Naruto Time Control

Chapter 30


Fengye also guessed that Iwa Ninja's actions were probably known to Sarutobi Hiruzen, and there was no big surprise. However, when he heard that Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't ask about the commission, he didn't seem to care. After thinking about it for a while, he No statement.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the map and pondered for a moment. Considering that Kaple Night's strength is also among the elite among Chuunin, his speed is extremely outstanding, and he is Orochimaru's disciple, he said:

"Since you have come back from the Country of Grass and are familiar with the terrain there, go to the Country of Grass with Orochimaru to deal with the Iwa Ninja advance force."

It was naturally impossible for him to have no reaction to the advance troops of Iwa Ninja invading the Country of Grass. Although there was no news of the invasion of the border of the Country of Fire, it would be a matter of time. It must be done before worse news came. respond.

If Kaede Ye comes a few days late, he can be incorporated into the follow-up support force. Since he comes back at this time, it is more appropriate to go to the Country of Grass with Orochimaru.


Feng Ye responded and said: "By the way, Hokage-sama, there is one more thing that needs to be reported..."

Feng Ye briefly described Matt Dai's situation.

Sarutobi Hiruzen showed a look of surprise, a little unexpected that among the genin, there was another being who could reach the jounin level in terms of strength.

There is no need for Feng Ye to lie to him about this kind of thing. With Feng Ye's level of strength, there should be no errors in judgment. In other words, there is indeed a talent hidden among the genin that has not been discovered.

Although the opponent's other qualities may not reach the level of a jounin, and he may not be able to serve as the captain to lead the team, the strength of the jounin level itself is valuable!

In a village, there are not many ninjas who can reach the level of Jonin. Each of them is the real elite of the village, supporting the backbone of the entire village.

Just like Kakashi.

He graduated at the age of five and was promoted to chuunin at the age of six. However, even now, at the age of nine, he is still not at the level of a jounin. There is still a big gap. This is the assessment given by Minato Namikaze.

Kaede Ye is more talented than Kakashi, but he is probably still a little behind.

"Okay, I understand, please ask him to come over."

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded towards Fengye.

He planned to meet with Matt Dai, evaluate Matt Dai's specific situation, and then decide how to place Matt Dai.


Fengye nodded and left the Hokage's office.

When I arrived at the mission commissioning office on the first floor, I saw a jounin in charge of mission commissioning, taking Shiranui Hanma's place and asking Matt Dai in detail about the specific situation.

Seeing Feng Ye walking down the stairs, he looked at Feng Ye with a flash of surprise. He already knew from Matt Dai that Feng Ye had killed a Jonin of Iwagakure!

That's a jounin!

Jounin and chunin are two completely different concepts!

The number of chunin in a village is extremely large, more than the number of genin, because most genin can be promoted to chunin after they grow to a certain age.

There may not be one among the ten chuunin who has reached the level of jounin, and this is even counting the "special jounin" who are relatively special talents!

Fengye, who was only ten years old, beheaded a jounin... If he didn't have the other party's head as evidence, he would hardly be able to believe it was true.

To know!

The fastest ninja in the village to be promoted to jounin was promoted at the age of fourteen, and the name of the ninja who was promoted to jounin at the age of fourteen was - Orochimaru!

Even though there were all the evidence, he couldn't help but ask Fengye: "Did you kill the jounin you encountered when you were on a mission in the Country of Grass?"


Feng Ye tilted his head and glanced at Matt Dai, showing a look that said, "This is different from what was promised."

Mattei scratched his hair and said slightly embarrassed: "I'm sorry, I'm not good at words, and I can't take up your credit..."

When Feng Ye saw this, he couldn't help but sigh and said, "Yes, I killed him."

Sure enough, as he expected, Matt Dai was too upright, and there was basically no need for Matt Dai to kill the Jonin, even if it was agreed in advance, it would be useless.

But that’s all.

If you are noticed, be noticed.

