Naruto Time Control

Chapter 91


The land of wind.

Temporary camp.

This is a small temporary camp with a total of more than two hundred people stationed. The purpose is to conduct certain harassment on the border of the Land of Fire and to inquire about Konoha's intelligence at any time.

Since the silver flash of Konoha disappeared and the golden flash replaced it, which shocked the ninja world, the major ninja villages' offensive against Konoha has also slowed down a lot, and they almost dare not launch a large-scale war.

Because the leaders of the major ninja villages knew that once a ninja like Namikaze Minato went on a large-scale battlefield, he would display extremely terrifying combat effectiveness.

A small-scale battle can at least make the other party tired.

In a certain camp.

As the leader of this camp, the elite Jonin of Sand Ninja Village Yuki Kanzaburo is very troubled now.

A twenty-man team sent to the Land of Fire to investigate lost contact a month ago and has not received any information yet. It is speculated that it probably encountered the ninjas of Konoha and was defeated by the ninjas of Konoha. .


Half a month ago, another ten-man unit he sent out to occupy Loulan and prepare to transform Loulan into a frontline camp also disappeared.

This made him somewhat confused about the situation now, and he even suspected that Konoha had occupied Loulan. After much hesitation, he sent a team of scout ninjas to Loulan to check the situation.

"Why haven't you come back yet..."

Kanzaburo hammered the table in annoyance.

The mission of the scout ninja he sent out was only to survey, not to fight. As long as they investigated the situation in Loulan and the situation of the previous team, they would return immediately. Calculating the time, they should have returned long ago. .


After hammering the table, Kanzaburo couldn't help but curse again.

This sentence was not directed at the scout team, but at Konoha. Originally, the Third Kazekage was the strongest Kazekage in their Sand Ninja Village. With his leadership, they were not afraid of any village at all.

But the Third Kazekage disappeared inexplicably, suspected of being at the hands of Konoha, and the subsequent war against Konoha failed because of the rise of a monster ninja Silver Flash in Konoha.

It was not easy.

The silver flash disappeared inexplicably and was suspected of death. They thought they had found an opportunity. The Sand Ninja attacked Konoha again. As a result, Namikaze Minato, who had been covered by the silver flash, immediately broke out in several subsequent wars. The lethality of fear.

These two wars caused heavy losses to their Sand Ninjas.

And the rise of golden glitter is also scary.

Because the opponent did not suddenly break out, but had always had an extremely amazing record, but it had been overshadowed by Silver Flash's astonishing record that shocked the ninja world.

If the silver flash and the golden flash were together, which village in the ninja world could withstand these two ninjas? !


Silver Flash is dead.

Otherwise, as a sand ninja, he would probably have trouble sleeping and eating now, and he would be worried that someone would break into the camp and take his life while sleeping.

Just as Kanzaburo was cursing secretly, a figure entered the camp.

It was as if he was running the entire distance without stopping. As soon as the ninja rushed in, he could hardly stand still and fell directly to the ground. He gasped violently and said:

"Kansaburo-sama... hurry, it's an emergency..."

Kanzaburo suddenly frowned when he noticed that the ninja who fell on the ground was one of the ninjas from the scout team he sent to Loulan.

Looking at this situation, it’s probably not good news.

He looked at the scout ninja displeased and said in a deep voice: "What kind of bad news can make you panic like this? Could it be that Silver Flash has been resurrected?!"

"Yes Yes… "

The scout gasped violently, looked at Kanzaburo and said, "You... do you already know?"

Kanzaburo was stunned.

He couldn't react for a while, then his eyes widened in shock, he walked over suddenly, grabbed the scout ninja's clothes, pulled him up, and said:

"What did you say?!"

"I... we met Silver Flash in Loulan... I was the only one who survived... I'm afraid the previous team has also..."


Kanzaburo let go of his hand, letting the ninja fall to the ground.

He kept his hands in front of him in a daze, and a scene echoed in his mind. It was the scene where Fengye killed Chiyo on the battlefield.

Fear spread from the bottom of his heart like darkness, swallowing up his heart, making him tremble, and fear showed in his eyes.

Silver glitter!

That ninja is still alive! !

"Quickly... report to Lord Kazekage... go report to Lord Kazekage quickly!"

News about the reappearance of the silver flash quickly spread throughout the camp, causing countless Sand Ninjas to be horrified and frightened.

Although the other party disappeared for two years, it was impossible to completely forget the shocking news two years ago.

That day.

The sand ninjas recalled the fear of being dominated by the silver flash!

Within the Kingdom of Wind.

Fengye did not have a map of the Kingdom of Wind, but this did not prevent him from looking for the Sand Ninja Village, because it was the Great Ninja Village of the Kingdom of Wind, and even ordinary people knew its location.

After going deep into the Kingdom of Wind, he randomly found a small town and learned the exact location of Suna Ninja Village. Then he set off again, heading in the direction of Suna Ninja Village.

Probably a few days later.

He arrived at Suna Ninja Village.

Since the Kingdom of Wind is a desert environment, which is completely different from the Kingdom of Rain, the buildings here are mainly designed to block wind and sand.

As for the Sand Ninja Village, the entire village is surrounded by a ring-shaped, mountain-like huge rock wall, which can almost block the invasion of any wind and sand!

View from above.

It's like a huge mountain that was cut in the middle, and then the inner mountain was hollowed out, leaving only the edges and a town built inside.

"This is Suna Ninja Village... It's really spectacular, much more spectacular than Konoha. I don't know what other villages are like. If you have the chance, you can go and see them one by one, but those Kages probably won't welcome me. ,hehe."

