Naruto Time Control

Chapter 48


"I think so too."

Feng Ye shrugged and said: "He is probably still thinking about me even now, but he shouldn't act rashly during the war."

Orochimaru smiled faintly and said: "Don't worry too much, Sarutobi-sensei will not let him act arbitrarily, especially against you now... But the current system of the village is a bit rotten and needs some reforms - if I If you can become the Fourth Hokage."

With this incident, Orochimaru also knew that Kaede Ye, a disciple, was completely on the same line as him, at least until Konoha's power was reshuffled, so he didn't mind talking about his views on the village. question of opinion.

"I will support you, teacher."

Feng Ye nodded slightly.

Namikaze Minato has nothing to do with him. In the future, when the two compete for the position of the Fourth Hokage, he will definitely side with Orochimaru.

No matter how you look at it, Orochimaru is capable of serving as the Fourth Hokage. During this period... and even during the future Chunin Examination period, Orochimaru still has feelings for Konoha, otherwise he would not attack Sarutobi. When Zhan Shi looked at Konoha, the corners of his eyes were wet.

The wanton capture of Konoha's ninjas for human experimentation was only after Sarutobi Hiruzen chose Namikaze Minato as the Fourth Hokage and he was completely disappointed in Konoha.

Moreover, Namikaze Minato's methods were too gentle.

In the original book, Namikaze Minato will become the Fourth Hokage, which actually has little to do with the performance, because Orochimaru's achievements from World War II to World War III are not much worse than Namikaze Minato, and his experience and qualifications are also much higher. Yu Namifeng Minato.

The reason why Namikaze Minato can become the Fourth Hokage is actually very simple, that is, compared to Orochimaru, Namikaze Minato is easier to control and will not threaten the status of Konoha's elders.

If Orochimaru is replaced as the Fourth Hokage, Orochimaru will definitely not hand over so much power to people like Danzo, Koharu and Mito Kaden, and he will definitely clean them up one by one.

Because of this.

Only the top brass of Konoha would collectively support Namikaze Minato.

After all, Konoha's system is in shambles. This can be clearly seen from the subsequent handling of the Uchiha genocide and other incidents.

Fengye doesn't really want to leave Konoha, because there are many people he is familiar with in Konoha, and since he doesn't want to leave, then his existence will definitely threaten the status of Konoha's top leaders, and he will either be squeezed out, or he will become the Hokage, which is harmful to Konoha. Leaves for a cleanup!

Becoming Orochimaru's disciple was an accident.

Fengye's original plan was to become Hokage himself, clean up Konoha, then take over the position of Hokage to Kakashi, and retire early.

"I wonder what it will be like if Orochimaru becomes the Fourth Hokage."

Feng Ye murmured in his heart and couldn't help but smile softly.

It is estimated that on the one hand, they have to deal with the rotten group of elders like Koharu, on the other hand, they have to deal with Konoha's extremely busy government affairs, and finally, they have to coordinate the relationship between the major families.

After finishing this big thing, Orochimaru may not have time to study ninjutsu such as Earth Reincarnation and Fuzo Reincarnation, and he will directly work as the Fourth Hokage until he retires.

"Hehehe, with your support, I will be more confident."

The corners of Orochimaru's mouth raised slightly.

He knew very well how difficult it would be for him to serve as Hokage. The top management of Konoha would probably collectively oppose it. The only advantage was that neither Jiraiya nor Tsunade was interested in the position of Hokage, but now Jiraiya's disciple Nam Feng Shui Men was groomed as an heir.

Without enough power, without enough strength, if he wants to succeed the Fourth Hokage, he can only rely on the opinion of Hiruzen Sarutobi, and he must fully support Hiruzen Sarutobi before he can hope to ascend to the throne, even if he remains neutral. Neither attitude is good.

Now with Feng Ye's support, it is equivalent to having a powerful boost.

There really is some hope.

After all, Fengye now has a certain voice and status in Konoha, both in terms of strength and achievements.

Chapter 82 Yuhi Hong’s Crisis

After leaving Orochimaru, Kaple Night left the camp alone and went to the frontline battlefield of the Kingdom of Wind.

However, this time he did not rush to the battlefield of the Kingdom of Wind at full speed. Instead, he practiced while advancing along the way, not paying much attention to the speed of arrival.

