Natural Scum

Chapter 8


The emperor penguins raised in captivity in the zoo, especially the ones that are difficult to hatch, have a deep relationship with the breeders, and when they accept tourists to visit, they have a close relationship with humans and are very adaptable to the artificial environment.

— "Emperor Penguin Breeding Diary"

Li Yu has a great dream, to lock up the miracle until he is obedient!

Now, he is working towards that goal.

But there are too many people who pay attention to Miracle, and Li Yu also knows (and experienced) Miracle's own strength, so he dare not start with Miracle's personal relationship.

Since Miracle's whole heart is now on Tan Menglong, Li Yu chooses to start with Tan Menglong.

Li Yu made a lot of preparations, so early in the morning, Tan Menglong was told to go to the teacher's office before Miracle came to contact Tan Menglong.

On the other hand, Miracle is also "inexplicably" stumbled by many things.

In addition to Tan Menglong, there is another student in the teacher's office, who looks familiar and should be a classmate of the same major. They were all called by the professor to discuss and wanted them to participate in a competition.

In fact, Tan Menglong didn't know why he chose it so early, maybe the professor was busy with other things, so he only had time at this moment.

Anyway, after the talk, it was already a bit late. He chatted with another student. We will be teammates in the future, with the same major and age, so when the other student proposed to have dinner together, he agreed.

During the dinner, the teammate met another friend and joined them together. We ate and chatted in the school cafeteria.

In the middle, Tan Menglong went to drink juice twice, and was asked about the feeling of being pursued by a miracle-no doubt, he was used to it. Fortunately, after he expressed his discomfort, the other party did not continue.

When he left the cafeteria, Tan Menglong only felt that his footsteps were becoming more and more sloppy, and he felt dizzy when he caught a cold. "I suddenly feel very uncomfortable. It can't be that the food just now was not clean. Are you okay?"

The other two looked puzzled, "No, what's wrong with you?"

Tan Menglong leaned on the wall, wanted to speak but couldn't speak, his dizziness became more and more intense.

"Go to the school doctor's office to have a look, maybe it's food poisoning." The friend said immediately, "Let me help him there, you still have class later."

The teammate looked at it, wondering, "Food poisoning? That's fine, I'll talk to his roommate."

At first Tan Menglong was able to walk a few steps by himself, but then he simply fainted and fell unconscious.

Li Yu met Yan Jinghua downstairs, and both of them stopped. Li Yu showed a half-smile, "Professor Yan."

Yan Jinghua glanced at him, "I didn't expect you to have friendship with Professor Jin."

Professor Jin is the one who called Tan Menglong. He and Yan Jinghua are both in the same department, so of course they know each other.

Li Yu's heart skipped a beat, shit, this guy is a ghost, he won't notice anything. But he quickly calmed down, it's all right, he made arrangements all over the place, just to make people unable to discover the ultimate goal.

Li Yu looked indifferent, "Hehe, it's okay."

Yan Jinghua looked up and down without saying a word, making Li Yu feel hairy, and then turned and left without saying a word.

Li Yu froze in place for a while, almost sweating, "Damn it! You're scaring me."

When Miracle received Li Yu's call, his first reaction was to hang up, because he had other things to do.

Miracle couldn't get in touch with Tan Menglong. After asking his roommate, he heard that he felt uncomfortable after eating, so he was sent to the school doctor's office, but they went to the school doctor's office to find no one. They suspected that he was in a big hospital, and they were discussing whether he would It's serious, should I report it to the counselor

In such a situation, Li Yu stopped him on the phone, "Don't hang up, you can still find Tan Menglong if you hang up?"

"What do you mean?" Miracle asked alertly.

Li Yu began to hehe, laughing very cheaply, "I will tell you when you come to a place. Don't worry, I can't do anything in a society ruled by law, no matter to you or to anyone else."

But the more he said that, the more disturbing it became, and besides, it wasn't just personal injury that counted as injury. Miracle had dated Li Yu before, and he knew exactly how Li Yu was going to trick him.

Miracle's face darkened, "Give me the address."

At this moment, Miracle already had a plan in mind.

Li Yu is targeting him, controlling Tan Menglong, the ultimate goal is nothing but him. What is there to be afraid of their emperor penguins, first follow Li Yu, and when Tan Menglong is all right, he will break Li Yu's leg again...

So he didn't plan to find any school or even the police anymore, so how could he beat Li Yu.

From Li Yu's ears, Miracle was hopeless. He had the urge to laugh wildly, and he didn't forget to remind Miracle after reporting the address, "I've made a lot of good friends recently!"

Miracle hung up the phone without saying a word, and went to where Li Yu said.

"Where's Tan Menglong?" Miracle asked Li Yu's first words when he saw him.

