Mythical Tyrant

Chapter 46: future direction


Situ Bowu thought for a while and said, "That's fine, you go home to reunite with your family first, then enter the palace, and explain the matter to me in detail."

Situ Bowu didn't dare to underestimate the strength displayed by Tuoba Xiong. Many of his previous ideas could no longer be imposed on Tuoba Xiong.

"Your Majesty, I will take my leave first."

Tuoba Xiong bid farewell, took Tuoba Jie and the others with him, and hurried back to Jubaolou.

This time, they didn't go back to the family directly because they were afraid that Xia Yuxuan would be worried.

Xia Yuxuan, and the members of the Tuoba family didn't go out of the city to greet them, so they didn't know what they were doing.

Tuobaye was even more worried: "Father, grandpa, mother didn't come out to greet us, did something happen?"

"Don't worry, I'm back, I believe the three major families will not dare to mess around." Tuoba Xiong said with a smile.

Still involuntarily, they quickened their pace.

It didn't take long for Tuoba Xiong and the others to arrive at the Jubao Building. They saw that the Jubao Building was decorated with lights and festoons. There were many people standing outside, all dressed in formal attire, very eye-catching.

Tuobawei, Tuobazhong, Xia Yuxuan and others were all outside the gate, waiting to welcome Tuobaxiong and the others.

"General! General!..." those people shouted.

"Mother, I didn't see you just now, so I thought something happened?" Tuobaye said happily.

"Your grandfather is back, of course we have to prepare." Xia Yuxuan had a happy smile on her face.

Tuoba Wei and Tuoba Zhong stepped forward, apologetic: "Brother, our brothers are sorry for you. After you disappeared, we not only failed to help Tuoba Jie stabilize the situation in southern Xinjiang, but also wanted to take the opportunity to snatch the position of Patriarch. Big mistake, damn us!"

"You guys, you're really damned, but seeing you wake up in time, I'll spare you." Tuoba Xiong said coldly.

Both Tuoba Wei and Tuoba Zhong heaved a sigh of relief: "Thank you, brother!"

"Everyone go in, I believe everyone wants to know about me in the Southern Wilderness, I will tell you all." Tuoba Xiong laughed loudly.

The Treasure Building is extremely lively, but only the core members of the Tuoba family can know about Tuoba Xiong's deeds.

In the evening, Tuoba Xiong finished talking about the matter of going deep into the Southern Wilderness, and everyone was still full of interest.

"Brother, we are leaving first, and we will come back tomorrow." Tuobawei was about to leave.

Tuoba Xiong said: "Second, third, and Tuoba Zhan, Tuoba Ji, you stay here, I have something to tell you."

The rest of the Tuoba family left first, and Tuobaji was left behind. He was a little trembling, after all, he had troubled Tuobaye before.

"Brother, what's the matter?" Tuoba Wei also couldn't figure out the situation, and asked.

Tuoba Xiong said: "Second brother, I am not going to continue to be the general, I would like to recommend you to succeed the position of general. Third child, if the second child becomes a general, he must sit in southern Xinjiang, and the family affairs will be handed over to you. Here it is. I know you're a little irritable, so Tuoba Zhan, please help your third uncle."

"Brother, even if you don't become a great general, Tuoba Jie can still inherit the position of a great general. I think his aura is a bit stronger than mine, and he is fully capable of the job." Tuoba Wei said.

"Second brother, third child, I am going to divide the Tuoba family into two. You are in charge of the secular world, to develop and grow the Tuoba family, and a few people, together with me, are going to enter the cultivation family and strive to gain a foothold in the cultivation world. In this way Come on, no one from our Tuoba family will dare to provoke you anymore. Jie'er and I will be responsible for the matter of marching into the Xiuzhen family, and I will leave it to you for the worldly affairs." Tuoba Xiong said.

He looked at Tuobaji and said, "Tuobaji, don't worry, I won't pursue what happened to you before, and Ono won't blame you either. You have a good talent, and you have to work hard at this Xianyuan meeting , strive to enter the cultivation sect. As long as you can enter the cultivation sect, we will provide you with resources to speed up your cultivation. But there is one thing, if you can become a real cultivator, you must not forget the Tuoba family. Maybe, I hope you can take care of the Tuoba family."

Tuobaye has long seen that Tuobaji has a talent for comprehension, and the talent is not bad, similar to Tuobaxiong. However, if he has no one to give advice, he will at most be like Tuoba Xiong in the future, and it is impossible to have a better development. Even if one enters the sect of comprehension, it is hard to say whether one can save one's life.

If you have the support of the family, it will be different.

When Tuobaji's name was called, his body trembled, a little scared. But what he said next made him feel relieved.

When Tuoba Xiong finished speaking, he was still in a daze, and he couldn't believe it.

"Tuobaji, hurry up and answer Grandpa!" Tuobawei said coldly.

Tuobaji came back to his senses: "Grandpa, don't worry, if I can become a cultivator, I will definitely help the Tuoba family grow stronger."

"The four of you, from tonight onwards, stay here to practice in Jubao Building, and improve your cultivation as soon as possible." Tuoba Xiong nodded in satisfaction.

The seventy-two Jagged Tiger Guards also came back. There are now many strong people in the Treasure Building, so Tuobaye began to arrange for more small rooms for martial arts training in the backyard. Each small room is equipped with a charm.

Practicing in such a room can speed up the speed of everyone's cultivation.

In the final analysis, strength is the first priority. Without strength, the situation cannot be suppressed at all.

