Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 324: Inferi 324 Ideas and interests drive the world


When it comes to living under the sun, we have to talk about the vampires in the world of Harry Potter.

The so-called vampires in this world are just the descendants of a group of unlucky wizards who pretended to be vampires because something went wrong with their bodies during magic experiments but they didn't want to die.

Then they also maintained the ability to reproduce, and this was how they became the descendants of vampires.

All of them are so weak that they will enter a dying state when exposed to sunlight, and then suffer various burns on their skin and body.

They don't look like the legendary vampires at all. Compared to these anemic guys, the werewolves' contagiousness and strength appear to be more dangerous.

But maybe the history of vampires is about to change.

In London at night, Regulus Black came to a very chaotic community filled with all kinds of low-end people in society. Gang members could be seen everywhere. He randomly found an empty room and waved his wand to clean up the center of the room. out of the clearing, and then released a coffin with the body of Barty Crouch Jr. lying inside.

Regulus Black bought a pair of playing cards from Borgin Burke's magic shop. This was a pair of playing cards with blood stains. He had witnessed the murder scene, had been in contact with the blood of the deceased, and had a little resentment. This was a set of playing cards. A very good magic material.

Even if a lot of poker goes through all the above processes, if there is no resentment in the end, it is just garbage.

But this pair of playing cards is a one-in-a-million lucky item, and the last bit of resentment makes it a magic prop.

It allows magic to be applied to the poker without worrying about failure due to poor material.

Poker cards are divided into four suits, spades, hearts, clubs and diamonds.

People of various countries give different cultural explanations to the four colors based on their own national culture.

The French understand the four suits as spears, hearts, lilac leaves and squares.

Germans understand the four colors as leaves, hearts, acorns and bells.

The Italians understand the four suits as swords, goblets, wands and coins (the same as the four suits of the Little Mysteries of the Tarot).

The Swiss understand the four colors as acorns, shields, flowers and bells.

The British understand the four suits as shovels, hearts, clovers and diamonds.

Regulus Black scattered the cards, and 54 cards floated in front of him. The blood stains on them made people feel ominous.

This look is certainly suitable for use as a murder weapon, but the style is still a bit low-key.

Regulus Black flicked a poker card casually, and the magic power of transformation was poured into it. The poker card crashed into the second one, and then the third one, like dominoes, 54 cards. The poker cards hit one after another, transmitting the magic power above.

Soon, these poker cards floating and tumbling in the air turned black, the card surface was matte black, while the fonts and blood stains turned into bright black, and traces of magic flashed strangely.

The corpse of Barty Crouch Jr. contained magical blood processed by Regulus Black, and the corpse turned out to be a wizard. These magical powers automatically formed a trajectory, providing the corpse with magical powers over and over again.

Regulus Black woke the corpse, and Barty Crouch Jr., who was originally completely dead, stood up as if he were alive.

[Corpse Resurrection] Resurrection and control of dead creatures so that their bodies and souls are fully integrated is a magic that truly and perfectly grasps the mystery of species reincarnation.

"There are 54 cards here. I keep one big ghost, you keep one little ghost. The other 52 cards can be used to summon vampires. You only need them to agree to accept them. After summoning 52 subordinates, come again. Find me."

Regulus Black handed the modified black poker cards to Barty Jr. and drew a big ghost card himself.

"I understand, Master, I will take care of this matter."

Barty Crouch Jr. took out the Imp card and put it into his pocket, and he suddenly turned into a clown.

This is the face of a human who naturally looks like the Joker. The blueprint that Regulus Black refers to is the Joker in the Batman movie that he watched in his previous life. To be more specific, it is a poster, half of which is A clown-like human face, the other half of which should be shadow, is actually made up of a large group of bats.

Because I thought about letting Barty Crouch Jr. conquer vampires, and wanted to equip him with this pair of cards, then a clown with bat elements was the perfect blueprint.

"As long as you take the initiative to accept these poker cards, it is equivalent to signing an alliance contract, so you can use deception."

Looking at the figure jumping out of the window, Regulus Black seemed to have a backup plan.

"Ah! Who are you?"

"Come quickly! Our people have been killed."

From the corridor not far away, there were calls. It was obvious that there was a gang fight or something like that.

Regulus Black took out the big ghost card and sensed it carefully. Sure enough, it was the jawan Crouch who had just left in that direction. Sure enough, he came to such a place and released the new undead test subject. The right choice. Only killing can stabilize the final posture and attributes of this undead. Killing ordinary Muggles is really boring, but the low-end population here is a good choice. No matter how many they die, It is just the result of the government collecting the bodies and will not arouse suspicion.

Soon, the shooting and fighting over there stopped. I believe there will be a news article about gang murders tomorrow.

Before Regulus Black walked out of the room, he took back the coffin with a wand and a big ghost card, and sealed the coffin into the card.

The world does not only revolve around Regulus Black. Voldemort, who has taken over the dominant consciousness, as well as the Order of the Phoenix and the Ministry of Magic, are all promoting the world for their own ideas and interests.

Hagrid went to contact the giant, only to find that the giant had decided to move towards Voldemort's camp.

Voldemort prevailed first in this matter, and at the same time the Death Eaters also learned about the activities of the Order of the Phoenix.

Regulus Black sent the undead little Barty to contact the vampires to establish an alliance.

The Ministry of Magic actually sent Dolores Umbridge to contact Centaur.

Because the Ministry of Magic attaches great importance to the prophecies of centaurs, no new prophecy crystal balls have been added to the Prophecy Hall for a long time.

"They actually asked me to contact the people. They even said that I had been the headmaster of Hogwarts for one year and should be familiar with the Forbidden Forest. These damn school directors, they just wanted to see my joke and asked me to bring a crystal ball. Asking for prophecies from centaurs, do those beasts understand what prophecies are? There are no prophecies in this world, they are all lies. As long as these nonsense guys are imprisoned in Azkaban, the world will be clean. a lot of."

Dolores Umbridge looked ashen as she walked carefully in the Forbidden Forest at night, chattering incessantly. It seemed that she had been looking here for a long time, but Still didn't find the centaur she wanted to see.

In fact, God knows, the Centaur appeared behind her just now. If she hadn't cursed the prophecy of the Centaur as a rumor, she might have been in contact with him.

"You filthy beasts, I am the Senior Under-Minister of the Ministry of Magic. Get out of here!"

Dolores Umbridge, who had not found any troops, was a little anxious. It was already getting late. Do she really have to search in the Forbidden Forest all night

This is definitely not what a lady should do, but it has been a long time since I came in, and it will take the same amount of time to get out. It is most convenient to find the people and get the prophecy and let them send me out.

Secretly thinking this to comfort herself, Dolores Umbridge decided to scold these people and be emboldened by herself.

"You are beasts! You are the filthiest bugs, a group of swindlers who can only deceive others. Come out if you have the guts. Let me expose your lies, and then throw you all into Azkaban. Where is the right time now? They're all empty, there are enough cells for your entire race."

After all, Dolores Umbridge's vicious curse made several young centaurs unable to bear it, so they picked up their bows and arrows and shot at her.