Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 11: Inferi 011 Hogwarts and Grimm's Fairy Tales


"There are a lot of things that need to be done today, and the potions used by each grade need to be sorted out."

Severus Snape rarely treated Regulus Black with harsh words. After all, they were colleagues, even just an assistant.

"Frog's eyes, black spider's legs, narcissus root, aconite, hairy bezoars, porcupine quills, is that all for today?"

Regulus Black took the potion catalog and found the entire box of potion materials from the warehouse.

"That's quite a lot, I hope you haven't forgotten how to handle potions."

Severus Snape had no intention of helping at all, but he expressed some recognition that Regulus Black could accurately find the materials on the list. Naturally, his way of recognition was very Slytherin-like. .

"How could I forget! Although I didn't pay much attention to Potions in the past, my test scores were always O."

When students are in fifth grade, they take OWLs, and in seventh grade, they take NEWTs, which are graduation exams.

The exam levels are divided into:







As a standard Slytherin, aristocratic children must achieve very good results at the request of the family, especially Slytherin. If you want to get along, you should enter Hufflepuff from the beginning, where It is the place where noble children hang out, and it is also the college with the second most nobles among the four colleges.

"May I?"

Regulus Black just asked Snape a routine question, and then took the dragonhide gloves of the other person's work.

You cannot use a magic wand when handling magic potions. You must avoid being contaminated by magic during the entire process. It is best to wear dragon skin gloves to isolate magic power. If the magic potion materials are contaminated by the wizard's magic power, the effect of the magic potion produced will be There will definitely be deviations.

This is why you need to do it yourself. Otherwise, wouldn't it be more convenient if the wizard waved his magic wand and all the medicinal materials were processed properly

Furthermore, some materials have various [medicinal effects], and direct skin contact is definitely a wonderful experience.

In general, caring for yourself starts with protecting your hands, and making magic dragon leather gloves is your best choice.

For more than an hour after that, both the Potions Professor and his new teaching assistant turned on mute, and quickly handled their respective potions in their hands with precision and care. Both of them were equally good in terms of technique and completeness.

When both of them stopped what they were doing, all the potion materials to be used this week had been processed, which was still enough for seven grades.

A frying pan was boiling with heat, and the aroma of medicine floated in the office. Severus Snape stirred it gently, then took out two wooden cups from the table, poured the medicine into them with a spoon, and poured One cup was given to his assistant.


Regulus Black took the warm cup and took a sip, feeling a calming and happy feeling welling up in his heart.

"The Demulcent and the... Euphoria? You mixed the effects of both potions! Congratulations!"

In the wizarding world, potions masters like Severus Snape are not unavailable but absolutely rare, especially those who can play tricks on old recipes.

What Regulus Black just drank was a new potion mixed with two potions, and it retained the effects of the two potions.

"This is just something I usually boil and drink as tea. In fact, I can no longer feel its effect."

Severus Snape also drank this cup of potion silently. Did he need a soothing drug for his irritable mood? Do you need euphoria for your mental pain

Severus Snape didn't know that after so many years, his emotions and spirits that needed to be calmed down had long since calmed down. Why was he still unconscious or accustomed to drinking such a decoction

As a time traveler, Regulus Black naturally knew the life of the potions professor, so it was no wonder that he would drink this potion as tea.

"You have to teach the new students in the second period today, so I won't be here. Hogwarts is so big, I believe you can find a room that I can occupy for a long time. I will come back when everything is sorted out."

After drinking the tea, Regulus Black put down his cup and prepared to leave. After all, he, an assistant teacher, did not have a dormitory or an office.

After leaving the basement, Regulus Black began to wander around the school, walking slowly up to the eighth floor.

This floor contains the Headmaster's office, Professor Flitwick's office, the dormitories of Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, and the Room of Requirement, the destination of Regulus Black's trip.

The Room of Requirement is located on the eighth floor of the castle opposite the tapestry where the troll beats Barnabas the fool.

Regulus Black walked past the tapestry three times, thinking 'I need a place to hide something'.

A black and shabby door appeared where the wall used to be.

Pushing open the door, Regulus Black walked into a large warehouse. Everything was piled haphazardly. Only a few paths were left for visitors to pass. Everything here was from Hogwarts. Items that are no longer needed, but they are considered the school's property and cannot be thrown away easily, so the school's house elves just pile them here to collect dust.

Along the way, I walked past all kinds of debris, dilapidated tables and chairs, dilapidated books, an unknown residual potion in a dilapidated bottle, a dilapidated troll specimen... and then a sculpture of a wizard, I found it!

Regulus Black took out his wand and used a magic on the head of the sculpture, "Clean it up!"

The Diadem of Ravenclaw, the only relic of Rowena Ravenclaw, the founder of Ravenclaw House, who enchanted it to increase the wisdom of the wearer.

The crown is a sterling silver crown with the image of an eagle as the main body. The top of the crown is set with a large sapphire. The crown is sparkling. On the bottom edge is engraved the famous Ravenclaw motto "Extraordinary wisdom is the greatest human being." of wealth.”

Regulus Black took off the crown. After cleaning, the crown exuded a seductive sparkle. Anyone would be tempted to wear it if they did not know its true nature and had transformed from a crown of wisdom into an evil Horcrux. .

There is still the problem of soul fragments. If this fundamental problem is not solved, these Horcruxes cannot be used. If the solution is wrong, these Horcruxes will lose their role as Horcruxes.

Put Ravenclaw's crown into the storage space of the belt. Since the Horadrim Titan's belt is bound to the soul, all the items collected will not appear in front of the world, even the Horcruxes. Any trace of evil will No energy will be revealed.

I also know a little bit about the whereabouts of Slytherin's locket, Ravenclaw's crown, and other Horcruxes, but we can't rush these things. He just took action randomly when he first came to Hogwarts. Dumbledore should have many reasons to take care of himself. Take it to court!

With this thought in mind, Regulus Black prepared to leave the Room of Requirement.

But when passing by a table, a scattered book caught Regulus Black's eye.

"How come there are Grimm fairy tales in Hogwarts?"

Out of curiosity, or perhaps out of instinct, Regulus Black brought this old and scattered book with him.

After leaving the Room of Requirement and walking back and forth three times, a new door appeared, which would become Regulus Black's dormitory and office from now on.

This is also in line with other time-travelers, and it is natural to forcefully occupy the response room.

Lying down on the soft sofa, Regulus Black first 'restored' the book to its original state, and then slowly started to read through it.