the carriage to Silver Shade Castle in the morning. I don't know if he is back now?"

Garen nodded and stopped talking.

Ten minutes later, the wound was finally treated and the consultation fee was paid. Garen put on his wet clothes and was about to go out.

"Wait!" Dr. Essie called to him from behind, "Are you planning to go out like this? Although it's not raining outside, your clothes are still wet. Isn't the wound I worked so hard to treat completely in vain?"

"It's okay, I'm strong enough, I'll be fine." Garen smiled and didn't care much.

"You don't care, I still care!" Dr. Essie muttered and walked into the small room behind the medical room, and took out a dusty suit after a while. "Here's this clothes for you, you take them back, don't let the wound get wet, I took a lot of time and effort to bandage it. By the way, remember to return the clothes to me!"

Garen smiled, took off his wet clothes, and took the gray suit.

"Thank you, I'll come back in a few days to return your clothes."

"Let's go quickly! Don't be discovered." Doctor Essie waved his hands impatiently, "Remember to be careful, don't let the wound get wet."

Garen nodded, put on dry clothes, and strode out with his wet coat in his hand.

It was pitch black outside. I don't know what time it was at night. Gallon stood at the gate of the small courtyard of the doctor's house and looked out. There was no sound of people around.

woof woof

A faint barking of a dog came from not far away, and it seemed lonely and quieter.

The houses next to each other were all dark, without any lights. There was a faint moonlight in the sky, and the road in the town could barely be seen clearly.

Garen closed the courtyard door with his backhand, and suddenly felt tired.

"I just had a fierce fight, and then I ran for such a long distance immediately, and it took more than half an hour to treat the wound. It seems that my body finally can't hold on." He put on his gray suit and strode out of the town walk on the road.

He seemed to be the only one in the dark town, and the houses on both sides were like a black shadow, silent, only his footsteps slowly echoed rhythmically.


He stepped into a small puddle, and the dirty water splashed all over the bottom of his trousers.

Garen cursed Zhou in a low voice, and walked quietly along the corner.

Walking slowly along the main road, Garen checked his current attribute bar.

"There is one last bit of attribute, this time we can't use it all at once, we have to think carefully about it."

He reached out and touched the black jade plate in his trouser pocket, and a stream of cool air flowed continuously into the skin on the outside of his thighs. Although it was very slow, it was uninterrupted.

"The improvement of attributes requires long-term accumulation to produce qualitative changes, and the qualitative improvement of skills is the most critical. My current skills."

Garen's gaze shifted to the skill bar above the attribute bar.

Skimming over insignificant skills such as basic swordsmanship and basic archery, his eyes focused on a few individual special skills.

Baiyun Secret Technique: Dacheng (Level 4) Explosive Boxing Technique: Intermediate. Baiyun Fighting Skills: Elementary.

One item of the Baiyun Secret Technique has completely turned gray, and it is obvious that it cannot be improved any more. Garen can be considered to have practiced this secret technique to an unprecedented top level, and now only the second senior brother with extraordinary talents can compare with him in strength in the martial arts hall.

The explosive boxing technique has reached the intermediate level, and its power is really powerful. This time, it only hit the opponent twice in the fight against the purple-eyed woman, but these two times directly severely injured the opponent, completely ignoring the opponent's equally terrifying hard qigong. Hit the inside directly through the surface.

"The master of Dazhen is really powerful. He can be regarded as the nemesis of a superficially strong hard qigong master like me. I have to pay attention in the future." Garen himself was also secretly vigilant.

He tried it, but there was no way to improve the Burst Fist. Obviously, some special conditions were needed. From beginner to intermediate level, he also used the pills in the main hall and took one pill a day, so that he gradually improved.

Baiyun fighting skills.

Garen recalled the fight just now.

"If I hadn't been physically strong enough to trade injuries directly with the opponent, I guess it would be really troublesome this time. My fighting skill frame was opened by the opponent with a light punch. If I really want to fight, as long as the woman is cautious I would have no chance of hurting her."

