National Beauty

Chapter 6


The second room of the Song family hit and killed someone, and in addition to being sentenced to prison, they had to lose 22 taels of money. The officer was ordered to escort the dying Hus and his wife back to withdraw the money. Hu was almost out of breath. When she saw Lin next to her, she was very careful and only took out 12 taels of private money, and then said to Lin with tears in her eyes. : "Sister-in-law, we only have this amount of money. Sister-in-law will help us make a cushion first. When our family comes out, we will be a cow and a horse to return to my sister-in-law..."

The Song family has fallen, but the second room is definitely not even without twenty taels, but Lin's heart is kind, and seeing the tragic situation of Hu's husband and wife, she does not care about it, and only asks Qiuyue to withdraw the money. These 12 taels are also the last affection between her and the Erfang family. After that, everyone will go their own way, and it will not matter anymore.

The officers left, but the neighbors who gathered at the Song family did not disperse for a long time. Some sympathized with Lin and persuaded her kindly: "Mother Jia Ning, you are still young, why do you spend the rest of your life here? Look at your uncle. My family, I went to prison today and didn’t forget to bully you. After three years, I came out and didn’t suck your mother’s blood like a mosquito? Listen to my aunt’s advice, take Jia Ning back to Beijing and find an honest man to marry. a reliance."

No matter the previous dynasty or the current dynasty, widow observance is a good talk, but it is not uncommon for widows to remarry. The literati once commented: It is human nature.

"Thank you auntie, I'll think about it." Lin Shi said with a sad face.

The neighbors left, and the sadness in the corner of Lin's eyes slowly turned into sadness. The accident of the second room came too suddenly. Was it really an accident, or was it arranged by that person? If it is the latter, her mentality is definitely not something she and her daughter can bear.

"Mother, what should we do now?" Song Jianing leaned into her mother's arms, feeling uneasy. The second aunt actually colluded with Hu Zhuang to kill her mother. She didn't dare to live in the Song family anymore, but Song Jianing didn't want to go back to the capital. .

Lin rubbed her daughter's head and sighed, "Jianing, don't be afraid, no matter where you go, there's a mother here, and your mother won't make you feel wronged."

Song Jianing nodded and hugged her mother tightly. As long as her mother was well, she was not afraid of anything else.


As night fell, Mrs. Lin sent her daughter to the front room and coaxed her to sleep. There were so many things happening today, and she was afraid that her daughter would not sleep well.

"Mother, let's sleep together tonight." Song Jianing, who was lying on the quilt in his middle clothes, only showing a small head, softly acted like a spoiled child to his mother.

Lin Shi smiled, nodded her daughter's face and said, "Mother's illness is not getting better, wait for her to get better and then hug her and sleep peacefully."

Song Jianing hadn't heard her mother cough for a long time, but since her mother said so, she hummed obediently, looked at her mother reluctantly for a while, and closed her eyes to sleep. Lin shi was always by her daughter's side, watching her daughter fall asleep, she leaned over to kiss her daughter's tender cheek, sighed softly, and left her daughter's boudoir with light steps.

Qiuyue is carrying a lantern and wants to show the way for the lady.

Lin shi took the lantern and whispered, "Jiu'er is still young and doesn't matter. I'm worried that the girl will be caught again tonight, so just watch here."

Qiuyue sighed, and stood under the porch with Song Jianing's personal maid Jiu'er, and watched Lin Shi go to the upper room, before they closed the door and entered the room.

The twilight shrouded, and the servants all returned to their rooms to rest, and the courtyard was desolate.

Lin shi stood in front of the main room, and there was darkness behind her. Although the main room in front was lit, it was more hopeless to her than the dark night. It was like a gauze soaked in water blocking her chest, and every breath was accompanied by a Difficulty and pain. The father died, the husband left, and even the uncle, who barely supported the door, was imprisoned. Now she and her daughter are really orphans and widows, and there is no one to rely on.

So that person sent a letter to her, telling her to stay at night.

Lin Shi closed his eyes and tears fell.

Guo Boyan rescued her, but before she could be grateful, he turned into another wolf, a wolf more ruthless than Hu Zhuang, asking her to play with him for the rest of his life.

There was a clatter from the street, Lin sighed softly, and pressed her index finger to the corner of her eye for a moment. She raised her legs and entered the room, concealed the door, and then blew out all the candles, leaving only a dim yellow lantern on the floor. next to the feet. The night was getting darker and darker, she lowered her eyes and sat on the teacher's chair in the middle, quietly waiting for the wolf.

