National Beauty

Chapter 112


The fifth prince passed away.

Song Jianing froze in front of the door, looking at Eunuch Fu's drooping face, as if he saw the dying fifth prince on the bed again. Shocked, yet as if... expected. Such a sickness, such a small child...

"Enter the palace."

A man's low voice came from behind, Song Jianing turned back, only to see the slender figure of King Shou turning towards the inner room. Song Jianing was stunned for a while, then immediately followed in after regaining his senses. Because King Shou slept here for three out of four days, and his clothes and cloaks were all delivered, Song Jianing took out a dark robe and helped him put it on with his eyes down.

"You don't need to worry about birth, old age, sickness or death." Her face was pale, and she seemed worried. Zhao Heng waited for her to fasten his belt and held her hands. There are many concubines and concubines in the harem. As long as he can remember, there have been many princes and daughters in the palace, but some died before the full moon, and some were raised to the age of one year, all because of illness, they were too young when they died, No sequence teeth. The fifth prince is the direct son of the empress, which makes it more noticeable.

His hands were big and warm, and Song Jianing suddenly felt at ease, nodded, and went to change his clothes.

A quarter of an hour later, the couple got into the carriage one after another. The snow fell last night, and the road had not yet had time to clean up. The carriage walked slowly, the wheels rolled over the snow and made a creaking sound, as if it was running on people. Song Jianing held the hand stove and kept his head still. Out of the corner of the eye, he secretly looked at the man beside him, and saw that his face was indifferent and could not see any emotion.

What emotions can you have? Although they are brothers, there are only a handful of times when they meet each other throughout the year, and they may not be able to say anything. They are no different from strangers. In addition, King Shou usually does not show his anger and anger, and he is really sad for a half-brother who is estranged, but it is intriguing.

This is the case with King Shou, and the Kings of Chu and Rui who came here after hearing the news are almost the same, with a heavier face at the most. Only the fourth prince, Prince Gong, who moved out of the palace this year, because he met the fifth prince a lot in the past three years, and his brotherhood was deeper. At this moment, the circles of the eyes are red, and it is obvious that he has cried.

He got married in April, and the princess hadn't even entered the door. She came alone. She saw the three brothers outside the palace gate, and habitually approached the king of Chu. King Gong was fond of martial arts. The King of Chu was both skilled in martial arts and frank and frank. King Gong liked this brother the most, and he often stayed by the King of Chu's side when he was young. Seeing the bloodshot in his younger brother's eyes, the King of Chu patted the boy on the shoulder, sighed, and walked towards the middle palace.

Central Palace.

In the past few days, the fifth prince has become weaker and weaker. Anyone with discernment knows that the deadline is approaching, and Queen Li also knows that, so she stays by her son day and night, and keeps telling her son about his childhood, hoping that his son can hear her voice. I hope my son can't bear his mother, and is willing to open his eyes to see her.

Last night, Queen Li stayed up all night. The maid said that it was snowing outside. She seemed to hear it, but she didn't seem to hear it. She just felt that her son's small body seemed to be getting colder and colder. Queen Li was very afraid. She took her son into her arms and used her body to help him keep warm, but it was dawn, and her little five was taken away by God.

With her long hair loose, Empress Li cried with her son in her arms. Her son had been sick for more than half a month. She cried secretly and in a low voice, but she did not dare to cry aloud, for fear of bringing bad luck to her son. Now that her son who was guarding her in fear is gone, Queen Li has been worrying and distressed for half a month. Pain, like the river burst its banks, all vented out.

The imperial physicians, palace maids and eunuchs all knelt on the ground with their foreheads touching the ground. Emperor Xuande sat beside the hospital bed and looked down at the ground. Nearly fifty years old, Emperor Xuande had forgotten how many children he had died in total. The first one he forgot his appearance, he only remembered that he was in a heart-wrenching pain, as if a piece of flesh had been pulled from his body, and the second he was still It hurts, but fades away... In the end, apart from the concubine's concubine, Emperor Xuande only sent people to take care of the other children under the age of one year.

But his little five came from his favorite queen. He hugs and coaxes him almost every day, watching little five grow up every day, shy and well-behaved. When Xiao Wuqing was one year old, he personally named his son, hoping that Xiao Wu would grow up strong and become his elder brother's right-hand man in the future. Brother and several brothers work together to create a prosperous world, but the Chinese New Year will soon be approaching, but Xiao Wu has Couldn't get through this year.

Are you distressed? It hurts, but it won't cry like he was when he was young. He is a father and an emperor.

"Your Majesty, all the princes and concubines are here to see your Highness." Wang En bowed in and replied in a low voice.

Emperor Xuande's chest heaved, he exhaled, and hummed.

Wang En went out to greet him, and the three princes came in first, followed by Song Jianing, Princess Chu and Princess Rui. The princes all wore heavy dark robes, and the princesses all wore plain light-colored dresses. Seeing that Empress Li was holding the fifth prince and crying bitterly, the three princesses raised their handkerchiefs to wipe their tears. Emperor Xuande glanced at random, and his eyes fell on his sons.

The eldest King Chu closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and pursed his lips.

The second oldest Prince Rui raised his head slightly, which was an action that he did not want to cry.

The fourth Prince Gong was the most unpromising, and turned his head to wipe his tears, while the third one was the most peaceful, with his eyes down, unmoved by life and death.

There are rigid and soft, and each has a temperament.

