Mythical Tyrant

Chapter 103: Championship rewards


Two thunderballs pinched left and right, and the poison talisman pressed up from the front.

Tuobaye could only retreat until there was no way to retreat.

"Bi Yuntian's talent is pretty good. Before becoming an inner disciple, he can control two lightning balls." Lei Huoyan praised.

"Yeah, Ju Wuqing and Bi Yuntian are both pretty good."

Lei Huoyan nodded and said: "Tuobaye can fight against them, and he is still a new outer disciple, which shows that he is even better."

The referees were a little surprised to see that Lei Huoyan started to praise Tuobaye again.

As the suzerain, Lei Huoyan is very serious and rarely praises others. He strongly praised Tuobaye, which showed that he really valued Tuobaye. Even Bi Yuntian and Jue Wuqing casually mentioned a sentence, which showed that Tuobaye held more weight in his heart.

Seeing Tuobaye's situation, Lei Ting's beautiful eyes were full of concern: "Is Xiaoye going to be okay?"

"Fourth brother will definitely be fine, his defense is so strong." Qian Yi blindly believed in Tuobaye.

Yuan Yangning said: "The fourth brother is probably worried about the magic talisman, so he was pushed to this point."

"What is the talisman that Bi Yuntian took out?" Lei Ting asked.

Yuan Yangning shook his head: "I don't know much about talismans, I don't know."

On the competition stage, Tuobaye had been forced to the edge of the competition stage, and he could not retreat.

Bi Yuntian manipulated two thunder balls and a magic talisman extremely nimbly. Tuobaye had already used his speed to the extreme, but he still couldn't get rid of it.

"Looks like we're going to fight recklessly!" Tuobaye thought to himself.

Bi Yuntian said in a cold voice: "Tuo Baye, you actually touched my woman. I haven't even touched her yet. You took the lead. I must kill you."

There was a cold light in his eyes, and a murderous aura erupted from his whole body.

Tuobaye could tell that Bi Yuntian was murderous.

Tuobaye didn't want to lose like this, he thought for a while, and rushed directly to the poison talisman.

What he is most afraid of is the poison talisman, so let's see the power of the poison talisman.

As for the thunder ball, although its power was not small, it couldn't hurt him.

Seeing Tuobaye rushing towards the poison talisman, Bi Yuntian was extremely excited. He manipulated the poison talisman to cover Tuobaye directly, and then released the poison.

The poison of the poison talisman entered Tuobaye's body through a special method.

The poison entered his body, and Tuobaye immediately knew what it was.

In order to practice the strange poison of life, Tuobaye did some research on the poison.

The poison contained in Bi Yuntian's poison talisman is the poison of a poisonous bee. Once this poison enters the body, it will make people weak and lose their combat effectiveness.

Although the poison is powerful, it cannot be compared with the poison of the Gold and Silver Flying Snake King.

Tuobaye's natal poison is not even afraid of the poison of the Gold and Silver Flying Snake King, so naturally he will not be afraid of the poison of this poison talisman.

Seeing that Tuobaye was hit by the poison talisman, Bi Yuntian laughed: "Tuobaye, you are dead! You will soon find out what will happen if you offend me."

He was not in a hurry to attack Tuobaye with the thunder ball, but let the thunderball fly around Tuobaye to prevent Tuobaye from getting away.

He looked at Tuobaye coldly, as if playing cat and mouse.

Tuobaye quietly devoured the poison of the poison talisman, but unfortunately the poison of the poison talisman was very limited, and the natal poison did not increase at all.

After defusing the poison of the poison talisman, Tuobaye was ready to act.

He rushed towards Bi Yuntian suddenly, like a cheetah pounced on its prey, extremely swift.

Bi Yuntian was not far from Tuobaye, he was frightened by Tuobaye.

"You..." He thought that Tuobaye had no strength, otherwise he wouldn't be so close.

"Poisoning is an obscene method, it's useless to me!" Tuobaye said coldly.

The next moment, his fist hit Bi Yuntian.

Bi Yuntian was so shocked that he was punched in the face without any defense.


His handsome face bloomed instantly, and blood sprayed from his nose.

However, Bi Yuntian did not admit defeat, he was woken up by the beating.

"Tuobaye! I can't stop with you!" He yelled, controlling two lightning balls and rushing towards Tuobaye.

Tuobaye grabbed a thunderball with one hand, the lightning flashed, and then the thunderball dissipated, and he crushed it directly.

In Bi Yuntian's horrified eyes, Tuobaye's fist strikes again.

One punch sent Bi Yuntian flying, like a cannonball, flying far away.

Bi Yuntian was seriously injured, his ribs were all broken, and the sound of breaking was very clear.

After finishing it, Tuobaye clapped his hands with a relaxed look.

The audience couldn't believe that Tuobaye was at an absolute disadvantage, but turned defeat into victory in an instant.

Bi Yuntian's defeat was extremely miserable, and his true strength has not been fully displayed.

If he had been prepared, he would not have suffered such a severe injury.

Tuobaye chose the timing of his punches very well, and when Bi Yuntian was shocked, he hit him naturally.

"Bi Yuntian actually lost! My Yuanli Pill!..." Someone screamed out.

Immediately afterwards, the screams became one, one after another.

The most people beat Bi Yuntian to win the championship, and many of them put all their wealth on it, but Bi Yuntian just lost like this, and their entire wealth was gone.

Only a few people who bought Tuobaye to win the championship chanted Tuobaye's name.

The referee announced loudly: "Tuobaye wins, he is the champion of this year's end-of-the-year competition!"

"Tuobaye! Champion!..."