Li Yu held his breath in his heart, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, and he said coldly: "He will be fine, as long as you obey me obediently."

Miracle:"… "

Li Yu took out a hemp rope, and under the protection of bodyguards, he slowly approached Miracle.

Miracle gave him a disdainful look, thinking that his mind was not very good.

Seeing the miracle, Li Yu did not resist. He was overjoyed, tied him up beautifully with a rope, and touched his cheek reluctantly, "Does it hurt?"

Miracle didn't even look at him, and ignored him.

Li Yu couldn't help but pinched his cheek hard, and Miracle glared at him, but he lowered his head, put it on Miracle's shoulder, and murmured: "You still know it hurts..."

Then, under the miraculous gaze, he chuckled, "Don't worry, I will have someone send Tan Menglong back." The short disappearance, the time difference, Tan Menglong would not know what happened, and neither would anyone else.

The bodyguards were forced to watch an emotional drama, and they were all silent.

Until Li Yu ordered, "Bring the gift box."

It's more like a box than a gift box. This is what he prepared for the miracle. He wants to treat the miracle as his belated birthday present this year, and for this reason, he bought a house specially as a place to put the present.

Li Yu carried Miracle into the gift box, smiled at him, and closed the box. Isn't it fun to wrap a present yourself and then unwrap it yourself

Li Yu still had time to go to the school to punch in a card and show his face, and then whistled and went to his new house to unwrap presents.

In fact, he also wanted to open the gift immediately, but he just wanted to let Miracle know what it was like to wait, so he felt his appetite was whetted, so he ordered someone to take Tan Menglong to the hospital, and then drove home.

The big gift box was placed in the middle of the living room, Li Yu lay happily on the lid for a while, and then happily opened the lid.

"What the fuck!" Li Yu scolded.

Inside his pink gift box, there was a man who was over 1.8 meters tall, and his facial features were a collection of beatings—Tan Menglong.

Tan Menglong also slowly opened his eyes because of the sound, and got up a little dizzy. He was much better than when he just fainted, "Where is this place?"

He looked at Li Yu with disgust, after all, it wasn't the first day that he hated this person.

Li Yu was stunned and exasperated, "Why are you here? Where is my wife? Why are you so disgusting! What are you doing, who put you in here? Hey, let me ask you, how did you come in! Look, What are you looking at, do you think I miss you here?"

He quickly thought in his mind, what link went wrong, who did it, and it made him disgusted even if he cut off the beard. The first thing he thought of was Yan Jinghua, and that guy's sinister face flashed past.

Tan Menglong was more straightforward, he said word by word: "I fuck your mother!"

Then he punched him.

This is a large flat floor of about 200 square meters, which has only undergone simple decoration, and in the middle, it is even simpler, separated by a transparent room, which only has bathroom facilities and bedding.

The door is more interesting, it is a door that cannot be opened from the inside, only from the outside, or with a remote control device in hand.

The entire space, seemingly spacious, gives people a feeling of oppression, because its design purpose is to imprison.

Bai Shengqiu opened the box.

Miracle was nestling in there bored, to be honest, because it was a bit long, he even took a nap. But he didn't expect that when he looked up, he saw Bai Shengqiu.

Miracle crawled out from inside, and then involuntarily looked up, down, left, and right at the transparent glass room, no, this level of firmness should not be ordinary glass.

Bai Shengqiu smiled slightly, and said quietly: "Long time no see, it's a miracle."

Only now did he formally say hello to this long-lost old lover. God knows how long he endured.

There was a surging emotion in his heart, ready to come out, mixed with some anxiety, which he forcibly pressed down. He didn't want to come to this point, but he could only do this, didn't he

Maybe it's a bit overkill, but at present, this is the only way to satisfy his lack, and he can't bear the days when he can't see miracles anymore. He wants to see the miracle every moment, no matter what the miracle is doing.

He knew that a normal person would be very unnatural and fearful, the feeling of having no privacy exposed in front of others, isn't it good...

But after that, you will give in, you will admit your mistakes.

He also knew that Miracle deserved such treatment, otherwise it would never change. All this is for them to be together smoothly in the end, because of this day, how long has he tossed and turned.

Seeing Miracle moving slowly, Bai Shengqiu turned his back to himself, looked at the simple furniture with no hidden functions, and said softly: "This is the room I prepared specially for you, do you like it?"

Miracle's figure began to tremble slightly, and his fists were slowly clenched.

That's fine, that's okay, it's the start he expected. Bai Shengqiu showed a complicated smile.

The next moment, Miracle turned around slowly, with reddish eye circles, choked with sobs and sincerely said: "Thank you, I like it so much!"

Bai Shengqiu: "...?"