With his current strength, even if he is targeted by a Kage-level powerhouse and cannot be beaten, he can still escape. There are not many people who can threaten his existence in the current ninja world.

Letting Matt Dai replace him is also because he wants Matt Dai to have enough merits to be promoted to a special jounin in a reasonable way. However, even if he doesn't have such achievements and his strength is there, Sarutobi Hiruzen will probably make an exception and promote Matt Dai to a special jounin. The Jonin's.

It will just cause some criticism.

As for the other option, joining ANBU, it's basically impossible.

The ANBU mask is useless to Matt Dai, and Matt Dai's character is not suitable for being an ANBU ninja. Sarutobi Hiruzen would not make such a decision.


Hearing Feng Ye's admission, the jounin couldn't help but take a breath, and looked at Feng Ye with a somewhat awe-inspiring look.

In his opinion, the image of Fengye at this time was almost that of Konoha White Fang in his youth!

Chapter 52: Sarutobi Hiruzen’s shock

"By the way, senior, Hokage-sama wants to see you."

After Feng Ye admitted it frankly, he felt very calm and looked at Matt Dai.

Hearing this, the Jonin hesitated for a moment and said, "I happen to have to report to the Hokage, so let's go together."


After Matt Dai responded, he cast a grateful look at Feng Ye.

Fengye smiled and gave Matt Dai a thumbs up, then turned and left the Hokage Building.

Instead of rushing to the meeting point, we walked towards home first.

Inside the Hokage's office.

Matt Dai walked in together with Naoki Sarutobi, the Jonin from the mission commissioning office.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was smoking a pipe, sitting behind his desk with his eyes closed and meditating. He was thinking about the next deployment of troops. It was impossible to simply send Orochimaru to the front line of the Kingdom of Grass. The Kingdom of Rain also needed certain measures. Manpower was deployed to guard Sunagakure Village, and at the same time, one could not relax his vigilance against Kumogakure Village and Kirigakure Village.


After Sarutobi Naoki walked in, he saluted to Sarutobi Hiruzen and reported to Sarutobi Hiruzen: "I have something to report to you. The two-person team composed of Hatake Kaede and Matt Dai, executed C During the super escort mission, I encountered an attack by Iwagakure in the Country of Grass... Fengye killed the enemy jounin and has been confirmed to be Iwagakure jounin Huoguang!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't pay much attention to the first half of the report, he just looked over subconsciously while thinking about it, but the second half of the report completely interrupted his thoughts.

Hiruzen Sarutobi looked at Naoki Sarutobi with some astonishment and said, "Feng Ye... killed a Jonin from Iwagakure Village?"

Sarutobi Naoki took a breath and said: "Yes, and it's not just that. He teamed up with Matt Dai and annihilated the opponent's ten-man team."


Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't find the words for a moment.

He thought that Feng Ye's escort mission to the Country of Grass had failed. Because it was a C-level commission, he didn't pay attention and didn't ask about it at all. Unexpectedly, not only did an accident happen halfway, Feng Ye also solved the accident. Well done!

Compared with this, the advance troops who encountered the Iwa Ninja in the Country of Grass, did not act rashly but carefully chose to report back, are nothing.

"That kid..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen turned his head and looked out the window, feeling a surge of emotion in his heart.

Ten years old!

At the age of nine, he killed an elite scout from an enemy village, and at the age of ten, he killed an Iwagakure jounin!

Even the young Konoha White Fang and the young Orochimaru only had the record of killing Jonin when they were twelve or thirteen years old.

Kaede Ye's performance has completely left Hatake Sakumo and Orochimaru, two geniuses of that era, behind!

"Okay, I get it."

It took Hiruzen Sarutobi a few seconds to calm down the emotions in his heart. He signaled Sarutobi Naoki to step back, and looked at Matt Dai, saying: "Dai... How far can you open your eight-door armor?"

