Naruto Time Control

Chapter 59



The pointer suddenly clicked again, and everything came to a standstill. The whole world seemed to have stopped, and except for his consciousness, nothing else moved.

Then the illusory clock shook again, making his vision suddenly become strange, and he saw countless shadows of himself overlapping each other.

The shadows were arranged from the front to the horizon. The closest one was almost exactly like him. As the distance got further, the shadows became smaller and smaller. The farthest one almost looked like a baby.


The illusory clock changed again, and the strange perspective disappeared. He saw that the hands on the clock turned into a normal clockwise rotation, but when they turned to the middle position, they suddenly disappeared and skipped a scale.

The whole world seemed to shake, as if a section of it had been eliminated.

Then the whole world blurred.

In the end everything turns to darkness.

Feng Ye opened his eyes little by little, and gradually regained consciousness, realizing that he had not changed much.

"Was that... a dream just now?"

He glanced around and noticed that this was probably not the camp where he lived, and then he saw Tsunade, who was lying about half a meter away to his left, sleeping soundly.

There seems to be someone further away. You can guess it's Shizune without even looking. This should be Tsunade's camp.

"It seems they didn't send me back to my tent..."

Feng Ye tried to sit up, but after moving a little, he felt that the muscles in his body were still sore, and he grinned slightly.

His eyes passed over the edge of the tent, and he could vaguely see a little starlight in the night sky through the gaps. It seemed to be midnight now. It seemed that he fell asleep during the treatment and slept until midnight.


The dream I just had...

Vaguely recalling several scenes in the dream, Feng Ye could vaguely tell that there were manifestations of several abilities such as 'time acceleration', 'time reversal', and 'time stilling'.

As for the others, they are a bit vague and not very intuitive. It is impossible to deduce what they are from just a few pictures, and can only make a few vague guesses.

Time clone

Time jump

Time to delete

Chapter 101 Time Energy

When those scenes appeared in his dream, Fengye couldn't tell whether they were his own random dreams or whether they were really related to the illusory clock and affected by it.

But Feng Ye instinctively felt that most of the abilities that appeared in that dream belonged to the twelve scales of the illusory clock, but it was not clear which scale they corresponded to.

"It would be great if I could unlock the stasis of time."

Feng Ye was thinking in his heart.

In the world of Naruto, the ability to stop time is almost unsolvable. Once you master this ability, even facing Kaguya Otsutsuki can become a storyline.

If time stops and is smashed, even if there is a chasm-like gap between the Kage level and the Six Paths level, in the still state, you can first dig out the 'Reincarnation Eye', and then absorb the power and chakra of the tailed beast bit by bit, and control the Drain all the power from the six levels and seize it.

Thinking of this, Fengye closed his eyes.

The illusory clock appeared in front of his eyes. He glanced at the position of 'Scale III', but saw that although the fog shrouded on 'Scale III' was a little lighter, there was still a long way to go before it completely disappeared. According to this Progress is estimated to still take two to three years to unlock.

After checking his other abilities and finding that there were no changes, Feng Ye shook his head in his heart and stopped thinking nonsense.

After coming to this world and getting the Illusive Clock, although there were still many doubts about its capabilities, Feng Ye was able to roughly deduce some things.

The first thing is.

Its abilities are gradually unlocked over time. The time required for this unlocking process is fixed and is almost unaffected.

Feng Ye has a bold idea about this, that is, the current illusory clock may not have complete power, but as long as time is flowing, it can continue to draw power from time to recover, and gradually become more complete. .

Every year or so, the range of time acceleration will expand, which also confirms this.


Its 'time energy' seems infinite, but in fact it is not infinite, but has an upper limit, and this upper limit is constantly increasing.

Fengye discovered this while doing experiments.

He once pulled out a piece of his own hair and used it to rewind time, and instead of going back a few seconds or ten, he went back more than ten years in an instant.

The hair disappeared in an instant, and at the same time, the entire illusory clock suddenly dimmed, turning from gold to light silver, leaving only a little gold at the bottom.