Everything was silent, and suddenly there were footsteps in the courtyard, neither light nor heavy, Lin Shi pursed his lips and clenched his hands quietly.

With a creak, the door was pushed open and closed again in a flash.

The spacious and bright hall during the day was shrouded in darkness at this time, making it seem obscure and closed. The small lantern only illuminates one place, and in that soft yellow halo, a woman sits quietly with her eyes lowered, her head bowed slightly, her beautiful face as white as pearls, she pretends to be calm but actually puts her hands together nervously. The knees and fingers are slender and tender as soft as barbarians.

Such a beauty, when a widow, is not the pearl dusted

"Have you figured it out?" Guo Boyan asked in a low voice, walking towards Lin's step by step.

Lin raised his eyes, and the man had come to her, his face was as cold as frost, tall as a mountain, and the pressure was overwhelming. Lin Shi was afraid of him, but she still held a glimmer of hope, and suddenly knelt on her knees, kowtowed and begged: "Master Guo, you are a high-ranking, noble, and a pillar of the country. Let go of the women."

"Whether it's worthy, I have the final say." Guo Boyan leaned over and put his hands on her shoulders.

Lin's body was stiff and refused to get up.

Guo Boyan could force her to get up, but he didn't like that. He stared at Lin's drooping neck for a while, then moved to the Taishi chair where Lin's just sat, and said solemnly, "The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, it seems that , I think you are smart." He has power and power, she followed him, and she will enjoy inexhaustible glory and wealth in the future, what would she not want? What else could she gain from being a widow except for a reputation

Lin's forehead still touched the ground, and he pleaded again: "I beg the Lord of the country to release the women."

Guo Boyan sneered, played with the jade pendant around his waist with one hand, and looked at her ruthlessly with his black eyes: "Now there are only two paths in front of you, either be my woman happily, and I will spoil you as a mother and daughter, or wait while crying. I have nothing but daily use."

At this point, Lin's hope of retreating completely was completely shattered.

It was useless to ask for a soft voice, Lin Shi slowly straightened his body, Guo Boyan leaned back on the back of the chair, and looked at her re-exposed little face in a leisurely manner. He thought she would cry, but what surprised him was that there were no tears on the weak and poor woman's face, instead she was cold and calm, like a magnolia that was not afraid of frost, blooming on its own.

Guo Boyan let go of the jade pendant and stared at Lin with great interest.

Lin Shi was neither happy nor angry, looked at Guo Boyan without dodging, and asked lightly, "Is the grandfather really willing to give me a name?"

Guo Boyan nodded: "I will raise you as a concubine. As long as you serve me wholeheartedly, I will record Jia Ning in my name next year, and let her be the fourth girl in the government's government, on an equal footing with other sisters."

Lin's self-deprecating laugh, lowered his eyes and said, "The grandfather of the country is really joking, it is Jia Ning that was born by you, how could a daughter born to a concubine be the same as a girl born directly from the house? Besides, she is a widow. The person who was brought into the house was a woman with a foreign surname. Grandpa, although our mothers are living in poverty now, Jia Ning is a serious daughter from the Song family, so you don’t need to look at people’s faces. It’s as you arranged, I don’t need to be an aunt on weekdays. Walking around, as long as the grandfather spoils me, it is enough, there is nothing to worry about, but I can't hurt my daughter, and I can't let her be despised and mocked by others."

A gentle and gentle statement, but loud and clear, it is a mother's maintenance of her children.

Guo Boyan is also a father. He can understand Lin's concerns. After a moment of silence, he solemnly said: "Don't worry, I will arrange everything and never let Jianing be wronged."

Lin Shi still smiled, and Yingying's watery eyes met Guo Boyan's deep eyes, and she said sarcastically, "Do you believe what Grandpa Guo said?"

Guo Boyan promised very sincerely that as long as Mrs Lin was his wife, Song Jianing would be his daughter, and he would protect Song Jianing like his own daughter. But Guo Boyan is very clear that he can give Song Jianing a good life, but he can't guarantee that the girls in Beppu will not bully Song Jianing, lightly sarcastic, hurting people, he can reprimand them on the spot when they meet him, but he can't say anything with his back to him. what to do.

"What do you want?" Guo Boyan asked in a low voice, knowing that Lin was talking to him about conditions.

Lin Shi didn't answer immediately, she turned her head and looked at the lantern on the ground, and after a long time, she muttered to herself: "In the eyes of the grandfather, what do I look like? I can be as good as a singer. A commoner widow who arbitrarily bullies, or a miserable woman who you really like and are willing to love and protect?"

