Mythical Tyrant

Chapter 39: Go deep into the southern wilderness


"Xiaoye, why don't you take Concubine Yinghua and the killers from the Fengsha group, they are strong and can help." Xia Yuxuan was still worried.

Tuobaye still shook his head: "Mother, Concubine Yinghua and the others will stay in Jubaolou to prevent someone from taking advantage of me to leave, which is not good for Jubaolou. I will leave immediately. You contact Second Grandpa and the others and ask them to inform the people in Nanjiang General, collect more information about the Southern Wilderness, and prepare a map of the Southern Wilderness."

He explained to Zhan Meng and Concubine Yinghua, and then set off with Master Rabbit.

He didn't even bring his mount because he was much faster than his mount.

He ran with all his strength and didn't need to consume Yuanli. With his physical strength, even the white jade lion dragon couldn't compete with his speed.

Because of this, he didn't want to bring any strong people with him, as that would slow him down.

If he goes one day late, Tuoba Jie and Tuoba Xiong will be in much more danger.

Tuobaye traveled day and night, he prepared many things and stored them in the Qiankun ring, he didn't even stop for food and water.

After more than a month's journey, Tuobaye arrived in ten days.

Nanjiang, collectively referred to as the area bordering the Warring States Period and Nanhuang, also has a huge city named Nanjiang. Southern Border and many fortresses formed a very long line of defense, which was the lifeline against the army of various ethnic groups in the Southern Wilderness.

During the Warring States period, a million-strong army was stationed in southern Xinjiang all the year round, and was under the control of Tuoba Xiong until Tuoba Xiong disappeared and Tuoba Jie entered the Southern Wilderness.

Tuoba Jie had just entered the southern border, and he couldn't control the situation at all. He endured it all the time, and used the spirit-inducing talisman to improve his cultivation.

It didn't take long for him to cultivate to the level of the Seven Star Innate Martial God, and then memorized the Dali Talisman and the Vajra Talisman, sweeping all the generals in the southern border, and only then was he recognized by the millions of troops in the southern border.

Of course, this has something to do with Tuobawei and the others reaching an agreement with Tuobaye. Tuobawei and the others control quite a few generals. If those generals keep opposing Tuobajie, I am afraid that if Tuobajie wants to completely control the southern Xinjiang army It's even harder.

After Tuobaye arrived in southern Xinjiang, he directly found the eyeliner of the Tuoba family to learn about the situation in the southern wilderness.

He didn't appear in everyone's sight because he didn't want anyone to know his whereabouts.

Along the way, he thought about it carefully, and still felt that the news that Tuoba Xiong was trapped was a bit strange, but he had to go to rescue Tuoba Xiong, no matter whether the news was true or not.

He didn't reveal his identity because he was afraid that someone with a heart would find out.

The Tuoba family has been running southern Xinjiang for decades, so there must be a lot of hidden eyeliners.

What Tuobaye saw was the lurking eyeliner of the Tuoba family, who had already prepared information and a detailed map of the Southern Wilderness for him.

Tuobaye didn't enter the Southern Wilderness immediately, but printed all those materials in his heart.

In the middle of the night, the moon hangs high.

Nanjiang City was built between two mountains, the city wall was 80 meters high, looking at Nanhuang from the city wall, Nanhuang was terribly quiet.

The high mountains on both sides and the steep and strange rocks are very clearly reflected. The gray-black stones, standing or sitting, are hideous in shape, and everything looks strangely quiet, adding to the incomparably terrifying atmosphere.

Looking as far as the eye can see, there are towering mountains everywhere in the Southern Wilderness, with towering ancient trees covering the sky and the sun, and the depths of the forest are full of ghostly shadows, making it cold and gloomy.

From time to time, a roar of a beast breaks the silence of the night sky and spreads to the ears, making one's heart tremble.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Tuobaye jumped down from the city wall of Nanjiang and quickly sank into the forest of Nanhuang.

In the southern wilderness, there are not only many races, but also a large number of monsters. The conditions are very harsh, especially at night, the southern wilderness is even more dangerous.

Even the races that lived in the southern wilderness all the year round would not dare to move around at night, as it would become food for monsters.

In order not to be discovered, Ke Tuobaye only entered the Southern Wilderness at night.

He only took Master Rabbit with him, and Master Rabbit had been sleeping all the time, and he couldn't find anyone to talk to.

At night in the Southern Wilderness, the night fog was heavy, and those monsters and poisonous insects all came out to act.

Most powerful people may not be afraid of monsters, but if they encounter poisonous insects, they may die under the venom of the inconspicuous poisonous insects.

Tuobaye has the shadowless poison, the unique poison of the shadow demon clan, which is invulnerable to all poisons, so he is not afraid of the poisonous insects in the southern wilderness.

As for the ferocious beast, with his strength, unless a large group of monsters would cause him some trouble, it would be difficult for a single monster to stop his progress.

Tuobaye came here to save people, not to hunt monsters. When he encountered a monster, he ignored it and just passed by.

At his speed, those monsters couldn't even see him.

The towering ancient trees kept flying back, and the night could not stop Tuobaye's pace.

He was really anxious, so the speed was extremely fast.

With the detailed map, Tuobaye roughly knew where Tuobaxiong was trapped, and where the races in the Southern Wilderness lived.

Tuobaye avoided the places where those races lived in the Southern Wilderness, and rushed forward at full speed to the Broken Soul Valley where Tuobaxiong was trapped.

Broken Soul Valley is a desperate place in the Southern Wilderness, almost without entering or exiting.

Tuoba Xiong led his troops into the Southern Wilderness and fought all the way, and now there are only a few hundred strong men left.

