Naruto Time Control

Chapter 106



Why do you treat Feng Ye like this? !

She looked at Feng Ye, who was being covered by dark spells in the four-purple flame formation, and her face turned a little pale.

Danzo finally smiled as he watched the techniques in his hands gradually gather together. In just a few minutes, Fengye's powerful combat power would become a tool for him.

If Feng Ye's talent was discovered from the beginning, and Feng Ye was introduced to the roots for control and training, there wouldn't be so many things later. When the time comes, he will lead Feng Ye and perform meritorious deeds on the battlefields of the three battles. The final position of the Fourth Hokage will be No one can compete with him.


It's not too late either.

Although the position of the Fourth Hokage is no longer up for grabs, with Kaede Ye's power, he can still compete with Sarutobi Hiruzen and others, and then he can slowly weaken Namikaze Minato's authority, and finally he can Successor to the fifth Hokage.

Looking at the black spell words under his hands, constantly intertwining and converging in the void, converging on Feng Ye's forehead, he seemed to have seen the scene of putting on the Hokage hat.


Just at this time.

Feng Ye, who was lying there, opened his eyes. He looked at Danzo with only plain eyes.


Danzo's expression changed.

Did you break the illusion so quickly after falling under it

Fortunately, part of the corpse curse seal has begun to be planted. Now Feng Ye cannot move and is still imprisoned by him, even if he wakes up.

boom! !

Before this thought completely passed through his mind, Danzo's body suddenly bent, and then flew backwards like a cannonball, hitting the outer wall of the Four Purple Flame Formation in an instant.

"ah… "

Most of Danzo's body melted away in an instant, and he screamed in pain, with a trace of disbelief in his eyes, saying: "It's impossible... my corpse curse seal..."

While the corpse curse seal is being maintained, it should be impossible for Feng Ye to move. Forced movement will only cause damage to the soul and sustain fatal trauma.


Feng Ye stood up, picked up the clothes beside the bed, put them on as if there was no one else around, and said lightly: "After waiting for so long, can you finally bear it no longer?"

Seeing this scene, Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression suddenly changed.

Namikaze Minato's expression also changed slightly.

Zizzi! !

Most of Danzo's body melted away in the Four Purple Flame Formation. He gritted his teeth and formed a seal with one hand. His whole body shrank strangely, suddenly melted, and appeared outside the Four Purple Flame Formation.

The melted part of the body returned to its original shape, but his face was pale and the chakra in his body was greatly weakened.

"Maintain the barrier! Don't break the barrier!"

The pale-faced Danzo ordered to his subordinates, and then quickly fled away.


I didn't expect that such a careful plan would fail. Now I have to escape. Leave Konoha first!

"Is it some kind of body-splitting substitute technique?"

Feng Ye watched this scene calmly, then stepped forward and came to the outer wall of the Four Purple Flame Formation. He reached out his hand and pressed against the wall of the Four Purple Flame Formation.

Buzz! !

As if they didn't do anything at all, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Namikaze Minato and others barely noticed how much chakra Feng Ye released. The light curtain of the four-purple flame array centered on the place touched by Feng Ye's palm and moved towards Collapse in all directions.

The four root ninjas who maintained the Four Purple Flame Formation still maintained the posture of opening their hands to maintain the barrier, but there was almost a hint of disbelief in their eyes.

How can it be! !

That's the Four Purple Flame Formation!

A barrier that can trap even Naruto!

Feng Ye looked indifferently at the four root ninjas who were maintaining the barrier. When they came into contact with Feng Ye's gaze, the four of them felt the danger of death almost at the same time. They were horrified and jumped away towards the distance without hesitation. , try to distance yourself.


Feng Ye just waved his right hand upward.

The four root ninjas who tried to stay away suddenly showed strange speeds, accelerated in an instant, and directly hit the edge of the Time Barrier.

For the part of the body that has emerged from the barrier, the flow of time becomes normal, while for the part that is still within the barrier, it is still at five times the speed. It is natural to imagine what will happen.

The four of them still rushed out of the field.

But the body was squeezed into a flat shape in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Namikaze Minato looked at each other, their hearts almost sinking.

Oh no!

Danzo attacked Feng Ye without permission and failed!

"For the sake of the stability of the village, Orochimaru-sensei did not compete for the position of Hokage, and chose to support Minato in taking office. He did not want to have infighting, and neither did I."

Feng Ye stepped forward, and silver light burst out from his body, bathing outside his body. With the flow of silver light, chakra surged three times in a row, rising into the sky.

Like silver hair.

There are traces of lightning arcs intertwined.


A trace of guilt flashed in Namikaze Minato's eyes, and he said, "This is my fault."

"no need to say sorry."

Kaede Ye glanced at Namikaze Minato and said calmly: "Maybe your original intention is just for the stability of the village, but you should know what Danzo and others think of me, but you didn't come to me to discuss it. … So that’s the end of it.”

