Naruto Time Control

Chapter 61


The answer is - yes.

As long as you can deal with it calmly and calmly, it will be a very happy thing.

Chapter 104 Tsunade’s Momentum

Had breakfast.

Yuhi Hong stayed next to Feng Ye's bed and recounted what happened during this period. Shizune and Lin next to her also joined in, chatting and laughing.

The reason why the scene can be so harmonious is very simple, that is, he is a wounded and sick person who needs to recuperate. As long as the girls are aware of this, Yuhi Hong and others will be extremely obedient and consciously not create anything that will harm him. Something that causes trouble or affects your mood.

By noon.

Tsunade, who went to the medical area to treat other seriously wounded soldiers in the war, returned to the camp and saw many girls surrounding Fengye's bed. She couldn't help but twitched her eyebrows and said:

"I wonder if you are a little too popular?"

Seeing Tsunade come in, Yuhi Kurenai, Shizune and others stood up quickly, saluted to Tsunade and said, "Tsunade-sama."

Fengye smiled and looked at Tsunade who walked in, and said: "After all, he is a wounded person now. He can't move normally now. He can only listen to them tell me what happened. If Tsunade-sama, you are injured, I will I will also accompany you and take care of you.”

Tsunade snorted softly and said, "Okay, you'll pass... Shizune, go get me a glass of water."

"Yes, Tsunade-sama."

Shizune immediately stood up and went to pour water for Tsunade.

Tsunade walked to where Shizune had been and sat down, while Yuhi Kurenai and Lin looked at each other cautiously, then both shrank to the other side.

They were still very reserved in front of Tsunade, one of the legendary three ninjas, even Yuhi Kurenai whose father was a jounin. She was more aware of Tsunade's reputation.

"Recovering very quickly."

Tsunade stretched out her fingers and put them on Feng Ye's wrist, and a ray of light green chakra swayed. After examining Feng Ye's situation, she tilted her head and said: "This recovery speed is not normal... Have you practiced Orochimaru’s ninjutsu?”

Feng Ye nodded and admitted: "After practicing cell activation, the recovery speed will be faster. Otherwise, I would not dare to use forbidden techniques with such serious side effects. Tsunade-sama, you should have noticed it yesterday, right?"

Of course, Tsunade was aware of Feng Ye's physical condition during yesterday's treatment. It was precisely because Feng Ye had a special physical condition and practiced cell activation that the entire treatment process went extremely smoothly, and the treatment was completed calmly.

"What else have you learned? That forbidden technique was also taught to you by Orochimaru?"

Tsunade took back her hand, looked at Feng Ye and continued to ask.

Fengye thought for a while and said: "I learned the changes in the properties of thunder attribute chakra from Master Orochimaru. The forbidden technique was created by me. The others are gone for the time being. Only the flag I learned from my father is left." The art of wooden swords was improved into the art of swordsmanship.”

Tsunade glanced at Feng Ye and said: "I thought it was the forbidden technique Orochimaru taught you, but I didn't expect you created it yourself. No wonder you dare to use it unscrupulously. It seems you don't know the dangers of the forbidden technique. "

She was a little dissatisfied because Orochimaru taught such a dangerous forbidden technique to Feng Ye who was still very young. She didn't expect Feng Ye to create it by himself, which surprised her.

Feng Ye smiled and said: "Actually, it's not completely self-created. It's just a combination of a taijutsu learned from others and a ninjutsu that allows chakra to flow."

"That's not something that can be done easily."

Tsunade said calmly. Ninjas of her level knew very well that combining ninjutsu and taijutsu was not a simple matter. Ninjas who could create their own forbidden jutsu were almost all talented beings.

Tsunade took the water glass handed over by Shizune, drank half the glass of water, and said: "In short, don't use this technique casually anymore... Don't use it unless it is absolutely necessary. Even if you have Orochimaru's technique, you will be able to recover after your injury." Healing will also affect life span."

This sentence made Feng Ye want to complain.

When it comes to affecting lifespan, is there anything more influential than Baihao's Jutsu? Accelerating cell division is the real way to reduce lifespan. And he only uses it unscrupulously because he has the ability to turn back time. Tsunade can do that. It's really like exchanging the measure of life for combat effectiveness.

"I see."