They were all trapped not far from the entrance of Broken Soul Valley, and they didn't dare to go deeper into Broken Soul Valley, and they didn't dare to come out, because there were a large number of Nanhuang troops outside Broken Soul Valley.

This is the news that Tuoba Jie got. In order to avoid casualties, he went straight to Broken Soul Valley alone, preparing to rescue Tuoba Xiong.

Speaking of which, Tuoba Jie was so impulsive, it was all his fault that was Tuobaye, if it wasn't for the talisman given to him by Tuobaye, he would definitely be doing nothing alone, and he wouldn't have gone alone without a slight chance of success.

After having the talisman, Tuoba Jie's self-confidence swelled, so he went to the meeting alone.

When Tuobaye arrived in southern Xinjiang, Tuobajie had already set off for half a month, counting the time, he almost met up with Tuobaxiong.

Tuobaye is not sure whether the news is true now, he has no choice but to go there.

If something happened to both his father and grandfather, he couldn't believe what his mother would do in the future.

Anyway, as long as Tuoba Jie and Tuoba Xiong are still alive, he must rescue them.

Although Tuobaye already felt something was wrong, he still didn't think much about it, and went directly to Nanhuang.

Tuobaye was quite careful and did not reveal his whereabouts. Even if someone stared at Jubaolou and calculated the time when he arrived in southern Xinjiang, it was impossible to get an accurate time, because his speed was too fast, which was unexpected by others.

After entering the Southern Wilderness, Tuobaye didn't dare to delay at all, and traveled hundreds of miles at night. He encountered many poisonous insects and beasts on the road, but he ignored them.

Seeing that it was almost dawn, Tuobaye found a big tree and practiced on it for a while.

During this period, Tuobaye had almost no rest, and only practiced for a period of time every day before recovering his energy.

"It will take at least seven or eight days to rush to Broken Soul Valley at this speed, and I hope there is still time." Tuobaye was anxious.

There are some strong races in the southern wilderness, who are good at controlling poisonous insects and beasts, and are very difficult to deal with.

Tuobaye didn't know how long Tuobaxiong and Tuobajie could last, he had to arrive in time to save them all.

The sky is bright, the sky is clear and blue.

It's just that there are too many alpine forests in the southern wilderness, and you can hardly see the sun when you walk through the forest.

"Set off!"

Tuobaye moved forward at the fastest speed, even faster than a monster.

Over the mountains and ridges, bypassing the residences of some Southern Desolate races, went straight to Broken Soul Valley.

Seven days passed in a blink of an eye, and Tuobaye didn't make a single shot, and they all rushed on the road at the fastest speed. He finally arrived at a place not far from Broken Soul Valley without any delay.

When he arrived near Broken Soul Valley, Tuobaye didn't show up in a hurry.

Outside the Valley of Broken Soul, there were many figures. Tuobaye scanned with his divine sense and found that at least tens of thousands of troops were guarding the Valley of Broken Soul.

This is not a big deal, in the woods outside Broken Soul Valley, there are still a large number of poisonous insects and beasts active, which should be controlled by strong people.

In addition, he discovered that in the army, there are many innate warriors at the level of Martial Gods hidden, and these powerful people are the real killers.

Once the battle starts, this batch of innate warriors will pose too much threat to Tuoba Xiong and Tuoba Jie.

However, Tuobaye was in a good mood. He saw that the arrangement of these troops was to prevent the strong men from Broken Soul Valley from rushing out, so he could deduce that Tuoba Xiong and Tuoba Jie were probably still alive.

If they were dead, and the army had set up an ambush to wait for Tuobaye, then the formation of the army must be completely different.

Tuobaye didn't startle the snake, he was going to wait until late at night, and then sneak into Broken Soul Valley, and meet Tuoba Xiong and Tuoba Jie first.

Tuobaye found a secret place on the spot, began to practice, and adjusted his state to the best.

In the middle of the night, Tuobaye's small body, like a ghost, quietly entered the Valley of Broken Soul.

He was very cautious, and his speed was fast enough to not disturb the large army outside.

Entering Broken Soul Valley, Tuobaye soon found some strong men, and he quickly approached them.

"Who is it?" A sudden shout made Tuobaye jump.

The voice was loud and full of majesty.

When Tuobaye heard it, he subconsciously thought it was Tuobaxiong.

Tuoba Xiong was really strong, but Tuobaye was so secretive and far away, so he was discovered.

"Don't do anything, I'm Tuobaye!" Tuobaye said quickly.

Show your identity first, otherwise it is easy to be accidentally injured.

"Ono? How is this possible?" Tuoba Xiong asked in surprise.

Tuobaye stepped forward quickly, and soon appeared in front of Tuobaxiong.

When he saw that Tuoba Xiong and Tuoba Jie were still alive, he was very excited.

"Grandpa, Father, it's great that you are all fine!" Tuobaye was extremely happy.

Tuoba Jie looked at Tuobaye for a while, and said in shock: "Xiaoye, it's really you! You are alone, how did you enter the Southern Wilderness?"

"Father, I saw your family letter, so I rushed to the southern border day and night, and then went directly to the southern wilderness, and came to meet you." Tuobaye said with a smile.

"Ridiculous!" Tuoba Xiong was furious: "Tuoba Jie, why did you tell Ono these things, let Ono put himself in danger, and now three generations of us are trapped in Broken Soul Valley, what should we do?"

"Father, I was wrong! I also got the news that Ono swept the Du family, Yuwen family, and Qian family's nine powerhouses in the family competition, so I wanted to tell him this. However, I really didn't think about letting Tuobaye come. Rescue us." Tuoba Jie said hastily.

The old man was angry, but he was not angry, and Tuoba Jie felt a little guilty.