Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 20: Inferi 020 May Merlin bless Harry Potter


Shortly after Halloween, the Quidditch House Cup for Harry Potter's first semester began.

Although the weather is still very cold, the enthusiasm of the students is enough to withstand the cold wind, especially the Quidditch players.

"Gryffindor and Slytherin are playing today, and the players from both teams have already appeared."

Following the explanation, Quidditch players from both sides flew out on broomsticks, first circled the field, and then formed a circle and stopped in the air.

Mrs. Hooch, a Quidditch referee and flying instructor, appears with a suitcase.

"I hope this is an upright game and everyone must abide by the rules." Mrs. Huo Qi kicked the box.

"The Bludgers are flying, and then comes the Golden Snitch. Remember! Catching the Golden Snitch can get 150 points. As soon as the chaser catches the Golden Snitch, the game is over."

After the Golden Snitch flew away instantly, Mrs. Huo Qi took out the Quaffle and threw it high, and the game began.

Regulus Black's attitude towards the game of Quidditch was just like the words he used to gag Snape before.

Quidditch is a brutal, rough, and easily injured sport, and is not suitable for nobles.

Therefore, when Snape came to invite him, he actually refused at first. However, due to the other party's tireless requests and even threats, Regulus Black had no choice but to accompany Snape to watch the game, or to enjoy the cold wind.

Regulus Black knew that Snape's forcing him to accompany him was more out of the protection of the Philosopher's Stone. It was really difficult for him. Originally, he only had to keep an eye on Quirrell, but now he had to Plus myself as a teaching assistant.

The fresh cold wind blew on his face. Regulus Black looked around in boredom. Many of the students around him did not use the warmth spell. Many of them were wrapped like rice dumplings. They did not want to think about what was flying in the sky. The two competing teams are wearing much less clothing than you are! Haven't you ever thought about the reason behind this

It can be seen from the clothing of the four students. Slytherin and Ravenclaw basically use the warmth charm. Some warm clothes are just for show. And the Hufflepuff people have basically reached about half of them, with only Gryffindors are all wrapped up like bears. Although they bear the name of Lion House, they are still naughty children at heart.

The person watching over them was the hybrid giant Hagrid, and the whole place was a bear's den!

There was back and forth between the two teams, and while Regulus Black was grumbling in his mind, Gryffindor seemed to be in the lead.

Then! Then their captain Wood was swept down by the opponent with a Bludger. This was definitely a heavy blow, and the whole person was unconscious and in a coma.

oh! What an unlucky boy, but Regulus Black still admired the Quidditch captain.

"I'm going to check on the kid! I hope he's not seriously injured."

Regulus Black found such a good opportunity, there was no reason not to use this as an excuse to leave!

After leaving the professor's chair, Regulus Black did not go to visit the injured immediately. After all, it was Madam Pomfrey's territory. After all, the names of the three female demons of Hogwarts were no joke.

In the sky, Harry Potter experienced the feeling of galloping on a horse. His beloved Nimbus 2000 became a wild horse, completely uncontrollable by the owner on its back. It bumped forward, backward, left, right, up and down, freely. Doing Brownian motion.

Everyone had just been attracted by Wood's exit, and was once again attracted by Harry Potter's anomaly. Anyway, no one saw what was going on. Someone must be reciting the evil curse, and there are also many people using the protective curse. read.

If we want to find a suitable example for this situation, it would be the stability training of astronauts. Not only is the protagonist sitting on the chair trying to stabilize the roll, but other people are also trying to stabilize the roll. The result is that the roll becomes more serious. Take the unexpected.

In fact, even if Quirrell stopped casting curses at this time, Harry Potter would continue to roll around with the help of a group of well-wishers.

Regulus Black looked at the ground of the playing field with malice. Sure enough, the layers of protection made the entire ground look like granite. May Merlin bless Harry Potter.

"What is going on? Someone help Harry Potter."

Ron saw that his friend was obviously in constant trouble, but based on his reaction, he could only stay anxious down there.

"Apparently someone is hexing Harry Potter."

Although Hermione didn't want to pay attention to the fool Ron, as a classmate, she would still tell the truth about her findings.

Handing the telescope to Ron, Hermione pointed to one of the professor's seats opposite, where Snape was looking at the sky attentively, mumbling something with a nervous expression on his face.

"I know! It's the old bat that's cursing Harry Potter. We have to do something."

Ron looked at Hermione as a matter of course, with an accusing expression like "Why are you still here?"

Hermione really wanted to pull out her wand and cast a random spell on Ron, but Harry Potter in the sky was still in danger, and Ron in front of her was a loser. Faced with the facts, Hermione had to solve this problem by herself.

After jogging along, Hermione arrived under Snape's seat. Just as she was about to light the bat robe on fire, she was hugged by a pair of arms.

"A good boy can't do bad things!"

Let go of the little loli who feels good in the hand, Regulus Black shook his fingers and said.

"Professor Snape is hexing Harry Potter."

Hermione originally didn't want anyone to discover her, even if she came to roast a bat on the fire, she planned to run away immediately. Now that she was caught, she had no choice but to share her findings first, hoping that the teaching assistant could help her.

"As far as I know, Professor Snape has no reason to harm Harry Potter."

Regulus Black expressed disbelief in her words.

"But I saw Snape reciting the curse with my own eyes."

The little loli Hermione also expressed that she did not believe in the other party's judgment.

"In that case, let's listen together."

Regulus Black waved his wand and used the spell 'Clear Eyes', which had the opposite effect to 'Hearing Blockage'.

The two of them were sitting under the professor's chair, so they couldn't see anything. Even if they could see through the seats, the first thing they would see would be their buttocks.

However, the voice could be heard clearly. Even within the seating area of the professor's seat, one could distinguish who was speaking.

Someone is indeed reciting a curse here, but it is definitely not Professor Snape, because Snape is reciting a protection charm, and there are two people who are also reciting a protection charm, which means Hermione has indeed mistaken the target. .

"Who is the one who chanted the curse?"

Hermione was sure that she had not heard this person's voice, so she had to turn her head and look at the teaching assistant beside her.

"It doesn't matter who it is right now."

Regulus Black drew out his wand and struck the pillar directly below Quirrell, breaking the pillar.

The seats above immediately became unstable. After a sudden earthquake, everyone was affected. Both Quirrell and Snape were forced to stop the curses and protective spells.

Harry Potter also changed from a dangerous tumble to a safe tumble, and then fell on the strong protective spell and broke his left hand.

"Slytherin caught the Golden Snitch, game over!"

In this Quidditch House Cup, Gryffindor lost the game at the cost of seriously injuring their captain and chaser. The winner was Slytherin, but Dean Snape didn't seem happy.

"It's all because of you that Harry Potter fell."

"It's not me who cursed him, and the person who cursed him wasn't Professor Snape."

"You might as well join Slytherin!"

Facing an unreasonable naughty child, Hermione felt deeply rejected. She couldn't control her tears and wanted to cry again. But this time, she might be able to seek comfort from her teaching assistant. He would definitely understand her. of.