Natural Scum

Chapter 7


During courtship, emperor penguins will spread their wings and circle around the object of pursuit. This is their unique dance.

— "Emperor Penguin Breeding Diary"

When Miracle arrived at the stadium, the game had already started. He staggered to the sidelines, only to feel that many people were watching him.

This is not surprising, he is also considered a celebrity in Tunghai University, and he is often pointed at and talked about by others.

But Miracle soon discovered that the source of this gaze was a group of people sitting on the sidelines.

Li Yu and his buddies were also sitting there watching the football game.

They also saw a miracle. They glanced over from the crowd, and some people quickly reached out and grabbed Li Yu's arm, fearing that he would rush up.

—They didn't know that Li Yu had gone crazy long ago.

Miracle scanned the layout of the scene, and then suddenly realized that he was only paying attention to Tan Menglong, and didn't pay attention to the opposing team. In fact, a friend of Li Yu was in the opposing team today, that's why they came.

The Miracle was neither from the environmental engineer nor from the opposite department, but the environmental engineer silently gave him a seat, so it was hard to guarantee that he was not just watching a show.

Not to mention, someone saw senior Bai Shengqiu today. He returned to China, but it seems that he already has a girlfriend. I can't see Senior Bai's Asura Field, and it's not about Young Master Li's, it seems to be quite exciting, all of which are violent.

Li Yu was sitting in the stands next door, with a serious face, and after a long while, he ordered coldly: "This game must be won!"

The friend rolled his eyes, annoyed him too, "How to win, you don't know that the winning rate in this game is low, otherwise you go up?"

Li Yu: "..."

Li Yu was furious.

Miracle was also thinking about it. Originally, Tan Menglong was not very happy because of seeing his predecessors. Isn't Li Yu sitting here again today, isn't it even more annoying.

But he couldn't throw Li Yu ten miles away on the spot. After thinking about it, he stood up and changed places with the person in the corner, so that he would be far away from Li Yu.

Li Yu was furious, "Childish, are you a primary school student? Even if you break up with me, the seats should be so far apart!"

He pushed away his friends at once, and when someone stopped him, he said: "I must go there today, and whoever dares to stop me will have no friends!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally watched him go out, complaining wildly in their hearts, you are a primary school student, right

For a moment, the people in the stands were indifferent to watching the game, and stared at Li Yu.

On the court, Tan Menglong felt restless for a while. Whenever he was excited about miracles again, these ghostly exes would appear and upset him.

He didn't want to talk to these people, and he didn't want to be like them.

Besides, onlookers, the image of Miracle may have subtle differences in everyone's minds, but based on his appearance, a considerable number of people think that he belongs to the petite and cute category, so there is no force value.

Just like when Miracle started playing basketball and startled Tan Menglong, at this moment, Li Yu strode towards Miracle in full view, only aggressive can be described by four words.

Wherever they passed, people gave way one after another.

As for the miracle, there is no way to avoid it, but under everyone's expectant eyes, one hand rested on the edge of the stand, and deftly turned over and climbed up, and rushed a few steps on tiptoe. Grandstand tops over two stories high!

Everyone: "!!"

There was a burst of exclamation, louder than the movement when scoring a goal. No one thought Miracle would have this ability.

Li Yu: "..."

Li Yu stood below and looked up, his face was livid, even if he was given a ladder, he might not be able to climb it.

Miracle sat on the edge, dangling his feet in the air twice, thinking that this angle was quite good, anyway, his eyesight was enough to see clearly.

Li Yu couldn't hold back that face, and shouted "Come down"—by the way, based on his understanding of Miracle, if he yelled, Miracle would not say "Come up", but would probably throw a stone at him.

Li Yu froze for a while, and left the scene angrily.

Onlookers: Oh—

As for the miracle, he sat on the top alone, cheering and cheering.

This game has the largest number of spectators and the most viscous. It is not just about how a miracle will pursue a new boyfriend, but everyone is concerned about how the miracle will come about later. Outside of the ball game, everyone has to be distracted by the miracle.