By traveling at four times the speed, he could save several days of practice.

During the three days he stayed in the camp, he had been practicing. The purpose of training was to adapt to the change from a short sword to a long sword, adapt to the characteristics of the Tenbu-ryu sword, and change the Hatake sword technique to his own Hatake sword technique. .

After all, the difference between a tanto and a tachi is only in size, not a change in the shape of the weapon. The key point of this difference in size is the point of force.

The force points of tantō and tachi are different.

It is very awkward to wield a tachi with a short sword, and the slash is not powerful enough, so certain adjustments are needed.

Somewhere in the woods.

"It may not seem like a big difference, but in fact there is still a big difference, but making improvements is not as difficult as imagined..."

Fengye held the Kusanagi sword and was performing the simplest swing of the sword.

In the three days of training in the camp, he completed about 80% of the improvements in Hatake Swordsmanship. The improvement became more and more difficult as he progressed. It took him two days after leaving the camp to improve to about 90%.

The rest is actually a matter of pure proficiency. You need to use the most basic sword swing to become more accustomed to the sword's slashing, and push the proficiency to the top bit by bit.

This kind of mechanized practice is the easiest for Feng Ye.

Because of the existence of time acceleration, in the quadruple speed state, he can practice four times faster than a normal person. Two days is equivalent to eight days of ordinary people's practice.

I once practiced Hatake Swordsmanship, from scratch to reaching a level of proficiency, which took about a million swings of the sword and took about a month.

At that time, he could only accelerate time by 1.5 times, and he was very weak in terms of physical strength and chakra. He was only at the level of a genin, but now he is completely different.

Swinging the knife a million times.

If you practice at four times the speed, it will probably take less than a week to complete.

And this number is only a rough number. Fengye only made a rough calculation based on the average number of times he swings his sword per minute, so it shouldn't take that long, and he has already done part of his training in the camp.

"Three thousand two hundred and eighty-one, three thousand two hundred and eighty-two..."

"Seven thousand seven hundred and seventy-six, seven thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven..."

"Twenty thousand... Hey, that's a lot, forget it..."

Feng Ye quickly gave up counting.

He only knew that he had been continuously connecting with the most basic slashing in this forest for three full days, during which he ate two deer and three sheep, and finally reached the point where he no longer felt any jerky feeling when swinging the sword, and was able to strike It is equivalent to the slashing effect of Hatake Swordsmanship.


At four times the speed, Feng Ye suddenly waved towards the distance.

A flash of white light flashed on the sword's edge, and the trees more than ten meters away scoffed. They were cut off from the center and spread to seven or eight trees behind, falling down with a clatter.

"The power is at least 20% higher than when using White Fang."

"If this power were to meet the previous Ye Cang again, there should be a chance to break through her Scorching Escape defense head-on. There would be no need to engage in a war of attrition, and there would be no need to rely on time reversal..."

Feng Ye breathed out softly.

Looking at the results of his practice, he showed a hint of satisfaction.

The fifth gate of the Eight Gate Dunjia cannot be opened for a short time. It is also a joy to be able to improve his strength in other aspects. After all, it is his attack power that is improved.

For him who is fast enough and has the ability to rewind time, so there is no need to consider issues such as defense and evasion rate, attack power is the most important attribute.

"It's time to go."

Fengye put away the Kusanagi sword and looked in the direction of the Kingdom of Wind. His body quickly turned into an afterimage, passing through the forest and running towards the frontline camp of the Kingdom of Wind.

Fire Nation.

Somewhere in the jungle.

Two groups of ninjas met here and fell into a battle. One of them was the ninjas of Konoha, and the other was the ninjas of Sand Ninja Village.


Yuhi Zhenhong's face was a little depressed.

He just came to this area to explore, but he didn't expect to encounter the Sand Ninja who lurked here. He was not in any danger here, but he was entangled by an enemy Jōnin.

On the other side were three genin from his class, including Yuhi Kurenai, and a special jounin who followed him to explore. They were facing another jonin from Suna Ninja Village.

Although it is four against one, the special jounin in Konoha is a reconnaissance type ninja, and does not have much combat effectiveness in frontal combat. Yuhi Kurenai and others are still just genin, barely close to the chunin level, so Even if they join forces, they are still at a disadvantage and can only barely hold on.

