National Beauty

Chapter 84


Lin was afraid that when her daughter was chosen to be the concubine of the prince or the concubine of Emperor Xuande, Aunt Tan devoutly burned incense for bathing and worshipped Buddha in the uncle of Yong'an, and prayed to the Bodhisattva to bless her daughter Tan Xiangyu to become a concubine. Princess Gong. The biological mother of the fourth prince, Prince Gong, was Concubine Hui, who was favored by the emperor, and Concubine Hui's father was He Zhijing, the minister of households, one of the famous people in front of the emperor.

"Mother is right. With your appearance, don't worry about getting married. Look, this is a golden opportunity." After worshiping the Bodhisattva, Aunt Tan took her daughter's hand and returned to the inner room, proud sizing up her daughter.

Tan Xiangyu's appearance is indeed good, with an oval face and willow eyebrows, and a slim and slender figure, just like the person in the painting. Tan Xiangyu used to be proud, but after being satirized by Princess Duanhui last year when she failed to seduce at Shouwang's Mansion, Tan Xiangyu lost confidence in herself and said with her head drooping: "There are so many beauties in the capital, a cousin from Jia Ning will take her away. I went on, she has the support of her uncle, she will definitely get a princess, and the rest..."

There are more beautiful girls and less princes, Tan Xiangyu really has no hope.

"What's the use of a bare face, just because of her reputation for gluttony, even if the ladies in the capital lose the election, it's not her turn." Aunt Tan sarcastically said, "Besides, who doesn't know that her own father is a downtrodden person in Jiangnan, If not, why does the Lu family look down on her? Xiangyu, cheer up, she is far inferior to you in terms of identity."

Tan Xiangyu looked at her mother and nodded slowly.

Helping her daughter regain her fighting spirit, Aunt Tan began to prepare clothes for her daughter to wear in the palace. The daughter is getting older and older, and Aunt Tan is more and more willing to spend money on her daughter. This summer alone, she made four new sets of clothes, all of which are made of high-quality materials. When she had enough clothes, Aunt Tan went to the jewelry store to buy a few exquisite hairpins and earrings for her daughter. When she got home, she taught her daughter how to match the clothes and jewelry.

It was a busy day, and before I knew it, it was dusk.

"Madam, the eldest son is here." The girls were talking in the house, when the maid outside the door suddenly reported.

Aunt Tan was full of surprises, but her nephew hadn't come to see her for a while.

It is expected that the nephew still remembers the story of her daughter seducing King Shou. Aunt Tan told her daughter to wait in the house, and she went to the front yard to meet her nephew. He walked briskly through the corridor, and when he arrived at the front yard, he saw his nephew wearing a crow blue homely robe standing under the eaves of the corridor.

"Why did Pingzhang come here?" Aunt Tan asked lovingly.

Guo Xiao bowed to his aunt and said sternly, "I heard that my cousin will also enter the palace for the audition tomorrow. I picked out a few pieces of jewelry from the warehouse. We don't compare the heights of these beautiful girls, but we can't make people look down on them." After finishing, he winked at Ah Shun, and Ah Shun immediately put the cedar wood jewelry box in his hand on the square table next to Aunt Tan.

Aunt Tan was shocked, her heart pounding with excitement. Ever since the mother and daughter of Lin's family moved to the mansion, I don't know what happened. The nephew's attitude towards her became colder and colder, and Aunt Tan's heart was almost cold. I didn't expect that the nephew, who was always cold, would actually take the initiative to come over to give her jewelry. Looking at the jewelry box on the table, Aunt Tan calmed down in time, pushed the box towards Guo Xiao, and declined, "No, no, aunt has it here, you got it from your mother's dowry, right? Hurry up. Take it back and keep it to please your wife in the future."

Guo Xiao held down the jewelry box and smiled lightly: "Auntie, I gave this to my cousin. You can ask my cousin to come over and see if she likes it."

When Aunt Tan heard it, she knew that her nephew really wanted to give something, and she also sincerely forgave her daughter for her mistake. She immediately smiled and ordered her maid to call her daughter. When the maid went to invite Tan Xiangyu, she naturally told the situation in the front yard. Tan Xiangyu was overjoyed, dressed simply, and came to the front yard happily.

"Cousin." Entering the main room, looking at the handsome cousin sitting in the main seat on the left, Tan Xiangyu called sweetly, her cheeks slightly red.

Guo Xiao looked at her and frowned, "Why did you lose weight?"

Tan Xiangyu heard the words, her eyes were inexplicably sore, and she bit her lip aggrieved. Why is she thin, of course, my cousin is scared. If my cousin has always cared about her so much, she doesn't want to be a princess.

"Come and have a look, I don't know what style your girls like." Guo Xiao opened the box and said to Tan Xiangyu.

Aunt Tan squeezed the veil, and reservedly did not look inside the box.

Tan Xiangyu walked to the front, and saw a whole set of jade heads with aqua color in the box, each of which was amazing when you took it out. She was overjoyed and glanced at the jewelry in the box one by one. She was both rare and curious. Guessing that Guo Xiao was in a good mood at the moment, Tan Xiangyu glanced at him and asked playfully, "Why is my cousin so good all of a sudden? "

Guo Xiao jokingly said: "I don't give it now, and when my cousin becomes a princess, I will look down on my cousin's things."

All she said was what Aunt Tan liked to hear.

The joy in Tan Xiangyu's heart faded a little, and she heard that this good cousin didn't have her at all in her heart.

"Auntie, go get busy, I will ask my cousin a few words alone." Guo Xiao suddenly said to Aunt Tan after drinking a sip of tea.

