Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 328: Inferi 328 Everything was fought for Draco


The Dark Mark appeared once, twice and three times, in the Quidditch World Cup, Ollivander's Wand Shop, and the murder scene of Barty Crouch. Except for the third time, the murderer had been found and dealt with. The first two times of time with no evidence of explanation at all.

In fact, the first time was a disguised Death Eater gathering, but after seeing it, Barty Crouch Jr. became fanatical in his beliefs and created the Dark Mark. It can be said that he was used by Regulus Black. Yes, although he did the same thing in the original work, the cause was different and the process was different. The only thing that was the same was the result.

Harry Potter's wand was inspected for a long time before being returned to him because of this incident, and Barty Crouch's house elf Winky was driven away because of this incident and then became a servant of the Black family.

The second time the Dark Mark occurred was at Ollivander's Wand Shop. This time it was absolutely true. Voldemort led a team and directly attacked the opponent with the Death Eaters who had just been rescued from Azkaban. Lane, their actions were witnessed by many wizards, and the Dark Mark was directly slapped on the face of the Ministry of Magic.

Originally, if he had gone all out to pursue it, it would still be possible to find the hiding Death Eaters, but the neurotic Connery Fudge believed that all this was a conspiracy of the Order of the Phoenix, and actually went all out to oppose the Order of the Phoenix, giving those Death Eaters a break. They took the opportunity and hid in the last place anyone would think of, Harry Potter's aunt's house. Now they are still entrenched there. If they don't have any missions, they will torture the Dursleys and his son every day for fun.

Apart from contacting various cannon fodders recently, the Death Eaters have not done any major things that can demonstrate the power of the Death Eaters and Voldemort.

But soon, the handsome Harry Potter arranged something for them to attack Arthur Weasley on his way from get off work.

In order to successfully complete this mission, half of the Dursley's Death Eaters will participate.

"Lucius! How should I express my love for you!"

The handsome Harry Potter sat in the main seat, with 12 Death Eaters on the left and right, and Lucius Malfoy sat opposite.

Not long ago, Regulus Black found Lucius Malfoy, hoping that he could become an inside agent among the Death Eaters.

Regulus Black asked him for help as he struggled to maintain an advantage over Voldemort.

Originally, on the night when Voldemort was resurrected, Lucius Malfoy would be summoned, along with several other Death Eater nobles from that year. They and Voldemort originally only had a transaction and support relationship, but once the chariot started, it would Will kidnap everyone.

They didn't understand this. When Voldemort launched a revolution in the wizarding world, they were no longer able to control Voldemort's behavior. Instead, because of their involvement with Voldemort, they became a component of his war machine.

The Malfoy family is like this, and so is the Black family. This is also a factor that allows them to escape sanctions after the incident. In addition to saying that they are controlled by the Bewitching Curse, other things can also explain their helplessness.

As long as no one is accused of actively participating in the murder, they can still be exempted from punishment by the Ministry of Magic.

But now, Regulus Black asked Lucius Malfoy to take the initiative to contact Voldemort, which was unreasonable.

Many nobles already know that Voldemort and Harry Potter have merged into one, but no one can tell what their specific situation is, the situation of the two people after the fusion, and whether the new person is Voldemort or Harry Potter.

But there is one person who can tell it clearly, and Regulus Black is the only person who can tell it clearly.

[Soul Guardian Seal Sextet] Such amazing sealing magic props were made by him, but others don’t know that he was the one who planned the seizure of the seal by the Dementors. Now even Sirius has guessed a little bit, but there is still no evidence. kind of speculation.

Voldemort used Dolores Umbridge's punishment to forcibly raise his consciousness when the dark magic on the quill took effect on him, and fixed it with a magic circle. This body is now used by Voldemort , only Regulus Black can provide evidence to speak for such news.

Lucius Malfoy agreed, for the sake of his son. Not long ago, Draco Malfoy suddenly turned into a ferret at home, which surprised Lucius Malfoy. This was even his. A spell that I didn't even have the guts to try easily.

After questioning, I found out that this was an Animagus that was learned due to Moody's teasing and Regulus Black's guidance. It was another Animagus that was not registered with the Ministry of Magic.

Just for this reason, I have to help, and I have to fight for Draco!

So, under the arrangement of Regulus Black, Lucius Malfoy happened to meet a Death Eater who was out, and after a fight, the other party agreed to take him to Voldemort.

"I didn't expect that after the fusion, you would gain control of this body, my master, the Dark Lord! If Lucius knew that you could recover, he would definitely do his part."

Nowadays, Lucius Malfoy has the lowest status in front of Voldemort. It is clear just by looking at his seat. The person sitting at the other end is either a guest or a death row prisoner in the eyes of the Death Eaters. It will be easier for Voldemort this way. Give the other person an "Avadala".

However, after Lucius Malfoy came for a long time and tried his best to explain for a long time, Voldemort had no intention of taking action.

"So you mean you don't think I can control this body?"

The handsome Voldemort touched his hair with one hand and asked Lucius lazily. Do you really think that Voldemort is a fool because they met by chance, started fighting because of recognition, and then were brought to pledge their allegiance

But seeing how cautious Lucius Malfoy was now, Voldemort felt that the other person was telling the truth.

"Your face is still more reminiscent of Harry Potter. Actually, I don't care."

Lucius Malfoy looked like he didn't know how to describe it.

"I know your plan. You can attack high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Magic like Arthur Weasley and use it to frighten the entire Ministry of Magic. I think this is all possible, so I asked you to lead the team to execute it!"

The handsome Harry Potter smiled very kindly, which made Lucius a little nervous.

"As for whether you can get this position in time, it depends on your own operation. In fact, this is your real purpose!"

The handsome Harry Potter made a movement to push his glasses, but found that his glasses were no longer used. Because of the fusion effect, the handsome Harry Potter was no longer short-sighted.

"You are right, my respected master, I have a little selfishness, and I am willing to obey your arrangements on these matters."

Lucius Malfoy looked like he was ready to give up. After all, God knows how many of Voldemort's followers were in the Ministry of Magic. If they were suitable, they could also get Arthur Weasley's position.

The Department for the Prohibition of the Misuse of Muggle Items is a department under the Ministry of Magic. Its main function is to prevent magicians from harming Muggles by casting spells on Muggle items and to reverse the harm that has already occurred.

The leader of the department is Arthur Weasley and the member is Perkins, yes! This is a small department with only one director and one staff member. This is a dispensable position in the entire Ministry of Magic.

But the problem is that every director has the power to formulate relevant laws. Arthur Weasley wrote a set of laws against the misuse of Muggle objects.

There is a loophole for the convenience of Weasley himself, who can use magic to modify Muggle transportation. '

It was this hobby that consumed much of Arthur Weasley's family wealth.

If Lucius Malfoy can get this position, then he will go from an ordinary temporary official in the Ministry of Magic to one of the senior officials of magic. This is a truly senior position.

"It's better for you to take on this position! After all, you are more familiar with the operations of the Ministry of Magic."

The handsome Harry Potter agreed to Lucius Malfoy's plan, and Lucius Malfoy immediately set off with 6 Death Eaters.

Arthur Weasley is in danger.