"There's some trouble..."

Yuhi Mahong frowned.

Now he has two choices. One is to continue fighting. If he kills the jounin on the opposite side first, he can immediately go to support Yuhi Kurenai's side, but it is difficult to ensure that he will win first or Yuhi Kurenai's side will be unable to support it first. .

Another option is to use a range of illusions to temporarily restrain the two Jonin of Sunagakure Village, allowing Yuhi Kurenai and others to retreat safely.

"It's better to retreat."

Yuhi Mahong finally made a judgment.

On the one hand, Kurenai Yuhi is his daughter, and her daughter's safety will affect his performance. If he continues to fight, the situation will be very dangerous. On the other hand, this mission is originally a reconnaissance rather than a battle. This kind of battle is still difficult for Kurenai Yuhi and others. It's too early and too dangerous.

Whoosh! Whoosh! !

After Yuhi Zhenhong parried an attack from her opponent, she jumped and landed in the direction of Yuhi Hong and others' formation, and said in a deep voice: "Red, Akagi... retreat."


Hearing what Yuhi Mahong said, Yuhi Hong and others immediately began to retreat, while Yuhi Mahong formed a seal on the spot and used a range of illusions to affect the two Sunagakure jonins.

Although Yuhi Kurenai is now an excellent genin, facing a jounin, even with her companions, she still feels tremendous pressure. Even the clothes on her right shoulder were scratched, and there was a trace of blood. If her companions had not saved her in time, Rescue may result in deeper injuries.

"After all, he is the same jounin as his father..."

She took a deep breath, and her back was soaked with cold sweat. When she faced the jounin before, her spirit was almost in a state of extreme tension.

Her companions were almost the same as her. The strongest one also had a lot of sweat on his forehead, and he was obviously extremely nervous.


She thought of Feng Ye.

Although they are all students at the same time, if Feng Ye were here, he wouldn't be as embarrassed as them, right

And almost at the moment when her thoughts fluctuated and she was briefly distracted, an urgent voice came from behind her. It was Yuhi Zhenhong's voice.


The sound woke her up instantly.

Yuhi Hong was startled, feeling a chill coming from the right side. Looking out of the corner of her eye, she saw a figure approaching her at some point, and the kunai in his hand was stabbing her fiercely. , surprisingly one of the two Sunagakure Jonin!


Yuhi Hong felt a chill in her heart. She couldn't avoid it at this distance. Her lack of concentration at that moment was simply a fatal mistake!

Chapter 83 Appears

At the critical moment, the body of the Jonin who attacked her suddenly froze in place, allowing her to barely avoid the kunai that stabbed her neck.

That was an illusion released by Yuhi Zhenhong in a hurry.

But for this illusion, Yuhi Zhenhong also paid a price. He had no time to guard against the sand ninja behind him. Although he barely avoided the vital point, his shoulder was still scratched by the sleeve tattoo.

"Go quickly!!"

Yuhihi Mahong endured the pain from her shoulder and gritted her teeth at Yuhihihong and others.

Escaped from the life-and-death crisis, Yuhi Kurenai had come to her senses and instantly understood what had happened. Her face suddenly turned pale because her momentary loss of concentration resulted in Yuhi Kurenai being injured!


Not entirely.

The Jonin of Sunagakure Village released the rock and soil clone from the beginning, and also deceived Yuhi Zhenhong, and was not affected by Yuhi Zhenhong's range illusion. The main body suddenly launched an attack on her, and she happened to be briefly at that moment. of absent-mindedness.

Otherwise, she should have been slightly injured and barely avoided the opponent's attack. Now, it was Yuhi Mahong who was injured on her behalf, and the situation suddenly became extremely bad.

"You have similar eyes. Are you really father and daughter?"

"Now none of you can escape."

The Sunagakure jounin who stabbed Yuhi Mahko sneered.

If Kurenai Yuhi was not injured, it would be difficult for the two of them to kill each other. Kurenai Yuhi and others were just burdens, and injury or death would have no effect.

But now Yuhi Zhenhong is injured, and the wound on her right shoulder will definitely affect the speed of seal formation. Then there is hope to kill this powerful Konoha Jonin!

There's no point in killing a few genin brats.

Killing a Jounin of Konoha would make their operation meaningful. Even if they didn't bring back any information, it would still be enough credit.