It was as if when entering the city today, Tuoba Xiong slapped the face directly, making the three masters miserable, and even the emperor didn't speak for them.

If it weren't for Tuoba Xiong's invincible strength, someone might stop him, and even he himself would be injured.

It is easy to build a small room, but it will take some time to refine the charm charm.

Fortunately, Tuobaye usually refined more, so it was no problem for Tuobawei and the others to practice. There are too many Iron Blood Tiger Guards, so I can only help them refine spirit charms in the future.

"Brother, we must work hard in cultivation and strive for an early breakthrough." Tuobawei said excitedly.

Looking at the cultivation speed of Tuoba Jie and Tuo Baye, Tuoba Wei and the others have long been envious.

Tuoba Xiong said: "Tuoba Zhong, let all the big bosses in the slave market come here, and bring eight-star acquired warriors, nine-star acquired warriors, and congenital warriors to the Treasure Building. I want to select a group of slaves. , added to the Jagged Tiger Guard."

The Iron-Blooded Tiger Guard needs to expand its scale. In the future, if the Tuoba family is divided into two, two teams of Iron-Blooded Tiger Guard will be needed.

These are all suggestions given by Tuobaye, and the selection of slaves is also made by Tuobaye himself, but the necessary slaves must be selected through Tuobaxiong's mouth.

In the past, Tuoba Xiong only bought innate Martial God-level powerhouses to supplement the Iron-Blooded Tiger Guards.

I still listened to Tuobaye, and planned to select some acquired warriors with good talents and cultivate them. This would not only save a lot of gold coins, but also make those slaves more loyal.

"Brother, don't worry, I will make arrangements tomorrow morning." Tuoba Zhong said.

"In the future, the Iron-Blooded Tiger Guards will form two teams. Each team will have 108 innate warriors at the level of Martial Gods. There must also be some back-up strongmen. If they are lost, they must be replenished immediately. The two teams of Iron-Blooded Tiger Guards will belong to me. In charge, the first team will be handed over to the second child." Tuoba Xiong said.

"Brother, I will definitely take care of the iron-blooded tiger guards and bring glory to the family!" Tuobawei burst into tears of gratitude.

Rang didn't expect that Tuoba Xiong would be so generous that he wanted to form two iron-blooded tiger guards.

Tuoba Xiong himself did not have any gold coins. The reason why he was so proud was because Tuobaye gave him all the gold coins in his private collection, so that he would have enough gold coins to buy slaves and strengthen the strength of the Tuoba family.

There were nearly 30 million gold coins from Tuobaye, but they were useless, so he handed them all over to Tuobaxiong.

Now that the slaves have been selected, while there are still two years left, Tuobaye will personally train them, and try to train them all to be at the level of innate warriors, and they will be relatively powerful innate warriors.

Nothing happened overnight, Tuoba Zhong went out early the next morning. Not long after, more than a dozen of the biggest bosses in the slave market in Shendu rushed to the Treasure Building with suitable slaves.

Tuoba Xiong sat in front of the main courtyard and said loudly: "Let the slaves come in one by one, the ones I didn't choose go out by myself, the ones I choose are the slaves of the Tuoba family."

Tuoba Xiong slapped the faces of the three masters in public outside the city gate yesterday, even the emperor was present, this kind of power has already spread throughout the capital. The bosses of the slave market, many of whom had deep ties to the three major families, did not dare to disobey Tuoba Xiong's words and let their slaves enter the Jubao Building one by one.

Tuobaye stood beside Tuobaxiong, and when he saw a satisfied slave, he would lightly touch Tuobaxiong.

In this way, Tuoba Xiong quickly selected more than 300 slaves, of which less than 50 were born at the level of Martial Gods.

Tuoba Xiong took out a large number of gold coins on the spot and handed them to the bosses of the slave market. The piles of gold coins dazzled everyone's eyes.

The bosses of the slave market were afraid that they would not get the gold coins. Now that they got the gold coins, they were all grateful and thanked them and left.

"Xiao Ye, these people are entrusted to you. I want to see the two teams of Iron-Blooded Tiger Guards as soon as possible." Tuoba Xiong said with a smile.

"Grandpa, don't worry!" Tuobaye was very excited.

Last night, Tuobaye checked his body carefully, and found that his cultivation had improved too rapidly recently, and he couldn't continue to speed up his cultivation like this.

Therefore, he changed his previous decision and planned to use the remaining two years to study the talisman carefully, and devote his spare time to training Iron-Blooded Tiger Guards.

He had already thought about it, the second transformation of the Nine Transformations of Gods and Demons, and was ready to cultivate into the body of the talisman.

The body of the talisman is just an idea of Tuobaye, without practice.

The general direction is to cultivate the body into a carrier like jade and rune stones, and then burn the talisman array to turn itself into a talisman containing vast energy.

Moreover, with the improvement of the cultivation base and the way of the talisman, it can also continuously burn the talisman array into the body, making the body stronger.

This road is difficult to walk, Tuobaye is very aware of this, he did not start rashly, he is going to think carefully for a few years, wait until he has a bottom line in his heart, and then start to practice the body of the talisman.

No matter how many difficulties there are ahead, he will go on and will not give up.

He has a peerless talent for refining talismans, if he doesn't use it, it would be a waste.

If one day, he can repair the jade talisman of punishment and integrate it into the body of the talisman, then his body of the talisman will be considered perfect, and it will definitely be an invincible trump card.

There are nine transformations of gods and demons, many transformations, and each transformation must be cultivated to be the strongest. In the future, the nine gods and demons will become great, and they will be the strongest gods and demons.