When Feng Ye told him about Matt Dai, in addition to saying that Matt Dai was more powerful than him in combat, he also mentioned that Matt Dai could use the Eight Gate Dunjia.

After all, if a ten thousand year old genin suddenly has the power to surpass a chuunin or even a jounin, he must have mastered some secret technique.

After practicing Ninja Taijutsu to a certain level, it is not difficult to detect the existence of the eight gates in the body. He has also noticed it before, but he has not practiced in the direction of breaking through the eight gates.


Being able to access the eight gates does not mean that you can open the eight gates and gain extraordinary power. There are very few special cases like Matt Dai. Being able to open the eight gates in the body, at least in terms of physical skills, Matt Dai's Talent is worthy of recognition.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's sudden question made Matt snort. After he came to his senses, he responded honestly: "The eighth gate."

"Oh, no wonder..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen was still thinking about Feng Ye. After saying half a sentence, he suddenly realized what he was saying. He looked at Matt Dai with his eyes wide open and said: "... Wait, you said the eighth gate?!"

He looked at Matt Dai in astonishment.

The eighth door!

This taijutsu is called the Eight Gates Dunjia. There is no doubt that the eighth gate is the last one and the limit of this taijutsu.

Every forbidden technique practiced to the limit is terrifying, and he also has some judgment and understanding of the effects of opening the eight gates in the body.

Opening to the eighth door is not something ordinary people can do!


Matt Dai answered honestly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was a little shocked.

He even had some doubts about Matt Dai's answer, but looking at Matt Dai's appearance, he couldn't tell that he was lying at all, and lying about this kind of thing was completely meaningless, as it could be exposed at once.

"...Have you ever opened the eighth door?!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen still didn't believe it and couldn't help but ask.

Mattei hesitated for a moment and said: "No, this technique has great side effects. I can feel that if the eighth door is opened, the side effect will be death."

Hearing these words, Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but take a breath, and the little doubt in his heart gradually disappeared.

The technique of opening the eight restraints in the body will not be without cost. Every forbidden technique will have side effects. It is reasonable that the limit of this technique is equal to death.


Matt Dai was able to open the eighth door and push this technique to its extreme level. This was something he did not expect. This was not something ordinary people could do. This was another talent in a certain sense!

Although he doesn't know what kind of strength will be unleashed when the Eight Door Dunjia opens to the eighth door, the power obtained by burning all the life force will definitely not be weak!

Maybe it can reach the level of Hokage!

Comparable to him!

"... Matt Dai, I am here to promote you to a special jounin. You have worked hard on the previous commission, but now there is no time to rest. Next, I need you to go to the front line."

Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke solemnly to Matt Dai.

Since Matt Dai has such combat power, he is naturally suitable for ninjas to go to the front line, and he is very suitable as an advance unit, because he has the strength to deal with all kinds of accidents, even if he encounters an extremely bad situation, after opening the Eight Gates , and can also cover the safe retreat of others.


Matt Dai was a little excited.

It was exactly as Feng Ye said before, he was promoted to a special jounin, and he jumped from a genin to a jounin in the village!

And from Sarutobi Hiruzen's attitude, he could feel that he was taking it seriously, and this came from the Hokage!

You can feel your blood burning.

That is the feeling of burning youth.

At this moment, even if he was asked to rush to the frontline battlefield, activate the eight-door armor formation, and exchange his life for the enemy's casualties, he would not hesitate at all!

Chapter 53 Scale II: Going Back in Time

Fengye opened the door and walked in.

Kakashi is not at home, he is probably following Minato Namikaze on a mission and has not returned yet.

After walking all the way into his bedroom, he casually took out a stack of commission money from his pocket and threw it on the table. Feng Ye immediately sat down and closed his eyes.

He did not immediately go to the meeting place instructed by Sarutobi Hiruzen. On the one hand, he came back to deposit the commission money. More importantly, when he was at the commission place, he heard a mechanical ding-dong sound!

"finally… "

After closing his eyes, Feng Ye calmed down his emotions.