Mystical Journey

Chapter 70: Meet and communicate 1


Suppressing the injury on his chest, Garen tried his best to look as normal as possible.

It seems that I have to go to the martial arts hall to check with the master.

"Ying'er, I'll have dinner at the martial arts hall later, so you don't need to worry about me. I'll take the food home first."

"You're going to the martial arts gym again. It's rare that Mom and Dad have spare time." Ying'er pursed her mouth slightly and said dissatisfied.

"It's okay, Mom and Dad heard that work has gradually become easier recently, and we will spend more and more time together in the future." Garen rubbed his sister's hair and smiled. He secretly got rid of his master and adjusted his parents' jobs, which seemed to be effective.

But what made him a little puzzled was that his uncle could also do this easily, but why he didn't do this all the time.

After putting the dishes home, Garen went downstairs and headed straight for the martial arts hall.

The city seems to be undergoing major repairs recently. Some places have begun to be demolished and rebuilt. There are workers and ox carts pulling construction materials everywhere. The streets of the city center, which were always clean, have become a little messy.

While walking quickly on the sidewalk, Garen kept thinking about the three people he met earlier, and felt more and more suspicious.

"If the talent that the old man once told me refers to the invisible force field, then the key to everything lies in that book! That book I read before!" Garen said in his eyes A ray of light flashed, "It was after I read that book that the old man showed disappointment, saying that I didn't have the talent in this area, and he never saw that book again. Maybe that would be the key clue "

Garen walked slowly on the street, just after turning a corner, a cookie cart slowly approached, the old man who pushed the cart passed him by with a smile, and quietly handed him a note.

Garen was slightly taken aback, and looked down at the note. There is a figure of a golden ring drawn on it, and a line of words below it.

'No. 28, Yangliu Street, Shiqiao, No. 3, something important to do. '

Putting away the note, Garen took a deep breath, turned a corner and walked towards the zebra crossing in the middle of the road.


east of Huaishan

A pale yellow river flows slowly through the urban area. It is like a yellow ribbon in the entire variegated urban area, and it is so dirty that it seems that it has not been washed for a long time.

On both sides of the river are rows of light yellow square houses, like two rows of building blocks that are not neatly built. They are of different heights and some are mottled. You can vaguely see people walking past the windows of the houses from time to time.

There is a grayish-yellow stone bridge at intervals on the river, on which there is an endless flow of vehicles and pedestrians.

On the stone bridge farthest from the urban area, there is a silver-black bust sculpture in the middle. The sculpture is more than three meters high. It is a statue of a man with a mustache surrounded by flowers.

The text on the front of the statue introduces a white-skinned man in a plaid sweater standing in front of the bronze medal. The man looks no more than 30 or 40 years old, with brown eyes, a typical hooked nose, and short gray hair. a feeling of.

Not far from the left side of the bridge, a strong young man with purple and black short hair slowly walked towards this side. The man was wearing an ordinary black sportswear. Bulky. The faint sunlight shone down and shone on the skin of his bare arms, a layer of white fluorescence appeared faintly, as if a layer of white ash had been smeared on his body.

When the man walked past the black statue, he glanced at the hooked nose standing next to the bronze plaque, and the other's calm right hand shook, revealing a golden earring in his hand.

"Master Ninth?"

"Ninth?" Garen frowned and looked at the hook-nosed man in front of him. He suddenly remembered that he had just taken over the position of the Ninth Golden Ring, and immediately felt relieved. "What's up?"

"The sixth man is studying the corpses of those people. He thought you might be interested and told me to come and inform you." The hooked-nosed man replied respectfully. The sound was very small, just enough for the two of them to hear.

"Corpse? Take me there." Garen's expression darkened, and he whispered.

"Okay, please follow me."

Hooked Nose turned around and strode towards the other side of the stone bridge, Garen followed closely.

After crossing the stone bridge, the urban atmosphere on the street became much lighter. There were few cars, mostly ox carts and horse-drawn carts, and black cow dung could be seen on the side of the road from time to time.

The two quickly crossed two streets and walked into a path with green hills on one side. A black wall was built on the other side of the path to separate the road from the surrounding residential buildings.

The whole road has already entered the outskirts of the city, and the small hill on the left can still faintly hear the crickets.

Garen followed the hooked nose and walked forward quickly, looking around from time to time.


There was a sound of ducks calling from the front, and after turning a corner, a group of white-haired ducks rushed towards us on the grass in the path ahead, quacking and quacking. An old farmer wearing a yellow straw hat was driving leisurely with a branch in his hand.

Garen and the others evaded a little and continued to walk forward. Soon they saw a spacious flat yellow field at the end of the path in front of them, like a small playground. The building stands surrounded by green trees.

