Mystical Journey

Chapter 82: Truth 1


This kind of coordination is already a very strong limit, and it is only a slight improvement if it goes higher. He already understood that the Burst Boxing Technique, Baiyun Secret Technique, and Baiyun Fighting Technique are all basic parts, just like the limbs of a giant elephant. Practicing these martial arts is to cultivate the limbs of the giant elephant. The stronger these are, the better the foundation will be, and the stronger the effect of the integration of the giant elephant's secret martial arts will be.

The role of the giant elephant secret martial arts is to combine all these together to form a real giant white elephant. The characteristics of the giant elephants formed by different people are also different, which is related to the physical fitness, the bursting boxing technique practiced, and the level of Baiyun secret technique.

Garen's own Baiyun Secret Technique has reached an unprecedented level, his Burst Fist has reached Xiaocheng's intermediate level, and Baiyun's fighting skills are also at the intermediate level. Coupled with his most shameless and powerful physical fitness, this physical fitness exceeds the physical limit of ordinary people. All combined, Be Mi Wu formed a super level of horror and perversion.

This martial art is only a third-rate secret martial art, but he has cultivated it to a level that no one has ever understood with his strange abilities.

No one from other Baiyunmen has practiced secret martial arts on the basis of such a strong foundation. Basically, you start to practice the other few items after laying the foundation. After all, the burst boxing method and the Baiyun secret method are all time-consuming martial arts. possible. Even with the best talents, they can only reach the intermediate level of Burst Boxing and Baiyun Fighting Skills. The Baiyun secret technique is at the intermediate level at most, not even the advanced level, and it is far from the unprecedented Dacheng level of Garen.

No one knows what kind of changes will be produced when Dacheng's Baiyun secret method is combined into giant elephant secret martial arts. The status of Baiyun Secret Technique in secret martial arts is like the heart of a giant elephant, unifying the strength and explosive power of the whole body.

Garen himself didn't know where he was, he only knew that he was stronger than before. Stronger than when we went to the Golden Circle party!

Follow the same road to the previous arena.

"Where is the master now?" He asked as he walked.

"After the next game is the finals, the top ten will be determined, and then the master will also watch the battle." Ke Ling explained simply. "It should be with other pavilion masters and sect masters now."

Garen nodded and said no more. The matter of the note made him feel a little heavy, he didn't know who was handing the note, but...

A trace of coldness flashed across his face, and Garen accelerated his speed even more. In the corridors along the way, all the disciples belonging to the South Twelve Sects gave way respectfully when they saw him.

"I heard that senior brother Garen has already been rated as the number one person under the top ten! Senior brother Andrela personally evaluated it!"

"Senior Brother Garen has already been called the senior brother who has the most potential to enter the top ten this time along with senior brother Ni Shixing from the Star Ring Gate."

"The next game is the finals, hurry up and take a seat!"

Along the way, the students whispered into the ears of the four from time to time. Garen turned a deaf ear, but the other three gradually showed a hint of pride on their faces.

Baiyun Sect has never had such an honor. As a small third-rate sect with limited skills, even talented disciples have never reached this level. Each disciple can only participate three times in a row at most, and there is an age limit. The senior sister and the second senior brother have already passed the limit. They were far from reaching this level of evaluation when they participated.

Now that Garen had arrived, the three of them walked with their chests faintly puffed out, and they were no longer the same as before.

Passing through several corridors, Garen strode into the original arena room. In the crowded arena, there were already people waiting for him on the white ring.

A muscular broom-headed man with white bandages on his hands and a rebellious look. He was bare-chested, wearing white shorts, and only one shoe on his right foot, looking weird.

Garen subconsciously glanced at his feet.

The man's right foot was carefully moved away. It was not a shoe, but a black pattern that looked like a shoe. In fact, both feet were bare.

"Senior Brother Garen, please come on stage." The referee said loudly.

The arena quickly fell silent, and the onlookers made way for the four of Garen to pass. Most people looked at him expectantly, only a small number of people looked at him impolitely.

Garen strode to the edge of the ring, turned over and stood up.

"Iron Fist Club, Carlos." The man in the bandage put one hand in front of his body, the other stopped with his fist at his waist, and took a horse stance. Put on a dignified posture.

"White Cloud Gate Garen." Garen glanced at his opponent, didn't even put on a fist, and looked sideways at the referee, "Can we start?"

"Start!" The referee rang the bell decisively, turned over and stepped off the stage. Just kidding, this level of sparring is already considered a master, and a referee like him will be accidentally injured if he is not paying attention.

As soon as he finished speaking, Carlos swung his fist fiercely, drawing an arc and hitting Gallon's right cheek.

The distance of several meters between the two was actually crossed by him with one step, and his fist stabbed Garen's right face like a sickle. Because of the extremely fast speed, he could only see a flash of phantom formed in a trance, like the blade of a sickle The same curved and sharp sharp phantom.

"What a fast speed!" Gallon's heart shuddered, and he had only time to raise his elbow, and he could almost feel the skin on his face being blown by the wind of the fist.


The two fists and elbows met, Garen blocked with his right hand, and grabbed the opponent's face with his left hand, and his arm was ejected out like a spring, using a standard shooting shape. The explosive force brought out a whistling sound.


