National Beauty

Chapter 99


Before dawn, Song Jianing woke up. The boudoir was dark, and it was completely silent outside. After a while, there was a faint sound of roosters wafting over. Song Jianing was lying on the warm bed, guessing that it might not even be nine hours now. In summer, it was already bright outside the window. In this cold winter day, the dawn would be a full hour late.

Song Jianing lay motionless, and gradually, he heard some movement in the Shou Palace next door.

King Shou, are you awake

Listening to the sounds that seemed to be out of reach, Song Jianing thought of the god-like Shouwang, and then, in a strange way, thought of the soft reminder from her mother in her ear last night. When her mother wanted to teach her, Song Jianing thought there was something serious Mrs. should learn, so she listened carefully, but the result was not much different from what she had experienced. Those things were mostly between men and women. It's just that the man in her bridal chamber tonight is too unusual, and he is the future emperor.

Your Majesty, the most honorable man in the world, a girl from a small county in the south of the Yangtze River, she was fortunate enough to marry him as his wife.

There is no need to put on a wedding dress, just thinking about it, Song Jianing's whole body is about to float up, just like being drunk.

As soon as Mao Shi arrived, the female official sent from the palace led a few maids, Shuang'er and other maids in, and served her in an orderly manner. Song Jianing was a little cold when she just came out of the bed, but her heart was burning again, and she couldn't help looking at the maids who were holding the wedding dresses. When the princess got married, the dress had a total of twelve weights, and she had to wait for her hair to be combed before putting it on.

Shuang'er came over with a big red fox fur-trimmed jacket and told her to wear it first to keep out the cold.

After getting dressed, Liu'er brought a bowl of longan, lotus seeds and red dates soup. This is Song Jianing's breakfast today. The red jujube soup was a little hot, and it fell into her stomach sweetly. Feeling that everyone couldn't take her eyes off her for a moment, Song Jianing's face slowly turned red. She could finish a bowl of it, but she was embarrassed, only half of it was left.

When her stomach was full, Song Jianing was helped by the female official to the dressing table, her long hair like a waterfall was combed back, and her face was twisted first.

Song Jianing never twisted her face. In her last life, she was sent to Liang Shao's county government office. Her aunt invited her wife, Song Jianing was unwilling. The two maids stuffed her into the sedan chair. She was a concubine of a good family, and Liang Shao simply set up the banquet, but the sedan chair was entered from the side door, and there was no ceremony.

"Miss, bear with it, it may hurt a little." Before starting, the female officer in her fifties said softly.

Song Jianing looked at what was in her hand and closed her eyes nervously.

A slight tingling came, Song Jianing took a breath, and the thin hairs that were almost invisible were plucked out, and the pain made her whole body tense. But there is a kind of pain in this world that people are willing to endure. The female official asked her if she could bear it. Song Jianing nodded sensible, and the corners of her lips raised slightly.

Wrinkling her face, Song Jianing opened her eyes, the female officer held up the mirror and asked her to look, Song Jianing turned her head, a pink and tender face like a peony flower appeared in the mirror, with a pair of almond eyes, as if she had just played a game. Spring rain.

"Sister, show me." Brother Mao squeezed in from behind and looked at his sister's face curiously.

Song Jianing bowed his head thoughtfully and showed it to his brother.

Brother Mao stared at his sister intently, and suddenly leaned on his sister's lap, hehe smiled and said, "Elder sister is beautiful."

Song Jianing touched his younger brother's little face, it was still early, so it was a shame that such a young boy could get up.

Brother Mao was lying in front of him, and it didn't get in the way. The female official continued to comb Song Jianing's hair, combing it into a complicated high bun, and then putting on gold and jade jewelry. Song Jianing felt that his head was getting heavier and heavier, and his body was too stiff to move, for fear of accidentally falling to one side.

"Brother Mao come out." When it was time to change her wedding dress, Lin Shi smiled and called her son away, and asked Brother Mao to wait outside first. She stood side by side with Mrs. Tai, watching her daughter change with emotion. It was not the first time that Song Jianing had been naked in front of a female official, but when the last little coat left her body, she closed her eyes in embarrassment and shivered with cold. come up. Song Jianing raised her arms, her arms were sore from exhaustion, and they started to get hot again.

After putting on the wedding dress, the female official helped the bride to sit on the bed, and only waited for the groom to pick it up, and then put on the heavy phoenix crown.

The female guests of the Duke's Mansion all came to see the neatly dressed bride. Song Jianing held a red-glazed aquarium in her hand, and lowered her eyes shyly, all kinds of compliments in her ears. Song Jianing was embarrassed to look at any of them, she only looked at her brother who was foolishly staying beside her, and suddenly Brother Mao left her sister and ran away, pounced on her mother's leg and acted like a spoiled child: "Mother, I want to marry a daughter-in-law too! "

Tong Yan Wuji made the female guests laugh out loud, and Song Jianing laughed too. After laughing, she suddenly felt very sad.

She is afraid of Guo Xiao, afraid of living in the same house with Guo Xiao, but here is her mother and brother, a stepfather who regards her as his own, a grandmother who loves her, and a twin cousin who likes to bully and protect her everywhere . She is reluctant to bear these relatives. When she gets married today, everyone will become a family. From now on, she will be Princess Shou.

Right at this moment, in front of the gate of King Shou's mansion next door, there was a sudden sound of earth-shattering firecrackers, and King Shou was coming to welcome him!