"Everyone, wait a moment, the suzerain is welcome to personally present the award to the champion." The referee said loudly.

Tuobaye originally wanted to go to the competition stage, but was dragged back.

The original process was to award awards to others first, and the champion's rewards were awarded last.

It's just that this time the Suzerain Lei Huoyan showed up in person, and said that he would present an award to the champion on the spot.

Lei Huoyan has a lot of things to do, but there is no time to delay. Naturally, the champion will be awarded first, and then he will leave. The others will be awarded by the referee.

"Fourth brother is really good, he really won the championship!" Yuan Yangning said in surprise.

In fact, just now when Tuobaye was in trouble, Yuan Yangning thought that Tuobaye was going to lose.

Qian Yi said: "The fourth brother wins the championship, so we have to blackmail him a few more times."

"Just know how to eat!" Lei Ting finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She knew Tuobaye well, but she was still very worried.

She didn't feel relieved until Tuobaye turned around.

Seeing that Tuo Baye won the championship, Lei Huoyan showed satisfaction. He took the championship prize from the referee and strode onto the competition stage.

The champion's reward is the best, the prize is twenty Sky Profound Pills, plus a third-grade spiritual weapon. But this time the champion was allowed to directly become an inner disciple.

In fact, with the Sky Profound Pill, one can directly become a Qi Refining Realm expert, and naturally become an inner sect disciple.

It's just that most of the outer disciples who received rewards would not take the Sky Profound Pill to improve their cultivation, as it would hinder their future cultivation.

The Tianxuan Pill is a very precious panacea, which can be exchanged for other treasures. The Tianxuan Pill is a good thing with a price but no market, and the transaction is easy to reach.

Although excellent geniuses don't need the Sky Profound Pill, many people are stuck at the level of the Nine Star Innate Martial Gods and cannot become a strong Qi Refining Realm, so they need the Sky Profound Pill. There are so many such powerhouses that the Sky Profound Pill is in great demand.

Twenty Profound Sky Pills can be exchanged for a top-notch second-grade spiritual weapon.

The prize for the runner-up was much different, only ten Sky Profound Pills, plus a second-grade spiritual weapon.

Seeing the suzerain coming up, Tuobaye saluted: "Outer disciple Tuobaye pays homage to the suzerain!"

"Tuobaye, very good! You deserved to win the championship this time! I declare that you will be an inner sect disciple from today, and you can go to Xianyun Peak to practice." Lei Huoyan praised.

"Thank you suzerain!" Tuobaye was a little happy.

He didn't expect that he would be able to enter Xianyun Peak to practice soon after he joined the Danding Sect.

Xianyun Peak is the headquarters of the Danding Sect. Even if one cultivates at the mountainside of Xianyun Peak, the vitality of heaven and earth cannot be cultivated in Xianyun Valley.

Of course, if you can become a core disciple, the treatment will be even higher. It is said that once you become a core disciple, you will be able to own a cave on the mountainside, and there will be a large medicine garden around the cave.

As for the elders and suzerains, they all live on the top of the mountain and have their own caves, and several branches occupy different peaks.

The top of Xianyun Peak is divided into nine peaks, the highest of which is the main peak of Xianyun Peak where the lineage of the suzerain is located.

It's just that if you want to enter those mountain peaks, you must become a direct disciple of those branches to be eligible to enter, otherwise even core disciples are not eligible to enter the peaks on the top of the mountain.

"Tuobaye, this is the champion's prize. You should make good use of it and strive to improve your strength as soon as possible. In addition, I will accept you as a registered disciple first. If you can pass my test, I will directly promote you as a direct disciple." Lei Huoyan said.

The champion would have been able to join the suzerain's sect, but Lei Huoyan promised that as long as Tuobaye could complete the test, he would reach the sky in one step, become the suzerain's direct disciple, and be able to enter the main peak of Xianyun Peak to practice.

Lei Huoyan has many registered disciples, but there are only a dozen or so direct disciples, and one will be added every few years.

As soon as Lei Huoyan finished speaking, the audience below were extremely envious.

For an outer disciple, becoming an inner disciple is already a step up to the sky. Tuobaye not only became an inner disciple, but also became a disciple of the suzerain, and had the opportunity to become a direct disciple.

Tuoba Ye performed the ceremony of appreciating his teacher in public, and officially became Lei Huoyan's registered disciple.

"Disciple Tuobaye pays homage to master!"

"Okay! Very good! By the way, Tuobaye, what spiritual weapon do you need? You are the champion, and you can get a third-grade spiritual weapon. As a gift to meet the teacher, I allow you to choose a third-grade spiritual weapon." Lei Huoyan said.

The championship prize is only a third-grade offensive weapon, and it may not be suitable for Tuobaye.

Lei Huoyan let Tuobaye choose by himself, he could choose a third-grade defensive spiritual weapon.

"Thank you master, I want an inner armor." Tuobaye said after thinking about it.

When he competes with others, his clothes are often blown up. If there is an inner armor inside, even if the clothes are broken, they will not be lost.

He doesn't care about the defense of the inner armor, his physical defense is strong enough.

As for the attacking spirit weapon, he has the Cold Iron Sword, so he doesn't need other weapons.

"Inner Armor, I don't have any at the moment, I'll supply you later." Lei Huoyan said.

"Thank you, master!" Tuobaye said gratefully.

A defensive spirit weapon, inner armor is rarer and more precious than armor.

In terms of defense, the inner armor is actually not as good as armor. It's just that the material of the inner armor is special, not only close to the body, but also has strong defensive power. Such materials are too rare, making the inner armor extremely precious.