Naruto Time Control

Chapter 57



It was the scene where he caught up with Chiyo who was flying backwards in an instant, knocked Chiyo out of the air, and nailed him to the ground with the Kusanagi sword.

Even if they are not perceptive ninjas, Konoha and Iwa ninjas who are relatively close can sense that Chiyo's chakra becomes weaker and eventually disappears completely.

That's not a clone.

That is the essence.

The complete disappearance of chakra means death.


Someone swallowed and made a very small sound, saying: "That Chiyo, is dead?!"

This sound seemed to light the fuse of the cannonball, causing the frozen battlefield to finally explode completely. Various emotions such as shock, shock, horror, excitement, etc. were intertwined on the faces of many Konoha ninjas and Suna ninjas in an instant. superior.


The sentient ninja took a breath and confirmed this fact.

For the ninjas of Konoha, Chiyo is a formidable being, not only for her terrifying poison, her puppetry skills that stand at the top of the puppet masters, but also for her achievements in World War II. Even though he was defeated by White Fang, he finally escaped unscathed and survived.

This is an extremely powerful ninja, a being who is famous in the ninja world. He is fundamentally different from ninjas like Ye Cang who have not yet become famous in the ninja world.


Such a ninja who was the pillar of Sand Ninja Village died in battle!

It can be said that from this moment on, Konoha has determined the outcome of this war. Even if Kaple Night does nothing next, the Suna Ninja will have been defeated.

Although Fengye is incredibly young, and even though Fengye only serves as a special jounin now, he killed Chiyo, the elder of Suna Ninja Village, on the battlefield, which is enough to be regarded as a hero of Konoha!

"Do it!"

"The war is not over yet!"

I don't know who shouted loudly, and the battlefield that briefly solidified erupted again.

Compared to the Konoha ninjas who were gaining momentum and charging fiercely, the Suna ninjas were in a state of confusion. They didn't know whether the war would continue after Chiyo died in the battle.

Once this kind of hesitation appears, it means that the balance of the frontal situation is broken, and the battle line begins to be pushed in the direction of the Sand Ninja. It can be seen that the defeat is only a matter of time.


Some sand ninja nearby looked at Fengye.

There was almost fear in those eyes. Even through the silver light, it could be seen that Feng Ye was no more than a teenager, but the powerful strength shown by killing Qianyo made Feng Ye become the most powerful person on this battlefield. One of the most terrifying ninjas in Konoha!


Feng Ying Luo Sha's eyes were cold.

After being defeated by White Fang and then killed by White Fang's son, there is nothing more shameful than this, but it also means that the war is almost over.

All the responsibilities for the defeat can be placed on the dead Chiyo, Yegura and Ebizou, and most of the opposition to him in the village was wiped out at once.


The goal had been achieved, and Luo Sha did not intend to continue the meaningless battle, so he decisively issued the order to retreat, and the nearby Sand Ninja finally began to flee.

Jiraiya didn't intend to let go of Rasa, but after chasing for a while, Rasa used magnetic escape to control the gold sand, and his whole body escaped directly into the ground, disappearing in an instant.

There were perceptive ninjas nearby who were staring at Rasa, giving Jiraiya constant instructions on the direction of pursuit, but he himself could not keep up with Rasa's speed, and was eventually thrown away by Rasa.

Feng Ye wasn't completely free either.

He maintained the state of Eight Gate Dungeon, symbolically solved some nearby Sand Ninjas, and killed about dozens of ninjas, most of whom were jounin.

Compared with the shock of killing Chiyo, these are less noticeable, and Tsunade quickly rushed over to join Fengye.

Noticing Tsunade coming over, Fengye thought for a moment, stopped using time reversal to maintain the state, and closed the Eight Gate Dunjia.


Feng Ye, who had closed the Eight Gate Dunjia, staggered.

Since this time it was not about going back in time to the state before opening the Eight Doors Dunjia, but closing the Eight Doors normally, the side effects were immediately apparent, and he coughed up a mouthful of blood.


Tsunade immediately supported Feng Ye, and injected chakra into Feng Ye's body. After checking Feng Ye's condition, she immediately showed a serious expression.

She glanced at the defeated Sand Ninja, stopped pursuing, hugged Feng Ye horizontally, and quickly retreated towards the rear of the battlefield, using medical ninjutsu as she retreated.

"Is it a side effect of your technique? Why is it so bad?"

Tsunade looked at the pale-faced Feng Ye, frowned and spoke. She had guessed before that Feng Ye's burst of power would not come without a price, but now it seemed that the price was greater than she expected, and her body was almost full of energy. a mess.

