Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 3: Inferi 003 The first day of school at Hogwarts


"Kreacher!" Regulus Black called to his house elf and put the pendant box into his belt.

Now this hanging box that has been modified by magic has become a magic prop like a small amulet.

The significance of this is that the time traveler Regulus is not only the soul that is perfectly integrated with the body of Regulus Black.

The system parts brought after time travel have been perfectly integrated with the magic of this world, otherwise such magic props would not be possible.

"Oh! My master, Kreacher has always hoped that you would be okay, and Kreacher's wish came true."

An elf with big ears like a bat appeared. His hoarse voice and old face were enough to prove that he was very old. He was wearing a piece of clothing made of rags, which was actually just like a bag. There were many House elves dress so randomly, with towels, pillowcases and rags being their first choice.

"Kreacher, I am very weak now and need to go home and rest as soon as possible."

Regulus Black knew that he couldn't be too nice to house elves, otherwise they would get excited and harm themselves, and scolding them would also cause them to harm themselves. No matter how you treated them, if you misunderstood or went too far, they would harm themselves. , in this respect, they are a group of magical races.

"Yes, yes, the master is very weak and needs to rest. Kreacher will take the master home immediately."

Kreacher reached out to hold Black's hand, and the cold body temperature made him feel distressed.

Kreacher snapped his fingers and took Regulus Black back to his old house at No. 12 Grimmauld Place.

This is Sirius's home, and also the home of Regulus Black. It is the old residence of the Black family, a wizard's house with layers of magical protection, and it is hidden in an ordinary Muggle residential area, with No. 11 and No. 11 on both sides. No. 13, but no one had ever noticed the missing number 12, or ever wondered why there was a missing number.

Regulus Black knew very well that this was all the effect of the Muggle Repelling Curse.

"Kreacher, prepare hot water for me to take a bath first. After I wash, I hope to be able to eat hot soup. Finally, I need a copy of today's newspaper."

Regulus Black's attitude towards house elves was not very good, but it was the best attitude for Kreacher.

House elves just want to serve the noble wizarding family, they want to have something to do, and they want to keep doing it. This is an essence that goes deep into the soul. If normal people understand it, this is completely unreasonable servility, but this is their way of survival.

"Yes, Master, Kreacher will go get ready immediately. Master, please come with me."

Kreacher was delighted to be able to serve the distinguished members of the Black family again, and carefully guided Regulus Black into the bathroom.

The water in the bathtub immediately heated up under Kreacher's magic, and Regulus Black took off his Inferi clothes. After the master lay down in the bathtub, he sprinkled essential oil on it before bowing out. After a while, go prepare the food.

The Black family has 3 girls and 2 boys in this generation, namely Bellatrix Lestrange (originally named Black, changed her surname after getting married), Andromeda Tonks (originally named Black, Narcissa Malfoy (originally named Black, changed her surname after getting married), Narcissa Malfoy (originally named Black, changed her surname after getting married), these three girls are all Black's cousins.

Among them, two of them have children, namely Nymphadora Tonks and Draco Malfoy.

Bellatrix has never had a child, neither with her husband nor with Voldemort as rumored. However, some fans say that she originally had a child, but she gave it to Voldemort for sacrifice. .

In his wild thoughts, Regulus Black was sorting through his memories, and found a distant relative.

Arthur Weasley is the great-grandson of Sirius Black's great-uncle, and Molly Weasley and he are cousins by marriage, so... the entire wizarding world is actually one family, which is really unacceptable. Make complaints!

Coming out of the bathtub, Regulus Black naturally took out his bathrobe from the cabinet on the side and chose a comfortable and warm one.

He also discovered a benefit of his system. The panoramic map can show the places he has visited, and these places will give the user a sense of familiarity, which also prevents him from rummaging around in his home like a stranger.

"Master, the hot soup you want is just right."

Kreacher guided the way carefully, feeling that he was a little embarrassed.

Regulus Black was a little confused, but he soon understood what made Kreacher so embarrassed.

There is only a large soup basin and some fruits on the long table in the dining room. Obviously the Black family has no money now. It is not known when these foods were saved. Although wizard families can use magic to preserve food, generally They all buy fresh food directly for cooking.

yes! House elves can't be expected to take care of their belongings, but there is one magic item that Kreacher keeps.

"Kreacher, I have always liked your cooking skills. The soup tastes good."

Regulus Black didn't want to see Kreacher hurt himself, so he took a sip of the soup and expressed his satisfaction, but the soup was indeed very good.

I don’t know why, but no matter what type of dishes the house elves cook, they can be the best, at the level of a top chef.

Regulus Black ate most of the cabbage soup in the soup basin, and then picked up the Daily Prophet that Kreacher had prepared.

September 1, 1991, seemed to be the day when Hogwarts started school again, which meant that I missed Harry Potter, and I originally wanted to get in touch with him before he entered school!

"It's been 11 years since I left! Kreacher thanks you for your loyalty to the family. Where is the hanging box I asked you to bring back?"

Putting down the newspaper, Regulus Black was ready to get what he wanted first, which was Slytherin's pendant box.

Horcruxes are the same as portkeys. An object may be very ordinary before it is made into a Horcrux, but Voldemort seems to prefer to use precious things to make Horcruxes. Once it is infused with a part of the soul, this object becomes the world's most valuable thing. The most evil black magic item ever.

The method of making Horcruxes is kept secret, and the answer cannot be found even in the restricted area of Hogwarts. However, in the seventh volume of the original book, Hermione said that after Dumbledore's funeral, she used the Flying Curse to destroy a book with the name A book called "Decryption of Advanced Dark Arts" was summoned from Dumbledore's office to the dormitory. The book contains a detailed introduction to the production methods of Horcruxes.

To make a Horcrux, a dark wizard needs to break his soul into pieces through evil things such as murder, and then separate part of the soul from the body and seal it in a vessel. This vessel is a Horcrux.

In this way, even if the body is destroyed, he will not die. Because there is still a part of the soul that has not been damaged and is still in the world.

But the soul should remain intact, and to divide it would be an act of unnatural evil.

Discussion of Horcrux-related matters is prohibited at Hogwarts.

It is known that Voldemort made a total of 7 Horcruxes, sacrificed people in evil ways, and then split his own soul. The top-level magic props he produced are Horcruxes.

"I'm very sorry, my master. Kreacher couldn't destroy that thing. Kreacher tried every method, but he couldn't destroy that thing."

When Kreacher heard his master's request, the first thing he thought of was Regulus Black's last order, to destroy the hanging box. However, he tried every means, but Kreacher failed to complete this order.

Failure to fulfill his master's orders was a disgrace to the house elf. Kreacher burst into tears and prepared to harm himself, banging his head against the wall, or beating himself with a fire stick.