Aunt Tan was stunned and looked at her nephew. Although she was extremely confused, she nodded with a smile and left the hall to her cousins.

The mother left, and the maids also went out. Tan Xiangyu sat in the seat where her mother had just now, and looked at her cousin opposite her puzzledly.

Guo Xiao glanced outside the door, was silent for a while, and took out a ruby hairpin from his sleeve.

The ruby was as red as pigeon blood, and in the hands of a man, it exuded the irresistible temptation of women in the world. Tan Xiangyu held her breath nervously. Just as she silently waited for her cousin to speak, saying that the hairpin was also for her, she was horrified to see the man pinching her. Holding the head of the hairpin, it didn't seem to exert much force, and the head of the hairpin broke away from the body of the red-gold hairpin!

Tan Xiangyu covered her mouth in shock.

Guo Xiao got up, walked in front of her, and told her to see clearly what was hidden in the hairpin.

A quarter of an hour later, Aunt Tan estimated that the time had come back, but only her daughter was sitting in the hall, and her nephew was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's your cousin?" Aunt Tan asked in surprise.

Tan Xiangyu forced a smile: "If you have something to do, let's go first."

Aunt Tan instinctively sensed something was wrong, and asked her daughter in a low voice, "What did your cousin say?"

Tan Xiangyu shook her head and found an excuse to perfunctory, her cousin repeatedly warned her not to tell anyone, including her mother. Tan Xiangyu didn't dare to say it, for fear that her mother would worry about her.

The next morning, Tan Xiangyu, who had been sleepless all night, got into his carriage.

At the same time, outside the gate of Duke Wei's mansion, Song Jianing also walked to the carriage. The men were all on duty, and only a group of female relatives came out to see her off. Lin held her daughter's hand and looked at her daughter's tender face, although she had lost some weight. Her almond eyes were clear and peaceful, and she didn't put the draft in the slightest. The look in her eyes, for some unknown reason, Lin Shi was suddenly very reluctant, as if her daughter would never come back once she left.

"If you don't have enough food in the palace, remember to tell the female officer in charge, don't be hungry." After a thousand words, Mrs. Lin hugged her daughter and whispered in her daughter's ear. Back then, she remarried Guo Boyan, and before the big wedding, her daughter had to move to the Guogong's mansion. She was afraid that her daughter would be laughed at by the Guo family and told her to eat less. As a result, the child was so hungry. This time, her daughter will stay in the palace for a month. Lin would rather her daughter be laughed at by the show girls because she ate too much, rather than listen to her and starve stupidly for 30 days.

Song Jianing also remembered the silly story of childhood, and nodded obediently.

"Okay, let An An get in the car, don't delay." Mrs. Tai said with emotion.

Lin Shi reluctantly let go of her daughter.

"Grandmother, mother, second aunt and third aunt, go back." After getting into the car, Song Jianing stood in front of the car and persuaded with a smile.

Lin urged her daughter to advance to the carriage.

Song Jianing bent down and went in, sat down, and persuaded the elders to return to the mansion again.

Yiyi said goodbye, and the carriage took the four girls from the imperial palace to the palace. Lin Shi was standing at the door, watching the carriage turn a corner, and then she led Brother Mao, who was also reluctant to part with her sister, and returned to Linyuntang with a complicated mood. The beautiful Mrs. Guo finally entered, and in front of the gate of Shouwang's mansion next door, a guard also quietly went to answer Mr. Fu.

After hearing this, Eunuch Fu walked into the study happily, and said to Lord Shou, who was holding a pen and practicing calligraphy: "My Lord, the four girls have set off and got on the carriage with a smile." After entering the palace draft, he was selected to be the princess, and he married Lu. The reckless man in town is not a star, if the fourth girl is crying, he will doubt whether the fourth girl is stupid.

Zhao Heng wrote his own, as if he had never heard of it.

Eunuch Fu retreated silently, slandering silently in his heart, the lord just pretended, he wanted to see, in the future, when the four girls married, the lord would continue to be with calligraphy and painting all day as he is now.


Three poles in the sun, hundreds of beautiful girls gathered outside Gongchen Gate one after another, each slimmer than the other. Song Jianing stood with the two handkerchiefs, and from time to time, he noticed the inquiring glances of other beautiful girls, and even faint whispers came into his ears, either discussing her figure or laughing at her righteousness. Shrimp down.

Song Jianing only felt the heat. In the capital in early April, the sun was too bright.

After waiting for another quarter of an hour, a female steward finally came out of the palace gate and ordered twenty of the show girls to stand in a row according to the roster and enter the palace in order. Go through Gongchen Gate, walk forward for a certain distance, and then pass through a doorway, and in front is Linhua Gate. There were ten father-in-laws standing side by side in front of the door. The show girls passed by in line. The father-in-law checked one by one carefully, and picked out the short ones with pockmarks and birthmarks on their faces, and the ugly ones with dark appearance.

The father-in-laws chose strictly, and here hundreds of people were suddenly defeated.

The remaining two hundred or so, continue to go to the room for stripping examination, and those with scars, odors or even broken bodies will also be rejected.

It was Song Jianing's turn. Feeling the emotionless gaze of one of the female officials, Song Jianing thought while undressing, since a woman regards thinness as beauty, will she lose the election because she is plump? If this is the case, she will be able to go back to the Duke's Mansion soon, and her mother must be very happy.

Unfortunately, it turned out that the female official did not dislike her being fat, and the look in her eyes seemed to be a bit... amazing.

The author has something to say: Jianing: shy

Female Officer: Wow!

Zhao Heng:…