Fengye coughed and didn't struggle. He let Tsunade treat him and said with a weak smile: "In order to gain powerful power, you need to pay a price. This is a forbidden technique. Shouldn't Tsunade-sama understand it very well... Cough... Cough cough …”

An ordinary ninja would probably not be able to stay calm at this time, but Fengye was very calm, because even if Tsunade couldn't cure him, he could turn back time and recover instantly.

Being held by Tsunade like this made him feel that it would be nice to experience the feeling of a wounded person once in a while.

"But the price of your technique is too high!"

Tsunade had roughly judged Feng Ye's injury, and she said solemnly: "Even I can only be 70 to 80 percent sure of curing an injury of this degree."

The most damage caused by the fourth gate of Eight Gate Dunjia is muscle rupture, but the Eight Gates Thunder Dunjia developed by Fengye caused the Thunder Dunjia chakra to run rampant in the body, causing side effects not only on the muscles, but also on the meridians. Serious damage.

"There are some forbidden techniques that come at the cost of death, but as expected of Tsunade-sama, even an injury like mine can be cured with a 70% to 80% certainty... Cough, cough... Your medical skills are indeed the best in the ninja world. Holy hands..."

Feng Ye smiled nonchalantly, and another stream of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, as if he was not the one who was injured.

"Shut up now!"

Tsunade glared at Feng Ye, retreated to a safe position on the battlefield, and ordered to the medical team that had caught up:


Two medical ninjas immediately rushed over with a stretcher, put Feng Ye on the stretcher, and evacuated to the rear of the battlefield, while Tsunade followed closely beside him, placing one hand on Feng Ye's chest, and continued to release light Green fluorescent chakra maintains medical ninjutsu.

Tsunade wanted to scold Feng Ye for using a forbidden technique with such huge side effects, but then she thought that if Feng Ye didn't use this forbidden technique, she might not be able to defeat Chiyo. Maybe she and Feng Ye, who were in poor condition, wouldn't be able to deal with it even if they teamed up. Chiyo.

This made it impossible for her to rebuke.

He could only take a deep breath and focus all his attention on treating Feng Ye.


Tsunade kept thinking silently in her heart. She knew that in order to treat Feng Ye's injury, the chakra in her body must not be unstable at all, which means that it must not be affected by hemophobia.

Originally, her hemophobia had almost recovered, but now, under gritted teeth, her strong will finally broke through the subsequent shackles, and the chakra in her body no longer sluggish!

Her hemophobia was completely cured!

Although there were no obvious changes on the surface, Feng Ye still noticed this, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Chapter 98 Return

The defeat of the Sand Ninja on the main battlefield also meant the complete failure of this decisive battle.

The two flanking battlefields immediately dispersed and fled after learning that the main battlefield had been defeated and that the Fourth Kazekage Rasa had given the order to retreat.

The right-wing battlefield in the south is slightly better, and the casualties are not particularly serious, but the number of casualties in the left-wing battlefield in the north even exceeds the main battlefield in the center!

The reason is also very simple.

Namikaze Minato is here!

That day, Suna Ninja once again experienced the terror of the Flying Thunder God Technique. Under Minato Namikaze's personal show, more than twenty jounin and nearly a hundred chuunin died at the hands of Minato Namikaze!

The last time the Sand Ninja experienced the Flying Thunder God move was when the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama was still alive. However, in terms of Flying Thunder God, Namikaze Minato's adaptability and proficiency in space transfer were still even before Senju Tobirama. superior!


Kakashi was holding a short sword and breathing heavily.

There was blood dripping from the dagger, and a lot of blood was splashed on his mask and left cheek. The chakra in his body was consumed a lot, and so was his physical strength.

Whoosh! !

Namikaze Minato's figure fell to the right side of Kakashi. He did not look at Kakashi, but gave orders to the Konoha ninjas who were chasing the Suna ninja troops.

"It's almost done, don't continue the pursuit!"

Not only Kakashi, his chakra has been almost depleted, but all the ninjas in Konoha have also been seriously depleted. If they continue to pursue, it will be equivalent to exchanging casualties for casualties, which does not make much sense.

As the commander-in-chief here, Namikaze Minato's prestige was not very high originally, but his performance in this battle raised his prestige to an unprecedented level. After giving the order, Konoha's ninjas quickly stopped. Chase and close the team.

"… finished?"

Kakashi gasped again, calmed his breathing, and looked at Namikaze Minato.