When the words of complaint came to his lips, they turned into responses. Then Fengye looked at Tsunade and said: "By the way, I want to learn some medical ninjutsu. I wonder if Tsunade-sama can teach me."

Although it is not sure whether the current Tsunade has developed the Hyakuha no Jutsu, this jutsu is based on medical ninjutsu. It is okay to learn a little medical ninjutsu first.

Now his control of chakra has reached a bottleneck, and it is extremely difficult to go further. Medical ninjutsu and puppetry are the most sophisticated methods of chakra control. He is too lazy to learn puppetry. He doesn't have any effect either, medical ninjutsu is just right.

"You want to learn medical ninjutsu?"

Tsunade gave Feng Ye a strange look.

She was a little surprised by Feng Ye's request, but after thinking about it for a while, she agreed. As long as she wanted to learn, she was willing to teach.

"Thank you Tsunade-sensei."

Fengye smiled, changed his title, and made a helpless gesture to indicate that he could not salute Tsunade now.

Tsunade stood up and said, "Okay, just lie down, I'm going to continue treating the wounded."

After Tsunade left the camp.

Yuhi Hong and Lin both breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin looked at the direction where Tsunade's back disappeared, and said with some lingering fear: "Tsunade-sama's aura is so terrifying."

Feng Ye looked at Yuhi Hong and Lin and couldn't help but smile.

Different people see Tsunade differently. As a person who is familiar with Tsunade's character and has a close enough relationship with Tsunade, he will naturally not feel pressure in front of Tsunade.

But it's different if it's Yuhi Kurenai and Lin. There is a huge gap between their status and Tsunade's, and they don't even have the qualifications to speak in front of Tsunade.

No wonder the two shivered and huddled aside.

"I was a little out of breath just now."

Yuhi Hong also looked at Lin with palpitations, and the two found a common language on this point.

The only one who was not affected was Shizune. She had been following Tsunade for a long time, was familiar with Tsunade's character, and was Tsunade's disciple. At this time, she was a little happy and picked up another water glass and handed it to Feng Ye, saying: "I didn't expect it. Feng Ye, you will want to learn medical ninjutsu, it seems that we will be practicing together in the next period of time."


Yuhi Hong and Lin looked at Shizune silently.

Both of them were a little afraid of Tsunade, but not afraid of Shizune. Shizune was also a little frightened by the looks of the two, but she still puffed up her chest.

Just when the situation was getting a little unfavorable, footsteps suddenly came from outside the camp. It sounded like a lot of footsteps, and it made Yuhi Hong and others turn their heads to look over.

As a result, after seeing it, several people immediately stood up and saluted respectfully.


Chapter 105: Directly subordinate to Jonin

Jiraiya walked into the camp and glanced at Yuhi Kurenai, Lin and others.

Then he looked at Feng Ye angrily.

When he was young, he had never been so popular, and there were no girls around him, and at that time, almost all girls gathered around Orochimaru.

The current scene was so similar to that of Orochimaru back then, especially when Feng Ye was Orochimaru's disciple, which made him glance sideways at Feng Ye.

But it's okay.

His disciple Namikaze Minato is equally outstanding, no worse than Kaede Ye.

"How's your injury?"

Jiraiya ignored Yuhi Hong and others who were saluting, and expressed condolences to Feng Ye.

Although Feng Ye was far inferior to him in terms of status, Feng Ye was the hero who killed Chiyo in this war. After he was busy sorting out the battle situation, the first wounded person he wanted to comfort was Feng Ye.

"Thank you, Jiraiya-sama, for your concern. Tsunade-sensei said it's nothing serious."

"Well, that's good..."

Jiraiya nodded, and then suddenly realized something was wrong. He looked at Feng Ye in surprise and said, "What did you call Tsunade just now?"

Feng Ye smiled and said, "I just asked Teacher Tsunade to teach me medical ninjutsu, and Teacher Tsunade has already agreed."

Jiraiya: "..."

His face trembled unnaturally, and his expression became a little stiff.

Two of the three ninjas accepted Feng Ye as their disciples, which was great. Although he had no idea of suppressing Feng Ye, even if he had the idea, he couldn't implement it now.

He was not afraid of Orochimaru, but Tsunade was very dangerous and was much less protective than Orochimaru. If Tsunade knew about it, she would be hunted down for half the town.