Song Jianing nervously clenched the treasure bottle in his hand.

Brother Mao and Brother Shang happily ran out to see the liveliness outside. The five- or six-year-old children only thought about the firecracker groom, and didn't know the meaning of their sister's marriage. The children ran away, and the female official walked up to Song Jianing with the phoenix crown and carefully put it on for her. Song Jianing's head was heavy again, she subconsciously looked at her mother, saw her smile at her, her eyes were gentle, and then the red hijab fell.

Song Jianing could only see a little bit under the hijab.

The bridegroom lived too close, and it took longer than the time for the firecrackers to go off. When they came to the Guogong's mansion, the firecrackers were set off for a while, and they were so loud that Song Jianing's heart also trembled. Anticipation and nervousness. The firecrackers were finally set off, and the clamor of the male guests came one after another. Among those loud roars, Song Jianing could only distinguish his cousin Guo Fu, and another who claimed to be "not afraid of taking two more jars of wine". Loud voice, it should be the King of Chu.

Song Jianing rubbed the aquarium unconsciously, wondering what the King of Longevity is doing now, the bride's family will find a way to make things difficult for the bridegroom to greet him, and the prince is no exception. Wen's words are usually about poetry. King Shou has a bad mouth, and his stepfather will definitely not ask people to write poems. If he is martial arts, it should be archery. But, King Shou's archery...

Song Jianing remembered the year when she first met King Shou, the fifteen-year-old King Shou, who had three arrows in a test, but only one hit the bullseye.

Song Jianing couldn't help worrying about the man who was about to get married.

Just as I was uneasy, there was a burst of cheers from the front yard, Song Jianing's heart was pounding, what happened

But the next moment, Song Jianing didn't have the heart to think about what was there, because she heard the noise rushing in quickly towards the Duke's mansion. Song Jianing's heartbeat was getting faster and faster. When the maids called "Your Highness" in unison from the yard, Song Jianing was sweating nervously. One after another, the prince, the groom entered the boudoir, and soon, Song Jianing saw a bright red robe, and he stopped in front of her.

Song Jianing shook slightly.

The female officer handed over a piece of red silk, and Song Jianing caught it with both hands, holding the red silk and the treasure bottle together. The female officer said auspicious words and helped her up steadily. I don't know if the phoenix crown on her head was too heavy, or if she ate too little breakfast, Song Jianing was a little dizzy, top-heavy, and every step was like stepping on an ethereal cloud. superior. This feeling was like a dream, Song Jianing stared at the groom's clothes next to her without blinking, as if she was dreaming and the groom wouldn't run away.

In this way, Song Jianing walked to the main courtyard step by step. In the hall, Mrs. Tai sat in the middle, and Mrs. Guo Boyan and Mrs. Lin sat on either side of Mrs. Tai. A couple of newlyweds slowly stepped into the hall and said goodbye to the woman's elders.

Both Mrs. Tai and Mrs. Lin admonished their daughters, asking their daughters to abide by the virtues of women after marriage, and to teach their husbands and children. Only Guo Boyan, his majestic eyes fell on the face of the bridegroom King Shou, and said solemnly: "My lord, An An is the pearl of Wei Chen's palm. Today Wei Chen entrusts An An to you, I hope Wang Ye will pity her and protect her, and treasure her."

Song Jianing's eyes were sore, his vision blurred, and he heard the person beside him say, "It's my duty."

The low and clear voice was a little cold, but nothing was wrong.

Song Jianing was inexplicably uneasy again. King Shou talks less, how will she get along with King Shou in the future? He doesn't speak, and she doesn't speak

No clue for a while.

After salute, Guo Boyan got up and wanted to carry his daughter into the sedan chair. The man squatted in front of her, Song Jianing tried his best to keep his head still, and slowly crouched down, realizing that his stepfather's shoulders were broad and strong, which was particularly reassuring. Recalling how her stepfather took care of her over the years, Song Jianing suddenly felt an urge. Finally, before her stepfather stepped out of the main gate of the Guogong Mansion, Song Jianing whispered, "My father's nurturing grace is unforgettable for my daughter."

If it wasn't for the stepfather, the mother would have been killed by the second aunt's younger brother, and even if she lived with humiliation, she would live in misery all day long. It was the stepfather who rescued the mother, the stepfather who gave her a home, and the stepfather who gave her the honor of marrying beautifully. This man is like the strongest umbrella, sheltering her and her mother from the wind and rain.

His daughter's thin voice rang in his ears, Guo Boyan's footsteps paused slightly, and a touch of complexity flashed across his eyes.

He was ashamed of his daughter's gratitude.

"If you suffer any grievance over there, just tell my father, my father will support you." Before putting his daughter into the sedan chair, Guo Boyan whispered.

Song Jianing hummed softly.

Guo Boyan turned around, and the female official supported him, letting Song Jianing sit firmly in the sedan chair.

The curtain of the sedan chair fell, and Song Jianing couldn't even see the hem of his family's clothes. All that was left in front of him was the boxy sedan chair, which was full of red.

"Get up!"

With a loud sound, the sedan chair shook for a while, and Song Jianing's heart followed, until he got used to the bumps of the sedan chair.

She wanted to lift the hijab, but she raised her hands, and finally put them down.

The female official said, don't let her move, this is the big wedding she had been looking forward to, and Song Jianing didn't want to make a mistake.