Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 114: Inferi 114 touches the conscience of the other party's girlfriend


Some bad remarks began to spread in Hogwarts. A certain assistant teacher played with girls, and countless young girls have been ruined.

Assistant Regulus Black's performance on Valentine's Day has already far surpassed that of Gilderoy Lockhart. After all, if the glittering adventure travel writer is a star, then a dark and cold assistant is one. As for the black hole, the former only attracts the attention of girls and makes them fascinated, while the latter completely devours their souls and bodies, eating them dry and leaving nothing behind.

Especially the large-scale public distribution of Valentine's Day chocolates containing love potions made Regulus Black the public enemy of the boys at Hogwarts. This is a rhythm that wants to catch all the girls!

As a result, this rumor spread even faster and more viciously. Various fabricated contents were added, and sometimes a girl's name was even directly named, asking whether it was true or not! Anyway, it’s okay if she’s not my girlfriend. Then, after knowing the truth, some people, out of revenge, fabricated rumors about the other person’s girlfriend.

In short, the winner of these rumors is Regulus Black, because all the girls were ruined by him, while the losers angrily criticized the shameless assistant while accusing each other of slandering their girlfriends.

The professors didn't know how to deal with this situation. After all, love is a matter between two people, but now it seems to be a matter for the entire Hogwarts. This is like discovering that someone in the school has AIDS. , then open the character relationship map, and a large list of men and women will slip out, and Regulus Black is the pathogen.

The only ones who can remain calm are those singles and most of the girls. Some girls were originally hesitant to eat the Valentine's Day chocolates sent by Regulus Black, but now they no longer hesitate because they have all been slandered and taught. Sir, if you have a relationship, let’s make it happen!

Of course, there are also some unexpected things that happen here. Those who give chocolates to the people they love and eat them are not included. Those who knock the chocolates out of their girlfriend’s hands are eaten by a glutton. Such things happen. Several examples.

Regulus Black attached a charm to confirm identity on the chocolate box. Whoever holds it is the owner. When the holder puts the box down and another person picks it up, the owner's identity changes. If The last person holding the box eats the chocolate, and the effect of the love potion will make him fall in love with the previous holder.

Therefore, when a girl gives chocolate to a boy, and after the chocolate is thrown away by another boy, it is picked up and eaten by another boy, then tragedy occurs.

We have seen several chubby boys in Hogwarts pursuing several handsome boys. It is precisely because of the handsomeness of these boys that their girlfriends have not given up on them, and they are not willing to take advantage of their handsomeness. They lost the Valentine's Day chocolates given to their girlfriends by others, so they not only lost the chocolates given to their girlfriends by others, but also lost their own girlfriends.

After this wave of breakups, there are now less than five couples in Hogwarts who are still in love.

"Oh my God! This is a nightmare!"

Cedric Diggory, the future boyfriend of Zhang Qiu, was the unlucky guy who died in the Goblet of Fire. He was grabbing his hair with a painful expression on his face just because he rejected the advances of a certain girl. , discarded the Valentine's Day chocolate given to him by the other party. Unexpectedly, the chocolate was picked up and eaten by Vincent Crabbe.

From then on, Slytherin's fat snake became entangled with the handsome Cedric Diggory, and it felt like being captured by an anaconda.

Finally, while walking through a corridor, there was no one around, and a small voice appeared in Cedric Diggory's ears, "Kill him! Use 'Petrify them all!' Kill him! Use the maximum magic power." , kill him!"

"All petrified!"

Cedric Diggory's face was distorted as he quickly drew out his wand and knocked down Vincent Crabbe, who had been pestering him.

When he looked again, there was still no one. Cedric Diggory immediately left the scene. He knew how much magic he had used just now. Vincent Crabbe would probably not bother him anymore until the end of this year's exam. In an instant, A feeling of freedom and liberation came over me.

Vincent Crabbe was attacked and his whole body was petrified. Because the attacker used powerful magic, the professors were unable to resolve it for a while. Professor Sprout suggested that he could use mandrake. The potion is made to dissolve it, but it will take some time until the mandrake matures.

The news that Vincent Crabbe was attacked and could be treated with mandrake made the entire Hogwarts feel relieved.

But who the attacker is has become a new topic.

"Of course it's the monster in the Chamber of Secrets! Who else would attack a Slytherin? If Slytherin itself doesn't have an heir, then the people who are most likely to be attacked are the disgusting guys like Slytherin. .”

While dining together in the hall, Ron explained his speculation loudly. Who told Slytherin to say before that Harry Potter was the heir of Slytherin? If so, he must target Slytherin. Yeah!

"What are you talking about, the redhead?"

Draco left and jumped on his chair, drawing his wand and waving it towards the Gryffindor table.

"Isn't it true? If I were the heir of Slytherin, my next target would definitely be you."

Ron responded politely, and Harry Potter pulled his clothes down several times, but he couldn't stop Ron from declaring war.

"Damn it! Pure-blood traitors like you deserve to die. All of them will be turned to stone!"

Draco waved his wand angrily, and a beam of magic crossed the tables on both sides and went straight to Ron.

"Bone Armor!"

A white shadow flashed past the classroom seats, blocking Draco's spell.

I saw that this was a cow's skull. After being hit by the petrification spell, it began to appear gray, directly changing from bone to gray stone texture, and then shattered into powder and scattered on the ground.

"That's enough! Calm down, Draco, you don't want Slytherin to be deducted points!"

Regulus Black was still cutting his lamb chops slowly, and the wand in his hand proved that he was the one doing the cutting just now.

It doesn't matter how much he fights in private, but in a public place like the hall, and when the whole school is dining together, doing so is courting death. Not even Snape can help him, even if the school director Lucius Malfoy comes. However, it cannot change the fate of his son being expelled.

The incident ended like this, but then new rumors began to appear.

"If you want to kill someone, just use 'Petrify them all!'. Anyway, the mandrake will be mature soon and will be able to recover by then."

"If anyone messes with you, just say 'Petrify them all!'. Anyway, the monster in the secret room will take the blame, as long as no one sees it."

As a result, petrified people appeared one after another in hidden corners of Hogwarts.

Then, all the students agreed that this was done by the monster in the secret room, but no one was worried about safety issues.

Regulus Black was attacked several times when he was out, but the attackers themselves were petrified.

The attributes in [Horadim's Titan Belt] alone include +77 against melee defense, +77 against missile defense, +77 against spell defense, and the attacker receives 77% of reflected damage. Basically The attackers were all petrified by their own petrification spell.

Regulus Black could touch his girlfriend's conscience and say that he was definitely not responsible for this.

"The semester is almost over, and it seems that Harry Potter doesn't know how to open the Chamber of Secrets."

Although people have been petrified all the time, although everyone is saying that it was done by the monster in the Chamber of Secrets, and although Harry Potter knows that these are all lies, this lie will continue to be passed down. The identity of Harry Potter's Slytherin heir, It is as difficult to wash away as sewage.

But without key props and Hermione's help, Harry Potter made no progress during this period.