Feng Ye stood not far from the Sand Ninja Village, looking at the village covered by the rock wall in front of him and chuckled.

Although there were images of Suna Ninja Village in his memory, it was certainly not as spectacular as seeing it with his own eyes. He still remembered that Suna Ninja Village was almost completely covered, with only a 'line of sky' as the entrance and exit. There were ANBU ninjas from Suna Ninja Village nearby who took turns. Patrol and garrison.

"What's the best way to appear?"

Feng Ye looked at the Sand Ninja Village and murmured.

After thinking for a moment, he gently pulled out the Kusanagi sword, and then chakra surged in his body, and the third, fourth, and fifth gates of the Eight Gates of Dunjia were broken.

Fengye raised the Kusanagi sword in his hand, and under his control, a large amount of chakra surged crazily, pouring into the inside of the sword's edge, and the entire Kusanagi sword gradually became dazzling.


"Just say hello first."

Chapter 153: One Sword, Sky Flash

Sand Ninja Village.

The top floor conference room of the Kazekage Building in the center.

A large number of Suna ninjas are gathering here. The atmosphere in the entire conference room seems extremely depressed and solemn. Some elite jounin sitting on the edge have a bit of cold sweat on their foreheads.

"The silver flash appears again in Loulan, an ancient desert town on the border between us and the Kingdom of Fire. You should all know about this."

The Fourth Kazekage Rasa looked at the many ninjas present and said in a deep voice: "I have called you here this time to hear your opinions and judgment on this matter."

Silver glitter is not dead!

When he received this information, his heart was almost shocked, and he almost immediately thought that the 'disappearance' and 'death' of the silver flash were probably an illusion created by Konoha!

So what is the purpose of Konoha

Some dare not think deeply.

With Silver Flash still alive, and with the powerful fighting power of Golden Flash, Konoha now almost has the strength to truly unify the ninja world!

Although unifying the shinobi world cannot be achieved easily by defeating other villages, it is a very difficult and long process for big countries to assimilate and synchronize with each other. It also takes a long time for their big country to annex some small countries.


It is undeniable that Konoha is extremely dangerous now!

"The silver flash has been hidden in Loulan for two years. It must have some purpose. Maybe it's a plan against our Suna Ninja Village... Lord Kazekage, I'm afraid we must enter the highest alert state next."

An elite jounin sitting on Luo Sha's left spoke in a deep voice.

Luo Sha nodded and said solemnly: "I have asked the ANBU to double the defense, and have raised the intensity of the village's perception barrier to the highest level. In addition, I have asked the security force to send a group of ninjas to guard some areas. At key positions, report the situation at any time.”

Hearing this, a Jonin breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Luo Sha and said, "As expected of Lord Kazekage, it seems that he has made preparations in advance."


Luo Sha shook his head and said: "These are not enough. If Konoha really has a conspiracy against us Sand Ninja, when it is actually launched, it will probably be difficult for us to stop it, so we must understand Konoha's plan and the silver flash. That’s the purpose, do you have any ideas?”

Silence fell in the conference room.

After a while.

Someone said in a deep voice: "Lord Kazekage, I think we should send some more scouts to investigate the situation in Loulan. Maybe Konoha's plan is hidden there."


Someone next to him retorted: "I don't agree with investigating Loulan. If Silver Flash is there, he will just die needlessly. You should all know his strength."

"I think we should contact our scout who infiltrated Konoha and ask him to figure out Konoha's purpose as soon as possible at all costs... In addition, it is best to convey this matter to the Iwa Ninja Village."

A ninja said solemnly: "The location of Loulan, if you go to the north, is the Kingdom of Rain. Now the Kingdom of Rain is in chaos and was invaded by the Iwa Ninja. Silver flash appears in Loulan, and there is also the possibility of plotting against the Iwa Ninja. , let them also mobilize manpower to spy."

"I think it's better not to inform the Iwa nin and just take care of our own defense."

Another person next to him retorted: "If Konoha's plan is really aimed at Iwa Ninja, why do we need to help Iwa Ninja spy on Konoha's reality?"

This opinion was quickly opposed by more people.

The reason is simple.

Now is no longer the time for intrigues among the major ninja villages. If they are not careful to join forces, they will be defeated by Konoha one by one, and then it will be completely over!

After listening to everyone's discussion, Luo Sha made a decision and knocked on the table.

Boom! Boom!

The conference room immediately became quiet.

After clearing out the ninjas who disobeyed him and squeezing Ebizo out for retirement, the entire Suna Ninja Village is now completely under his control, and all senior officials are people who obey him.

Seeing that the conference room became quiet, Luo Sha stood up and said in a deep voice: "The liaison team took action immediately to contact Iwa Ninja and convey the specific information about the silver flash!"


The captain of the liaison force responded.

Luo Sha looked at the captain of the reconnaissance team again and said in a deep voice: "The reconnaissance team will double the investigation of the border of the Kingdom of Wind. Pay close attention to the direction of Loulan, but don't get close!"


The captain of the reconnaissance team also responded.

Luo Sha looked at the other ninjas, and successively arranged some other plans, raising the vigilance of Sand Ninja Village to the highest level in the entire Kingdom of Wind.

"Silver Flash is a very dangerous ninja. He is very dangerous alone. Although we are not afraid after shrinking our defense line and troops, it will be extremely dangerous if he takes ninjas like Golden Flash with him. ”

"Once we detect similar actions, we must evacuate the village as soon as possible."

Luo Sha put her hand on the table and spoke in a deep voice, "So, everyone here, take action now. We must be prepared to abandon the village!"

"this… "