White Fang's son,

Disciples of Orochimaru and Tsunade,

The hero who killed Chiyo,

With so many auras, Feng Ye is now less than eleven years old, but his status is far from that of an ordinary jounin. If he goes up a little further, he will almost be able to talk to him on an equal footing.

"That's it..."

Jiraiya thought for a moment, then changed the subject and said, "By the way, over there in the village, you have been officially promoted to Jonin, and you are directly subordinate to the Sandaime-sama."

When these words were spoken, neither Lin nor Shizune had much reaction. In their opinion, Kaede Ye becoming a Jonin was a matter of course, but Yuhi Kurenai felt quite a stir in her heart.

Directly subordinate to Jonin!

This status is different from that of ordinary jounin!

Her father is a Jounin of Konoha, so she knows something about the upper echelons of Konoha. She knows that there are differences between Jounin and Jounin. Some Jounin belong to ANBU, Torture Department, Guards, etc. Departments shall be under the jurisdiction of the chief captain of each department.

In contrast, the direct subordinate jounin is not under the jurisdiction of the captain of any department. It is directly subordinate to the Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen and is a ninja that only the Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen can mobilize.

That is to say.

Without Sarutobi Hiruzen's order, even Orochimaru, Jiraiya and even Hokage assisting Danzo were not qualified to give direct orders to Kaede Ye.

"It's an honor for me to be valued by Hokage-sama."

Fengye responded with a smile.

This appointment is not surprising to him. The strength he has shown now is something that even Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo cannot underestimate. In addition, he is a disciple of Orochimaru, so it is not suitable to be placed in any department. .

Directly reporting to Jonin is the most suitable position for him at present, and it is a vacant position. His status is higher than that of ordinary Jonin, but he has no actual power.

While it cannot be mobilized by people other than the Hokage, it also means that it is also impossible to order and mobilize other ninjas without the approval of the Hokage.

"Then I'll leave first. You can have a good rest."

Jiraiya nodded and left the camp. The other ninjas who followed also left with Jiraiya. There was no dissatisfaction or jealousy in their eyes when they looked at Feng Ye.

With Feng Ye's strength and performance on the battlefield, although Feng Ye has actually performed very few missions, he is qualified enough to hold the position of direct Jonin.

Such a status.


After Jiraiya left, Yuhi Kurenai and others breathed a sigh of relief.

They can feel a lot of pressure in front of Tsunade, and the same is true in front of Jiraiya. These two are the highest-ranking ninjas in Konoha besides the Hokage and the Elders. Jiraiya is also the commander-in-chief of the frontline battlefield. , there is a huge gap between them.

"I didn't expect you to become a Jonin so quickly, Feng Ye. It's really incredible." Yuhi Hong turned to look at Feng Ye and couldn't help but murmured.

She never doubted that Fengye could become a jounin, not even when she was in school. But she didn't expect that Fengye would become a jounin so quickly, less than two years after graduation.

"this is nothing."

Feng Ye smiled and said, "You will also become a Jonin."

Yuhi Kurenai took a breath and nodded seriously. She also had the belief to become a jounin. After all, her father was a jounin, and she could not lose his father's face no matter what.


Feng Ye is already a jounin now.

If she doesn't become a Jonin in the future, the status gap between her and Feng Ye will be a bit too big. In that case, it may be difficult to have the opportunity to contact him again.

Lin, like Yuhi Kurenai, also has the belief to become a Jonin. The only one who does not have great senses is Shizune. She is Tsunade's disciple and left the village with Tsunade. She has no status as a Genin or a Jonin. What a difference.


At this moment, Shizune suddenly remembered something. After putting the water glass aside, she carefully approached Feng Ye's ear and asked in a low voice.

Feng Ye tilted his head and glanced at her, then looked at Yuhi Hong and Lin, suddenly a little scared, and said: "Please help me, I should be able to move a little."

"Well… "

Shizune took a peek at Yuhi Hong and Lin, and tried to help Feng Ye up.

With Shizune's help, Fengye stood up from the bed. Although the muscles all over his body were still a little sore, he could barely move with the help.

However, Yuhi Hong and Lin looked at this scene and immediately gave up. After a brief moment of astonishment, they asked: "What did you just say, Shizune? What are you going to do with Feng Ye?"

"You don't need to know."

Shizune responded expressionlessly and helped Fengye out.