Namikaze Minato then looked at Kakashi, took a breath, nodded and said: "It's over. It seems that the main battlefield has been defeated. They have no reason to continue to stop us."

Speaking of this, a glimmer of light flashed in Namikaze Minato's eyes. He originally thought that the flanking battlefield would affect the main battlefield, but he didn't expect that it was the Suna Ninja who had problems on the main battlefield first.

You must know that he has not encountered the powerful ninja among the sand ninjas on the battlefield here.

In other words, the Sand Ninja should have placed their powerful ninjas on the main battlefield in the center, or on the right wing in the south... Now it seems that the main battlefield collapsed so quickly, the opponent should have concentrated their attacks on the right wing, and as a result, the center The battlefield was routed.

This is understandable.

After all, there are Jiraiya and Tsunade on the central battlefield, as well as a special ninja like Feng Ye. It's normal for the Suna ninja to be unable to withstand it, but I don't know what Feng Ye's record is.

Namikaze Minato directed Konoha's ninjas to clean up the battlefield, and at the same time asked the liaison team to contact the main battlefield, and soon learned the specific situation of the main battlefield.

"Report to the Captain."

"The casualties on the main battlefield are about seventy on our side, and more than three hundred Suna ninjas were killed. Among them, Chiyo, the elder of the Suna ninja, died in the battle, and Kazekage Rasa led the remnant to flee."

After hearing the report from the liaison ninja, Namikaze Minato looked slightly surprised and said, "Did Chiyo die in the battle?"

Chiyo, the elder of Suna Ninja Village, was a powerful ninja who was famous in the ninja world. He was known as the strongest puppet master and stood at the top of the puppet masters. He became famous before Jiraiya, Orochimaru and other three ninjas. Unexpectedly, he died in Frontal battlefield.


The ninja in the liaison class said: "Chiyo was defeated in the duel with Feng Ye Jōnin and was killed by Feng Ye Jōnin. Feng Ye Jōnin used forbidden techniques and is now being sent to the rear for treatment."

After hearing this information, Namikaze Minato was slightly distracted. He originally thought that Chiyo's death was the work of Jiraiya or Tsunade, or died from the siege, but he did not expect that Chiyo was defeated by Kaple Night.

This made him smile bitterly.

If we just talk about the number of kills, on this kind of battlefield, almost no one can compete with him who has mastered the art of Flying Thunder God. But Fengye defeated a famous ninja, so it was different.

Even if he performs well on the battlefield here and kills hundreds of ninjas, he will still be overshadowed by Maple Night's light, because Chiyo is a powerful ninja who is famous in the ninja world, and her death itself is an event that will spread quickly. Things all over the ninja world.


Kakashi was also slightly distracted.

The fight between White Fang and Chiyo happened during World War II. He didn't know much about it, but he was still impressed by Chiyo because he was the top ninja of Sand Ninja and also had the title of the strongest puppet master. Ninjas who have been documented as needing to be wary.

Unexpectedly, such a famous ninja would die in Fengye's hands. It seems that his brother has completely grown into a stand-alone ninja.

Kakashi never thought that Fengye couldn't reach such a height, but he didn't expect that Fengye would go so fast. He was still two months away from turning eleven!


Kakashi was not immersed in the shock. He quickly came to his senses and looked at the contact ninja with slightly changed eyes. He said: "My brother used a forbidden technique and was sent for treatment? In other words, the situation Very serious?!"

The contact ninja showed a hint of respect in his eyes and said: "The news over there is that it is very serious. Lady Tsunade has been personally treating Feng Ye Jōnin and escorting Feng Ye Jōnin all the way back to the camp."

Forbidden magic will definitely come with a price.

Fengye was a ninja who used forbidden techniques and powerfully killed Chiyo, the elder of Sand Ninja Village, at a certain cost. Such ninjas are worthy of respect regardless of their age.

Whoosh! !

After hearing the report from the liaison ninja, Kakashi's expression changed slightly. He raised his head and looked in the direction of the camp, suddenly jumped and returned towards the camp.

Namikaze Minato's figure flashed, caught up with Kakashi, and said:

"I'll take you back."

He can understand Kakashi's worries, after all, Kaple Night is Kakashi's brother.

Kakashi stopped and said to Namikaze Minato, "I'm sorry to bother you, Minato-sensei."

Namikaze Minato nodded calmly, sensed the coordinates of his stay in the camp, put a hand on Kakashi's shoulder, activated the Flying Thunder God, and sent Kakashi back to the camp in a snap.

Konoha Camp.