Guo Boyan immediately said, "The latter."

He likes her slenderness, her beauty, he doesn't mind her being a widow and doesn't mind helping her take care of her daughter, he just wants her.

After hearing this, Mrs. Lin wanted to ridicule him. The way he really liked a woman was to force her to become a concubine, but Mrs. Lin didn't lose her mind and didn't want to anger Guo Boyan in vain. That would not help her. Restraining all hatred and fear, Lin closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, those beautiful and clear eyes were filled with tears.

Guo Boyan was shocked.

Lin Shi choked and questioned, tears pouring down: "Since the father-in-law is not married, and since the father-in-law really likes me, why do you want me to be a concubine? Just because I'm a widow, you look down on me and use the name of a concubine as a concubine. Me? Although I don't have the honor of a grandfather, I am also the pampered daughter of a serious family in the capital. I have read the Four Books and Five Classics, and abide by the Three Obedience and Four Virtues... If you really dislike me for being married, don't think about me at all, why do you say you like it? But only do some bullying things?"

After he finished speaking, he bowed his head and wept silently.

Guo Boyan understood, Lin Shi wanted to be his wife.

The man's brows furrowed. In all fairness, he did despise Lin, and when he knew that she was a widow, his first thought was to take her as a concubine, but he never thought of giving her a wife, and Guo Boyan believed that if it was replaced by other dignitaries, he would follow her. He thinks the same.

Now Lin is asking to be the lady of the country...

His eyes fell on the beautiful woman who was kneeling and whimpering opposite, Guo Boyan touched his chin in embarrassment. He really wants the Lin family. If the Lin family is not yet married, it is a commoner. He is also willing to marry her and give her face. However, the Lin family is a widow with a daughter. Even if he agrees, what about Mrs. Tai

Don't even think about it, Mrs. Tai will never agree.

Guo Boyan simply didn't think about what was destined to be done, he stepped forward to help the sobbing beauty, and hugged her slender waist. Seeing that Mrs. Lin did not resist, Guo Boyan was dry, and coaxed softly while suppressing his thoughts: "It's not that I don't want to marry you, yes, I also have difficulties, but don't worry, as long as you follow me, I promise Pick a young talent for Jia Ning, and the last time is the champion."

When Lin shi heard him call her boudoir name, she knew that this person had probably inquired about all three generations of her ancestors, which was bitter and helpless, but she would never back down when it came to wives and concubines.

Holding the man's dishonest hand, Lin Shi wanted to step back, but he didn't let go, so she leaned on his chest and said sadly, "I know the grandfather is in trouble, if I am alone, I will be grateful if the grandfather doesn't dislike me. Yes, but as a mother, I have to consider everything for Jia Ning. The grandfather of the country is someone who wants to do important things for the court, and he is away from home a lot. Once you leave, what should you do if Jia Ning is wronged? A concubine can't protect her. she… "

Her waist is slender, and her helpless cry is tactful and seductive, Guo Boyan's body is hot, his head is also hot, and he breathes heavily: "What you said also makes sense, so, it's getting late, let's rest first, and we'll have a long-term plan tomorrow morning. "He bowed his head and kissed Lin's neck. The more vulnerable the place, the more excited he was.

Lin Shi took advantage of his surprise and pushed him away, quickly took out a pair of scissors from his sleeve and pressed it against his neck, and said to Guo Boy decisively: "The grandfather really wants me, just wait for me to return to Beijing, you three media Liupin Fengguangguang took our mother in the door, otherwise I would only live as an aunt of an Israeli waiter, and be bullied by others..."

She cried pitifully, Guo Boyan stared at her scissors, his face extremely ugly.

Lin raised her head to confront him. In order to show her intentions, she exerted force on her hand, the tip of the knife easily pierced the delicate neck skin, and dazzling blood beads rolled out immediately.

Guo Boyan's eyes froze, and he scolded coldly: "Who are you looking for to scare you? If I don't care, if you die, what harm will it do to me?"

Lin Shi burst into tears and said with a sense of disappointment: "Yes, it's just a cheap life, and you will die, but I want to bet, bet on your sincerity, if you are reluctant to let me die, I will be willing to be with you, even with my heart, All to you."

Guo Boyan laughed in anger, smiled and turned around suddenly, like a rapid retreat, with wind on his sleeves.

Lin's vision was blurred, and the scissors were still pressed against his neck.

Guo Bo's words and deeds came to the door, and suddenly stopped, without turning his head: "Tomorrow I will send someone over to take your mother and daughter back to Beijing."