Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 106: Inferi 106 Astoria and Daphne


It's almost Christmas again! It snowed continuously all night last night.

Regulus Black woke up early in the morning and subconsciously looked around, right! There are no windows in my room.

After a simple wash, I came outside and found that even the windows in the corridor were covered with a thin layer of ice. I could usually see some strange-shaped swimming fish or big octopus when I crossed the lake, but today I couldn't see anything.

The surroundings were white, reflecting the pure whiteness of people's hearts, but this was not what Regulus Black wanted.

Returning to the Room of Requirement, he turned his attention to the pile of colorful gifts beside the bed.

These are all gifts from those lovely girls. The festival promotes economic prosperity. This sentence is the same wherever it is placed.

With a wave of his hand, the entire big bed rose up, revealing the bathtub below. He took a comfortable bath first.

My body seems to have not changed at all compared to last year.

Regulus Black admired his reflection in the mirror, his body was simply perfect, oh! It’s gotten a little bigger down there…

After lingering for a while, Regulus Black opened his gift seriously.

Hermione gave him a book about the alchemy of synthesizing living things, Zhang Qiu gave him a landscape painting, and Pansy gave him a tie that was very suitable for his daily wear. Several senior girls gave him gifts. Limited edition chocolates, plus a red lip blessing card.

But among the pile of gifts waiting to be opened, there are always some unexpected gifts.

Draco gave a grooming kit for men, and Harry Potter gave a Golden Snitch. Look, the wings are still flapping!

Regulus Black sighed. He had seen the golden snitches for Quidditch games sold individually in a Quidditch supply store. Because they were all hand-made of pure gold, such a small ball was the best. The cheaper one costs 50 galleons... 50! Galleons!

Harry Potter is indeed a representative figure of the rich second generation, and he can easily give out such gifts. You must know that many students from pure-blood wizard families do not have such a large amount of pocket money. In one word... rich!

However, Regulus Black's gift in return would naturally satisfy them.

Harry Potter and Ron accepted Nearly Headless Nick's invitation to attend the ghosts' Christmas together.

When the time finally reached evening, Regulus Black finally saw Harry Potter in the hall.

He looked terrible. The white spots of frozen sweat could be seen on Harry and Ron's robes. It was obvious that they had been through many indescribable adventures. It is normal for him not to show up with phosphorus fire that can spontaneously ignite.

Regulus Black is wearing a low-key black velvet dress, which is of course Gothic style. The soft fabric makes his figure look slim and moderate, and the white lining is clean and white, with suitable dark shading. The patterned tie makes the whole person look like a black hole, making the viewer want to find out. It is very mysterious and sexy.

Harry Potter and the others caught up with the last dessert, a milk pudding. The two naughty children swallowed the whole cup of pudding in one gulp, and the table immediately became clean, without even a scrap of bread.

"Sleep well! Merry Christmas kids!"

After Dumbledore's routine speech ended, the students left the hall one after another.

Not far away is Pansy Parkinson. When everyone left, she was still sitting on the chair with her arms folded. She also arranged herself well today, showing a hint of sexiness on top of being cute. Regule The handkerchief that S. Black used to wipe her tears was folded into the shape of a flower and pinned to her chest.

"Why don't you go back and rest?"

Regulus Black asked casually as he passed behind Pansy.

"Waiting for Draco, our platinum master has established a girlfriend."

Pansy Parkinson raised her chin and motioned to Draco and Astoria, who were sitting not far away. The two people over there were talking intimately, but Draco was smiling slightly. Bend down and say something to Astoria.

"Maybe it's just Xiaolong threatening others again!"

Regulus Black knew that this couple was a couple both on and off screen, and he hoped lovers would eventually get married.

Draco said in the original work that the partner he is looking for is someone who has the same ideas as him. Family background, wealth, and bloodline are secondary.

Astoria's usually very bright blond hair became even more shiny today, hanging fluffily to her waist and tied up with an elegant silver hairband. She was wearing a dark blue dress with a puffy skirt. Look cute and fashionable. She smiled, as if she didn't see Draco's rude expression, and listened to what he said.

"I think they will end up together."

Pansy Parkinson was a little sad. Draco was her original target, and this point had never wavered.

But ever since she received the message from her family, the little Loli began to sway under pressure for a long time.

Because Regulus Black rejected the conditions proposed by her family, he gave Pansy Parkinson a vague affection, and was accompanied by a handkerchief for a long time. This kind of affection has turned into something called love.

Draco Malfoy met a new love here, the youngest daughter of the Greengrass family who just entered school this year, Astoria Greengrass, who is more clingy than her sister Daphne Greengrass Goblin.

Comparing the two, Pansy Parkinson was emotionally unwilling to admit it, but intellectually she understood that there was no hope for her on Draco's side.

Regulus Black has no interest in this lolita named Astoria, because at the age of 7, he should leave this little lolita to Draco! But her sister Daphne is a good target.

"I like this tie you gave me very much. It has good taste! If you have any troubles, you can come to me and talk to me."

Regulus Black praised the other party softly, and then left the hall first.

On the other side, Astoria showed that she was more willing to join the Malfoy family than her sister, which also put Draco under pressure.

Although he knew that his marriage was probably not under his control, finding someone who was most compatible with him within a limited range was what Draco really wanted. Speaking of which, Draco had no shortage of girls around him.

Girls who have been with him for a long time include Pansy Parkinson in the near future and Daphne Greengrass in the distant future.

In fact, Draco initially had a good impression of Hermione, which is why there were various attacks. However, due to the different natures of the two colleges, this attack gradually turned into hostility.

But when Hermione changed to another college, these childish reasons no longer held true, but at that time Draco knew that Hermione already had a heart, and no matter how good he was, he couldn't compare with the teacher of the same school, even if he was just a teacher. Just a teaching assistant.

And now, a person who has made his plans clear and is willing to obey his orders has appeared, Astoria Greengrass.

Would she be Draco's ideal partner? Will she be as connected as she says she is

Draco didn't know, but time would tell, there were still six more years to get along at Hogwarts.

"Let's talk about this for today. I will pay attention to you in the future."

Draco ended his conversation with Astoria and left with his two green leaves, Crabbe and Goyle.

Astoria was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Draco to leave her like this without even saying hello, but looking at Pansy Parkinson who was following behind silently, Astoria hurriedly followed. Go up.

A pile of bones was dumped in a main passage of the school. Students and professors who got the news and came to watch blocked both ends of the passage.

Professor Snape and several other professors were examining the pile of bones.

"There are a lot of small animal bones here, but there are no human bones."

Finally breathing a sigh of relief, Snape stood up and reported to Dumbledore. After all, if any of the students were eaten and only bones were left, then Hogwarts would have to be closed because it was no longer safe.

"So, Severus! Can you confirm what animal did it?"

"I'm afraid it's a snake, Headmaster."