Emperor Xuande never doubted his sons, but Xiao Wu was too ill, so he had to give the queen an explanation, and sent someone to interrogate the palace servants serving Xiao Wu again and again. Five is indeed an accidental infection. Emperor Xuande knew very well in his heart that Xiao Wu was too squeamish, but he couldn't say these words. The queen was already hurting to the bottom of her heart, and he could no longer let the queen blame herself.


The fifth prince was too young to have a big funeral. After the burial, the matter was over. Emperor Xuande handled political affairs as usual, but it was true that Long Yan was displeased. Civil and military officials became more and more careful, lest they anger the emperor at this juncture. Song Jianing was also very cautious. The king of longevity promised her that she could go home once a month on the 16th. The couple rested on the 15th night. Song Jianing leaned into the man's arms and said, "I won't go there until tomorrow. Let's talk about the first month."

Zhao Heng held her hand and said nothing.

On the 16th of last month, she didn't return to the Duke's Mansion. The reason was that she only returned a few days ago, and the time interval was too short. This time the fifth brother went, the father was very sad, afraid that he didn't like their brothers visiting relatives and friends. He wanted to tell her not to go back to the palace first, but she didn't expect her to be sensible and brought it up by herself.

"Make up for the second year." Zhao Heng looked at her and said. The rules here in the capital are that married daughters will go back to their parents' home on the second day of the first lunar month. If the in-law's family is okay, they can stay at their parents' home for one night, but the princesses do not have this rule. Zhao Heng didn't want to get too close to the Guo family, and never thought of letting her go back to her parents' home like an ordinary bride.

Song Jianing showed surprise, raised his head excitedly, and confirmed, "Really?"

Zhao Heng remained motionless, looked at her bright almond eyes, and continued: "Mother-in-law's birthday, make it up again."

His "mother-in-law" was sweet enough, and he even allowed her to go home to celebrate her mother's birthday. Song Jianing couldn't describe her feelings. Looking at the handsome man on top of his head, Song Jianing had an urge from nowhere. For the first time, and the first time in his life, he took the initiative to climb on top of him and close his eyes to kiss him.

But his shoulders were suddenly supported, and his mouth could not reach anyone.

Song Jianing opened his eyes blankly, and then fell into a pair of familiar indifferent eyes, the clouds and mist in his eyes thickened, and he couldn't see through. After a few breaths of stalemate, she was in this posture again, as if she had the cheek to serve him but disliked it, Song Jianing's face was blushing, and she wanted to hide in embarrassment.

She hurriedly wanted to go down, and at this moment, he suddenly pinched her waist and turned to one side, instantly pressing her down.

Song Jianing knew that the prince did not blame her for arrogance, because he was breathing heavily, and he was clearly excited, but he insisted on her being below, which showed that what she just did was wrong. Song Jianing was also very remorseful. He didn't know which of his tendons was wrong. He covered his face with his hands and promised in a low voice, "My lord, I, I will never dare..."

Zhao Heng pulled her little hand away and put it on his shoulder.

Song Jianing finally understood for a while, and immediately raised his other hand, hooking his neck softly, the corners of his red mouth curled up, his eyes closed, and his cheeks blushed.

"Continue." Zhao Heng said dumbly.

Song Jianing opened his eyes in confusion, what to continue

Zhao Heng glanced at her lips.

Song Jianing understood, looked at the man who was supporting her head, she closed her eyes shyly, put her hands on his shoulders, and slowly raised her head to kiss him. Feeling that her neck was sore before she touched anyone, Song Jianing secretly opened her eyes, and realized that she was about to hit him, so she quickly closed it again, and finally her lips touched him.

Zhao Heng did not move.

Song Jianing had no choice but to kiss her, and then Zhao Heng pressed her back on the pillow and turned her back on the offensive.


This year, there was no family banquet in the palace on New Year's Eve. It is said that Emperor Xuande stayed with Empress Li all day. Song Jianing followed King Shou into the palace to pay New Year's greetings on the first day of the new year, and finally saw the Empress again. Emperor Xuande didn't change much. Empress Li was quite haggard. She didn't wear pearl hairpins, she didn't apply makeup, and her cheeks were pale. But she has clear eyes and clear face, and she shows her natural beauty more and more, which is more pitiful than Xi Shi when she is sick.

Zhao Heng said nothing after calling her initials, Song Jianing softly advised her to take care of her body, Queen Li looked at the charming and charming little princess in front of her, smiled lightly, and sighed silently in her heart. Her son died, and most of her heart died, but she was still alive, so she had to continue living, even if she had to force a smile.

Song Jianing and his wife were about to retire when the king and concubine of Chu arrived. Song Jianing turned around and saw the king of Chu holding the eldest grandson of the emperor and Feng Zheng following him petitely. Song Jianing nodded and saluted, and exchanged glances with King Shou. The couple decided to stay for a while and stood by to watch King Chu's family.

"Grandmother." Brother Sheng shouted at Queen Li, grinning, ignorant of the elder's sadness. The boy does not speak much now. The grandfather and grandmother were specially taught by Feng Zheng and the wet nurse. After a while, they can speak three words, and then they will be changed to imperial grandfather and imperial grandmother.

The tender and crisp voice called Queen Li almost to tears. Looking at the fat brother Sheng, Queen Li became more and more hurt, but she held back, took brother Sheng and hugged him for a while, rewarding him with one. Big red. Brother Sheng clumsily grabbed the lucky money, satisfied, and turned to look for his mother.

Feng Zheng smiled and went to pick up his son.

Empress Li hesitated before returning her brother Sheng.