The sun was shining, and most of the small building was covered in the shade of trees.

"This is it." The hooked nose stopped when it reached the entrance of the flat ground. "This is one of our tentative strongholds in Huaishan. Please come in, the sixth adults are waiting for you up there."

Garen glanced at him, didn't speak, and strode forward to approach the small building.

A black-haired woman walked out of a room on the second floor. The woman was tall and slender, her long hair was tied into a ponytail, and she was wearing a tight leather jacket to directly show her bumpy figure. The most eye-catching thing is her pair of eyes, which are actually deep purple.

The woman has fair skin and exquisite facial features, but her eyes give off a cold and stern look.

She seemed to see Garen below, her eyes narrowed, then she turned around and walked into the room with a cold snort.

Garen smiled speechlessly.

"The tenth golden ring is also there. It seems that he recognized me." He shook his head, lowered his head, and strode into the small building.

Go up the stairs quickly, and there is already a black-skinned strong man standing on the right side of the second floor.

"Please go this way, according to the rules, please wear the ring that represents you." The strong man reminded in a low voice.

Garen nodded, took out the gold ring from his pocket, pinched his earlobe, hesitated for a moment, and put it on the little finger of his left hand. The gold ring is just the right size. After turning the earrings and turning the number side up, Garen strode into the room on the right.

There is only one room on the right side of the stairs on the second floor.

The room is very spacious.

A square table, two side-by-side bookshelves, and several high-backed chairs. All are made of a kind of red and black wood, and you can faintly smell an elegant fragrance.

There were two people standing in front of the bookshelf, a man and a woman, the woman was the black-haired and purple-eyed Tenth Golden Ring, and the man was a blond-haired and blue-eyed one-eyed dragon. The two leaned against the bookshelf and seemed to be chatting.

At the table, the red-haired Sixth Golden Ring was playing cards with a pale man in a black cape.

"Are you here? We're all here now." The sixth Jinhuan smiled and stood up, throwing down the cards in his hand. "Eighth, I'm sorry I won again."

"Shit!" Eighth Golden Ring cursed, stood up and looked at Garen at the door. "Are you here? A little late."

Garen nodded: "I'm not very familiar with the road, sorry." Eighth also invited him to join Jinhuan, and the two of them are fairly familiar with each other.

He walked directly to Eighth's side, pulled out a chair and stood against it.

"What's wrong with calling me all of a sudden?"

The sixth Jinhuan smiled, instead of answering him directly, he clapped his hands lightly.

"Okay, everyone, everyone is here. It's rare to gather so many of us this time for the Silver Shade Castle. From me to the tenth, five of the top ten are here. This is what we have done over the years. A rare situation."

"Stop talking nonsense." The purple-eyed woman with the tenth golden ring interrupted him rudely. "We each have our own areas of responsibility, and we didn't come here to listen to you wasting time here."

"Okay, okay." Sixth scratched his head, "First, let me introduce our new member, Ninth!"

clap clap.

Sparse applause.

Garen shrugged.

"I don't know anything yet?"

"This is for you." Eighth stuffed over a stack of blank paper materials. "You can't take it out after reading it, someone will burn it directly."

Garen took it over and took a look.

The information is all about the general introduction of the Golden Ring.

Randomly flipping through the information, Garen probably had a certain understanding of the Golden Ring organization.

The entire Golden Ring is a large-scale cultural relics and antique jewelry sales gang. Through the network of the top ten Golden Rings, it collects different antique news. Once a buyer has a demand and asks for a price, the people in the organization will directly do it, or Theft, or snatching, is sure to get something.

Most of the top ten Golden Ring managers are not directly under the relationship, but are parallel peers, each with their own network and power, and they are only united because of their interests.

Each of the top ten gold circles is responsible for a regional management, including antique information sources, and seller contacts. As for the acquisition of antiques, you can collect and sell them yourself, or you can obtain them from other areas within the organization. It is a network of interest groups.

While Garen was checking the information, the Sixth Golden Ring continued to speak.

"In recent years, customers' demand for doom antiques has been increasing, so the ninth joined us as an appraisal expert. He has a special talent, that is, he can definitely identify the authenticity of doom antiques. So this is my Agree to accept his reasons."

"And the ninth is also a secret warrior. In terms of level, it should be almost at the level of E." Eighth continued. "Previously, we have decided on the ninth to join with the advantage of three votes. Now let's stop here. Sixth, get down to business."

"Okay." The sixth nodded, glanced at the tenth Golden Ring who spat with disdain, and said with a smile, "Occasionally, the senior management of our Golden Ring will change, just like the seventh. Are we soon? It's only been two years. Okay, let's get down to business."

His face gradually became serious.

(end of this chapter)