Feng Ye judged that gold represented time energy.

The reason why his time acceleration and time reversal have always been almost infinitely usable is because the rate at which they are consumed is far slower than the rate at which it is restored.

But if you go back more than a few years in an instant, the time and energy consumed will suddenly reach an extremely huge level.

According to Feng Ye’s judgment.

The total amount of time energy currently stored in the illusory clock is equivalent to turning back time for about fifteen years. If you can turn back time for more than fifteen years at a time, all the energy will be consumed instantly.

Feng Ye doesn't know what will happen after the energy is exhausted, because he has never tried it and has no intention of trying it. After all, it will not take more than fifteen years for him to go back in time.

As for where the time energy comes from, Feng Ye doesn't know yet.

He only knew that in that attempt, after losing about four-fifths of the time energy, he waited for nearly ten days before the illusory clock completely returned to its full golden state.

This process is not interfered with by any external actions.

Fengye tried killing other ninjas and doing other things, but they didn't affect the recovery of time energy, nor would it make it recover faster, nor would it make it recover slower.

Either the 'time' held by everyone is too insignificant, or the 'time' represented by the illusory clock corresponds to the 'space' of the world and has no connection with individual life. Its level is far away. above.

Fengye couldn't confirm or determine which situation it was, but he guessed it was the latter.

There is no concept of how much time each person has. Time is a scale that measures changes in the world, and it should correspond to the entire world.

This guess is not without reason.

Because Feng Ye also did a second experiment, which was to use time reversal on one hair and ten hairs, and the result was that the time energy consumed was the same.

In other words, the consumption of the ability to rewind time has nothing to do with the object it acts on. Whether it is a hair or an entire person, the time energy consumed is the same. The consumption of time energy is only related to the length of reversal time.


Feng Ye also discovered something.

That is the upper limit of the time energy stored by the illusory clock. It does not remain unchanged, but slowly increases as time goes by.

About other aspects are still unknown, but so far, the illusory clock is constantly 'evolving' or 'recovering' over time, and will become stronger and stronger as time goes by. The direction of change is all in his favor.

As for whether there will be any downside, Fengye doesn't know.

At least none have been found so far.

"If there is really a downside, perhaps it is precisely because of its power that people will gradually lose themselves and lose human emotions as time goes by."

Feng Ye murmured in his heart.

He instinctively felt that this might be the truth.

If he gained eternity and stood at the top of the ninja world, the human emotions might gradually disappear over hundreds or thousands of years, but those things were still too far away from him now, at least he didn't have to think about them for now.

Those are things that he only needs to consider after he truly reaches the top of the ninja world and truly obtains eternity.

Now he has only reached the shadow level.

Facing a super-kage-level existence, such as Nagato with the Samsara Eye, he might be attracted by the All-Seeing Sky, and then use the soul of the human world to peel off, and he died suddenly on the spot.

The current strength is far from enough. At most, it can only deal with most of the shadow levels in the ninja world. It will be quite troublesome to deal with some special shadow levels, such as Namikaze Minato who is proficient in flying thunder gods and sealing techniques. His speed and defense are extremely The perverted Third Raikage and so on.

And just when Feng Ye was thinking.

Suddenly there was a rustling movement from the side of the bed.

When he looked sideways, he saw Shizune lying in the back. She sat up at some point, as if she had just woken up, and was rubbing her sleepy eyes.

"Huh… "

After waking up a little, Shizune looked in the direction of Tsunade and Feng Ye. Although it was a little dark, as a ninja, she could still see that Feng Ye was awake.

Shizune glanced at Tsunade who was still sleeping soundly, climbed up carefully, walked to Feng Ye's right side, and whispered: "Feng Ye, are you awake? How do you feel?"

Feng Ye took a breath and said: "The meridians are fine, but the muscles are still a little sore. It's not easy to sit up. It seems that it will take a while to rest before I can move normally."


