Mythical Tyrant

Chapter 79: follower


Thunderstorm and the other vice-captains all changed their expressions. Everyone wanted to be the captain.

But Jue Wuqing directly asked Qian Yi to take over as captain without discussing with everyone, and they were naturally unhappy.

However, they dare not speak out, and Ju Wuqing has absolute authority in the Ten Absolute Squad.

"This ten unique team is really willing to spend their capital!" Tuobaye sighed.

Lei Ting said: "Tuobaye, if you agree to join the Shijue team, you will probably be paid no worse than Qianyi."

"I'm definitely not as good as him, because my talent is too far behind." Tuobaye shook his head.

Unless Tuobaye can win the championship, no one will pay attention to him.

He is very clear about his situation, even if it is a small sect, it will not welcome him.

However, Tuobaye did not feel depressed. He felt that he was very good. In his previous life, he had no spiritual roots at all, and he insisted on embarking on the road of cultivation. In this life, he not only has a spiritual root, but also has a divine root in his body. He is very satisfied and full of confidence in himself.

"Tuobaye, I found out that you are hypocritical!" Lei Ting said.

"Honestly, you don't believe it!" Tuobaye shook his head and smiled wryly.

Qian Yi looked at Jue Wuqing, and said calmly: "Thank you, Captain Wuqing, for your kindness. I have no intention of joining any team. If I want to join a team, I will form a team myself."

He said the words to death directly, making Juewuqing look ugly.

"Okay! Very good! I want to see how powerful the team you will form in the future." Jue Wuqing said coldly.

Seeing Qian Yi's refusal to join the Shijue team, he was ruthlessly angry, while Lei Feng and the others were secretly happy, but on the surface they were still furious.

"Qian Yi, our captain let you directly become the vice-captain, that is to think highly of you, you really don't know good from bad." Thunderstorm said loudly.

Qian Yi said coldly: "Are you going to force others to join your Shijue team?"

Jue Wuqing saw that the situation was wrong, if this word spread, the reputation of the Ten Absolute Squad would be ruined.

He quickly said: "It's absolutely nothing, Your Excellency Qian Yi, whether you join the Shijue team is absolutely your freedom."

"Please get out of the way!" Qian Yi was polite on the surface, but in fact, everyone could tell that he didn't pay attention to the Shijue team, nor did he pay attention to Jue Wuqing.

Absolutely ruthless and embarrassing, he had to get out of the way.

Qian Yi walked past Juewuqing, and stopped not far from Tuobaye.

Of course, Tuobaye didn't think that Qian Yi was looking for him, and Lei Ting was next to him. He felt a little strange why Qian Yi was looking for Lei Ting.

A smile appeared on Qian Yi's face, a very handsome smile: "Miss Lei Ting, I finally saw you again!"

Lei Ting looked at Qian Yi: "Why are you looking for me? We just met each other once, and we are not familiar with each other."

"Miss Lei Ting, after I told you about you, you are always in my mind, so I asked to join the Danding faction. I was finally recruited by the Danding faction. From now on, I will follow Miss Lei Ting around and never leave." Light color said seriously.

Tuobaye said with a smile: "Miss Lei Ting, it seems that you have a good charm!"

Lei Ting looked bitter: "Qian Yi, you want to join the Danding faction yourself, don't get involved with me. Although I know you, I really don't."

She herself was a little surprised, why she had to put aside her relationship with Qian Yi, and she had nothing to do with Qian Yi.

Moreover, she secretly took a look at Tuobaye, and was relieved to see that there was no change in Tuobaye's expression.

Lei Ting found this sneaky feeling very strange, but she couldn't explain it herself.

"Miss Lei Ting, please let me follow you, I will get familiar with you after a long time." Qian Yi said.

Tuobaye smiled and said: "Miss Lei Ting, you just agree, Qian Yi is such an outstanding talent as your servant, you really earned it."

It was only then that Qian Yi saw Tuobaye, before he only had Lei Ting in his eyes.

"You are Tuobaye, you are really my bosom friend!" Qian Yi said excitedly.

Tuoba Ye's hair stood on end, and he said, "Your Excellency Qian Yi, I'm not familiar with you, and I'm not your bosom friend."

He secretly said: "This Qian Yi looks suave and suave, can't he have a broken back?"

Of course, he didn't say this kind of thing, if he did, he would definitely offend Qian Yi.

"Captain Tuobaye, the main reason is that you are so right that I can't help myself!" Qian Yi said embarrassedly.

Tuobaye felt a chill again, thinking: "Qian Yi can't really have a broken back, can he? Impossible, he pursued Lei Ting, it shouldn't be a broken back."

He kept silent, so as not to cause Qian Yi to say some disgusting words.

Lei Ting felt better when she saw Tuoba Ye deflated, but when she saw Qian Yi, her mood became worse again.

Qian Yi, with a strong background and excellent talent, had a big sect's eye on him, but because of Lei Ting, he joined the Danding sect.

Although he can't make alchemy, the Danding faction will not reject a peerless genius like Qian Yi.

Among the disciples of the Danding Sect, there are still some who don't know how to make alchemy, they are pure fighters, but this kind of disciples only account for a small part.

"Qian Yi, since you like to follow me, as long as you can win this competition, I want you to follow me." Lei Ting thought for a while and said.

Qian Yi was overjoyed: "Really? That's great!"

He danced with excitement, and his movements were so chic and free, the female disciples around were dumbfounded. It's just that Lei Ting is here, those female disciples dare not act rashly.