"If, if my fighting skills were better, I wouldn't need to use this style of fighting at all. My defense is better than hers, and my punching skills are better than hers. I can easily kill her." Gallon thought thoughtfully.

"My Baiyun Secret Art has reached the top level of Dacheng. When the muscles of the whole body increase, the defense is directly doubled. There is no need to be afraid to fight head-on with the second brother. My Explosive Boxing Art has reached the second floor. Everyone in the main hall counts. Speaking of it, only the second senior brother and a few others can achieve it. The physical fitness is not generally strong. With such conditions, they are still dressed like this. If it is a senior sister, it will definitely not be like this!"

Garen's eyes flickered.

"The core of the problem is that my actual combat experience is too poor. I can only contain the enemy after taking the move and then fight back. If I replace it with a more cautious master."

He immediately imagined the specific situation in his mind.

The purple-eyed woman moved briskly around her, rushing over from time to time and slashing Xiaoxiao on her arm and thigh. The poisonous blade easily paralyzed herself.

"It seems that I have no strength, but I haven't been able to use it well." He resisted the urge to add attribute points to his physical fitness, and his eyes finally fell on Baiyun's fighting skills.


Baiyun's fighting skills jumped from elementary to intermediate in one fell swoop.

Garen only felt a shock all over his body, his limbs suddenly became agile, and he felt light and casual when he moved in all directions at will.

"The intermediate level of Baiyun's fighting skills is to be able to use the four limbs at will, and to be able to integrate into the frame without the slightest delay, reaching an almost instinctive level. I just don't know what the advanced level is." Gallon moved his limbs, I feel that everything within a meter or so is within my precise control.

He raised the knife in his hand and swiped forward casually.


The right hand unconsciously uses the projecting hand knife, and there is a crisp sound in the air, which is as crisp as setting off firecrackers.

"It turns out that only my right elbow can use the shooting shape, but now I can use the four shapes with all four limbs at will, which is indeed an intermediate fighting skill!" Garen showed a smile on his face.

Tried the speed of using four limbs, and now he can easily beat the two previous him.

"Even if I meet the speed type this time, I can handle it. It's barely worthy of this strength."

Garen nodded in satisfaction, then quickly walked into the darkness and walked on the road back to Huaishan City.


It was past two o'clock in the evening when we returned to the city, so Garen went straight to the martial arts gym, and after asking a garrison student to notify his family, he rested in the main hall for the night, got up early the next day, put on makeup, and rushed to the martial arts hall again. Konu Town.

"Kelly! You came early."

The sky was not bright, it was gray.

At the small open-air restaurant, Garen was sitting at a small round table in a silver suit, with a hint of a smile in his red eyes. Grace was dressed as a black secretary and stood to one side, holding a black leather notebook in her hand.

The two of them looked at Tali Shuiyin who was walking over yawning, but neither spoke.

Garen picked up the hot coffee on the table and took a sip.

Tali sat down opposite Gallon.

"What's wrong with your face? Why is it wrapped in gauze?" He picked up the hot coffee and took a sip. "Didn't you say you wanted to go back?"

"It's just a bruise, let's not talk about it, how is the situation yesterday? Is there any result?" Garen asked in a low voice.

"Go again today. Bai Ying has already notified the police station in Huaishan. It is estimated that people will be transferred at noon. This time, it is a big case and so many people died. Trouble. According to my analysis, the people in Jinhuan are very It may be that we killed so many of their subordinates, if there is no accident, Silver Shade Castle is likely to be in trouble today."

Tali Mercury frowned worriedly.

Garen raised his brows, remembering what happened last night, he was really a little surprised by Tari Mercury's reasoning and analysis, Jin Huan's reaction was completely expected by him.

"Could it be that they still dare to fight the police station?"

Terry laughed. "Kelly, you don't know, this kind of thing doesn't happen once or twice." He took out the pipe he forgot to bring yesterday, lightly took out the match and lit it, and Meimei took a puff.

"Do you need me to call someone for help?" Grace suddenly said while standing aside.

(end of this chapter)