Shizune nodded gently and said: "Medical Ninjutsu can only treat wounds and will not promote the rapid growth of cells. Although broken muscles can be healed until they are healed together, the broken part in the middle will still take some time to fully recover. By the way, you must be thirsty, I'll give you some water..."

At this point, she paused, stood up, walked to the table, looked at Feng Ye with some admiration and said, "Feng Ye, you were so powerful on the battlefield during the day, and even Chiyo was defeated by you. It seems that your name will spread throughout the ninja world in a few days."

Feng Ye tilted his head, smiled softly and said:


Chapter 102 Boiling Konoha

"Last night, I heard many of them calling you 'Silver Flash'. I think this title sounds very good."

Returning to Feng Ye's bed with the water glass in hand, Shizune carefully helped Feng Ye up.

Feng Ye didn't force it. After leaning against Shizune and taking a sip of water, he smiled and said, "I just did what I should do... Do you think the title Silver Flash is a good one?"

"It fits your image very well."

Shizune helped Feng Ye lie down again, showed a smile, and put the water glass next to her. Then she suddenly thought of something, her cheeks suddenly turned red, and she said hesitantly: "Well... you need... that... is it convenient?"

Feng Ye was startled, and then said helplessly: "It seems... not very convenient."

Shizune: "No, it's okay! You are a patient!"

Fengye also understands the principle of special treatment in special times.


Shizune didn't look like she was completely shy, but she seemed to have some inexplicable expectation? !

[Why do I think you are more anxious than me?]

Looking at Shizune's appearance, Fengye couldn't help but complain in her heart. This time, it seemed that Shizune had finally been caught with a legitimate and hard-to-refute reason for the attack.

Shizune blushed slightly, and there seemed to be a hint of expectation in the depths of her eyes, saying: "Don't feel embarrassed, it's okay, I'm a medical nurse now!"

As she spoke, she tried to help.

However, at this moment, Tsunade's voice suddenly came from the side. She seemed to be awakened. She yawned and said, "Shizune, what are you doing? Ah, Feng Ye is awake."

He planned to help Feng Ye with some medical work, but ended up waking up Tsunade. The atmosphere suddenly became weird, and Shizune was a little at a loss for a while.


Seeing Shizune hesitate, Tsunade couldn't help but asked strangely: "What are you doing?"

Seeing that Shizune was in a somewhat helpless situation, Kaede Ye couldn't help but smile and said to save her, "Tsunade-sama's medical skills are indeed the best in the ninja world, and the meridian injury has been completely healed."

Tsunade glanced at Feng Ye and said, "Don't be so talkative. You are indeed quite capable. You can even fall asleep during the treatment."

Feng Ye chuckled and said, "Because it's so reassuring to have Tsunade-sama here."

This sentence is quite true.

Although he was injured, with Tsunade around, he felt at ease, even more at ease than when he was at home before. This kind of peace of mind made him relax and fall asleep quickly.

As for the pain during the treatment, it is nothing to him now. After all, the use of the Eight-door Thunder Release is accompanied by pain, and the body is cut into countless pieces by the Wind Release. Then This kind of pain is not comparable to these.

Ninjas who practice Eight Gate Dunjia have a strong tolerance for pain, because they have to endure the pain, not to mention that he also has the ability to rewind time and can endure pain repeatedly.

It hurts and I got used to it.

Feng Ye's words also made Tsunade feel very soothed. She shook her eyebrows, put her hand over Feng Ye's chest, and injected a ray of chakra to sense Feng Ye's recovery.

"Well, it looks like you'll be able to move around normally in just two or three days, and you'll be fully recovered in about a week, ready to exercise and fight."

Tsunade made a judgment on Feng Ye's recovery.

After making a judgment, Tsunade yawned again and said, "I'm going to continue sleeping. If you're not sleepy, Shizune, just take care of Fengye. He can't move normally yet."

"Okay, Tsunade-sama."

Shizune breathed a sigh of relief and nodded at Tsunade.