Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 103: Inferi 103 Tom Riddle's Diary Horcrux


"Of course! Of course I know you."

Lucius Malfoy's mood was very complicated. Once upon a time, owning this diary was an honor, a supreme belief, and a symbol of status. But on that night more than ten years ago, when the Dark Lord disappeared After that, this diary became a hot potato. It was evidence of being a Death Eater, an evil Horcrux, and an abyss of darkness.

Lucius actually wanted to throw away the diary countless times, but knowing the power of the diary, he did not dare to do so, so he had to seal the diary in the secret room of Malfoy Manor. If no one touches it, no one will be deceived. .

On the night when Weasley checked it nine times in a row, Lucius panicked again and unconsciously thought of this diary. Only this diary could make Weasley go crazy. Although he couldn't find it every time he came here and always found some irrelevant things to find trouble, Lucius asked himself very clearly what his real goal was.

Tom Riddle's diary, Voldemort's Horcruxes.

At the end of that night, Lucius opened the secret room that had been sealed for many years, taking the diary with him and preparing to find a good time to throw it away.

I don’t know what happened, but I met the Weasley family again in Diagon Alley, haha! Isn’t this the best trash can

Taking advantage of the opportunity to laugh at the other party for only buying second-hand books, Lucius quietly mixed the diary in.

Everything should have been seamless, and this incident could have been used to get revenge on Weasley.

But when Regulus Black appeared, everything changed.

Lucius felt that this brother-in-law was so strange. How did he know about this diary? How did he know that he would bring it out today? Lucius finally understood after seeing Regulus Black talking and laughing with the Weasley family.

All of this was a trap. Just to get him to bring out the diary, Weasley frantically searched Malfoy Manor.

But now it was too late to understand. The diary in Regulus Black's hand disappeared, which made Lucius realize that he would always have a handle in the opponent's hands.

"Regulus Black, do you know what you are doing?"

Lucius remembered that he nervously yelled this sentence, but the other party explained it by saying that he was looking for old books.

And I remember that Regulus Black had clearly hinted that the Death Eater symbol on his arm could be removed.

"This is the diary of the Dark Lord when he was young, and it is also his Horcrux."

The only ones present were the Malfoys and Regulus Black. Since they had taken out this diary, there was nothing they couldn't talk about.

"So, Lucius! Please confirm."

Regulus Black motioned for Lucius to pick up the diary.

Although he didn't understand what Regulus Black was up to, the impact of the Horcrux on Lucius was very small, and he was not afraid of being seduced and used by the diary. Picking up the diary, Lucius felt a little strange. The original feeling of being as dark as an abyss and as sinister as a demon was completely gone. What was left was just thick dark magic power, without those crazy and paranoid thoughts and memories.

A Horcrux is still the same Horcrux, but there is no personality inside it.

Lucius was extremely surprised when he came to this conclusion. How could this be possible? No one had ever been able to refine another person's Horcrux again.

Although Lucius could not directly see the properties of this piece of equipment, he could feel the changes.

For example: I feel that my bloodline is nobler! I feel like my charm has improved! I feel like I am very proficient in the three unforgivable curses!

In particular, I feel that I can communicate better with other nobles and learn their secrets, and I feel that I can lead the Death Eaters to gain their allegiance and recognition.

Shoes: The Diary of Tom Riddle [Horcrux]

Required Level: 7

+7 noble blood

+7 improves charisma

+7 soul-stealing spell effect [3 set items]

+7 Cruciatus Curse effect [5 set items]

+7 monster resurrection effect [7 set items]

+77% extra gold earned from monsters

+77% better chance of obtaining magic equipment

Gain extra favor and secrets from nobles

Gain additional allegiance and recognition from Death Eaters

Lucius was overwhelmed by such a bunch of feelings. Confidence and arrogance, arrogance and arrogance. There was only one word difference between these two words, but this Horcrux could directly help people transcend this concept. At this moment, Lucius felt that he was arrogant and arrogant, and he even looked at Regulus Black wrongly, as if he was looking at an insect.

Why is this happening? I didn't feel like this when I saw Regulus Black just now.

Lucius was shocked to realize that all this was related to the diary he had in hand.

He was so frightened that he quickly threw the diary back on the table. The current diary was even more powerful than before. Even Lucius himself was almost controlled. If there was any trace of the personality of the creator in it, then Lucius would Hughes will no longer be his original self, he will become someone else.

"how so!"

At this time, Lucius could not retain his grace at all, and looked at Regulus Black with a horrified expression.

Narcissa witnessed the change in Lucius's temperament from the sidelines. The temperament that was above everything appeared instantly, and then disappeared without a trace. The source of all this was Lucius's contact with the diary. relationship.

"Keep a normal mind, Lucius! Only those who keep a normal mind can control the power in this diary."

Regulus Black picked up the diary, not exuding the same aura as Lucius just now, but the same improvement in charm was significant.

Regulus Black didn't say a word. The stronger the desire, the easier it is for a person to be controlled by a Horcrux.

Nowadays, the six-piece set of Horcruxes still lacks Nagini, the Three Deathly Hallows still lacks the Elder Wand, and what they still want is the sword of Gryffindor.

However, there are too many things going on at the moment, and there are still many things that need to be digested. In addition, the time has not yet come, so other items have to be put away.

"This [Horcrux] has been transformed by me. After eliminating the personality of the Dark Lord inside, the Horcrux itself remains."

Regulus Black put the diary into the system so that the Malfoys would be constantly nervous holding it.

However, what he said was so accurate that the eyes of the couple opposite him lit up. Horcruxes can still be transformed!

"The reason why I show you this is because I want you to understand that I can remove the mark left by Voldemort. It just depends on whether you are happy or not! After all, there is no Dark Mark. When Voldemort returns, your Malfoy family will become Traitor."

Regulus Black pulled up the sleeves of his arms. Both arms were smooth and white, without any tattoo marks.

Lucius knew that Regulus Black joined the Death Eaters. In those years, most Slytherins joined the Death Eaters. For a common goal, these passionate young people started a revolution, but all the Slytherins joined the Death Eaters. The revolutionaries did not see clearly what kind of person their leader was. After discovering his selfishness and cruelty, those who participated were no longer able to withdraw.

Just as Sirius commented on Regulus in the original book, being a Death Eater is not a job that one can resign from, either to die or to die directly.

"I need to think about this."

Lucius not only has the Dark Mark himself, but Narcissa also has the Dark Mark. If the Dark Mark is eliminated now, then once Voldemort rises again, it will really be time for reckoning.

"Okay! You have enough time to think about it. Why don't we talk about the handover of the dock while eating!"

Regulus Black took the initiative to give up and continue to persuade them. After all, the Malfoy family was also a big business. It was very difficult to move or hide, which required enough time to prepare in advance.

Don't talk about individuals escaping on their own, are all the assets used to fund the enemy

However, since Regulus Black has already mentioned this matter, I believe he will also help in the future. Lucius has many plans, but it just takes time.

"Of course! Let's talk while eating. Today there is a fruit platter made by Narcissa. The other dishes are made by the house elves, Dobby! Set up the dining room immediately."