Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 116: Inferi 116 Moaning Myrtle and Hagrid


Harry Potter and Ron started harassing all the ghosts in Hogwarts.

"Sir Nicholas! Do you know all the ghosts in the school?"

Harry Potter and Ron had been looking for an opportunity to talk to Nearly Headless Nick alone for several days. Finally, they waited for an opportunity. Nearly Headless Nick was sitting in a corner doing nothing.

Sir Nicholas de Mimsy Porpington died on October 31, 1492.

Harry attended the 500th anniversary party held by Nearly Headless Nick.

One night, when he was walking, he met Ms. Greif and asked him to help straighten her teeth. Instead, she made a fang grow. Nick was punished. During the execution, the executioner because Unable to find a whetstone, he chopped his head 44 times with a blunt axe. The whole head was never cut off, but a little bit of skin and tendons remained connected to his neck. From then on, he was known as "Nearly Headless Nick."

"Oh! It turns out to be little Harry, how should I answer your question! Of course no! There are some places in Hogwarts that I will not go to, so how do I know if there are ghosts there! If there are any Otherwise, it would be a ghost I don’t know, but since I won’t go there, there is no need to know the other person.”

As the resident ghost of Gryffindor Tower, Nearly Headless Nick is sincere, behaves funny, and has a good relationship with Harry Potter, so he always answers Harry Potter's questions.

Ron then asked: "Do you know any ghost who died 50 years ago?"

"I don't know. If you look for it slowly, you might find it." After the almost headless Nick finished speaking, he floated away.

Near Hufflepuff, Harry Potter and Ron finally waited for the Fat Monk.

The Fat Monk is the ghost of Hufflepuff House. He is a short and fat ghost dressed as a monk. The Fat Friar has the typical friendly and compassionate character of a Hufflepuff. Unlike the mysterious Lady Gray in Ravenclaw and the Bloody Barrow in Slytherin, the Fat Friar was very friendly to students. He was the first to greet Harry and his classmates.

"Fat Monk! Do you know any ghost who died 50 years ago?"

There was no one around, so Ron immediately asked.

"Oh! It's little Harry and Ron! What? You want to know the secret of the ghost's death?"

"No! We want to know who the ghost who died 50 years ago is?"

Harry Potter added, but apparently neither child noticed that there was something wrong with his question.

"Do you want to know how ghosts die, or how they become ghosts after death?"

Harry Potter and Ron were stunned, where was this

"Children, you are welcome to come to me anytime if you understand what you are asking."

Seeing the confused expressions of the two little lions, the fat monk expressed his sympathy and then floated away.

Somewhere on the eighth floor, Harry Potter and Ron found a female figure.

"Ms. Grey, do you know of any ghost who died 50 years ago?"

Harry Potter has visited Hogwarts for this purpose in this month. Many of the nameless ghosts are crazy and unreasonable. Only the ghosts from the four major colleges seem to have higher IQs. .

"I know kid, that ghost from 50 years ago happened to be one of our Ravenclaw girls. It was an unfortunate accident."

Ms. Helena had a sad expression. Helena Ravenclaw was a very tall ghost, the daughter of the founder of Ravenclaw. She was arrogant, a little timid, and wanted to save face, but A kind-hearted and cultured lady. But most students just call her Ms. Gray.

"Great! We found it. Where can we find this ghost?"

Harry Potter and Ron finally got the good news, after looking for it for a month! Most of the time is spent waiting for a ghost to be alone, so as to avoid other people asking the ghost.

"She's Moaning Myrtle, hiding in the women's room on the second floor."

Ms. Helena didn't hide anything and told them the answer directly.

"Thank you very much! Ms. Grey."

The two little lions immediately ran to the second floor like crazy and found the women's toilet around a corner.

"You shouldn't tell them. This is related to the secret of the secret room. It's too dangerous for them."

Bloody Barrow suddenly appeared, glanced at Helena, shook his head sadly, and left sadly.

Only after confirming that no one was around did the two boys dare to sneak in. After all, this was the women's bathroom, and it would be difficult to be embarrassed if someone discovered them.

"woo woo woo woo… "

The piercing cry echoed in the toilet. If I didn't know that the ghosts in Hogwarts can't harm anyone, I would have thought I was watching a horror movie!

Harry Potter certainly knows the difference between horror movies and Hogwarts, so he rarely remains calm in comparison.

And Ron's face looked very ugly, as if a monster would jump out in the next second, maybe it was the monster in the secret room.

"Myrtle!" Harry Potter called tentatively.

"Who are you?" A girl's ghost immediately floated out of the toilet cubicle and looked at the two boys very angrily.

"We are Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, and we would like to know if you became a ghost 50 years ago?"

The two people quickly introduced themselves and finally found the source. This was an important clue.

"Yes! Are you descendants of my family? But why are your last names different?"

Myrtle's thoughts are just as strange as those of other ghosts. Normal people can't keep up with her jumping thoughts.

"No, we are not your descendants. I just want to know, how did you die back then?"

Ron felt a natural pressure when faced with the ghost of a girl in front of him, a ghost who was old enough to be his grandmother. I don’t want to have anything to do with her, just make it clear as soon as possible.

"Oh! You are asking this! I was bullied back then and was hiding here crying. Suddenly I heard a strange noise coming from outside. When I wanted to see who it was, I suddenly died. I only remember I saw a pair of frighteningly large yellow eyes. My whole body seemed to be grabbed, and then I floated away."

What the hell are those big yellow eyes? The two boys did get important information, but they had no idea how to understand it and could only look at each other dumbly.

"So, do you know who was expelled from school because of your death also 50 years ago?"

The two boys were not hopeful about this problem. They knew that Myrtle died that year, but who knew how long it took for her to become a ghost.

"I know this question! After I died, the professors came to dispose of my body. They asked me this question at that time. Then not long after, I heard that a big man from Gryffindor was imprisoned in the school. Fired, it seems like he was the one who released the monster in the secret room, and ended up killing me.”

Myrtle seemed to be in the midst of memories, looking absent-minded, and then started crying nervously.

"Uuuuuuuuuuah... I died so miserably!"

Myrtle threw herself into the toilet and hid, leaving Harry Potter and Ron speechless again.

"Who is the big Gryffindor she's talking about?"

"I don't know, but Hagrid is pretty big. Maybe he knows other big guys."

The two little lions have never doubted Hagrid. How could he be the one who released the monster in the secret room and killed other classmates and was expelled!

"The person who was expelled was indeed me. The Chamber of Secrets was opened 50 years ago. A Ravenclaw girl died, and then I was expelled. But I was unjustly accused. How could I be Si Where is Lytlin’s heir!”

Wearing an invisibility cloak and sneaking to Hagrid's hut at night, Harry Potter and Ron got a positive answer.

"Hagrid we believe you."

Harry Potter and Ron looked at each other, what else could they do, of course they believed him!

"thanks, thanks!"

This was an injustice done many years ago! Being able to gain the trust of one more person will alleviate this injustice, let alone the trust of two people. It is so touching!

"woo woo woo woo… "

Hagrid couldn't help crying.