The words fell.

Feng Ye's figure flashed past and landed outside Lin's barrier. Like a flash of lightning, he killed all four root ninjas.

"Lin, go protect Kakashi and Kurenai."

Feng Ye spoke calmly.

"Feng... Fengye..."

Lin looked at Feng Ye's calm look and felt a little trembling.

She had never seen Feng Ye in such a state. She could feel the murderous intent surging beneath the calmness, and she could feel the temperature of the surrounding air seeming to be dropping!

Namikaze Minato also immediately spoke to Feng Ye: "Feng Ye! Calm down! I will handle this matter!"


Feng Ye only glanced at him faintly, then turned into a flash of silver light and disappeared in an instant.


Danzo must die!

Seeing Kaede Ye disappear, Namikaze Minato hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth slightly, and the flicker disappeared.

Watching Kaede Ye and Namikaze Minato disappear before and after, Lin's expression changed several times in succession. She glanced at Sarutobi Hiruzen not far away, bit her lower lip, and the deep respect in her eyes was no longer as deep as before.

Whoosh! !

She rushed into the damaged house, wrapped Kakashi and Yuhi Kurenai with chakra, put the two behind her, showed a decisive look, and was ready to fight at any time.

Chapter 176 The Death of Danzo

"Have you finally taken action..."


The entrance to an underground base somewhere.

Orochimaru looked far away in the direction of Konoha, with a hint of ridicule in his eyes. After sensing Kaede Ye's chakra rising into the sky, he turned around and walked into the base again.

The other side.

Fengye chased Danzo leisurely.

Now that he has taken action, he must eradicate all Danzo's forces one by one, so he is not in a hurry and just swings a sword from time to time.


Several sword lights flashed.

After Danzo dodged several sword rays in succession, he was unable to avoid the last sword, and his right arm was severed from the shoulder, with blood spilling.

A look of pain appeared on his face. He ignored the fallen right arm and continued to rush forward. When he came to a certain building, he rushed in.

It's not possible to just run away.

There is no way to get rid of Feng Ye's pursuit, so someone must stop Feng Ye!

Feng Ye came to the building and walked inside calmly.

Buzz! !

A golden mesh barrier suddenly appeared and blocked him, but Feng Ye just flickered his eyes slightly and continued to move forward without paying attention.

The mesh barrier collapsed the moment it came into contact with his body.

"Fengye! Wait!!"

Along with a Flying Thunder God Kunai, Namikaze Minato's figure appeared. He looked at Feng Ye and said: "Let me handle it, Feng Ye! I am the Fourth Hokage, and I will give you an explanation!"

"What I want is not an explanation..."

Feng Ye responded calmly, ignored Namikaze Minato, stepped into the building, split the ground with a sword, revealing a passage leading to the underground, and turned into a silver light and flew in.

As soon as he entered the passage, four or five figures immediately came towards Fengye, accompanied by various ninjutsu, shurikens, and kunai.

Feng Ye swung out his sword without even looking.

boom! ! !

The silver sword light tore through everything, and instantly opened a huge crack in the ground that stretched for tens of meters, and several root ninjas who attacked him were involved in it.

Feng Ye strode forward and stepped into the root organization's base.

"Do you think you can stop me with these rubbish, Danzo?"

"Don't be too arrogant, kid..."

Danzo covered the wound on his right arm and had fled to a building in the underground base. A large number of Root Organization members poured out and appeared in all directions.

He looked at Feng Ye, gritted his teeth and said, "If I had known this would happen, I should have put you..."

laugh! !

Silver light flashed instantly.

Danzo's pupils shrank, and before he could see anything clearly, he felt that his left arm had lost all feeling. When he looked sideways, he saw that his left arm had disappeared and blood was spraying out.

This speed…

Danzo gritted his teeth. Rather than pain, he felt more shock. Facing Fengye's speed, he didn't even have time to react!

Whoosh! Whoosh! !

The nearby Root ninjas rushed towards Fengye together, while Danzo flashed his figure and quickly fell from the height to the bottom of the Root organization base.

Fengye looked expressionlessly at the root ninjas who were rushing towards them, looking at the various ninjutsus that were thrown head-on. The Kusanagi sword in his hand was put into the scabbard, and then he suddenly pulled it out.

Space seemed to have stopped.

Countless silver rays of light were seen bursting out from one point in an instant, turning into countless threads, intertwined like a network inside the entire root tissue base.

All the ninjutsu and all the nearby root organization ninjas were all penetrated by the silver thread, and their bodies were frozen in the air.


Like raindrops.

Whether it was ninjutsu or the body, everything was turned into countless neat pieces, falling from the air downwards, and the entire root organization's base seemed to turn into hell in an instant.