"Let's wait until you win the championship, and let's just let you be a follower, don't think too much." Lei Ting said.

Qian Yi smiled and said: "I don't think too much, as long as I can follow you and watch you every day, I will be satisfied."

Lei Ting's face turned dark, she glanced at Tuobaye secretly, and found that Tuobaye was watching the competition, not angry, so she was relieved.

She couldn't help but care about Tuobaye's opinion, and it became a little strange.

She is still too young now, so naturally she doesn't know the reason.

Qian Yi had a thick skin, and took the opportunity to sit next to Lei Ting, and then her pair of star eyes never left Lei Ting's body. Of course, there was no lust in his eyes, they were extremely clear.

Lei Ting ignored Qian Yi and continued to watch the competition.

"Captain, it seems that Qian Yi joined the Danding faction to pursue Miss Lei Ting." Lei Tian said with a smile.

Jue ruthlessly said in a deep voice: "Everyone can see it, and Qian Yi has a lot of background, even Miss Lei Ting dare not offend him too much."

His face was a little ugly, because Qian Yi had offended him before.

But Qian Yi's background was too big, before he found out the details, he was ruthless and did not dare to trouble him.

"Captain, look quickly! Bi Yuntian has appeared!" Yang Bin said excitedly.

Bi Yuntian stood on the martial arts arena with a magnificent momentum, like a mountain.

His opponent was not bad either, he was a nine-star innate Martial God-level powerhouse, but he saw that his opponent was Bi Yuntian, so he had no fighting spirit at all.

"Bi Yuntian's opponent, I am not your opponent, please be merciful."

It would be too embarrassing to admit defeat directly. This nine-star innate Martial God still wants to persist in a few more tricks, so that he won't lose his head in Xianyun Valley in the future.

"Admit defeat directly, or I won't know the severity of my strike." Bi Yuntian said coldly.

The face of the nine-star innate Martial God suddenly became extremely ugly. If Bi Yuntian was really ruthless, one move would be enough to kill him, and it would be easier to seriously injure him.

He hesitated, whether to admit defeat directly. It's just that it's even more embarrassing to admit defeat now and lose face.

The nine-star innate Martial God gritted his teeth, but he still didn't admit defeat in the end. He cared too much about face.

"That kid didn't even admit defeat, he probably will be lying in bed for several months." Jue ruthlessly smiled.

He is most familiar with Bi Yuntian, so he naturally knows how powerful Bi Yuntian is.

When Bi Yuntian confronts the enemy, he often settles the battle with one move, and can seriously injure the enemy with one move.

The same nine-star innate Martial God, the gap is still very big. Bi Yuntian is definitely the top nine-star innate Martial God, and his opponent is far behind.

"The captain is right, let alone Captain Bi Yuntian, even I can easily defeat that kid." Thunderstorm said.

"Tuobaye, how do you think Bi Yuntian can solve the battle?" Lei Ting asked.

Qian Yi said: "If I make a move, I will solve the battle with one move."

"It's nothing to you, what are you talking about?" Lei Ting was very dissatisfied.

Seeing that Lei Ting was angry, Qian Yi quickly said: "Yes! I am talking too much!"

Seeing this weird combination, Tuobaye couldn't help but want to laugh: "Don't ask me about this kind of thing, ask Bi Yuntian. If he wants to end the battle with a few moves, he will definitely be able to end the battle with a few moves."

Lei Ting originally wanted to make things difficult for Tuo Baye, but when she saw him say this, she was so angry that she couldn't speak.

Qian Yi looked at Tuobaye, then at Lei Ting, and already sensed that there was something wrong between them.

He was very shrewd, did not speak out, but observed secretly.

Bi Yuntian's martial arts competition started, he directly punched out, and the huge punch sent his opponent flying.

"Crack!" The sound of bones breaking was so clear that everyone in the stands in front heard it.

Bi Yuntian's opponent was seriously injured and couldn't even stand up. It is estimated that he would have to lie in bed for a while before he could recover his ability to walk.

"Bi Yuntian! Bi Yuntian!..."

The cheers continued one after another, and the sound shook the sky, surpassing Qian Yi.

Bi Yuntian is the one with the highest voice to win the championship, only Jue Wuqing can barely compare with him.

Absolutely ruthless and ruthless, Bi Yuntian is handsome and extraordinary. In comparison, Bi Yuntian is more popular.

Bi Yuntian waved his hands gracefully, but did not come down from the competition stage.

The referee also gave Bi Yuntian face and didn't drive him down.

The cheers lasted for five minutes, and Bi Yuncai walked down the competition stage slowly.

Jue ruthlessly looked at Bi Yuntian, gritted his teeth and said, "This Bi Yuntian likes to pretend to be chic, it's really hypocritical."

"That's right, when the captain comes on the field, he must be stronger than him." A strong man from the top ten squad flattered him.

Absolutely Ruthless is still very useful, and his complexion has improved a lot.

"Tuobaye, what do you think of Bi Yuntian?" Lei Ting asked.

Qian Yi's face suddenly changed, why Lei Ting always took the initiative to talk to Tuobaye and ignored him, he immediately understood the difference.

Tuobaye felt that someone was staring at him, turned his head and found that Qian Yi's eyes were wide open, a little red, staring at him.

He has been a human being for two lifetimes, and he instantly understood what was going on.

"Miss Lei Ting, why don't you ask Your Excellency Qian Yi, why do you ask me? I am a new outer disciple, and I don't know Bi Yuntian well." Tuobaye said indifferently.