At this moment, there are already live posts on the forum, so there are still people coming to watch. I thought to myself, the scumbag still has some tricks.

Tan Menglong's teammates winked at him, full of ridicule.

Tan Menglong's expression gradually eased, and even after scoring a goal, seeing Miracle standing on a high place and cheering by his name, he couldn't help laughing because of the opponent's actions.

Li Yu, who left in a huff, also saw this scene from a distance, feeling very sad. He can fully understand Tan Menglong's feelings. When he was the protagonist, he was even more airy than Tan Menglong because of his personality.

It’s so pleasant to be with Miracle. He is frank, cute, and full of whimsical ideas. When he says he will go to the South Pole, he will go to the South Pole. It makes people feel like they can do whatever they want, and they don’t have to care about anything outside…

Li Yu was immersed in that feeling, which is why he always wanted to recover the miracle. His friends thought that he was just not reconciled to being dumped, and even persuaded him to be a scumbag, but he was just obsessed with that kind of life that fit so well.

When Li Yu noticed, the chest hairball had already been pinched flat by him. He came back to his senses, checked it carefully, and made sure there was no damage, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, Li Yu's eyes darkened.

Sometimes time really can't smooth everything out, but it makes him... more unwilling.

The whistle sounded, the game was over, and the Environmental Engineering team undoubtedly won.

Tan Menglong was dripping with sweat. After the end of the field, the players each had their own logistics to deliver water, but he was left out. Of course, it was because everyone knew that scumbags would come to deliver water.

At the same time, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Miracle jumped down from the top of the platform in twos and threes with the help of a cushion, landed steadily, and won a lot of exclamations. Then he calmly took out water, cakes, snacks and other items from his backpack. It makes people wonder if his backpack has room.

The water is for Tan Menglong, and the cake is for the team members. He is always very thoughtful at such times.

Maybe everyone has watched the post of the number one scumbag in eight schools behind their backs, but they still welcome the cake brought by miracles. Who can resist a cake from Jiajia Restaurant.

They even muttered, "Does Jiajia Restaurant still serve cakes?"

The packaging is clearly from Jiajia Restaurant, but no one has ever tasted the cake at Jiajia Restaurant, and no one will think it is counterfeit after tasting it, it is very delicious.

It is a miracle that the chef of the restaurant at home made it specially. Of course, he can’t see it elsewhere. He just customized it according to Tan Menglong’s taste. Now he is eager to watch Tan Menglong eat, “Is it delicious? Is it delicious?”

Tan Menglong looked at Miracle amusedly, and he found that Miracle became anxious as if there was an invisible tail swinging around him, begging for attention at 360 degrees.

so cute.

"... delicious." Tan Menglong wanted to be more reserved, so he only said two words.

But this is all self-importance. The teammates next to him will know what he is like, and it is over, and I am afraid they won't last long.

The miracle revolved around Tan Menglong, tidying up the jersey behind him, or sweeping the dust on the front of his clothes, with great joy, "Eat some more fruit."

This fruit is also grown at home, full of aura, sweet and delicious, and cut into small pieces, it can be said to be very thoughtful.

Miracle wanted to feed it to Tan Menglong more thoughtfully, but unfortunately Tan Menglong refused.

Tan Menglong's teammates didn't know what it was like.

If there are all straight men present, there is a question that everyone has already discussed. It is a miracle that there is such a person who waits on everything and puts the best things in front of you. Can you not be tempted at all?

It's so fucking enviable...

How wonderful it would be if this was a girl who pursued herself!

At this moment, whether it is Yan Jinghua from the teaching building or Li Yu from the corner of the school, they are all watching the live posts on the forum at this time. Someone took a picture of Miracle holding a cake and giving it to Tan Menglong.

How sweet, it's just a little game, just take it seriously. The students in the post scolded the scumbag, and at the same time went crazy about Aite's boyfriend/girlfriend, asking them to learn the spirit of others.

Yan Jinghua stared at the photo for a while, then slowly put away the phone after pondering.

"Damn boy!" Li Yu murmured to himself for a long time, completely broke down, and sent a message to his friends outside the school: Brother, do me a favor...