There was another crisp sound, and all the moves of the two attacking each other were blocked.

Immediately after the distance between the two was less than half a meter, Carlos's spiked elbows attacked Gallon like a storm, the vital parts were blocked, and the rest of the parts had no effect after a violent shock on the muscles. , but the skin is slightly reddened.

The crackling sound like raindrops was extremely dense.

Carlos' complexion became more and more gloomy. Garen's hard qigong was so powerful that it couldn't even penetrate his shock, and it only caused a slight redness of the skin, which he had never thought of before.

However, those who have reached this level of the arena will naturally not have weak players. He has already been mentally prepared.

"Protruding feet!" Carlos yelled violently. With a swish, his right foot kicked up, heading straight for Garen's jaw. Turning into a gray shadow, the speed was insanely fast.


Garen didn't have time to react, so he kicked hard, his head slightly raised. But he grinned grimly, regardless, and took the opportunity to grab the opponent's shoulder with his right arm. His feet rolled towards Carlos's.

With a muffled bang, Carlos was directly pushed down on the ring by him.

Without hesitation, Garen slammed down hard with a continuous elbow.

With a bang, a small cement pit appeared on the ring.

Carlos turned over to avoid the blow, rolled to the side a few meters away and stood up again, looking at the cement pit on the ground with lingering fear. This kind of arena is made of high-strength special cement. While the cost is high, it also brings a very strong hardness, which is almost ten times that of ordinary cement. Now, under the power of Garen, he was beaten so easily. broken.

"If I hadn't avoided the second move just now." He suddenly coughed in a low voice, swallowing a mouthful of phlegm in his throat, and his back was in pain like a pinprick.

Turning his face to the side and spitting out the phlegm, it was completely bloody sputum, blood red, sticking to the ring floor with a snap.

"Enough!" As soon as he got excited, Carlos's accent suddenly changed into a weird tongue-rolling tone, and he didn't know where the accent came from.

"You're not bad, too." Gallon laughed softly, temporarily putting aside any worries in his heart. "Come again!"

He kicked his feet, and his elbows were pointed, and his whole body rushed towards him like a drill.

The combination of the left elbow with the punching shape, coupled with the impact of the stepping shape, and the integration and overall use of the four shapes are the real changes after he got Miwu.

This is the same trick he used to kill that fat man just now.

When he rushed in front of Carlos, the other party chuckled and suddenly lowered his body and kicked Gallon's foot.


Carlos accurately kicked on Garen's calf, but his face immediately changed, and he wanted to turn over and roll away, but it was too late.

The opponent's calf was as motionless as an iron wall, which was the result of the huge difference in strength, and his straight kick did not cause any damage to the opponent at all, not even scratches!

joke! Normally, this kick is powerful enough to punch through two sandbags side by side!

Seeing Garen folded his arms and elbows, he fell down suddenly, pressing down like a mountain.

That's too late!

Carlos didn't hesitate, and felt ruthless.

"Protruding feet!"

He kicked his legs up violently, and the toes of his toes pierced Jia Long's chest and abdomen like spikes one after the other.


The two slammed into each other violently, and the entire arena was shaken violently.

The whole arena suddenly fell silent.

Garen stood up slowly, looking at Carlos who was vomiting blood below.

"No matter how fast you are, how fast your rhythm is, I just need to hit you once."

The referee hurried to the stage and rang the bell.

"White Cloud Gate Garen wins!!"

coax! !

A burst of violent cheers sounded from the audience, and the entire arena was noisy. Most of the disciples of the Southern Twelve Sects were extremely excited.

Garen shook his head, watching the medical staff come up and lift the seriously injured Carlos down. He looked down at his chest, where two red spots were clearly visible, and the skin was slightly swollen.

"It is indeed a master who has mastered the shock. It is much more lethal than ordinary people. If it is stronger, it can break my defense."

"The next round will be in the finals, which is the open-air finals outside. The time will start tomorrow morning." The referee said cautiously on the side, "Today's primary election is over, and tomorrow will be the finals for the top ten. "

"That is to say, I can go back to rest now?" Garen asked back.


Garen jumped off the ring. The white clothes on his body had become tattered. Carlos's feet just tore all the clothes on his chest. He simply tore off his upper body clothes and walked out of the room naked.

"Big brother, it's finally the final!" Ke Lingjiali and the others seemed extremely excited.

"Where did Rimlido go at such a critical moment!?" Simon complained softly.

"That guy hasn't come yet?" Garen frowned, "Forget about him, you guys go back and rest first, I'll take a shower first."

"It's Senior Brother!" The three immediately replied respectfully. Now Garen's image in their hearts was no longer that of a tall and authoritative one.

Garen nodded, and walked towards the left side of the corridor alone. From time to time, disciples from the South Twelve Gates looked at him reverently and moved out of the way.

He defeated Carlos of the Tekken Club again, and his reputation reached an unusually conspicuous level. Iron Fist would rank ninth, but Carlos was indeed in the top ten last time, and now that he was defeated, Garen was stepping on him.

(end of this chapter)